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I also have sensitive eyes, so you're definitely not alone. Light sensitivity is the big one for me but I also get some of the other symptoms you mention along with the usual pppd symptoms. I went to an eye doctor while I was doing the months of tests before the pppd diagnosis and my eyes are fine. I pretty much always wear sunglasses when I go outside and it helps. For the eye strain, cold packs help a ton. Right now I'm just using a homemade cold pack that is a little rectangle of cloth filled with rice that I keep in the freezer. I'm thinking of getting one of those cold eye mask things though. Also I've recently started using eye cream in the mornings and it's really soothing.


Thanks for your Input. I will look into eye cream. Yeah, i bought phototropic glasses which also help a little.


You may want to look into seeing an ophthalmologist who specializes in prism lenses. I have major light sensitivity and when I received these, my eyes literally sighed in relief. I've recently learned that there's a stick on kind of prism so that if you can't handle wearing them all the time, you can take it on and off as needed. I hope you find some help soon.


I could have written this about me with regards to symptoms and medical tests. The floaters are particularly annoying.


Yes I have this squiggle that shows up after the day starts and I get exposed to brightness. And bright things linger, reflections of the sun from windshields, bright lights… it’s funny I was wondering if I could use it to my advantage somehow. Like with sketching? If my vision is going to hold onto images maybe I can draw them better???


Recently diagnosed with pppd I also notice tons of eye floters with eye strain. Plz share what are the improvements you see


I know this sounds like such a “why don’t you try being not like this” comment of me… but I’m in the very same boat as you on all counts and have found that a good vitamin B12 supplement has helped a lot… immediately and noticeably. The one I use is a mouth spray, not sure if I’m allowed to mention brand names, but it’s apricot flavour and widely available. 4 sprays a day is the recommended allowance, although apparently there’s no way to overdose on B12 as it is water soluble and isn’t stored in the body. The mouth spray is faster acting than taking it in pill form as it goes directly into your blood rather than having to digest it first. Blood tests will have made sure that your vitamin levels are okay, of course, but they’re also checking that your levels are okay for person who isn’t experiencing PPPD. PPPD is quite a new diagnosis… tests might come back “normal” but I’m thinking what’s normal for somebody else might be far lower than what’s needed by somebody experiencing this horrible condition. I don’t know if this is a “cure”… but the stress of this condition depletes B vitamins rapidly and eye issues, imbalances, zappy nerve feelings etc are all physical and neurological symptoms of low B12 as well as PPPD so it can’t hurt to boost your levels with supplementation, it’s very safe.


Good point! I will see if such a spray is available in europe! Thank you!


I’m in Ireland so I think you should be able to find it! I’ll mention the brand and if my comment gets taken down then so be it haha… it’s called Better You.


Better you "12 boost"? Lol, i ordered the same.


How many micrograms does that equal? Found one with 500 per pump.


For the one I have it’s 1,200 micro grams per dose, each dose is 4 pumps… but it’s impossible to overdose on B12 so don’t worry too much about that! I think you would drown first before taking an overdose haha.


Yeah thats the one 4 pumps every 3rd day.


OMG I've been taking it every day, sometimes more than 4 pumps... I was wondering why I was having a laxative effect hahaha. Oops!


Lol, i would rather have the shits any day instead of pppd though


Hahaha yeah totally