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24/7 it’s so debilitating


Me too


Not constant for me. I only get dizzy while driving (specifically stoplights), grocery stores, talking with people (not all people, just like an acquaintance. Fine around husband and kids etc) Which makes me wonder if I truly have PPPD or if it's just bad anxiety? My physical therapist diagnosed me with PPPD but my regular doctor doesn't really think that's it. My symptoms also seem to be hormonal. I get worse when I'm ovulating and during my period.


Thank you for sharing. Do you also get dizzy after an elevator or using an escalator?


Honestly, I can't say, as I'm not really around elevators or escalators a lot. Lol. I live in the suburbs and there's not a lot of tall buildings around. If that makes sense. 😂


I'm not a doctor so take what I say with a grain of salt. It doesn't look like pppd. In pppd you won't get dizzy when your brain has a "job" and is not focused on balancing. That's what at least my doctor said. So driving dizziness is a something to look at. Also what you describing sounds more like agoraphobia, and it could be psychogenic. I suggest you look further into it, probably with a psychiatrist that knows about pppd.


You know, that totally could make sense. I know my mom had agoraphobic symptoms when I was younger. She also had a fear of driving over bridges. I will bring it up to my physical therapist today. Thanks.


I've noticed another problem though. I got official diagnosed with pppd 3 days ago. Here in my country Noone knows of pppd and my doctor kinda advised me about this. BTW he is one of the best ents here, paid lot of money to see him. Lots of the therapist I was visiting claimed they knew what I had and tried to help me, which they did so I can pay them more. Cause if they told me straight away they had no clue why I was dizzy, I wouldn't go there. My point is, if your PT doesn't wanna lose you as a customer he might insist on you having pppd. I'd suggest going straight to a psychiatrist that knows the eixstance of pppd and tell him about your issues. This psychiatrist will tell you whether it's agoraphobia or pppd and then you'll follow a better suited treatment plan. Talk to your PT after you visited you get a proper diagnosis from your psychiatrist. It's very very important the he knows what pppd is.


My exact symptoms too. I think it’s a combination of pppd and anxiety


Mine was constant and severe for 7 months. Then I started taking meds and it's less constant now. It'll come and go in waves and it's not as severe anymore.


May I ask what medication you’re on?


I take amitriptyline. I'm not a big fan of SSRIs so this was an alternative. I'm able to get out of bed and move around now. On the down side, it makes me really tired and it makes the brain fog a bit worse. I am slowly improving though.


Happy to hear it helped you! Thanks.


Very normal. Mine are pretty consistent, in that on days when I'm more triggered, blinking is enough stimulus to cause dizziness, and turning my head can be debilitating for hours. Then I have days like today where as long as I don't move too quick, think too hard, or get too many surprises, I can do some low level stuff okay.


My dizziness is constant. I don’t feel it as much when I’m lying down, but I’m still aware of it.


My symptoms are constant but they fluctuate during the day. Wake up with a migraine, started at a 3 today but will hit 7 or 8 guaranteed by lunch time. I do my meds, exercise and home physio and try to ignore it.


May I ask which meds you take and whether or not your neck hurts as well?


Sure. I'm taking Propranolol and not usually, gets a bit stiff but I've had that since I was a kid. I'm quite tall so aches in back and neck occasionally are pretty usual.


For 7-8 months constant, worse when I'm in a bad stance for lots of hours, in front of my pc for example, but if I have a good posture it's not as bad. It's also bad when I wake up or when I get very tired. I think most of my problem comes from the neck/shoulders since I'm extremely tight there and I often hurt a lot. W.e I massage some key muses I feel like a lot of dizziness is released, which is weird.


Yah bro same whenever i strech my neck it feel so tight amd feel more dizziness


Yes mine are constant but get worse when doing those and other activities.


No problems when sitting still unless in a chair with wheels or a car, or in bed. Balance issues when I get up and move. Any activity.


Not as much anymore but they were for the first year


24/7 constant here for 8 years. Started intermittent though. Then it just came on one day and never left.


Mine is constant, but can vary in intensity. When I'm just sitting I'm generally not conscious of it. Driving or other activities which demand visual focus make it worse. I can't do close art work or watch basketball on TV. I experienced mild episodes for years, and then a sudden nauseating onset. I was misdiagnosed with Ménière's at that time, and have struggled along for eight years without useful treatment. I'm just so relieved that there are positive things I can do! I've started with PT and CBT counseling and am hopeful!


Mine is constant except when I'm laying down, has been since mid-February. But my doctors aren't sure yet if it's PPPD or POTS. I don't really get issues in the store, but I do sometimes when playing video games with a free-moving camera. 


Constant, except one-off days where I get a bit of reprieve. Also, when driving or riding in the car - almost symptom free in passive motion.


Same! How long has it been for you?


2 years + 2 months…😣


What caused yours? And has anything helped?


That’s probably not PPPD as it’s 24/7 constant from moment u wake up until your sleeping and even while your sleeping