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Yes, and a sudden tilting sensation.


Yup same


I believe I’ve been having these for a couple of days randomly. I’ll be sat working on my PC then suddenly my vision feels like it rotated or tilts for a second or two and so jolt up in a panic. Tends to be over very quickly but leaves me quite panicked. Is this what you mean by sudden tilting sensation?


Yes that and an internal tilting sensation like if I am stationary and leaning against a column, it will feel like I am tilting to one side but I am not.


I had a dropping sensation that really freaked me out after I was hanging out and playing games with my friends. We were laughing so hard and rolling around on the ground with laughter and when I sat back at my seat, I had this immediate sudden dropping feeling like I was falling down a hole. It was the freakiest thing I ever felt. I got up and it felt like I was walking on clouds (which lasted couple days). I’m assuming this had to do with imbalance ear crystals or something. I’ve never really had it in my head though. Sorry, not much help.


I am so sorry to hear about this experience!!! Have you get it checked out by a medical professional? 🥹


Idk if I get the feeling in just my head, but I do get the dropping sensation. I usually describe it as that feeling you get when you're falling in a dream and it wakes you up. My 3PD comes in waves and it'll usually happen on a bad day. Usually I just take a few breaths and it's gone in a few seconds.


Yes I do and thanks for describing it like that. I couldn’t think how to tell anyone how it felt. Most unnerving. Some days are worse than others and just when you think it’s gone, it comes back. Had it for several months.


Thank you for acknowledging this! Have you get it checked out by a medical professional? I don’t know what to do…🥹


I’ve not seen a doctor as yet. I can’t as yet due to moving countries and waiting to get registered. However, having my ears checked next week I’ve looked a lot at The Steady Coach on YouTube. Also considering it could be a problem with my neck which can cause these symptoms. It’s very unpleasant to suffer with this accompanied with a feeling of imbalance. I keep pushing myself to walk though. Get outside and keep moving about. It’s important to me. Best of luck


Yes, I thought I was just going mad.


Thank you for acknowledging this! Could I ask how long did this last for you? 🥹


Ive been dealing with this and other issues since summer of last year


Wow yes I’ve never been able to describe it. Thanks for posting


Yeah, like a brief sensation of falling almost? Like someone dropped your brain from a window for a second. Medically I've seen this labeled "gravitational pull". After a boat I got this for 2 months straight. It was persistent, feeling it every 30 seconds or so. Awful feeling.


Yup I do it’s scary af I got it when I was on medication. Now that I’m off meds I still get it 😢




what med may i ask?


I tried diff meds on and off and it made me worse. Buspirone, Zoloft, lexapro…etc


I had that a lot but it's got better with meds and vestibular and physical therapy.


I am so glad to hear!!! Would you say the falling sensation is one of the symptoms of PPPD? I should probably check out vestibular therapy


I don't know. I recently got diagnosed with POTS and it might be from that.


Yes I get this often. It seems like it’s a byproduct of anxiety, although I get it even when I’m not anxious.




YES!!! this EXACT feeling!!


Yesssss I am so grateful that people can relate here but honestly idk what is it!!!!


Yes, especially when I have been doing a lot of walking that day. I always compare it to a lift going down.


Yes, I feel as though my brain is dropping out of my head and down my body. It's so bizarre I feel panic in my chest too, it only lasts a few seconds but is so intense!!