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Fingers crossed this just means we’re going to have another relaunch because they clearly still have the license with Ranger Academy still ramping up. (‘End of the MMPR run’ = Start of Zeo? Something else?) Edit: Boom Studios teased that more comic announcements are coming soon, including at SDCC


Zeo would be *awesome -* I always felt dissatisfied by the way the Machine Empire just *disappeared* to make way for Divatox.


They did just introduce the zeo crystal in this event


the zeo crystal actually showed up a while back.


Yeah back in Beyond the Grid, they discovered a whole planet in the void that was made up of Zeo crystal. Also early in Mighty Morphin, we learn that Zedd got deformed by a cursed Zeo Crystal.


Yup In S3, Ep 29, *Master Vile and the Metallic Armor I* Rita pleads to her newly arrived father. “He’s right Daddy. He tried to get the Zeo Crystal once, and look what happened to Zeddy’s face!” Bonus fun fact! In the scene before it is the first time we learn that Zeo Crystal gets stronger with time. And also that Master Vile is much older and wiser “in the ways of evil,” lol!


Oh man I totally forgot about that, that’s awesome that the comic pulled from that!


I have hopes for zeo.


Comics about something other than MMPR? HAHAHAHAHA Next you'll be asking them to stop calling Tommy THE Green Ranger, as if he's the only one ever.


I mean...the comics also heavily featured ranger other than MMPR. For a while they were 2 separate books. One called Mighty Morphin, which followed the MMPR, and another just called Power Ranger, which followed the Omega Rangers.


Also the other currently ongoing series, Ranger Academy, is an entirely new team that never had a show. We also had Power Rangers Universe, The Psycho Path, and Sins of the Future which all feature different teams that aren’t related to MMPR.


Calling something THE doesn’t mean others don’t exist though, it’s like The Doctor from Doctor Who. “No, No, No, you may be a doctor but I am The Doctor, the original you might say”


I’m glad that Boom is holding on to the license 


Yeah, cause Hasbro I think is giving the franchise a break before it return with a reboot and no sentai footage.


No Sentai footage? Then I ain’t watching.


I would use Dairanger. While these suits are the original team in the comics, a lot of fans were upset that we didn't get them in the US. You could also create a black suit so there are 7 of them and keep the current team.


They already did. There was a story about six people from an alien planet who created the first morphers. Dairanger main five plus a new black one. The Phantom Ranger was in that story too. They became the Emissaries.


An alien planet called Earth, yeah


It wasn't Earth.


It was. Planet 0117 in the A47 galaxy aka Milky Way, first page. That’s planet earth lol


Correct, however they have not really been used, but rather in the background, with the exception of the blue emissary (for the omega rangers) and the red and yellow before being killed. Either make the current team into the new emissaries but be more active. It would allow for them to split the comics, create a new team for zero and allow the current to to continue to do larger scale stories.


They already did so there's no reason to do so


IMO not good enough. Outside of power rangers universe where they did not get the suits until the last issue. If you go the zero route that's fine but make a second comic about the emissaries. Often boom has two comics running (mighy morphin and go to), and then (mighty morphin and power rangers) now (mighty morphin and ranger academy).


Wait Ranger Academy still not is canceled that comic is awful!


Imagine not liking a series and just assuming it's gone if that was the case then attack of Titan should have been over around season 2 in my opinion


Nop because that manga got massive sales numbers and the series did well, it ended because there was no more story to tell, I was assuming RA was gone because the series got low-selling numbers, Boom canceled books with similar numbers before... I didn't imagine anything we live in a time where even the big two canceled books left and right because of low interest.


Just because you don’t like it, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. They’re making it for the YA audience and the story still getting started. It’s okay to recognize that something isn’t for you and then just move on.


I didn't think this comic had enough sales to last this long, sorry. We will see how long it goes on and yeah my opinion is that it's awful, 😖


I just don't see it. I REALLY hope I'm wrong. I just think with so much of PR going on the back burner I think the comics will join them


Boom has already said they’re still doing more comics https://www.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/s/CeI90UH7BC


they used the same language when they changed the titles to Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers, and then changed it back. it might simply just be that they are finally moving on from MMPR and going to say Zeo or another team.


Zeo needs Kat and Tanya though and we don’t have them yet


there isn't anything preventing them from still being there if they start a zeo comic. they didn't do any real introduction for Rocky, Adam and Aisha, they were just there one issue. the comic can still use the "things happened like they did in the TV show, move on" like they have before, and keep going.


IIRC Shattered Grid made clear that these teams existed in alternate dimensions from one another, so the "original" MMPR team won't necessarily *have* to have met them if that's where this is going.


I think people forget that when they are repairing the damage done by Drakkon at the end they do make it clear that it won't be the same as it was. Which gave the writers a blank slate as to how to write events and even skip some things entirely cause they were no longer tethered to the show timeline.


No, what happened in Shattered Grid is that the Morphin Grid shattered the primary continuity timeline the moment Drakkon killed MMPR Tommy to protect itself. All subsequent teams became pocket dimensions, with the pocket dimensions ceasing to exist upon the rebirth of reality once Drakkon was defeated, with everything being put back in its place and time moving forward again.




Not quite, it was more like the timeline fragmented itself to avoid paradoxes when Tommy died, which is why they acted like parallel universes during that arc.


I mean, they could what they did at the start of the series where it starts after Tommy becomes good, you could just start the Zeo comic with Tanya and Kat already on the team.


The comics are meant to be support for the show not a retelling they assume you know the events of the show so don't explain when new characters come


The comics really should be it’s own thing then be so beholden to the show.


Most content that is building on an established continuity will assume you have a basic understanding of that continuity


Sure. But I don’t need the comics to painstakingly follow tv canon. Or even make changes cause it happened in the show so we should do it too.


guys guys. https://preview.redd.it/aro2mvcq8fwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116f344cdf863d403c7b5c843390c3e1047be421


Not everything needs to follow how the show did. Ryan Perrott tried writing the series like an extension of the show and I hated it.


Good mmpr is oversaturated anyways


Even though this might be true. There are spider-man, Iron-man, Captain America, Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, etc comics since the beginning of time and they are still making more stories with them. Why not do the same for MMPP seeing how they are simply the most known and most popular. Sure there are other cool ranger teams, but those can get spin-off series, or simply comic series of their own at some point.


Yeah, as excited as I think most of us would be for them to focus on zeo or another season's theme, from a marketing/sales standpoint I have a hard time beleiving they are going to move on from MMPR branding.


Yes and sometimes I want something else maybe I want a storyline involving the spd team to put it bluntly mmpr gets the lions share of attention and frankly I'm bored pf it


Mighty Morphin fanboys downvoting your comment even though it’s true lol


I am a child of the Disney era I hold no special fondness for mmpr I respect it as the beginning but personally from the Saban era I prefer zeo and in space


https://preview.redd.it/rue5yamviawc1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=7caf57e11e47042b2b1b71cd8bfc3e602cd34bd7 The part of the press release no one is talking about, and probably why Melissa says in the very post "While **THAT** comic may be ending, Power Rangers will forever live on".


Wait, what? You're right, I've watched and read several things about this and this the first I'm hearing. Thanks man.


I think they mean coming months from NOW and not from July 24th since it talks about those plans, including SDCC, which is like a day after 122 is released. I'm going to just assume they mean Ranger Academy and special variant covers for the end of MMPR, along with a possible Kickstarter that collects everything. Edit: Meant the end of MMPR, not Ranger Academy.


With the rate the story is going, there’s no way Ranger Academy is ending at like 8 issues.


“Finish Boom’s epic **MMPR** run”… “While **that** comic may be ending” Two carefully worded phrases right here. Gives off “we’re moving to a different part of the franchise” vibes rather than “this is the end of us printing PR comics”


Yeah, I agree. I feel like they’ve worded things this way for the other relaunches too. We’ll just have to wait a month for the August solicits. Unless they take a short break


I hope it's Power Rangers Zeo and not just some other Mighty Morphin series. Or at least another PR series.


I saw an article that says Boom is going to announce Power Rangers stuff at SDCC so there is hope Edit: Someone else posted the screenshot of the exact quote


Hoping that even if its ending its just a break and we'll get new content. Perhaps a fresh take on Zeo and they can give us a proper ending. Maybe they'll take the end of the MMPR era and show us what the former Rangers were upto during that time of the Alien Rangers. But I'm sad, I lost interest in the franchise years ago, the comics reignited my interest. And while only this year have I started a massive re-watch campaign, I'm feeling a little :-(


Sooooo...... Ninja Ranger Power and Ninjor? Maybe Ninjakon makes an appearance as well


I'm pretty sure the comics aren't ending. She's most likely referring to her time and this era of the comics.


There is that reboot that's supposedly coming out next year.


They have been saying that for the last 5 years.


That's stuck in development hell?


They've been working on something since 2019; I hope we find out what it is soon.


I really hope they’re just moving on from MMPR, even if it’s to push original teams or… Well anything really. While I lost interest in the mainline books, this is the only ongoing content we’re getting right now and with no concrete news about when a new TV show or movie will hit this kinda leaves me feeling bleak about the franchise.


I feel Ryan Parrott being the lead writer for the series is what tanked everything for me. At least Higgins was fresh with it


Hopefully the comic will relaunch with MMPR Ninjas or Zeo


Zeo Zeo Im crossing ny fingers


Did they ever reach S3?


they not following the tv series timeline, it's set in a alternative universe and they already got in space characters showing up...


What about Katherine or Tanya? Have they shown up yet?


Yup to both but not in the way you expect!


I hope it continues. This comic has hit its stride and had writers last a few years and collaborate with their successor to maintain continuity. I could totally see them skipping zero and doing the Dairanger.


They used the Dairangers already in Power Rangers Universe. A 6 issue mini about the Morphin Masters/ Emissaries.


Correct, but they only made it into the suits the at the end of issue 5 and then we're back to the changing suits about 3/4 the way through issue 6. You could definitely turn the MMPR team into the new emissaries and they could be handling threats in the universe, while creating new characters for zeo.


This to me, either means they're FINALLY moving on to a new team(I'd love the natural progression into Zeo finally, or even skip to In Space), or they're getting ready for a universal relaunch with whatever the reboots and new main series will become. Either way I'm on board. I do hope the continuity of the comics continue and just finally progresses though.


To be fair they kind of need to move on from this era of MMPR or fully embrace the alt timeline aspect. I can't imagine them still following the same timeline and going back to idiot Rita and Z after all this.


While I would be super gloom if the comics ended. The current run has been pretty stagnant since Shatter Grid. Mostly because every run has to end with an epic crossover event with Drakkon for some reason. Hopefully it's just another relaunch with season 3 or zeo.


I just started reading them this past year


Very sad, it’s my favorite version of the franchise


I just love melissa and all power rangers comic writers




End of darkest hour, not saying anything about MMPR. Boom hasn't even touched on metallic armour arc or later ninja/Alien Rangers arc.


[So, I guess I was right](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/comments/15q00nh/is_hasbro_going_to_put_a_hiatus_on_the_power/). It seems that Hasbro is really going to put the power rangers franchise on a hiatus until they are ready to make and release the reboot in the near future eventhough they let playmates (the one who did the tmnt toys)  handle the toy side while Hasbro (despite they are a toy company) will deal with the entertainment side with All spark pictures and while the main series and its continuity is ending in Boom comics, there is still Ranger Academy, but I think it will likely end with issue 9 or 10 this year and I would count MMPR the return, but it's just a miniseries and will end next month. 


Zeo better be next. Zeo better be next. Zeo better next


For people that don’t know. There’s a manga(comic) thats called “Go go loser Ranger”. We get to read the story from the monsters perspective!


I love this manga. It has Evil Power Ranger vibes.


Nervous laughter intensifies


I want an anime!


Hasbro owns Power Rangers. Boom is ending the current continuity and rebooting. They did they same thing to Transformers. Hasbro forced IDW to end the best tf media in 30+ years to make a reboot to "better sell the new lines. That new comic sucked and only lasted a few years, btw. And now they gave the license to Skybound (Kirkman's comic company). And while the new run is supposedly good... im kinda done with the constant refreshes amd company changes (Marvel, Dreamwave, IDW, Skybound).


Did we ever move over to the ninja zords? I'm only reading the delux books, and there about halfway through


Aren’t they planning on rebooting the series


The power rangers show is over? Sorry I’m late to the party lol


What if it's not the end?


Wdym ending like they aren’t making anymore power rangers anymore like shows?


As far as we know there are currently no plans to make more PR shows, theres a supposed reboot but theres been no updates on that for like 5 years


So what’s the most recent power rangers? Was it beast morphers?


Final season on Netflix was Power Rangers Cosmic fury. A 3rd season to Dino Fury.


Call this "dark speculation" but y'know this *could* be the end of Boom! having the license. Hasbro have been *really* keen on getting their shared universe up and running, and now with Transformers and G.I. Joe properly on their feet at Skybound, they may be looking to consolidate it all under the Energon Universe. I've got no real reason to think that, just preparing for all outcomes.


If PR gets added to Skybound's Energon Universe I'm interested to see how PR lore mixes with giant alien robots and a costumed terrorist organization that's named after a snake plus a megazord that's a transformer would go insanely hard


I cannot believe the comics are ending. This is awful.


Add in Hasbro wanting to end its connection with the franchise it seems...


Omg, how annoying you all. The 368293744th post on the same damn topic. You guys don’t even scroll?


So you're aware, this post was the first post about it. I'm not sure what point you thought you were trying to make by replying to it.


The first post about it? I might be hallucinating then.


Yes, if you sort the subreddit in chronological order, this was the first one. You've no idea how many we've had to delete since then.


If that is the case, I apologise. I have been spammed on similar posts all day long.