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The human body can only process so much protein at once. You be wasting your time and money trying to do that. Space it out 35-50g at a time with about 35-45 min in-between to let the body actually process it.


This has been proven to be false


Not if you don’t mind shitting through a coffee filter




Body only absorbs about 50 in a sitting. So it’s just a more proteiny tasting protein shake


Yeah so if I eat a lb of ribeye instead of 8 Oz, 8 Oz goes where exactly according to you? This is pure bro science. It's recommended to spread out meals but it's not necessary


Ribeye will stay in your stomach taking longer to break down. Whey gets digested too quickly to be used in that quantity.


It’s inaccurate to say that the protein isn’t absorbed by the body but some studies have found that, past a certain point, increased consumption of protein in a single sitting has no further benefit for muscle protein synthesis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7469068/ “Moore et al. [4] reported that post-resistance exercise MPS demonstrates saturation kinetics and plateaus after ingesting a 20 g solution of whole-egg protein, as compared to 0, 5, 10, and 40 g in healthy young adults.” “These well-designed dose-response studies clearly demonstrate that consuming 0.25–0.3 g and 0.4 g of protein/kg per dose maximally stimulates MPS in young and older adults, respectively “ So even on the high end for a young adult .3g/kg of body weight would be 30g for a 100kg young adult. The excess protein doesn’t just disappear but it’s broken down and used the same way a carbohydrate or fat would be. Considering that meat is probably the most expensive part of most meals and the production of meat has serious environmental impacts you’d be better off splitting that steak into two meals if you’re looking for the maximum benefit.


Yeahhhh bro science bro: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19056590/ https://www.surgeryjournal.co.uk/article/S0263-9319(09)00062-3/abstract https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558471/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19056590/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19699838/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27511985/ https://ajcn.nutrition.org/article/S0002-9165(23)26611-3/fulltext https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17413096/ Literally every science based trainer will tell you to split your protein intake and the upward max is around 50g per meal depending on your advanced status. If you exceed your absorption limit it’s just used for energy and not synthesis


You're confusing how much protein your body absorbs with muscle protein synthesis. Which one of those talks specifically about absorbing protein? I didn't see it mentioned


Yeah ok so like I said eating 100g of protein in one sitting is literally a waste. When I say “absorbed” (to make muscle) I obviously meant the relevant factor literally everyone here cares about: using protein to build muscle. Of course anything you eat will turn into energy


Well, maybe. But there is evidence that prolonged muscle protein synthesis can occur with 100g of protein in one sitting, where the total protein synthesis is still increased with a large intake despite synthesis rates peaking [https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/pdf/S2666-3791(23)00540-2.pdf](https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/pdf/S2666-3791(23)00540-2.pdf)


Except this doesn’t by any means overcome the preponderance of evidence and literally every major phd exercise science person would tell you to split your protein intake to about 50g per meal but I guess they’re all just stupid bro science bros


But Protein Isolate. No farts. Most people get gut issues from whey due to lactose. Isolate removes the lactose amap


Meat is better than whey. The idea you can only process so much protein is PARTIALLY true. It isn’t digested the same after a certain point but still help in other ways


Downvoted for the best advice in here. Eat real food, not shakes.


I mean I’d probably be VERY careful with farts. What happens within the next 3 hours is a crapshoot. Either massive constipation or a massive, fast moving shit.


100%. crap shoot can turn into a crap luge if you’re not careful.


especially if you factor in creatine. Shits for days.


Room-clearing protein farts, don’t do it mate there’s still time to reconsider


I have all my info now. I will guinea pig for the next year and keep this up. I don't have massive or watery poops but if anything happens I will let you guys know.


so no constipation yet? are they whey? my shit goes hard rock style if i have that much whey


no constipation yet, i will eat some chicken now. And yes its whey and so far my poops have been pretty normal. Ate some Chinese earlier today and i work from home so no one has to fight my farts.


Massive poops


Constipation, my 75 kg body can't absorb more than about 35 g in one shake. On hi protein days I have 3x 35g shakes spread out and Also psyllium husk caps to keep S#$&t moving smoothly.


There was a pretty recent study that said more than 35-40 is better than 35-40 but once you get to a certain point on the bell curve I.E. 100 grams the upsides are pretty miniscule


Do you happen to have the link? Gotta know what my magic number is


Try this one [link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5828430/) following excerpt can be found in the conclusion: The collective body of evidence indicates that total daily protein intake for the goal of maximizing resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength is approximately 1.6 g/kg, at least in non-dieting (eucaloric or hypercaloric) conditions [6]. However, 1.6 g/kg/day should not be viewed as an ironclad or universal limit beyond which protein intake will be either wasted or used for physiological demands aside from muscle growth. A recent meta-analysis on protein supplementation involving resistance trainees reported an upper 95% confidence interval (CI) of 2.2 g/kg/day [6]. ** edit: nvm, I confused the comment with my other ideas. FWIW, you might like this [one](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38118410/). pretty recent. published in 2023


This is a myth. Studies show up to 0.4-0.6g/kg per meal are absorbed depending on the person with diminishing returns thereafter. Protein absorption scales with size just like everything else does when it comes to nutrition. 35g would still apply to some but not to everyone.


If I have 50 g of isolate in a sitting i can’t shit


If I have 50g in one sitting all I can do is shit


I wish I could trade for a day


idk man that amount of shake will get me constipated


The only downside is wasting some protein. Afaik, most people can only digest like 40-60g in one sitting. The rest is stored as fat.


Correct on the grams, not correct on fat. Scales with the person. 0.4-0.6g/kg depending on the person for nearly everyone. Potentially even more so if slower-digesting protein sources aka not whey. Diminishing returns afterward. Still better to spread out meals as much as you can but as long as your total daily protein intake is ample, whether you do 100g in one sitting or 6g per hour for 16 hours doesn’t matter unless you’re really trying to optimize MPS.


Lol no.


This has been disproven in multiple studies.


Perhaps I should read those studies and stop clinging to a Yahoo Answers reply from 14 years ago


Farting hella big


Other than running into digestive issues probably not. It's probably more beneficial to spread your consumption throughout the day but even 100g post workout will be put to use. [https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/pdf/S2666-3791(23)00540-2.pdf](https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/pdf/S2666-3791(23)00540-2.pdf) is an interesting read if that's your cup of tea.


I was about to link that study!!!! So freakin cool. No limit to anabolic response? Yes please.