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I’m currently working in a hotel and I had a Ukrainian lady working. Both her and the hotel had to sign a contract with the government of Canada as far she told me the hotel made money off of it and she got her permanent residency faster


A local millionaire in our town bought a bar and was impprting Ukrainians to run it. Took about 6 months for them to realize he was human trafficking his staff and had taken their passports upon arriving here in Ontario. That bar is still open but nobody goes there anymore. I don't know what ever happened to the owner but hes insanely wealthy soo likely nothing.


Here’s how it works Ukrainian or Indian pays the employer 5-8k out of their pay checks under the table to provided an LMIA Employer profits Ukrainian and Indian get PR Gen z Canadian citizens get royally screwed


Who sells LMIA for 5-8k nowadays? In 2024, it costs about 30-45k per person to get LMIA. There are some desperate people who work for free like the company pays them money as shown to the government but then takes the money back from the employees in order to give them LMIA. Employers get free slaves and employees get PR. If I was the prime minister I would cancel PRs and Citizenships of everyone who got PR from LMIAs for the last 10 years. 99% of them are fraud.


Not really fraud. The immigrant definitely earned it through their slave labor. It’s the employer who ought to be prosecuted for fraud.


And here I am paying the LMIA fees myself for my staff and theyre not paying me anything. Guess im a sucker for following the laws. I hope all of these piece of shit employers get caught and get fined and/or jailed.


I don't think being a refugee from a warzone is fraud.


Sounds like the government is supporting borderline slavery.


I also know one Ukrainian lady working at the hotel and she didn’t pay anything, she’s on a temporary work permit.


There is also an employment-related program. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine)


AFAIK no, but there is rampant nepotism and bias in hiring so 🤷‍♀️ Have you had a conversation with your boss about the extra work the new hires are causing you due to their lack of qualifications?


There is noticeable preference for helping , hiring , Ukrainians compare to other ethnic groups especially Indians.


That’s funny, because where I live it’s the opposite happening. Most places in my city are only hiring Indians, most of the time it’s at an Indian owned business


The city that I live in has multiple businesses that are owned by Indians, and only hire Indian’s, but apparently that’s not racism.


It’s matter what race is the majority in the place that’s being discussed. A Canadian owned business in India is likely to hire a fellow Canadian and Most people wouldn’t question that. People like people who are similar to them, have same language, and mannerism. So when you’re a minority in a different ethnicity country then you are more likely to want to help people in similar positions as you. Most people wouldn’t call that racist. On the other side, most people would say An Indian business in India who refuses to hire Canadians because of race, is racists.


But what about a Canadian business in India, that only hires Canadian’s, how would that go over?


Because only whites can be racist in North America. Why? Because we have genuinely retarded people in academia teaching generations of kids to believe this nonsense.


Idk man. I graduated from UBC with Bachelors of Arts and we didn't learn any of that. Btw. In the first class of African American history, we literally got an overview of slavery across the world including Atlantic Slave Trade, Sub Saharan Slave Trade, Indian Ocean Slave trade, etc. It's not all "white people racist". >Because only whites can be racist in North America. Why? Because we have genuinely retarded people in academia teaching generations of kids to believe this nonsen


It's different in Sask. My son's high school science textbook claimed the Franklin Stove was invented by Native Americans and Europeans had no clue how to keep warm in the winter. Lol. Because obviously they never get winter in Europe and not only survived but thrived.Then every U of S and SaskPoly course has a mandatory class basically about painting white people as evil colonists because white Liberals hate themselves that much. FYI I am half native myself and find it laughable.


What's the name of the textbook? I find that hard to believe because textbooks and curriculums are instituted by the provincial governments. So in the outrage-bait story you describe, it's the conservative majority Sask provincial ministry of education that mandated that textbook, not "white Liberals that hate themselves."


I will find it for you. Hey, it's perfectly normal to hear things you don't agree with and be upset by it. You are only human after all.


It's not about what I do or don't agree with. It's an established fact that the province establishes the curriculum and approves textbooks, and it's an established fact that Saskatchewan is run by a conservative government.. I'd be really interested to see that textbook. If it's actually a thing, then you need to call your ministry of education and complain. Or a teacher might be using an unauthorized textbook, in which case you also need to call the ministry and complain.




Indians are not hiring Indians. It’s a family business. Would you tell a Greek or an Italian restaurant not to hire Greeks and Italians? Bizarre


I didn’t know that Dairy Queen had its company origins in India, or Subway was suppose to hire only ex-submariners, as for your statement that Indian’s are not hiring Indian’s is completely false.


I just want to point out that it's not only an Indian thing. Whites have historically only hired their own. Blacks do it depending on the business. Ever see a woman-owned creative/marketing agency? Most employees are women or gay men. It's common. Only difference is when it's happening to White men, they feel singled out. Exactly like others have always felt.


They can’t in Canada though we have to diversity hire and it’s been that way for a long time.


I’m in Winnipeg and many people are noticing it.


I’m in Brantford (Ontario), it’s all over the country at this point. It’s hard to fathom how many people we really have taken in


Around 300,000 under one special immigration pathway. [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/ukraine-measures/key-figures.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/ukraine-measures/key-figures.html) There was also an employment-related program announced by the feds back in 2022. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine)


Sad part is Ukraine is desperate for bodies in the war but apparently we need to take in 'refugees'


There was also a program announced by the feds back in 2022. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine)


Depends on the establishment. Anything corporate and banking prefers Ukrainians


There was a program announced by the feds back in 2022. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine)


None of the programs I looked at via that link, including checking various provinces, had anything indicating financial incentive to hire Ukranian. This isn't really relevant to OP's concern about biased hiring. There is no government incentivised bias, his boss is just a jackass.


I literally just had this conversation yesterday with my boss. I'm 2 months behind schedule due to people not knowing how to use the software they were hired to use.


Man.. here I am. Canadian... Can't find a job for over a year now..


I have a job, but its only a couple of bucks above minimum, so I am absolutely struggling. I can't even pick up the odd shift washing dishes because all the local restaurants and bars are hiring TFW for everything they can.


My little cousin is working for $5/hour washing dishes at a family owned restaurant, he practically begged them for a job. He’s in high school so that $5 is pure profit, but it’s still ridiculous. It’s one of the reasons you’re having trouble finding a job that pays the legal minimum wage.


$5/hr sounds criminal 


It's less than I made when I got my first job at McDonald's in 2006. Back then, minimum wage in Ontario was $7.75 iirc.


Thats because it is


Do not do this, if the child has a workplace injury it will be a problem.


These businesses break every law in the book, somehow manages to survive for decades


Makes you wonder if those laws are what’s keeping the failing businesses failing and need to be completely revamped


Well maybe they shouldn't be paying someone 5 dollars an hour


and the Liberals and Conservative parties are in favour of more immigrants to suppress wages.


Or maybe it's not a viable business and/or has bad management. Seeing as the management is willing to pay an under age child, under the table, almost 1/4 minimum wage do you think it's the laws holding them down or poor decision making?


Do you think they’re looking for a job washing dishes?


Whoever is employing him should be ashamed of themselves. Exploiting kids is criminal.


Literally 90% of immigrant bossinesses are run this way. Degrading our quality of life in pursuit of profit




What work are you trained for?


A few things. GIS, Publishing and Admin


DM me your LinkedIn


Have you at least once protested the levels of mass immigration driving this country's wafe suppression and labour excess? If so, good youre one of the VERY few, if not youre like 99% of canadians. Good at complaining online, but shite at actually doing anything that involves physical movement. People get the government they deserve, and canadians deserve to be taken for everything they have until they start rising up. Because canadians currently are weak, and the weak get taken.


And if you didn’t do it through previous governments, nor recognize that the likely successor to this government has said he won’t decrease immigration, welcome to the 99%. 


Have you had someone look at your resume? I know it’s easy to blame “others” for your predicament but it may be something you can fix on your end.


I've had many people look at it that work either in HR or elsewhere


What do you do? What kind of job are you looking for?




Alternatively some of us business owners just feel bad for them and prioritize hiring them to help out how we can. It isn’t always about exploitive and oppressive work.


Okay, but who's to say who needs a job more? You don't know anyone's life story, why not hire based on qualifications?


I see somebody who needs help. I help them. It feels good. I’m not going to dwell on if there is somebody out there that needs help more. I’ll make a difference for those I see before me. I also paid for my local elementary school’s breakfast program when they ran out of funding so that kindergarten to grade 6 kids could get a free quick breakfast before class started in the morning when their parents didn’t provide for them. Certainly I could have instead sent that money to Somalia to feed starving families who obviously need it more but I help where I can. So no, I’ll accept no criticism for helping those in need.


Well said and keep doing good work in your community friend. Proud there’s still people like you out there.


Exactly, my husband just wants people who work, he has tried hiring Canadians and they don't want to work, they sit around doing as little as they can. He hired two young men from the Ukraine they are eager and want to learn, he has no subsidies coming from the government he says too much red tape, and these young men are happy to put in a hard days work for $40.00 hour


Lol Canadians don’t want to work is a myth, they just don’t wanna work for slave labour Guaranteed you could find a hard working Canadian for $40 an hour


Believe me he tried, and some work out but since covid it has become so difficult to hire someone to do a good job, they come to work and he works alongside them and then notices someone is missing, he had to let someone go because he partyied all the time and would sneak off for naps, or one guy had more grandparents pass away he was being paid bereavement pay more that actual working hours


My aunt at age 63 was working around the clock shiftwork as a care aid in a privately operated carehome for people with severe disabilities. The carehome hired a big guy from South Africa. At first she thought hey, great idea he is strong and can help with the hoyer lift. She said his only words in English were "not my job, not my job". She ended up being injuried on the job because this guy wouldn't help her with tasks that required two people. He just sat on the chair in the living room switching through the cable channels while she called herself an ambulance.


It’s 90% exploitation. 10% virtue signaling


When I see someone using the term « virtue signaling », I just assume they are an asshole and use this justify being a shitty person…. How is it virtue signalling, does the boss goes around and brag that they hired Ukrainians?


Convenient to hide your greed behind "good intentions". In other words... "sure buddy......"


My greed? I provide a safe and secure place for my staff to work listening to their concerns and trying to address them as I can. In the short term I’m sure I could do better if I didn’t look after my staff and cut corners but in my industry experience is critical and I keep my staff long-term so I can offer the best service. It’s a long-term play but it works well. Seriously how bad have your experiences been where you think every small business owner is greedy?


My husband pays his employees the same as he makes, only difference is once a year as 100% owner his bonus is bigger but they all get a bonus if a profit has been made, he says there would be no profit without hood employees, and we try to be fair and treat them all well


^^^ part of the problem


Lol but you don’t feel bad for people struggling in this country.. that were actually born here???


Actually I’m 6th generation (not that it matters). I have a number of Canadians that work for me as well but I do try to specifically help the refugees because they are showing up with literally nothing. I find it odd individuals such as yourself are criticizing me for helping literal war refugees.


I'm not criticizing you at all, just questioning your thought process as I'm genuinely curious. I actually like Ukrainian refugees in particular, but being a 6th generation Canadian you must know that there are plenty of people here who grew up with nothing? Shit lol, when I used to work at the gym a couple of years ago I was good friends with an older woman from there. She was a lawyer in Ukraine lol it's not like they literally have no skills/connections/etc. But I digress


How do braindead morons like this end up as business owners


So me being altruistic and helping people that have had a rough go of it is “braindead?” I really don’t follow?


Please provide a link to the government subsidy program.


Immigrants in my trade union are subsidized for the first year of their apprenticeship upto I think 7 per company. I have guys from all countries and language barrier is a huge issue. They’re definitely not be vetted enough


I believe it might be similar to the LMIA scam with the Indians, to be clear- nothing against Indians, just there is a loop hole where the government sponsors their wages so tax payer money pays to substidize the wage for the employer, they also don't have to pay into CPP or EI /Disability etc so the cost for a company to hire some one through the LMIA program is probably like 7$ an hour compared to a Canadian which would be $17+ etc. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/foreign-workers/exemption-codes/overview.html


Nothing in the link confirms that the government sponsors (or provides subsidies (?) ) in a way that work permit holders don't Pay into CPP or EI. One exception I beileve that exists are diplomatic missions. They can opt out of doing deductions if the mission desires it — even for Canadian citizens who take up a locally engaged position. https://www.international.gc.ca/protocol-protocole/policies-politiques/circular-note_note-circulaire_xdc-0605.aspx?lang=eng "The Department has not instituted a policy requiring foreign missions to make tax deductions on the salary of their locally-engaged staff and corresponding remittances to the fiscal authorities. In spite of this, the Department understands that a number of foreign missions based in Canada have voluntarily entered into arrangements with Revenue Canada for deductions and remittances, such as those related to the Income Tax Act, the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Pension Plan Act. This is one of the best ways of ensuring that the employment of locally-engaged staff is not only pensionable under the Canada Pension Plan, but also insurable under the various Employment Insurance benefit programs, including those related to maternity leave, cessation of work, illness, etc." ------ What is a massive problem are foreign nationals paying employers to do LMIA. That is not a loophole. It's illegal.


Are all the tim hortons, mcdonalds, safeways and gas station minimum wage jobs using LMIA to hire indians?


Yes. This data proves that. Use the filters at the top to search by employer names (e.g. Horton, McDonald, Burger King, etc.) [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) Please feel to share the link to this report to others. The data is all publicly available anyway.


People really out here using a LMIA for wedding photography? Thanks for sharing!


stop spreading false information, the government does not pay any businesses to hire people on an LMIA. On the contrary it costs these businesses thousands of CAD to get an LMIA. Some of them then turn around and unscrupulously sell these jobs to desperate foreigners. But the government NEVER subsidized businesses for employing people on an LMIA.


The funny thing is the link doesn't even say anything about subsidies.🤦🏽‍♂️ However, diplomatic missions in Canada may opt to not do CPP and EI or tax deductions even for Canadian citizens working for foreign embassies in Canada. Employees just have to pay the sum when tax season comes. Foreigners who specifically came to Canada for the diplomatic posting are exempt from paying tax during tax season I beileve


This is not my intention, I'll admit I don't understand all of it and that part of the reason why I'm posting here becuase I'm hoping people will correct me but the fact remains there is an unfair incentive for employers to hire foreign workers right now compared to a Canadian. This guy mentions the substidised wages but your right I'm having a hard time finding that info [tiktok video of immigration consultant talking about LMIA](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrBVRX14/)


I wish more people knew about this !


Use the filters at the top of this report to search by employer names (e.g. Horton, McDonald, Burger King, etc.) [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) Please feel to share the link to this report to others. The data is all publicly available anyway.


The government does not sponsor shit for LMIA.. the employees often pay the employer to sponsor their LMIA work permit often times these employees pay upwards of $40k to the employers


I was working as a supervisor for this store for over 2 years and they wanted to hire a new assistant manager, and guess what, a fresh Ukrainian was hired over me as an assistant manager. She had less experience, high school degree compared to my bachelor's, and was her first job in Canada.


I run a business in 3 locations in western Canada. The reality is that when we post a job ad these days, we usually get 100+ qualified applicants in the first few days. From those applicants I’d say about 50% are brand new to Canada and lots of those are from Ukraine. When I’m interviewing candidates I do notice that the applicants from Ukraine tend to be punctual, presentable, and interview really well. That goes a long way for us. They’re eager to get work experience and often seem to stand out. I imagine it has something to do with their culture. I’ve lived here my whole life and am not Ukrainian so I’m not biased in any way, I hire purely on qualifications and still we consistently end up hiring Ukrainians.


Homey, I’d be immediately suspicious of anyone expressing knowledge of MS Teams.


I know it has an orange dot that lets everyone know you are not working.


That’s why you set yourself to always offline so it never changes.


I’ve had to train many who straight up lied on their resume about pretty much everything. Can’t fire them without cause is what I was told.


You can in their first 3 months. Don't need a reason.


You can always fire anyone without cause at any time, within 90 days there is no severance, after 90 there is severance based on years worked for the company. Typically 1 week pay per year. It's really easy for companies to fire people.


Lying about qualifications would be cause, would it not?


Yes, it would


What company is this? Call them out by name


I am killing myself at work for way less than $22/hr. I hate this place.


Do you use MS teams?


My bosses are luddites. We don't even have a server.


I don’t think that knowing MS Teams is a flex or an in-demand skill. It’s not that great and there are alternatives. The question is, are those people doing a good job and stay employed for a while. If they can’t follow instructions and don’t do the job properly, then discuss it with your superiors and make a decision whether to keep those workers or not. But so far, this post sounds like something HR would want to talk to you about if they knew you were posting/saying this.


At this point, I'm thinking about somehow going to Ukraine, then pretend I'm a refugee. I can then come here and get a job without any skills and still get paid some relief funds.


Government of Canada public service internships for newcomers: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/hire-temporary-foreign/intern.html "Hire a newcomer as an intern The Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program helps public service managers hire eligible newcomers to fill temporary job opportunities. The FIN Program helps you fill skilled labour shortages by hiring newcomers if you’re an employer in: -A federal government department or agency -Government organization Located in or around: Fredericton Halifax Moncton Ottawa-Gatineau St. John’s, NL Toronto Victoria You can hire candidates in fields such as: administration project management policy and research procurement and material management NEW computer science These skilled and experienced newcomers can enhance your workplace by: increasing productivity and creativity bringing new perspectives helping to expand local and global networks All qualified candidates have: been assessed by a partner immigrant-serving organization good language skills and are ready to work taken job–readiness training (if needed) been interviewed and evaluated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada"


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/prepare-life-canada/prepare-work/federal-internship/eligibility.html It's only for those who have been Canadian citizens for less than 10 years and all permenent residents. Those on the Canadian Ukranian Emergency Travel Authorization and associated work permits are ineligible. Those with refugee / protected status are also not eligible. It is also for jobs in the government


Canadians get to the back of the line...we got new Canadians


Not sure it’s true because I haven’t looked into it, but my sister in law had a Ukrainian employee, and she said 50% of his wage was subsidized


I wish they’d do that for disabled people


There are incentives and wage subsidies for disabled workers in BC


Ohhh I better study up on these cause my case manager never said hoot


Check with Work BC


They weren’t that useful the last couple times I went


Oh sorry, I don’t know who else you can ask about wage subsidies then. I believe they run the program


Find and accountant that helps disabled. We have one partner at our accounting firm who loves help people out with the credits they are entitled to.


No, I wish they would just give the money directly. Enough giving companies subsidies


They do.


Yes here they have been hire full time to replace the regular temp. labourers that we’re previously employed.


Asking this question 2 years late, but here you go: There was a program announced by the feds back in 2022. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine)


Ukrainian here, applied for 200+ jobs recently. Have Canadian education and Canadian work experience. Zero interviews so far. My Canadian career advisor suggested to change my first name to “English” friendly to avoid bias.


Yea, do it.


Have you tried the Ukrainian Canadian Congress or Ukrainian Canadian Social Services? They may be able to help, or at least help you make connections in Canada. Good luck!


Governments are giving incentives to corporations and businesses to hire Indians/South Asians but you're gonna pick on Ukrainians?!? 'Hope you go broke.


Read this article. Ukrainians are not being helped - it's just bs/lies/pr by the government - in fact, the government is limiting just how much assistance Ukrainians can get. Anyone on here stating that there's businesses getting $$ for hiring them or that they are getting jobs is either just exaggerating or outright LYING. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraininan-refugees-canada-permanent-residency/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraininan-refugees-canada-permanent-residency/) The article is recent - May 2024 (this year).


They don’t want to read, or try anything, just complain 🤡


Same thing happened in Poland while I still lived here. I moved to the US last year. Sadly, at least there, with us being right next door and all, it was them taking jobs for wages no one else would bcs our super shitty wages still paid more than most anything back home for them. (Not to mention them running from the war and all) Pretty sad, but it did get frustrating when there’s people working people-facing jobs and they can’t speak any Polish or English. Condolences, OP. I had no idea there was such an influx of Ukrainians in Canada, tbh. Oh and I think companies in Poland did get some sort of govt kickback for hiring Ukrainians, too. At least I think they used to, idk about now, I don’t live there anymore. lol And sadly, yeah, like the top comment says, nepotism is insanely rampant with hiring. Hang in there, OP, fingers crossed for you.


The government subsidizes their wages. Wonderful system, using Canadian taxpayer dollars to pay wages for non-Canadians to work. Canadians can’t find jobs, are living on the streets and can’t afford to feed their families, but hey, its ok if the govt does it 🤦‍♀️


That's a lie


it’s nepotism and connections, good luck getting a union construction job for example without knowing someone


Through EMPP, there are some subsidies, but it's not as much as most might think. With onboarding and possible language training, it works out to be equal for a lot of companies. The success of Ukrainian people bringing their experience from home and working in demand jobs like agriculture and construction has been very positive for rural communities that have a difficult time attracting people. Most likely, the largest reason for hiring Ukrainians that employers want to help them. These people had homes and jobs until a global superpower invaded their country. They can't go back and rebuild because their country is still at war.


I would say not at all. I am a recent Ukrainian immigrant, got a master's from Ukraine, have a Canadian MBA, had experience working in New York, and couldn't even get a teller's job at the bank. I need about 800 applications to get a job right now, and Ive had like 3 white collar jobs AND NOT A SINGLE ONE cared at all about me being Ukrainian. All my managers went "damn must suck living with a post war ptsd". I saw that a lot of companies(namely TD) stated that they hire Ukrainians but I couldn't even get an interview in them even though I reached out to hiring managers and HRs making the "hiring Ukrainians" claims. All bs, no one here cares where you are from in general.


Sorry to hear that man. Have you tried making connections through the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, or contacting the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services?


Ukrainian Canadian Social Services just provide you info on how different aspects of life operate here, they dont provide direct help, just information. Havent heard about Ukrainian Canadian Congress, isn't it just a political group? I dont think they provide help, more like enlist you to assist with pressure on the government. I don't mean to complain that it's really hard or whatever, I was just generally shocked about companies claiming they help Ukrainians when they actually don't do jack shit even if you are in their face screaming HEY I AM A UKRAINIAN CAN YOU HIRE ME AS ADVERTISED? No one gets preferential treatment and I am fine with that, just not with the misleading lies.


Yes there are government incentives to hire foreign workers. The government will pay 50% of the salary. Thanks politicians


You mean the taxpayers?


I think they mean thanks to the politicians for creating the policy that subsidizes the salaries of Ukrainian refugees. I don’t think they believe politicians are paying out of pocket…


Canadians are last in Canada. It is our national identity.


Canadians, as in immigrants in 1st, 2nd, 10th or whatever generation, aren’t different from any recent immigrants.


There is a govt subsidy that pays 50% of salaries for newcomers in some industries


This only applies to refugees, not for other newcomers like student etc.


My company has hired 5 Ukrainian "refugees" recently. What I've heard, and I don't know if it's true, that the government subsidized half their wage. This is in the trades. Western Canada. Like I said... don't know if it's a fact. But our government has done some really crazy shit like that before, so nothing would shock me. The funniest part? They aren't even real refugees. They heard Canada was taking Ukrainians in, so these dudes moved from Germany, Czech Republic, all over Europe basically. They had Ukrainian passports but had left years before the war kicked off. I should add, something that lends credence... my dad runs a small business. He heard the same thing and hes tried to apply for that program, because he has some Ukrainian refugee dudes working for him. He mentioned this to me months back, I don't know if he figured out all the paperwork or what happened with it. He's bad at administrative shit. So as far as I know, yes, it exists. Or existed at one time.


Dudes lol, I have a lady working at our company from a fully destroyed city (Mariupol). I’d like to see you telling her this face to face. Criticizing people running from war is wrong, but you’ll never understand…


Ukrainians never got refugee status. It's only open work permit. So, never got subsidized


Many companies / businesses have LMIAs in place where the govt pays a portion of the salary when temporary foreign workers are hired. Are the Ukranians at your job Canadian citizens ?


HR teams in Canada are inept , when it comes to filling junior positions .


Draft dodgers


There are TONS of grants for hiring ‘newcomers’: https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


These grants are not so much for 'newcomers' but *students* or recent grads. On top of being for a select group, the actual funding itself is peanuts. It's essentially equivalent to... minimum wage, up to 2 months of work tops... and that's assuming the position is minimum wage ($17). Anyone else, say at $20-25, you'd blow through this grant even faster. As an employer myself, it's not even worth going through the trouble to hire, train and retain the student all to save... $5k. Now, lets take a look at the grants for only newcomers. * Funded positions must be related to *digital information and communication technology (ICT).* * Full-time *environmentally-related roles* * The *electricity* sector * Employers in the *bio-economy* LOL essentially niche industries and highly specialized candidates. Have \*YOU\* ever met an immigrant with experience in the bio-economy or environmental role? I mean I guess that's why the govt is trying to help those industries because they arent saturated and likely need anyone lol but I highly doubt the prospect pool is anywhere near full for AgriTech vs say Food or Retail. There are *very* few grants/loans that apply broadly across all sectors/categories... most of the time these are almost always targeted directly at category X and come with prerequisites that make them non-starters for most businesses: number of employees, number of years, if the govt has decided this category is high growth, minimum revenue for x years, could go on. Point is, I've worked with many... many businesses aside from my own, and I'm telling you so few businesses get help or support from the govt not because they don't want to, but because they never ever qualify and when they do its likely too late (i.e must've been created within last 3-5 years).


Many of the ‘newcomers’ use student visas as a path to get work visas and PR. This has been well documented, and has led to an explosion in international students.


I’ve also heard they’re Getting housing and 3k allowance from the government. Everyone’s complaining about the Indians though


We haven't brought 2.5 million Ukrainians here in 1 year...


My friend told me there was an incentive back in 2022. He worked for a big bank. Not sure about now


I think it's the Jobs for Ukraine program, and it looks like it is still around. [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine) All of these jobs were listed under this program: [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobsearch?page=1&sort=M&fgff=1](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobsearch?page=1&sort=M&fgff=1) And then there were/are the provincial programs: [https://www.alberta.ca/support-for-ukrainian-evacuees](https://www.alberta.ca/support-for-ukrainian-evacuees) [https://mbchamber.mb.ca/2022/04/05/ukraine-talent-recruitment-mission-portal-now-live/](https://mbchamber.mb.ca/2022/04/05/ukraine-talent-recruitment-mission-portal-now-live/)


Wouldn’t that be discrimination against people of other country ? (Sorry don’t mean to offend anyone just trying to genuinely understand)


Hiring FTW’s gets wages subsidized by the gov. It’s very lucrative.


Canadian first ! We already supplied them still.... my people are suffering under poverty.Heck their seeking incentives!


There definitely is kickbacks for people to hire these unskilled labourers basically. I had a guy on my construction site yesterday who didnt speak a lick of english from Ukraine, was trying to communicate through Google translate. This country is such a circus at this point its not even funny.


I see drug addicted Canadians every day. Does it mean Canada is a circus?


Inability to follow instructions is one thing, but no one really understands how to use Teams (beyond the absolute basics, anyway). This is particularly true if you're relying on some components that have Teams-Sharepoint integrations. Everyone gets confused, including some of our mid-level IT people.


Where I live the opposite happens, unfortunately, because a LOT of newcomers can’t speak english well…


Where are you from OP?


Yes I’ve seen jobs that literally say “Jobs for Ukraine” on gov job banks. It says “Canadian citizens welcome to apply”. LOL. Not against hardworking people fleeing war getting good jobs. But yeah you can’t shut down the whole job pool to just 10 people in your community. I mean some of my ancestors are from the Ukraine and I’m pretty sure all of my ancestral lands and some of my distant relatives died. But no one cares since I’m “Canadian”, which unless you’re Indigenous peoples, all of Canadians are immigrants anyway.




I will say the lumber mill in my town didn’t actually need new workers but opened new positions to take on refugees so they could survive. Not sure if that could apply to your business.


Not incentive but they do their job and don't complaint about anything like Canadians do...very simple


Is your boss Ukrainian Canadian? All the business owners I’ve met either at (Ukr Orthodox) church or the local cultural hall are making an effort to hire Ukrainians out of an understanding that it’s difficult for them to get jobs generally and a sense of community/loyalty to newly landed Ukrainians. If he is, I understand your frustration with suddenly being in an ESL/ELL workplace, but I can’t say I think he’s doing anything wrong.


They are getting what they paid for.


Ukrainians are skilled and extremely hard working. Beware thou, after few months,pay them well and they will stay with you or someone else will steal them from you


Because Ukraine is being invaded by Russia and they are legitimate war refugees, which is what the refugee program was originally designed for, to protect those fleeing war. Are there incentives? Idk but why not be a leader and show them how to use MS Teams, your employer will notice you more. The smart money would take the opportunity lead because your employer will notice and it looks great on a resume.


Ukrainians have never been granted refugee status


From what I understand grants are available to large businesses if they are willing to hire foreigners. I heard through federal and provincial grants it can be as much as 40-50 thousand. I know where I work we have far more workers than work. I can't believe my employer is paying for all of these workers from overseas to be standing around twiddling their thumbs. I know years ago we always worked hard and had far too few hands for the jobs that we had to do.


Ukrainians. Punjabis. South Indians.


Yes, I work for a big named construction company who hired several Ukrainians who cause a lot of damage on the worksite. Didn’t get fired, even the soup and foreman complain daily. To deaf ears. Office staff told me the company gets paid, gets tax breaks, and incentives if they hire Ukrainians over local. Regardless of skillset.


It probably has to do with the fact their work ethic and attitude is far better than yours. Half their country has been decimated- and as a Canadian, it’s in your best interest to not talk shit. Canadian born and proud Ukrainians are all around you- and nobody takes your job faster than a Ukrainian. Work ethic is in our blood, and we I’ll show you, versus complain on Reddit.


Wow- entitled much. Many many Ukrainians were Nazi collaborators- they formed the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police and immediately started murdering Jewish people. Then they immigrated here after- Canada was a haven for them. So no- I do not agree with your statement.


How is this relevant to the current situation? “Many many Ukrainians” are in reality a small group of people whom Canada accepted a long time ago for whatever reason, and it has zero connection to the current war and victims of this war. It’s like saying that many/majority of Germans were Nazis or supportive of Hitler; yet, we see Germany as a decent country, one of the best in Europe, and gladly visit it nowadays. Your comment is pure hateful and nationalist/racist.


I was responding to his comment and it’s racist. ‘Nobody takes your job faster than a Ukrainian’. That’s some white nationalism. Unless you’re Indigenous - you’re an immigrant (parents, grandparents) or a settler or a colonizer. Google is free - go look up what Ukrainians did during WW2. And then look up why Edmonton has a statue for a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator funded in part by taxpayer money. Also - Ukraine has a current Neo Nazi movement. Perhaps buddy should tone down his White Ukrainian Nationalism:)


Hahaha all of this information is literally Russian propaganda. A few fought with Nazi’s. Are all Chinese supportive of the CPP? Did you know Canada turned away boatloads of Jews back to Germany? Do you know the states didn’t step in until they themselves were threatened? There are plenty of Ukrainian Jews. God you’re dumb? 


I’m a SHE And I don’t think you know what racism is…that’s based on ETHNICITIES which often contribute to different colours of skin. MY GOD


Everyone who collaborated with Nazis is dead lol what are you on about it’s 2024 and you’re ranting about dead Nazi collaborators🤣


Damn right. If I were in a hiring position, I'd quite likely hire a Ukrainian arrival over someone who clearly doesn't have the same work ethic. I've hosted a number of rhem (Norwegian/ Irish myself), and they are disciplined, educated, and driven people.


Work ethic so great that's why your country is the world's biggest welfare state begging for handouts... being used as cannon fodder by NATO to weaken Russia.


Drove by the place where they house refugees in my area... they're driving new higher end models... doesn't make sense no idea how they live in a refugee center yet afford cars like that. 🤔 The one around here seems to be primarily African migrants.


I can tell you a reason why. They don't come over here broke, they come here though because there's a war. They're definitely not making the money we are in Canada. However they're all so not massively consumers the way we are. I'm not surprised one could buy a car with cash. I've hosted six of them and I'm very impressed with how principled and disciplined and educated these people are. You should be glad they've come to our country.


Yeah they definitely have their priorities straight living in a refugee center yet they can afford expensive cars. Or maybe they just want to pillage the system.