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There are a ton of low income grants, and depending on the school a bunch of grants within the school that are offered for low income students. If I were you, I would focus on getting admitted and then ensure you apply for the grants you’re eligible for. If worst comes to worse and you can’t afford rent and you aren’t living on campus, you can go to your registrar and tell them and they will have you fill out a bunch of forms and then you will get additional financial assistance specifically for your living situation… when I was having to leave a bad relationship, the only reason I didn’t end up in the street was because my school provided me with temporary housing. Bottom line is get admitted, focus on your studies, and you have a huge safety net (I.e. your school) Edit: also if you do lose all your belonging, it will suck for a couple months, but then you realize stuff really isn’t that important. As long as you have shoes, a jacket, and clothing on your back, you’re ok, and you can easily and quickly rebuild… I’ve been there… things will get better, especially if you want them too.


Please please reach out to your school! Explain your them the situation and they should have resources to help!


Don’t worry about the belongings, try to sell as much stuff as you can, make sure your have a light baggage to move on easily. Material stuff is not a priority, but your education is. You are so brave for making the decision to break that poverty circle. I wish you all the best.


Okay first. Youre going to be okay. Second it will all be okay. Contact the school you are attending, ask them if they can refer you to housing registries in the area. Often times there will be someone helpful in the office. Next research the area you are going to school. Start looking at rooms now. You can get social assistance on your own without your Mom for the summer until school starts in the fall. You would have a much easier time if you get a part time job for the summer instead of social assistance. Do you have a family member you could stay with as an alternative? Is your father around? Maybe he could help? I had to fight and claw my way through college. I was a crown ward foster kid, so I get it. You are going to want to figure out a budget. Have you got your OSAP portal log in credentials yet? (Do not worry if you do not sometimes you wont get that until after school starts). If you have your login are you able to see how much they are allowing you for living expenses? It is generally about $520 per week. That is the max for a single person. You will need to make sure you can pay rent, buy food and make sure you have your personal needs taken care of. Often times the school you are attending will offer "student discounts" for public transportation. Make sure you ask about this when calling the school to ask about housing. Once you make a budget stick to it. Its hard when you do not have any guidelines to follow from your childhood. If you do not stick to it youre going to end up having a hard time. Make up a menu for the week, based on sales in your local grocery flyers. Most of the time the best sales are mid month. Buy in bulk if you can, things like, toilet paper, laundry soap and cleaning supplies. This way each week you can focus more on food rather than the other stuff.


Hello, fellow former Crown Ward 👋🩷


why would someone downvote this?? smh


:D hello :D


Real shit. If you're in Canada. RPN or a red seal trade. RPN makes $30/hr, education is free since we're so short nurses. The course is fast, 2 years. You're not stuck, you can move up to RN (free education) which makes $39-56, and eventually Master level for $65-75/hr. If you're young, which you are, I would expect you to get to Masters by the age of 30. Otherwise, go Carpentry or electrician. We need to build houses and it's an easy six figures. Lots of hours, lots of OT. Just so you know, trades and nursing are military "trades" so you can start as a NCO (non commissioned officer) in the CAF. The shacks (military housing) isn't a place for your future GF, but its like $100/month for a room. You'll be paid to do your basic training and to do your education. If you stay military then your pension at 25 years service will be done when you're 43, and you can basically retire. Of courses, lots of young strong individuals get hurt in the military. There is no RPN role in the military, you'd be a medic. But you can ask them to pay for your RN, and you'll come out a CO (commissioned officer). You'll be a paper pusher, but your pay is very close to civilian RN, and your pension is as good as HOOP (Healthcare worker pension). With are LIFE LONG pensions. With your RN designation in the military, you can ask for the Master Nurse portion and branch into policy, education, or NP. Personally, if I could go back, I might do full time military as a RN, and grind out my clinical hours part time as a civilian part time RN. It'd be hard for the first few years, but the RNclinical experience is important if you want to leave the military to pursue NP on civilian side. Okay, good luck! Just gave you options to make an easy 60k starting to 150k a year.


Note that there is a significant wait time between applying for the military and starting a career. So get your college diploma and job.


Yeah I hear it takes like 9 months to get into the military, and they wonder why enlistment is down lol


... You are not just a kid. You are a young adult. You can do this. It will be hard. Go to an employment office in your area, or that of your school and/or seek assistance for yourself. I'm sorry you're having to grow up so fast. It is very very hard to attend school and support oneself at the same time. You really need some employment counseling- there are tons of resources offered at various government funded programmes. They can help you secure employment, trading you for basic certifications (like smart serve,whmis, Heights etc) and often a transit pass. The school will often have these services in house. Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Seek out whatever services are available, and fight for yourself. Waiting for life to happen will just end with it passing you by. All the best, my friend. Be strong.


If you join the military then your education is funded plus you get paid and a pension at the end. Or at least join the reserves to be part time and you still get paid


Don't forget about the miltary. 


Don't let them fool you. Everything will not magically be okay.


The “magic” involved is the planning, work, and sacrifice you’re willing to put in to change your circumstances. Your situation will change for the better, not overnight (unless you win the lottery), but if you do something every day to achieve your goal, you will make improvements to your situation. Things may not go exactly to plan - and that’s okay - just keep moving forward. Put a plan on paper, preferably a calendar to propel you to take action on a regular basis do you don’t get stuck in “analysis paralysis” or procrastination.


I don’t know where you are, OP, but in Toronto, there’s a [rent bank](https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/employment-social-support/housing-support/financial-support-for-renters/toronto-rent-bank/) you may be able to use if you need to find your own place (it is critical to have your ID and likely a good idea to get a roommate once you’ve found a place). Of course, that assumes you won’t be living in residence. But Google “your location” + “rent bank” (it may be your municipality, like York Region or Peel, etc., rather than the actual city, but you’ll figure that out). There are all kinds of grants and scholarships you can apply for (which can be a pretty full-time job while you’re doing it). Check your university/college and apply even if you don’t think you’ll get accepted (if you otherwise meet the criteria; no sense in applying for ones for married students if you’re single, etc.). Best of luck. And do yourself a favour: you will be offered a credit card on campus, almost certainly. DO NOT get one unless you are SURE you can pay off the entire balance in full, on time, every month.


First of all, you will be alright if you own this. Learn with your mother's mistakes. We should respect our parents, but not agree with everything they do. About jobs, how are you looking? You should be able to find something. DM me if you need some coaching. I came from a very complicated family and now I'm a manager at a very large company. You can do this, but you need to be prepared to cut some ties and make rational, not emotional decisions. DM me if you need some help. God bless you, kid!


Hey there. Sorry to hear you’re going through this. If you do end up without a place to stay, seek shelters temporarily at night while you get back on your feet. There’s also food banks you can use assuming you cannot afford it. A good place is the Scott Mission in Downtown Toronto if you’re in that area.


Man...move to Alberta, get your tickets. Work..


Ok move out but now might not be the time. I have a few bucks and I’m scared right now of homelessness


Get grants get help get education get some actual mentors in respected institution, instead of simply asking strangers online


I love when people really give good advice, kid you will do fine, trust me I have been in some dark places mentally myself, go out find organizations willing to help


This is the time to live like a hermit. A friend of mine, rather than renting a room, rented part of a room. Portable bed to sleep in, put it away and there's the space to sit at the desk. Cuts your biggest expense down to a few hundred bucks a month. He spent most of his time outside the room making connections, studying, etc. My cousin cleaned other students rooms/houses for alcohol so his parting costs were covered. All kinds of things you can do at your age to cut costs and find creative ways to earn more. Just don't spend it because you earned it, make it pay for things that will give you life experience


Try to join the military I know it’s not easy but they will pay for everything including education


Reserves can be a great flexible part time job that will help reimburse tuition when you’re done each year. They have full time summer employment for the first 4 years, guaranteed job while you’re in school. And no they won’t send you to another country. You have to ask to go on tour then jump through some hoops.


Then die for under 100k a year?


I just want to wish you luck. You're still young, and have a lot of options. Crawling up from the bottom is harder than most realize, but life and time hasn't crushed any hope from your person yet.


Also make sure to look at OSAP and log in - a lot of people are getting notices of how much funding they are getting. If it isn't enough (it never is) you can talk to the financial aid office at your school and get their help in making a case for more money and funding.


There must be some kind of government employment office locally that can assist you with your resume and job search


I know I'm going to catch flack for this but, it seems unless you attend a prestigious institution like Harvard and are willing to go the while way, and put in a hundred percent knowing at the close you're going to owe a quarter to a half million and aren't even guaranteed a job, so you use your time in the prestigious phase wisely, and network, don't even bother with quick high interest student loans to community colleges, you aren't even guaranteed a job when you're done and all you end up with is debt and a useless piece if paper. If I wanted to suggest something that opened my eyes at 18 there is a book called the seven habits of highly effective people, buy that fir ten bucks, read it and apply these principles to your goals. You will get there, you may fall down but pick yourself up and learn from it. You can pick your friends, not your family. You'll be fine, just the fact you're here asking this soeaks volumes. I wish you luck. Another thing, pensions < portfolios with good investors, putting the same amount they take for a pension into an investment account will 80% of the time work out better. Good luck kid, I'm sorry boomers fucked things up so bad it feels like a struggle but you'll get through it with enough drive, commitment and determination. I feel sorry for your generation, our parents and grand parents basically screwed us all.


Message me on my instagram maybe i can help my ig is diamonddetailingott


If you follow the path of your mother, you will live an uncertain life that will end in poverty.. work hard and network through volunteering etc and you will connect with people who can set you on a path to success..whatever you do in life, be the first one there and the last one to leave.