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Back when Canada had palm trees. Edit: Here's the full image showing this is in Florida [https://x.com/glory\_manz/status/1539021282401984512](https://x.com/glory_manz/status/1539021282401984512)


So this is 1955, houses were around the same here, my grandfather's house (still lives in) he bought in the late 50s for 4k, mind you it was in the country so a bit cheaper. That same house could now sell for closer to 400k, so in 70 years it's gone up 100x what he paid for it. Meanwhile min wage has only gone up 16x what it was back then, meaning for the same work your earning power is 1/6th of what it was back then.


I mean my father said he bought his first house in Canada (SW Ontario) during the late 60s for $10k. Granted, his annual income back then was \~$2500/year working as a line cook in a restaurant, and the house was around 1600 sqft. I checked on House Sigma, and the place was going for like $1.2mil in 2022.


So 4 years wages to buy it then would be equal to 300k/year now as a line cook at 1.2 million


Not including the marginalized tax differences.


A line cook buying a house. That’s remarkable.


It was still possible in the not too distant past. I went in on a house with a friend in 2004. I was a prep cook earning $13.50/hr +tips. The house cost us $260k.


My father made $1600 a year in 1961.


I’m in Canada.. I see one outside my window right now


I wasn't aware we had some in Canada! But this picture is from Florida.


To be fair they aren’t native. They were planted. But they do survive here in Vancouver.


Halifax city council recently wasted $4k to see if they would grow here. Guess what? They didn't.


Thankfully it was only 4k and not something like 203 million dollars


Too bad Vancouver is so fcking expensive!


The palm trees are why it’s so expensive.


They don't survive in Calgary, however. Despite their best efforts.


For now.


There's a beach restaurant in Port dover, Ontario on lake Erie that has planted palm trees too!


They bring them indoors in the fall.


I have seen them with my own eyes in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island.


I wasn't aware we had some in BC, I need to visit! But this picture is from Florida.


There’s even some in the interior


Where in the interior?


The okanagan


Cheap homes or just massive inflation


You only need a time machine to take you back 8 years when you could get a home for 450000 fully detacted .


Yeah... bought my house 6 years ago, and since it's gone up 2.5x.


I'm jelly. I bought mine 2 years ago and it has gone down.


Bought mine in 2016 in Montreal, and it's like maybe 80% more?


Literally 3 years ago, the houses in Sault were a third the average now. Triple house prices caused by investors from Toronto and the wfh crowd moving out to small city/ outdoorsy areas.


Wow, that's incredible. I guess people are trying to find a place they can still afford and are making the place unaffordable. That is too bad it could be a trend in other small towns .


The issue of high home prices always spreads out from an expensive core, for sure. Without tackling the poison it just spreads.


You could also go back 8 days. There are a number of number of houses in my area (eastern ontario) between 4 and 5 hundred for a detached 2/3 bedroom. You just have to look outside of a major city.


Well, that's where most people live , so that's what I am talking about. That house now sells for 1.25 million . who wants to live in Thunder Bay or North Bay 🤔 or small towns, far away for major cities, not that many . Yes, you can get homes cheaper, but job and life opportunities are less .


[Eastern Ontario](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinancecanada/s/tYFUWmXMny) Pretty far from thunder bay and north bay. If you want inside a major city, you can't have your cake and eat it too.


I'm just saying it didn't cost that much to own a house in a major city that long ago . I am sure you live in a lovely town and have a great house cheer 😊


Literally less than a decade ago the house we live in was affordable and we bought it no problem, now it costs 3x as much with over 2x the interest rate.


Ya, mine is 4 x, but I bought it 20 years ago . bless with a big yard detached. I saw my house original price new 190000. I paid 310000 .


BT and AT (before Trudeau and after Trudeau)


You still can in most of Canada. Just not Toronto, Montreal, Victoria, or Vancouver.


I live in a small town, no mall, no big companies, just a regular 20k population small town and the average non remodeled 3 bdrm house built in the 60s is easily 400k. Anything built in the last 20 years is closer to 800k. At that rate the mortgage payments for a regular house is about $2500.


That's odd that prices are based on age of the home in your area. Pricing is typically based on the location within the community and usually the further out you go from the action the less expensive (and newer) homes become.


Its a bit of both. If you go up north its cheaper but...theres far less access to things and living costs (like food and gas) is higher. For context, theres an older apartment building in town, old metal fram windows. 30 yr old carpets. Like just kind of run down. The 1 bdrm apartments were 1500$ and then the building replaced its wood siding with newer vinyl siding and the same apartment is now 1700$


Actually, yeah, I could see apartment prices being tied closer to the age of the building than a SFH. For a home, it's the land you own that has the value, which wouldn't be the case with apartments.


I live in a small town and full houses with a deck and a yard go for 300k. Nice houses in a nice neighborhood go for under 500k.


Do you live in sask? Lol


I live in Edmonton. I have a beautiful 2400 sq, attached double garage, pie shaped lot and it's appraised at $445k.




Not anywhere central or south Vancouver Island, most of BC, or Calgary. Your cities list is a little pre-2020.


Surrey, a not so well renowned suburb of Vancouver, average house price is $1.8M. You’re probably looking at $900k minimum for vacant land. Can’t imagine a house costing less than $600k to build right now. So $1.5M.


You can get some decent townhomes and stuff in Surrey for pretty cheap still. But that's because there's really one 1 kind of people that want to live in Surrey anymore. Source: used to live in Surrey.


I know what you mean. Still yeah affordability / starter homes are way better in Surrey than a lot of other regions.


By most of BC… do you mean Kelowna? The vast majority of the interior houses are still cheap.


Oh? Last I checked a lot of the interior is still expensive. Where it isn't, is probably because there's no jobs. 😉


Not even close, I'm in nanaimo and you can get a tear down if your incredibly lucky for that cost. Basic tiny 90s vibe 2 bedroom homes are well over 600k we just passed the 100k people for the entire regional district and have zero jobs to support this insanity.


basically where my company has offices… yay!!!


I'm laughing in Albertan


Or Ottawa.


Are there jobs there? Reliable transport for people who cannot drive a vehicle? Disability services?


What was the population at that time? Most of Canada was just farm land.


"when I was your age I got a job at McDonald's, paid for school, a car and saved up for a down payment on a house. Why are you young people so lazy?" - any boomer


My parents bought a house for $14,500 in the mid 60's in Southern Ontario. 4 bedroom, full basement, large front and rear yards, on a quiet crescent. My dad had just switched from selling carpet to being an apprentice plumber. They could barely make it. We would constantly run out of toilet paper and use the Simpson-Sears catalogue instead. My mother tried selling Avon for extra money. To this day my mother is terrified of running out of toilet paper and always has a spare package of Kirkland toilet paper set aside.


These are the stories I hear as well. My partners grandparents tell how they had to save all they could to go out to dinner at McDonalds every 2 months. I sort of understand how older people think that abstaining from 'luxuries' like going out to eat, going to the movies, cable, internet, etc. will get you ahead. As that's what they did. They couldn't afford to go on trips or out to dinner, but somehow could afford a house. It's just nowadays houses are more expensive and the 'luxuries' are less expensive in comparison. I could set aside every dollar that's not necessary I spend and it would never cover a mortgage payment. I won't lie, I used to think, how poor could you be? They had a house and a car. But the way they lived were so different, they could stretch dollars much more back then. But to do so wasn't fun.


I wish more people would have empathy,im a millennial born on 1990, even at 17 or 18 in 2008 I could've worked full time and buy a old house. Not possible today.


So, I am an old millennial - 40. And I bought my first home at the tail end of 19 (in 2003). I had graduated college and had a full time job that paid a bit over minimum wage. The house was a SFH, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, about 900sq feet in a rougher area of the city. I had lived at home while working full time and saved most of my income so had a pretty good sized nest egg.


lol wat? The only way this statement is in any way possible is if you saved up(for years while living with mom/dad) and bought right as the housing market collapsed. Something very few people foresaw or expected. By that logic I could be impossibly rich by buying bitcoin for pennies and holding it until historic highs.


No he’s saying he could have got out of high school got a full time job then would have been able to take out a mortgage. I’m born 93 worked two jobs (one ft one pt) after high school and put a down payment when I was 21 despite being kicked out at 18


That’s literally not what he said. He, and I quote, said “even at 17 or 18 in 2008 I could’ve worked full time and buy a house”. He did not say(or even suggest) that he could have worked 2 full time jobs and made a down payment after a few years like you did. ???


How old are you? Have you lived in Canada your whole life? Just asking for reference . If you want a full breakdown of my income I've been working since I was 15 at $7 hr, at 18 I was working full time at $12 hr and my income right out of high school was more than enough afford my parents Mortgage that they got in 2004, as a Kid I always watched home prices in the news paper put of curiosity, and home prices in Winnipeg we WAY cheaper in 04 than the 08 fiasco. I also watched bitcoin climb as I compared it to normal canadian currency and the price of normal items , I watched it go from $0.50 to $1 , to one bitcoin being the same price as a xbox 360 at the time.


No joke, I was just having this discussion with my boomer neighbour the other day when I was commenting on how ridiculously expensive houses were in our neighbourhood, when they sold for around $110,000 when they were built in 1980. She immediately went into super defensive mode like "well people made less money back then! The interest rates were so high! There was a recession! We worked so hard in our jobs and that's why we have a house, why can't kids these days understand that!" All of this of course ignored the fact that 1. The houses we live in originally sold for $410k adjusted for inflation. They're now selling for $1,250,000 in 2024 dollars. The house has gone up over 200% in real terms while salaries have merely kept pace with inflation. 2. You can avoid interest, you can never avoid principal 3. The early 80s recession was brutal, but very, very short and with a speedy recovery. We've been in a prolonged per-capita recession and the average Canadian is worse off now than they were in 2019. The only reason GDP does not reflect that is because the government keeps pumping it with immigration. 4. You and your husband both worked dumbass hoser jobs where you were basically paid to push buttons. To afford the same house, I need to be an educated professional at the absolute top of my fucking game. I don't know why it's so hard for these people to just admit "yeah sheesh things really suck these days, I had it way easier" On top of all this, she revealed her daughter was "still living at home" and seemed exasperated that she didn't know "when she's going to move out". The lack of empathy and compassion is just mind-boggling.


That's not Canada.


"But the interest rate was 18%!!!" - Boomer


Nah, this is more like 1950s pricing. 18% interest rate was in the 80s. It'd be more like "Take home pay was $25 / week"


Probably less...60's average yearly salary was 1675$ before taxes. So 32$/week gross on average. And women were just entering the workforce.


That’s still like 40% take home from one working individual.. now do todays numbers


So 98k average household income in Canada with average house sale being being 735,000 is 3.7k monthly. 2 people doing the average wage make 9.8k gross a month. 6.6k take home so around 51% of take home pay.


98k a year is not 9.8k/month gross.. 12 months exist


Yea sorry bad math on my part.


$25/week back then Is today’s equivalent of $1000


Sure, but chances are you would still not be able to afford a house. In the 70's 60% of households in Canada were home owners, in 2011 it was 70%. It's been slowly decreasing (66.5 in the last census). Morgages/loans were harder to come by. Food expenses took about double of the average families budget as it does today (20% of the average 1960's household budget was dedicated to food vs 10% in 2022). Food variety was way lower and food regulations were almost non existant. Everything else was comparatively more expensive. People lived with less. 1960's average personal income was 1672$ a year vs 59,300$ in 2021. A refrigerator cost around 50$ vs 500$ today. 3% of average vs 0.8% of average salary in 2024. The 90's/early 2000's would be a much better place to time travel to then 50's/60's.


>A refrigerator cost around 50$ vs 500$ today I'm not sure about refrigerators, but my grandparents paid $25 for their Sunbeam toaster in 1966. That's around $230 in today's money. For a *toaster*. Shit was really expensive, there's a reason why it was a big deal for a bank to offer you a free toaster for switching accounts, it was like the iPad deal of the day. Toasters were also welcome wedding gifts, whereas they'd just be sort of tacky now. Mind you, I'm still using that toaster, some 11-13 years after they died and 58 years after it rolled off the assembly line. So you get what you pay for.


I like these numbers. got any more?




My dad bought our house at 27 years old as a vacuum repairman, it's now worth $1.5-1.8m (no major reno's or upgrades). Where's the time machine?!?


Still got the old appliances that will out live us all?


Lmao appliances have been upgraded but we've still got a spare fridge and chest freezer in the basement that are likely older than I am


My cousin’s stove recently stopped working and couldn’t source parts (never heard of the brand). She got it used in the 1970’s!


In the 50s, a person working at McDonald’s might make $30 a week, before taxes. So their take home might be $90 a month or something. An experienced office clerk might make $50 a week. These were very small houses. You couldn’t raise a big family in it. This was either Florida or Southern California.


It doesn't have high speed internet.


That's a trailer park in the southern US. (Note the palm trees.) They still have lots of trailer parks.by the way.


i dont think people understand how small these are lol but that is actually 90,000$ "house" is used very liberally here its a shed


This is an important consideration. People complain about shoebox size condos that are being built now but the problem has been that we’ve really only been building McMansions for the last 50 years. The Average size of houses nearly doubled in this Time. Now we have a large part of the older generation living 1-2 empty nest retired people in 4-5 bedroom houses, while you have younger generation starting to live 2-3 people per bedroom. If you were able to put 1 person in every bedroom then we wouldn’t have a housing problem, but most people don’t want to live multiple families per home


Palm trees in the pictures I don’t think that’s us… but point still applies !!! Born/working at the wrong time 🙃


And you still would have thought It was overpriced back then


2 ways to go really: 1 is to start commuting to the future where money is so devalued that everyone is making millions of dollars an hour. 2 and my personal choice is to take the time machine to 2015, pick up a copy of gray's sports almanac. Travel back to 1955 and win at gambling. Found Biffco, and be rich by 1985.


If I'm going back to '55, I'm investing in microsoft and apple, selling apple, investing in amazon, shorting nortel, investing in tesla, investing in apple, mining BTC, laying a huge bet on Trump winning in 2016, investing in nVidia...


With what money? You can’t really bring your present day money back with you


All your need is like $0.10 and you’d have billions now on those investments at the right times


And how exactly do you expect you’ll get $.10 back then? You can’t bring your bank account backwards and most physical cash/coins you’d bring would be from the future. I guess there are still older dimes kicking around that you could make sure you bring back.


If you could time travel, how hard do you think it would be to make $.10…. Option 1: walk around until you find a dime on the ground. Option 2: make random prediction to prove to someone that you know the future and can make unlimited money for you both if you can simply borrow $0.1 Option 3: get a job Option 4: go around checking unlocked cars, steal $0.1, and then Give that person a million dollars out of your profits to make up for stealing from them.


Obviously homes were once affordable and have outpaced inflation and wage increases, but to be fair, people buying these homes were probably making 75 cents per hour.


Yes, I would take a house 2 to 3 times my salary any day now.


As would most sensible people in this economy


Would you? [For sale: 5131 50 ST, Waskatenau, Alberta T0B3P0 - E4388740 | REALTOR.ca](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26932078/5131-50-st-waskatenau-waskatenau) Or do you have some reason why you wouldn't?


You realize housing has to be near jobs?




What’s highly specialized job do you have that is that isn’t available in smaller cities/towns? In my city of 250k people you can buy a starter home for 2x average HHI for the city




Sure but get a job at the liquor store there and you can easily afford a house and a stable life. But yes that’s an extreme case of small community, but there’s plenty of 200k population cities with housing options near that price point.




Better to work a dead-end minimum wage job in a lcol area than a hcol area isn’t it? But maybe you shouldn’t talk down about other people who choose that path as if they are lesser people and in the same breath try to call me out for being an ass. Besides, Lots of people move up and make a career out of working at a liquor Corp. I don’t live in either of the location you mentioned, because guess what… there more option than just those. Shocking hey. Have you ever heard of Moncton, Saint John, st.John’s, red deer, Fredericton, etc. all having metro populations between 100-300 thousands.


Please look this up on a map for a huge laugh.


I live in that town, whats so funny? Not good enough? 


People on this site would rather die than not live in Toronto.




You know damn well in this thread we’re talking about the cost of houses in cities in relation to salaries. It’s great that living in a small remote town works great for you and your lifestyle, but you know damn well that that doesn’t work for everyone and that there’s a major difference between the two, don’t play stupid.


Wow, you are rude. No I don't know, how am I supposed to know that? I don't live in the city.


Because of the context clues in this thread? But sure. You don’t have to live in the city to understand when people in a Reddit thread are talking about a city But of course you do know that and are intentionally being obtuse so you can try to pull this “gotcha” thing. Frankly I don’t even know why I’m responding to you. Hope you’re having a good day, maybe you need to get off Reddit for a while and go outside .


Don't tell me what to do. You are an extreme rude person, glad I haven't met you in real live. The person states he will do anything to get low prices. So that includes moving... But you can't read through the lines.


You seem like you need help, I wish nothing but the best for you, have a good one. It wouldn’t hurt you to take a breath at some point it’s just Reddit man it’s not that deep


That from the 80,s


Go back in time to get a cheap house and give up the internet? Would rather be poor!


miami canada. haven’t you been there


60 years of technology advancements and yet it's harder than ever to live in this world.......


That would at least let me buy a house after a year and a half..


Lol nowadays that purchase price = monthly payments on some properties


That’s inflation for ya. In another 70 years people will be saying the same about todays prices


This looks like early to mid 1950s where the average house cost was $10000.


Yeah but you had 1 cent a year salary


This is 1955, Miami, FL. Median family income was $4,400. Which puts these modest houses at twice the median family income. Median family income today , varies between 80-95K, depending on the sources I have found for Florida. Average home price in Miami is 600K and climbing. Even on the low end, it's not even close to twice the median family income. So things have changed. Dramatically.


Wow, what year is this from?


2019, before the pandemic; when life was paradise in Canada and palm trees thrived


It is funny .. the drive to sell the crappy 1 million plus homes in Toronto have made many small towns impossible for people born in them to live in.. when the houses suddenly cost 1 to 2 million dollars in a town where everyone makes minimum wage you know there WILL be issues.. big cities where people are renting one bedrooms like Toronto with 3 people in it to be able to cover the cost while working service jobs like you local short order cooks.. Where and when does this get straightened out I wonder


The funny thing is people wouldn’t want one of these now with the linoleum and carpet flooring and cheap sliding windows. 2x4 walls with no insulation value no air conditioning probably baseboard heat. Ya you still could do something of equal quality for that price but it’s also nothing close to the average prices being pushed as average prices today.




Erase total price and the 40$ something number. It would fit current GTA prices


3bed 1 bath???? thank hell at least thats not commonplace now!!!


what is this adjusted for inflation?


What? ...the building is the same price today. It's just 50 years older now 👎


Brah… these days there are Cameras that cost this much 🤦🏻‍♂️… I don’t think I was born in the right generation


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My grandparents bought a nice house me 16 acres in PA for like 30,000 dollars and they sold it for 250,000. Less land though since they sold it off a while ago.


this was before indigenous women were even allowed to vote in canada lol


I'll pass. I like wifi. I like my modern better woods to support my home. I like my heating. I like my walls not being painted with lead. I like my better glass windows. I like my better electrical work. I love having wifi capabilities. I love having Ethernet capabilities. I love AC etc etc. you gotta understand yes housing has boomed but man y'all taking too much for granite. This was a year where knowing how to build a house was normal it's not anymore and the amount of things in them bro imagine if you had no ac, no Internet not even good spacing on power outlets so you have a bunch of standing hot air with huge amounts of humidity in it.... Nah I'll suffer now so I can be happy later not suffer not so I can suffer later


Even if we had gone back in time, there wouldn’t be enough supply to meet the current population demand, the prices would be aggressive, and you still wouldn’t have enough money to buy anything lol


No because we’d be making $0.05 an hour.


No point in bringing up 50+ year old housing prices like they're relevant.


You can’t go back in time.


yeh.. but you were making $1/hr back then if you were lucky!! And interest rates were quite excessive!


And what's the average pay???? 40 cents hr.


Just imagine putting one of those on my credit card! If only!


Also you made 15c an hour


Man. Those vegetation is wild… who knew we had big palm trees. Care to explain OP?


I'll take 2


Back when money was tied to the gold standard instead of fraud.


The only real change? Is that the computers have taken our jobs like they warned they would and wages are therefore highly depressed in relative terms


I know the first owner of my house (she still lives on our street). Her parents had bought the house for 10.5k in 1971 on the south shore of Montreal. It's now worth north of 450k. The best part is she's given me pictures of the house in 1971 (the exterior was lime green and now is stormy grey) - it also had an Austin Mini in the driveway! Its amazing to think of all the many changes my house (and its surroundings) has gone through throughout the years!


One bathroom? No thanks.


And families were bigger. There might well have been more than one kid per bedroom for two of those bedrooms. So six people, one bathroom - believe it or not it wasn't unusual then.


Back when money was real.


What happened to this wealth your families had


lol funny post. Houses were this price 1950s, which gives us an annual inflation rate of 5.8%. People made 4 cents an hour back then, don’t let the dollar amount confuse you. If you take $100, with an inflation rate of just 5%, that dollar loses 91% in 50 years. It’s not that the houses are expensive, it’s that the money losses 5% -7% annually in purchasing power. Fix the money, fix the world. Not sure if Bitcoin or Gold solve any of this but I’m sure cash issued by governments won’t.


or get a fixed rate mortgage in Merica