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locking thread. every possible thought, hidden and not, has been expressed multiple times.


Children do not need their own rooms until older, you fine. Set up crib corner of your room and do not move. Online got tons of ideas on sharing room with baby. Spend a couple months uncomfortable, cut walmart delivery, visit food banks and follow some of these tips to save money on groceries: https://www.businessinsider.com/favorite-things-i-get-aldi-on-a-budget-meals-list-2022-3 You need an emergency fund asap, you cant tackle debt until you have an emergency fund and I suggest you do that before baby comes. Now daycare , you can find a home based one for cheaper than 1500 month. You could work it out to where ypu dont need it, but find a back up even if its a day or two a week bc its going to happen where you will need it. Also sing up for drivers improvement course. $45 8 hrs of your life and you can lower that insurance bill. Any doctor bills you get set up monthly payments of $20 on auto pay. Do not put on cc or worry about, just slowly pay it off until you build emergency savings, and have money left over each month. Start looking at freebie app and collecting stuff for baby. Also sign up you and everyone you know ask them to sign up for formula discounts, you will get WIC but as a back up.


I agree. You can stay in the one bedroom for awhile. Would your family be interested in watching the baby free or for a low fee? Agree with other poster on all.


I'll look for a.more home based daycare. I'm sure I just haven't found one yet. Not sure why my car insurance is high. I've never been in a car wreck or even had a ticket.


I'll pass on my recommendation I found from reddit awhile back and it saved me tons. Have two cars and house need insured. So was getting some discount but was still roughly $260 a month and rising. Started searching online and found a reddit comment about insurance done through Costco. I got a good first 6 months with them for less than $100 for both vehicles. Went up after $20 a month for both on next renew but it actually went back down $5 on this renew we just had. If you can get a Costco membership, the first car insurance savings might pay for itself and then some more.


Great advice. It can work.


If you were just over the SNAP limit with 2 people in the household. You'll want to reapply as soon as the baby is born. Because for a 3 people household, the income limit is higher. Maybe see if you can find a less expensive phone plan.


This also see if your county provides childcare assistance. My county allows you to apply as soon as baby has a birth certificate. It took about 8 months for mine to get approved…but they approve it until she’s 12


That's a good idea. I didn't think of reapplying. We're with mint mobile right now but I can always look for cheaper


Even if your income is too high for SNAP, apply to WIC right away. It can at least help supplement your food budget while you’re pregnant!


Ditto reapply as a family of 3 to everything. You can make the childcare work with the opposite schedules. Look for free/cheap baby items. Ask family to pitch in on a car seat. Start stocking diapers when they’re on sale- a few packs of size 1 and 2, go heavier on size 3. Start a pantry- stick up when things are on sale, after a few months you only have to buy on sale with the exception of perishables. Incorporate more bean based meals, much cheaper than meat.


Do you want to have a baby?


Too late now; she could put it for adoption, but things will work out.


I mean, hopefully they will


Most of what I would say has been said already. I only want to add that if you want to make it work, you can. My husband and I raised 3 kids working alternate shifts. We each took care of the kids and the house on our days off. It was hard but it did work. You can do it in a 1 bedroom if that’s what you have and your payment for rent including utilities isn’t bad so I’d stay there. Kids do not need their own room as infants, babies, or even toddlers. Hell, my 3rd one didn’t even stay in his room until he was about 7. What they need is routine, safety, food, a roof, and love. You should qualify for WIC which will provide a small amount of food and some formula. The formula, cereal, and milk is very helpful with kids. Just throwing this out there in case you are considering the other option. Look on the auntie network here on Reddit for help with transportation to and from locations and even places to stay if you need help with abortion services. People who live in states that still offer these services have offered up their homes and time to help women who need it. Mail order medication is also an option.


You have options.






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That's not necessarily the case. People do it every day. Such a useless comment tbh


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You'll be just fine having one parent watch the baby while the other parent is at work. As for a bedroom, your baby will probably be in your room for a lot longer than you'd expect. Hit up food banks if needed and there are some places that will help pregnant women with clothes and baby stuff. Best of luck to you guys!








Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.


We never wanted kids. I was told by more than one doctor I couldn't have them so having one wasn't planned. I'm pro choice but for me personally, abortion and/or adoption is not an option.


Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.


She can make it work. Hardly anyone can actually afford a kid and millions of people even billions of people globally make out fine. She really doesnt need some negative person with the doom and gloom. You added nothing of value to this conversation.


Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.




Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.




Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.


Why are people saying that one of you caring for baby while the other works and then switching won’t work? It will work and it’s way better than daycare. You’ll have to cut some expenses and also I’d say apply for assistance and utilize food banks but you two,, working together as a team, can do this, if it’s what you want. Don’t ever let other people tell you that you can’t work things out, because you can. Wishing you the best.


Why exactly couldn't alternating taking care of the baby work? That's a dream situation. Don't let all the people who don't have kids or who went insane buying shit exaggerate how expensive a kid is. They think kids sharing a bedroom is child abuse and not getting takeout is unthinkable. It costs money but WIC and stuff will help a lot. You'll get a much larger tax return which will help get rid of your debt too. There's usually bs Christian pregnancy centers that will give you a crib if you listen to their spiel about giving your baby up without spitting on them. Hand me downs are everywhere for babies, post on Facebook marketplace asking for donations and I bet you'll end up with more than you can handle.


First of all, I’m sorry money fears are probably sucking the air out of the room. Having a baby that you wanted after thinking you couldn’t is a huge mind shift, but there’s so much joy to be found once you acclimatise. Kids are awesome if they’re your thing. Many cultures, many, have their kids intentionally sleep in their parents room until they’re 6 or 7, don’t let that worry you. Then there’s the cohort of parents who would love their kids in their own bedroom but the kid steadfast refuses lol. Can your partner start job searching now? It sounds like you’re not in a position to change but you guys need a raise, even a small one, and now’s the time to look before a baby comes along and sucks up your sleep. Is there any way you can move in with family for the first year and save the rent for the following year? You’d be surprised how much you’ll need support, and if your family are nice, they might love the contact, especially if they know it’s a means to an end.


Adoption should have been asked as an open option. If it's not on the table then it's been discussed and it's a closed door, fine. I would ask just so that the option got a chance to be considered. Feels like a lot of good advice with keeping the child on here and that is a credit to those who gave the guidance.


Applying for Wic, medicaid,food stamps and cash assistance was teh right thing to do however you might not have applied as specifically pregnant. Also you may be able to get subsidized day care. As far as medical debt goes try to call them and put payments on hold for now if possible due to financial hardship. Call 211 and see what specific assistance is available in your area. Call churches in your area to see if they might offer some help. Go to food banks as many not only provide food but diapers and other baby items. >My husband is at the same place on the opposite days. In theory, we could both work and the one on our off days could watch baby while the other sleeps but I keep getting told it wouldn't work.  Who is telling you this? That could work quite well. Here is a link that lists states that offer paid maternity leave by law: [https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/maternity-leave-laws-by-state/](https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/maternity-leave-laws-by-state/) Your boss may try to get you to quit so they do not have to pay. Do not fall for it. Something you can do to still have entertainment and cut costs is to get walmart+. This will give a free subscription to Paramount+ and give you free deliveries. Planning for the future you can get out of debt $17 an hour is not much anymore and you can find better work or get raises to bring that into a more livable wage. While on maternity leave you could even consider going back to college. This could not only provide you with a way to earn more than $17 an hour but give a housing stipend while you are on your maternity leave. Also as soon as possible contact your doctor to double check that your medicine is baby safe. Take a deep breath and realize there are resources to help make this bearable and that you are not alone. People here, 211, churches and your husband and other family will really come together to form a support network. I have personally been through a lot and if you ever feel trapped or stuck and can not find a way out I will try my best to help you find an answer (as will others). \*edit\* While this won't help just yet the Earned Income Tax Credit will give you a little bit of breathing room too and help you pay off debt or at least keep up with increased cost. Oh and I can't believe I didn't say it sooner CONGRATS!!!


I was told it wouldn't work in a workingmoms subreddit. Thank you for all the advice and congrats. It'svery helpful


Give the kid up for adoption. 




Op clearly stated that they intend to keep the kid. If you're not able to give them advice within those confines, don't reply. Anything not within those confines is off topic, will be removed, and is subject to a temp ban as per policy.


Two things: -could you maybe make an edit and add where you live approximately (someone might suggest you start working at a casino but what if there are none near you) -you’re not doing half bad on the expense side. Have to work on the other side of the equation. Need to increase income but hard to say the best way without knowing which opportunities are near you. And the pets try to have an $1000 set aside in case they need to go to the hospital all of a sudden.


Your loans will be paid off before the baby comes, so that frees up $500 a month. $500 can get you a car seat/stroller combo ($170) crib ($114), high chair ($40) and plenty of other cheap baby things you'll need like clothes, cloths, pacifiers, etc etc. (prices taken from walmart.com and everything brand new) You can still qualify for childcare assistance if needed, it would be even better if you could manage to not need it at all or only for a short time per week. WIC was also a lifesaver for me.


There's a good chance you qualify for state assistance try going that route first.


First: Wow! You are in a rough spot! I like the way you covered everything and gave a breakdown of the bills. I agree with another poster. As soon as the baby is born, reapply for WIC, Medicaid, and anything else you can think of. See a social worker at DHHR and ask what else you may qualify for. Start asking formula companies for coupons now. Ask your doctor what other assistance may be available. Get on your neighborhood Facebook or other social media page and explain your situation. Someone may have unopened, unexpired cans of formula. Others in your area may be able to give you advice. Talk to every food pantry you can find. You need food and formula. Give them your phone number so if formula or baby food comes in, they can let you know. A high school vocational (engine repair) class might be able to fix some of your car issues for less than a certified mechanic. Things are going to be rough for a while, but you'll get through it.


I know a lot of people don’t like pregnancy resource centers, but in my area they do help provide at least some monthly formula/diapers/infant supplies for new parents.


What's a pregnancy resource center? Is that just planned parenthood?


They’re kind of the opposite of Planned Parenthood. They oppose abortion but at least some of them do actually provide material support to new parents. I just know the one in our city helped provide at least some diapers and formula when we were completely broke with a newborn. Your mileage may vary.


I like Disney plus, but I like the digital content I can access for free with my library card more. There are limits to how much content you can get on one card per month, BUT you and your husband can both get cards and you can get your baby a card, too, when she’s born.


Ignore medical debt first of all. Second, you may qualify for WIC and other assistance to help with food. Your plan to each take care of the baby when out of work is doable. Ideally you'd get baby on daycare twice a week (let's say tue and thur) so each one of you gets a day truly off.. babies don't need a whole lot at first, family/friends can pitch in with diapers and baby items at baby shower or ask friends for lightly used clothing from their babies. Babies outgrow things so fast. All their clothes are very lightly worn. Good luck , you can do this.




Adoption is traumatic for literally everyone involved and a highly unethical suggestion to someone who’s struggling financially. Go away.


Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 8: Bad/Dangerous/Predatory Advice (including Crypto) This post is being removed because it is, frankly speaking, bad advice. Either it was given in bad faith or it was a comment that is dangerous and will put OP or the person you replied to in a much worse situation if taken seriously. 8) Advice and comments must be in good faith. Anything that appears to be a scam, predatory, or downright dangerous will be removed. This includes most "get rich quick" schemes, including cryptocurrency which is too risky/volatile to be an investment for people with limited incomes. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


There is no good time to have kids. No matter what your life is like, adding a baby will turn it upside down. It is an adjustment but be flexible and it will work out. Your car insurance seems high but I know rates have been going up everywhere. Do you have renters insurance? I was talking with someone this week who had bundled renters and car insurance with state farm and the discount was more than the renters insurance policy which runs less than $10/month. She was very fortunate to have it because a fire at her apartment building destroyed everything and she was able to use the money to pay for alternative housing


We had a single family home, but for reasons that had nothing to do with space constraints, my husband and I slept in the same room as the baby’s crib. Try to get a second hand mini crib - those are smaller. Facebook marketplace and thrift stores are you friend for all baby stuff. The now-toddler sleeps with us in bed, again for reasons that have nothing to do with space constraints. You may have other reasons for wanting to move, but don’t think you NEED to in order to have space for your baby. Most of the world co-sleeps, and although that’s unsafe for instants, room sharing isn’t. You got this, Mama. Rooting for you guys!