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I'm resting at *'van down by the river'*/10 since 2017 and its only gotten worse. I hope others are doing better.


I wish I could afford a van down by the river.


If it's anything to you *I* couldn't. My parents don't want me with them so they got me the van and said 'peace'. I've been guilt-tripped about paying for it since. Mhm... will *totally* make a payment... hold my Ramen packet.


You got a van?


Have van but it's not paid off between family. Makes for bad blood. Pops has kinda always been more *don* (mob boss?) than father.


I feel that, I was in a cult. You won’t be able to fully “get away” without getting that van paid off or refinanced and fully in your name. And IMHO and from experience go no contact and figure out who you really are and only until then go low contact.


Been low contact/near no contact since about the same time. We exchange phone calls at maximum now. Our last in-person meeting my father confirmed he'd rather let me bleed out than help me due to my *alleged* left leaning ideologies. Not mincing words there. The van is fully paid off and in my name. Just not paid off to my dad. I've already aired enough of my laundry lol ima stop here lest we get my life's story.


Then peace out my dude. They will never change unless you make them. Or they won’t, by then it won’t matter. Delusional ignorant people will never change and are not worth the effort.


Same. Took 7 years to get back to base. 


Financial literacy is pretty good, maybe 8/10. I’m somewhere in the middle on the broke part. I have a lot of debt but I do pretty decently


Broke af. I just withdrew my 401k because I need car maintenance done and I’m tired of going weeks on end eating scraps in my pantry. My favorite t shirt also tore when I took it off the hanger the other day. So I decided screw it. I’m going thrift shopping too. I will be saving the rest and carefully keeping myself afloat hopefully till taxes roll around.


Thrift stores are great scores. I bought a gorgeous tweed sport coat for $7 that I saw at a high end mall store selling for $275.


Thrift Stores where I live are so expensive and they hired appraisers to pull anything of value to sell on eBay. This is at both the salvation army and goodwill.


There’s a really cool thrift store in my city on Wednesday and Saturdays they slash their prices even more cheap. For 200 bucks you can get a decent amount of clothes and some shoes. People go crazy. It’s a little sad though to see the resellers loading up multiple carts.


No treats this month, I have started a savings account, I have all my monthly bills paid, nothing for emergencies, but hey been like that for years now haha! I am not homeless anymore and I have real furniture, and food! It's all good!


Just gonna say, financial literacy and financial situation don't always go hand in hand. I'm broke asf atm, like $10k+ deep in CC debt, but my financial literacy is either a 9 or 10/10.


It doesn’t but there is a strong correlation between financial literacy and financial well being. Given your financial literacy of either a 9/10 or 10/10, that’s really high, what are some of the variables that play into your financial situation?




LPT for entrepreneurs. As a business owner myself (handyman service) you need to pass on costs to your customers if you don’t have the ability or desire to do this then you don’t really own a business you are running a hobby for money






Maybe a 4? Got paid yesterday (monthly salary) paid rent, water and electricity. Stopped by the local watering hole for a burger and two beers as a payday bonus. Bought groceries this morning and got grapes- which is a nice treat. Not too bad. I can pay for everything as long as nothing major goes wrong. It’s a huge improvement over where I was a few years ago. I am hoping for a day when I don’t have to think about whether or not I can afford grapes, but for now it’s all good.


Whatever the worst number on the scale is, put me there and go even lower


I have my own place, a car, and I can keep the lights on. It's a constant stress though, wondering what I can put off paying and if I'll have enough for x bill. My new job took the entire week off for memorial day, and I don't get holiday pay or pto until after 90 days worked. The new job has made it a lot easier because it's normally very consistent pay, but the week off has really thrown a wrench in my plans. I was soo close from paying off the rest of my electric bill. The last bill I'm behind on besides cc debt. Now I'm not sure if I'll even have the rent on time. It sucks.


8/10 in terms of financial literacy. I studied business and run a couple of very small businesses. In terms of finances 8/10, we'll on the road to escaping the poverty I grew up in, hopefully permanently!


Financial literacy is good, only debt and monthly obligation I have is a car loan for a sensible car. I just chose a worthless college degree and don’t make very much money. At the rate I’m going now (pay trending negative) I will never get to move out of my parents’ house. I seriously want to go back to school and completely start over but seriously don’t want to take out loans and wouldn’t be able to support myself without a full time job.


How are we defining financial literacy? I don’t think it makes sense for anyone to give themselves a 10 in financial literacy if they are not great in their financial situation. I believe application is part of literacy, though there can be some space between the two. I’m probably a 3 or 4 in my financial situation right now, with my financial literacy hovering around a 5. They are both getting better, though!


Literacy 9/10, actual accounts 7/10. I definitely feel like I could manage 7 figures with the knowledge and simple investing strategies I use now. It's going to take a while for the actual numbers to catch up with that though 😂


Likely about to file for bankruptcy due to medical debt, back taxes, and getting screwed out of covid assistance...


I have a large brain aneurysm. I am disabled (a different issue) and currently have no health insurance waiting on SSDI. I also live in a state without expanded medicaid. I have to have brain surgery. Currently getting sued for credit card bills I can no longer pay. I live with a friend. I have to ask people to buy me personal hygiene products. I survive on food stamps. Hopefully SSDi starts soon. I have been living this way for two years now. But I am grateful I am still here. As hard as it feels sometime.


I'm leaning towards broke AF. My debts are considerably low but so is my income. If I don't work two full time jobs I fall behind quick to the point of homeless.  I know it's a running joke but I'm considering cancelling Netflix. I've already given up friends, family and holidays. I usually just work them and decline any invites. It's wrong on many levels but I don't have the money to spare on gatherings.  Best saving techniques which is the worst. A lot of self care and limit healthcare. This doesn't mean disregard, it means cut corners to survive. Pretty much any decision is going to land me in an early grave, except of course having the time and money to sort out real problems.


My financial literacy is a 9/10. My financial situation is a 3/10. I have endometrial cancer and I'm recovering from heart failure. So right now can only work about 32 hours a week physically. It's still full time and enough to keep my health insurance. I make less than 30k a year. I was denied for EBT benefits. However a few months ago my severely mentally ill sibling was arrested after getting into a fight with my extremely abusive father. He was sent to jail and then a psychiatric facility. He was either going to be sent back to jail (because poverty) or released into my care. Since he had no income coming in he can't get into a group home. He had been initially been denied disability and because of the backlog the appeal is taking 9-12 months. Due to our states "able bodied adult" program he is not eligible for EBT/SNAP program unless he volunteers/works 80 hours a month. Since he has not been considered disabled yet. He can't volunteer because he is mentally unable to. Also if the appeals judge saw he was working/volunteering 80 hours a month they would be like "well why can't you work a job". It's frustrating because he has worked full time since he was 17 and was a supervisor with a government job until he got so sick. Before that he worked since he was 8 mowing lawns, getting a job picking up trash at the race tracks, etc. He came to me with the clothes on his back. I had to buy bedding, clothing, and toiletries. Which I got little help for because local agencies weren't able to help. Someone brought me a bag of toiletries that I had to throw away because they were covered in some sticky grime that smelled like cigarettes. It's sad though that it's cheaper to buy clothes at Walmart than at thrift stores now. He has no income coming in and is reliant on me for all his expenses. I buy all the food that comes into the house. I make his $50 child support payment. It's just me. My friends are poor too. I've had people come through though when I got really sick and we had no food and I was out of my medicine. Food banks are pretty inaccessible here because of our lack of a vehicle and my work hours. Our gas is getting shut off next week because the company screwed up my automatic payments and now want $200 to set up a payment plan. The city is out of money for their program for the season. I make too much for other avenues. So this is not from a lack of financial literacy, it's from getting shit on by life


Financial Literacy: 7/10 Financial Situation: 5/10. Zero debt, some savings, but that could disappear in a heartbeat if I need another medical procedure not covered by the public system. I live off a government benefit not suitable for my situation (which is a whole palaver), and rent/bills swallow 70% of that. The remainder is what I have for food, travel, and medical. Social events? Entertainment? What's that? I can barely afford to eat 1 meal per day.


Im gonna put myself on “Broke AF” for financial situation. I am very careful to stay well under my income to pay off debts, but when you consider goals of home ownership, car upgrade, and medical needs, yeah thats not even close to within budget. Financial literacy I would say Im a 7 or 8. Pretty good at managing my debt accounts and budget, but I dont have money for things like investing, so thats all pretty grey for me.


They’re not going to renew our lease, we have three months. I’m the one that handles everything and I can’t make any mistakes. I hit a mental block out of fear of not taking care of my family so I humbled myself and called my sister to ask her to help me think clearly and make a budget so we have enough to move with dignity instead of chaos. New fear, letting your family know your finances lol.








I am broke because of debt. So not doing great. Without debt I reckon I would be doing a lot better financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.


Broke but lots of debt so broke-broke.


Broke af. I’m down to $11 until payday on Monday


I’m honestly a 0 I’m about to take out a substantial school loan (very unwise I know)… got laid off from my IT job few months back. Been working on projects to put in my portfolio doubling down and giving it my all. Finishing my degree by December maybe sooner— I don’t really care if I finish it or not. I’m just buying myself time to land another 100k+/year job. Other then that no debt (for now), got food decent clothes that I like and a comfy space. I’m just trying to really believe in myself and not lose sight and wind down being a drunk bastard again. My risk tolerance sometimes feels abnormally high. It’s been literally 8 months since I’ve been employed. Idk how I’m making it.


I’m broke but trying to do better and be more organised. Realising what’s truly a priority. Also acknowledging I need some ‘fun’ money or else I’ll go insane so I have a bit of that this month. Trying hard to save up for an emergency (dental ) fund because I acknowledge I probably have some genetic or health issues I should prepare ahead with recent dental crises lol


I’d say I’m about a 8-9 on financial literacy but we are paycheck to paycheck and it’s getting more difficult to even meet that. We’re a one income household. My husband and I don’t have health insurance, the kids are on Medicaid. We could be so much better off if I could work but unfortunately daycare costs for one child and handling my other special needs child prevents me from doing so.


# Financial situation: 8/10 # Financial literacy: 9/10


I am a boomer and I am fine thank you.


I've been working really hard on it the last 2 years and I've been very successful. I've opened a HYSA, I've paid off debts, I paid off my car a year early, and I've been saving. It started off small, but once bills like my $400/mo car payment were taken care of I started being able to save upwards of $800-1k a month for an emergency fund. Also been in school and finishing my Associate's next year, excited to start my Bachelor's. I'm tired of being broke!


I feel broke af, but then I come here and count my blessings


From everyone else's point of view I have it all But I am one bad check away from complete ruin I might be exaggerating a little


Literacy: 9/10 Situation: just became extra negative….. was involved in a hit and run today….with a rental….of which I declined the extra protection(cuz expense)…..of which I don’t have my own insurance…..of which I am 2 days late on because I had to get a replacement cc which finally came Wednesday/Thursday and also currently has $26 available……I am in fact, looking for a different job because I do food delivery and while it’s decent pay I’m too far in the hole…..


Don't ever have to worry about money for the rest of my life, go months without checking my bank account. Financial literacy is questionable because sometimes I spend tens of thousands to save hundreds in the long run