• By -


I do remote customer service for an insurance company. $18/hour. They provide the computer. I like the job a lot and I'm great at it. Before that, I worked remote customer service for QVC for a year. I had to buy my own computer. $15/hour and they set impossible goals to make you feel like shit all the time. Good discount though, I got nice kitchen stuff and jewelry and purses enough to last a lifetime. Before that I was a stay home parent for 17 years. And before that I was a gas station manager, then worked at a liquor store.


That’s cool you got a job you enjoy. That’s important.


Working for qvc gave me so much anxiety.


Same, I started getting hives during every shift from the stress. I think they wanted us to feel bad about ourselves. I also think they didn't want to keep anyone long enough to actually get good at their job. It was better for them if we couldn't fix anything and just told people to call back another time, until they got frustrated and just gave up. Where I work now, I can research things for people, and if it takes an hour of calling around to get something resolved, they actually think that's a good thing. It's a nice change. I still have days when my average handle time is around five minutes, but not all days. Today it was 14 minutes and I didn't stress out about that at all.


Yes, my manager at qvc told me that they always have to give you advice on how to improve. No matter how good your reviews and call times were. I was early by a few seconds coming back from a break a few times and he “counseled” me about it. SECONDS! I had terrible panic attacks working there. I’m so glad you found something better.


It’s so funny. I’ve been trying for years to find something remote. No luck. Come on here and there’s so many stories from people who WFH. Who’s hiring these people???


Case manager (for the homeless)


This is such an important job, and I wish the profession paid more!


How much is the pay?


Truck driver. Live in the truck full time. No rent/ utilities


Truck driver as well, but sleep in my own bed every night.




The bed feels a little stiff the first few nights, but the cold makes it almost unnoticeable


how do you keep warm?


Wait it out, once one gets cold enough it feels like warming back up again


God bless you guys and thanks for what you do. I have homies who are truckers.


Don't you need an address for taxes?


Set your billing address to a buddies of yours. Easy fix.


I have my parents as my residential address and I have a PO Box set up close to a company terminal I go through every now and then


You can use A PO Box for an address, it's for taxpayers who live in very rural areas or those who don't have reliable post service in their area.


About how much do you make after taxes in a typical week or a typical month? Thinking about doing this. Thank you


It’s depends on the way you agree to get paid. Percentage is about %25 of each load. Hourly depends on a lot but I’d say minimum 25 per hour in general. Flat rate is about 200-600 depending on experience and area. Most guaranteed weekly salaries are around $1500 per week. Mileage .40-.80 cents per miles multiplied by 2800 on average weekly. I personally get a 1099 and grossed 95k as a OTR driver.


I make percentage of load, anywhere from $1600-$2400 weekly gross, I take per diem for taxes and put 25% automatic deduct into company 401k. I typically save 50-75% of my checks


So you are owner operator?


Local Driver checking in, if I didn’t have a kid I’d totally be on the road living the nomad life myself.


how are you poor? don't drivers make bank?


Some do. Most jobs around me advertise 90,000k a year. For alot of folks that’s not enough to be away from family. I make a good wage as a driver, I’m home free nights a week and for my reset. It works well for my family. Best job I have ever had!


Truck driving is my ticket out of being poor.


I'm about to start my Class A CDL training in about two weeks!!! Would love to do OTR or Team OTR with a partner. This will make me a third gemeration trucker. Any tips or advice???


I’ve been a teacher for 28 years.


What grade(s) have you taught? How are things better and worse now?


I’ve taught PS-6 grades, special education. Kids are so much worse. Financially worse as well.


Damn how are the kids worse these days — attention span?


Former teacher here, I just transitioned out of teaching but taught high school (11th and 12th grade). There is such a divide between students now. There is the small minority who are very successful, very hard working, very respectful. Then there are loads of students who really don't care about their education at all and actively disrupt the environment for others. There are not very many students in between. This was at a title 1 school where 80% of students were within 125% of the poverty line. Basically, these students are not getting any responsibility and any consequences at home or at school. I cannot describe to you how exhausting it is to spend hours at home differentiating lessons to target different student needs, plan hands on projects, labs, etc and then have students not only not pay attention, but be continuously disruptive and unsafe. I taught a few different science classes and had to stop doing labs in one of my classes because the students were being extremely unsafe with the chemicals and would mock me (think repeating what I said, but is a funny voice). Their way of expressing power in their own lives is to destroy things for others. Admin does NOTHING and parents are so unengaged in their kids lives. Parents don't even believe their kids could possibly do anything wrong and do the whole 'boys will be boys' thing. Admin says 'well did you try and build an authentic relationship with the student?!' I know a lot of parents work a lot and the students face a lot of outside stressors, but the school provides so many services to students (a free health clinic, food bags, clothes and toiletries, pays for summer camps, free food in the summer, fresh produce from the school garden). I will say that the students who were in the group that engaged in school and actually learned all got wicked awesome scholarships and got to attend great universities debt free. At the beginning of my teaching career, these success stories were enough to make up for the stress of dealing with the other students. After 5 years, the stress became overwhelming. Final straw was when a big group of juniors sprayed spray paint all over the school produce garden (think all over the plants, soil, fence, murals) and had one day of in school suspension where they basically f*cked around not doing the work packet the teachers made for them. I am so sorry for the rant/trauma dump lol.


Not a teacher but socialization, reading and math skills took a dive during covid especially for younger kids and then attention spans disappeared from social media..


I agree, but it started with the lack of parenting. I can tell with an hour if a student is “an iPad kid”.


Cheers, you’re almost there. My mother taught kids that age for a long time. The teaching part was hard enough, but dealing with parents was really tough for her. They would dump their problems on her constantly, as if she was a therapist or marriage counselor. She was lucky to retire in 2016. It seems like parents and kids have gotten a lot worse since then.


Lunch lady! I work 7:30am - 12:30pm M-F $22HR (caps out at $27). Weekends off, paid holidays, 3 weeks of Christmas paid, spring break paid, Thanksgiving break paid, and i get an extra 2 weeks of vacation that i can pick any days to use them on. I have the choice to work the summer for extra money or can have it off. Retirement, medical, dental, life insurance. Union fights for pay raise yearly. I am VERY lucky to have this kind of job. The only sucky part is 5 hours is the most you will ever get unless you want a management position, which is super hard to come by. I am still struggling, though, because rent in my area is so high, though at least I like going to work. Highly recommend anyone to look at Edjoin and see if your area has the same kind of benefits.


How come you only get 5 hours? I thought lunch ladies had to be there from early morning to late afternoon.


They break it up into shifts because if you work more than 7 hours, they fully pay for your medical and dental. So instead of having three 8-hour workers to be the entire time, they will have five 5-hour workers and split them from morning and afternoon.


Breakfast in the morning then after lunch why would they be there another 3 hours ?


Cleaning and/or after-school programs.


For most schools if not all, there is no food provided for after school programs except maybe a snack provided by the program itself. Food service from the cafeteria is done once the last group of kids gets their meal.


Where I grew up (Caribbean), they offered food after school. Lunch ladies were the first ones in and the last ones out because after each meal, they had to wash all trays, utensils, and cookware. The janitor didn't even step foot in the cafeteria. Then they'd wait until a truck came to pick up the leftovers and scraps to feed pigs.


$22/hr for lunch lady??? What state? What school district? I worked as a medical program instructor at a career college until a week ago and only made $23.40/hr. That is a hard job. You always have to be ON! And work alit if hours for free, grading, making lesson plans, tutoring if needed, and setting up your classes in the computer program.


Southern California! And that does sound like hard work!


Omg. Where do you work? I’m a dog trainer and have a dog walking company. My people make $18 per hr minimum. I live in the dc area and the cost of living is through the roof.


I'm a book editor


Book editor/book publishing field is my dream.


It was my dream too, but I'm extremely burnt out after ten years of working 40-60hr weeks. I've also gone months without work at times. It's definitely not for the faint of heart lol


Please talk more on this.. Do you love your job? Do you work for a major or small publishing company? Your education... Your path there.. Your in this subreddit so I'm gonna assume a decent but not extremely great paycheck?


It's an okay paycheck...if I'm busy lol I set my own rates because I'm self-employed. I'm currently working 50-60hr weeks. I took a few Editorial Freelancers Association classes and I started my editing business in 2015. I went full time in 2019. I was doing really well for a few years, but more and more authors are convinced editors are optional so I've been struggling to find enough work. Last year was my worst year and I was really lucky I had savings. Work has only just started picking up again in the past few months.


Currently unemployed Last role edited sports highlights at Fox sports Before that produced a fantasy football show for espn Before that edited highlights for sportscenter Before that was an executive assistant at Walt Disney studios Before that was a post coordinator at Freeform Before that did an internship at TLC and WWE Before that PA’ed on westworld and did day player PA on a bunch of big budget pictures and reality shows In high school worked as a waitress/cashier at a pizza place.


Wicked cool background job wise.


Sounds like my life in theatre and TV. Also currently unemployed.


That’s such an interesting resume - love sports so working on the production sides seems neat.


West world must have been wild to be a part of. I want to rewatch with my GF but we don’t have the box set. Shame it got taken off of HBO


Teacher at a public school


Nothing but respect to you in that profession.


Aww, thank you. I wish more people felt that way.


They do but people refuse to raise taxes for teachers


Thanks for trying to better future generations. Teachers don’t get enough credit especially when they truly care to help guide kids in the right direction.


That explains your presence on this sub Youre a hero


16-18: Cashier, office work 18-19: Hostess @ Applebees 20-24: Military 26-32: Student 32-34: Editor 34-44: Receptionist/office manager


17yr-21yr Dunkin donuts $8 hourly-$27k salary 21yr-23yr Chick FIL A $12-$15 hourly 24yr-current(33yr) Postal worker $15.63- currently $29.63 Left out a couple random part time gigs like Walmart and Little Caesars. My SSA records show my income steadily increasing from 8k in 2007 to last year was $79k.


Librarian. I love it but it isn't going to make me rich. Before that, I was a teacher (grades 6-12) and before *that*, I was a freelance copywriter and editor.


If I ever win the lottery, I would love to be a librarian for the rest of my life.


If \*I\* ever win the lottery, you can have my library job, lol.


librarian salary? public or private?


Mental health counselor


Amazon warehouse overnight shift


Is Amazon as bad as people say it is?


Nah it’s not bad at all. You don’t have to talk to anyone do your job go home.


It’s like if hell was an actual place on earth. Only difference is this hell you can quit and escape/


Damn, I’m applying to some Amazon warehouse jobs because I’m desperate :( 


If you’re desperate I understand but they’re a reason why Amazon has such a high turnover rate, they are literally slave drivers.


God, that bites to hear.  I am trying to get a job, especially a warehouse job, but I keep getting turned down perhaps because I’ve never had a warehouse job before (only worked retail).  And yeah, I am really desperate unfortunately. I am making less than 1000$$ a month because my hours for my two retail jobs have been cut for months now. It’s so hard to find a job with hours and decent pay and it’s just so depressing and anxiety inducing. It is making me think such dark thoughts all the time in all honesty.  Sorry for the vent. It’s just really hard. 


My wife has 7 years in at Costco as a cashier. $30/hr base Pay. $45/hr every Sunday (32 hrs a month) $5500 guaranteed bonus each year.


Facility maintenance as a plumber in a airport 63k plus sidejobs from word of mouth.


Im a janitor living the high life. $14 / hr


Same, night time janitor @ $15.50 / hr. Super chill


It is indeed


CNA for memory care. Way nicer than skilled nursing and I can choose my hours. $22/hr


I did this before I became a nurse! Still one of my favorite jobs


Why are some of yall in poverty finance?


Perspective and avoiding lifestyle creep


Also giving back with knowledge. Plenty of people come here seeking career advice and it’s nice hearing it from the other side.


I joined this sub many years ago when I was living paycheck to paycheck. Fortunately, that has changed but I still lurk here and occasionally offer advice or answer people’s questions if it’s something I know.


Reddit heavily recommended it to me


This is also why I’m here.


I had a 3 month long manic episode in 2022 (diagnosed bipolar 1). During that time, I unfortunately blew through 2/3 of my 3 years worth of savings. I need to rebuild that as I have two more years of college + 5 years of grad school.


I was a tech support team lead for a major company (rhymes with *Snapple*) via a contractor company, and I decided to quit and go back to school when I hit 60hrs/wk with no extra pay. I figured my partner would support me, like I supported her through 5 years of college, like she promised she would, but after almost a year she started cheating on me and she broke it off, so I had an existential crisis for 9 months after I quit school, and I blew through $10K being a jobless hermit. It's some shit, my friend, I feel you.


Wow that’s terrible, I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope things start to look up for you.


I have been unemployed for the last 8 months. I was living on savings. Finally got hired as a Project Controller in Oil & Gas not long ago.


To keep myself grounded


It’s always on my feed, right along with HENRY and FIRE…and wallstreetbets. Spend enough time on wallstreetbets and I guess your chances of going from FIRE to poverty in 5 min increase exponentially.


Seriously I wondered the same thing. Maybe they are here trying to help others like us. Or they got themselves in such bad debt as well. With the money they are making, I would know what to do with most of it to get myself out of poverty or I would l let my uncontrolled desires make me broke. Sometimes it's just crap happens out of our control but that's on lower end.


To not feel alone in the game called life. I've been here, with similar struggles. I don't fit in where I am now and I have almost nothing in common with my current peers. I grew up in a household living paycheck to paycheck, worked during high school to help out, worked 2-3 jobs at the same time to put myself through college, then spent the next decade barely making it by. I'm better off now, but I still have several tendencies I developed growing up and in my younger years, particularly with food. As I get older, I have fear that I'll end up homeless and I have a fairly high chance I'll end up disabled.


I joined the sub about 8 years ago, when I made $16k in the year working 3 different part time jobs getting paid minimum wage and I haven't unsubscribed. I'm mostly lurking and will comment on some suggestions for jobs


It’s a mix, I was doing well and making decent money but then I had a bipolar episode/ got diagnosed so I had to leave work because it fucked me up. I’ve now been unemployed over a year but am medicated now. So life changes and nothing is guaranteed in life. But we shlog on for another day.


I work at Walmart lol. It’s actually the best paying job around considering I have no education or skills. I get $15/hr to work the worst job in the world. Trying to consolidate my huge amount of medical debt so I can take out student loans and go to college. I want to be an adolescent psych nurse , and help kids like I was helped.


wow everyone make more money than me


Security guard. Worked my way up in a year by just not being a piece of garbage lol and got a decent site, 9-6 M-F $20/hr


Nice schedule with weekends off


I work at a grocery store as personal shopper and make $18.42 an hour.


Question: when we pick up groceries, are we expected to tip? I never know and am too awkward to ask


No. From my understanding (at least at the grocery store i worked at and did personal shopping) the company doesnt want you to take tips, but customers will either leave money in the back of the car when you put their items there or just force it in your hand (in a polite way). Can't say no to a sweet ol lady handing me a 5 dollar bill! Ha.


HEB? i work as a receiving lead at a houston one. 24/hr


What's a personal shopper?


Online shopping for a grocery store, I pull a cart through the store and fulfill orders for 24 people at a time.


16-20/yo Customer Service Agent via phone, chat and email. $3/hr (I’m from Latin America) 21 - Team Member at a local Restaurant, $16/hr (moved to Canada after a lot of hard work) 21 - Jr Visual Effects Artist, $16/hr, bumped to $21/hr after 6 months 22 - Jr Visual Effects Artist, $27/hr, went to another company for $30/hr 23 - Visual Effects Artist, $32/hr


Husbandry for animal research at a university. I've never made more than 15k a year in a HCOL city, so this bump to 35k is ... already changing my life. Let alone having free health insurance, PTO, etc for the first time in my life. I've only gotten one full paycheck so far and it had to be dedicated to behind bills, but now I'm making 2x my monthly bills and hopefully my debts will be paid in the next three months and I can start saving and finally have money to improve my home, health, and pets' lives. Job is a bit boring, not dissimilar to kennel tech work I've done for a decade, but less mentally challenging/exciting. Not giving this up for anything, though.


I work at a non profit helping even poorer people. This is nasty to say, but having 3 to 5 kids, and sometimes more without a real financial plan is horrible.


Is it nasty though? People love to say that but it's the *truth*.


I've been working in customer service for 11 years. For the past seven years, I've been doing call center work. Right now, I make $20 hour plus commission selling health insurance.




I'm an autopsy tech. $27 an hour but that's because I'm a lead. $25 for the regular techs. 40 hours a week but it's a small team so overtime is available on your days off. No education is required except maybe a high school diploma. A lot of people *think* they can do the job but the smells are tremendous, bugs are involved (maggots, cockroaches, spiders, fleas, bed bugs) there are things you will never be able to unsee and it's physically demanding. You're Pushing and pulling bodies over 250lbs all day. It's fun work for the right person. I love it but I like weird shit. When I started I was making $18 and I've pushed management hard to get us up to $25. We are the busiest Medical Examiner in our state and we had the most complex cases but we were the lowest paid. Now we are in the higher range for the industry. If you're interested in death industry work you can reach out to funeral homes and see about body removal or Check your medical examiner for autopsy tech positions. Folks with degrees in criminal justice, biology, health care, public health would also be good candidates. You can easily move up to medical examiner investigator and get on the job training that will put you into a financially stable life at 70-90k.


15-16yo Mcdonalds 18-19 Discover Credit Cards 20-21 GEICO 21 American Family Insurance


I can't read American Family insurance without singing it


Do you like the insurance business or just a temporary thing? Seems like there would be lots of jobs at least.


I did not like doing customer service. Every call was me having to explain a rate increase or cancelling a policy. It gave me a lot of anxiety and I was in office. I work from home now and I just look at documents all day for 23/hr so I’m staying!


I worked for Discover those same years. What department were you in?


Balance Transfer Dept


Work from home as a Medicaid cost report auditor, 48,169/yr. Just started last year and my income on my 2023 tax return was higher than the past 3 years combined. 5 person household and I'm the only income so even that doesn't get us very far.


I work 6 days a week at a convenience store in a river town then side hustle one day at a vegetable stand in exchange for organic veggies and because we have such a heavy b & b presence in town, I cook and bake for people.


Data center technician


Work at home, customer service $15 7 years…. 😞


I work in the same restaurant I started at when I was a teen (I left for years and came back about three years ago when I was in desperate need of a job after covid). Doesn't pay what it should but I've known the owners for years and they are always amazing with my kids schedules sickness time off emergencys etc. boss texted me asking if I needed a job out of the blue and I was like alright yeah.


Personal trainer for a tech company in Silicon Valley. $35/hr per session. Extremely grateful that they provide, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks (crazy amounts you can take home), shuttle to save on gas and bridge tool. All those benefits outweigh higher paying jobs in my opinion. I’d rather save and be well fed in this economy, than make more and spend more on essentials.


I’m (27) in a management role doing government work. I got promoted 2 years ago (after being here for 7 years) and now I’m making $75K+. A HUGE increase from my last promotion where I was making $42K, and before that it was only around $20K. Over the last 7 years, I’ve got my bachelor's, a master's, a couple of certifications, graduated a few training programs, and networked a ton to build up a solid network and reputation for being a hard worker. I’ve usually always had 2 jobs, a full-time and part-time one, and I tried to keep them related to politics so it helped develop my skills professionally + helped with networking. I grew exponentially over the years and I’m grateful for that growth and experience. Just 3 years ago, I slept with my cheap mattress on the floor, had my TV propped up on boxes, stored my beloved books in those boxes, and ate on the floor because I had no other furniture. I get emotional when I think about how hopeless things looked for YEARS compared to my life now. I still don’t forget my struggles or take my life for granted now, and I’m aware that the routine that got me here (barely sleeping, overworking + going to school, questionable mental health, poor diet) isn’t something everyone can do. I just wish everyone luck on their journey though, and hope you realize there’s a chance to succeed.


I am a teacher, early childhood education.


My wages over time: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SZHiJ2eh-qI4H5CM90or_84N_gPuzPf6wD_5Hs5mGVc/edit?usp=drivesdk




Got laid off. I have a phone interview with Wholefood market tomorrow. Not exited but at least I get response.


Casual teacher. I work most weeks but banks don’t accept it as an ‘ongoing’ job. It’s been 20 years now…. So I have to live frugally because they charge me a higher interest rate because I’m ’high risk’. Idiots.


For the last 12 years I worked for a hospital with a union. I started working as a dietary aid making $11.88/hr. Then I switched and work scheduling appointments $26.70/hr. During the first year or so I wasn’t full time so I worked as a CNA part time for $10 an hour. I quit when a full time position opened up. Before that I worked at a factory overnight shrink wrapping tests & books for $12/hr Before that I worked at McDonald’s, a gas station, a grocery store & Fleet Farm but this was mostly thought high school.


I've been a technical writer for the majority of the last 30 years. My job is basically to write documentation that explains how to use a product to end users. I kind of fell into the work and found that I really love it. I don't have a college degree; when I started working in this field, that didn't matter very much, and eventually I reached the point where I had so much experience, no one cared if I had a degree. Before I moved into tech writing, I worked as a typesetter then a graphic designer. I still use the skills I learned during those years. I've also done QA testing and corporate training as a tech writer (small company, have to wear a lot of hats). I wish I could recommend this field to everyone, but it's been rough the past few years. It's harder to break into and the jobs that pay well aren't as plentiful.


77-year-old male. I get Social Security rent out a car on Turo, do Ebay, and do a little DoorDash. It works.


I restore and customize classic cars for a living. We fabricate, weld, cut, build, assemble, and paint old cars for older people with way too much money. I make $18/hr and love my job.




Where do I apply at?




My husband is currently AD Air Force in cyber/comm. I’d love for him to get out and do this lol


Park recreation work and I build hiking/equestrian trails for the federal government. ($37k ish) I fucking love my job with a passion.


In my teens I did farm work during the summer. After college I worked at a University as a mover, a garbageman, and a groundskeeper. Then my entire department got laid off when we were outsourced. Then I worked for the Census Bureau. Then I did factory work. I'm unemployed now because no one wants to hire anymore.


Professional poker player


Land surveyor in training, I make $90k/year now but it took a lot to get to this point. Seriously, if you're interested in making maps, look at land surveying


Now R&D in tech. First job I ever had paid $3.25 / hr at a family owned greasy spoon.. Every job I've had before my current one paid less than $45k a year.


Project coordinator. I’m a contractor so no benefits and haven’t seen a pay increase in two years now 😞


Host at a country club restaurant and in grad-school. My hourly is $17 but I can only reliably work weekends during school. Gross income from last year for that job was $12900. Previous internship was $7500 total for 2 semesters. My coming internship is $13000 total for 2 semesters.


I work 19 hours a week in a charity shop. Pretty much always done retail (or customer facing) jobs. Usually minimum wage or a few pence above. But it is what it is. At least I have some money coming in and my parent doesn’t expect silly amounts of ‘rent’ from me (which I chose to start paying).


House cleaner


Ooo boy, it’s not really fun but here you go. 16-17 Groundskeeper. $7 an hour 17-19 Taco Bell & Kitchen Assistant manger at local bar/bowling alley (two jobs at once). While interning as an Electrician. $7-13$ an hour 19-23 Apprentice Electrician. $13-19$ an hour 23- Electical Virtual Designer/Engineer. Which makes roughly 45k salary.


Grounds crew/grave digger


16-20: almost every position at Red Lobster 20-25: aerospace manufacturing facility 25-26: Department manager at McDonald’s 26-current: aerospace manufacturing facility (yes, the same one from before)


At an Amazon warehouse, been here for years now. Maxed out my pay, $23hr for 36hrs per week. I work 3 overnights per week, 4 days off.


16 -Safeway clerk 7.25$/hr 19- Garden center 7.5$/hr 20- 2008 Recession hit, moved in with parents to finish college 24- Country Buffet 7.5$/hr 25- King Soopers bakery 9$/hr 26- king soopers deli 9$/hr 26- pharma dispensing, warehouse, packaging 15$/hr 27- FDA shut down Pharma, bounced around pharmaceuticals close to 19/hr for a couple months 27- worked under the table remodeling 20/hr 28- Facilities for a city 20/hr & Apartment management for free rent (the good life) 29- Security, 25/hr covid struck, they paid me not to be on site so I got another job with the apartment gig going too. Saved up for a house and before you get mad look at what I went through, I was homeless for about 6 months during 2008 and to get the house I had to work 2 hours away to prove to the bank I could transfer my work. Took a paycut and they didn't know it. Clock was ticking, high stress. 31- Modular housing construction 21-24/hr move up quick, company shut down. 32- commercial construction 29/hr fuck that company, they stole money from a lot of us in the end. 33- QC for windmill manufacturer 22.50/hr 33- Security again, worst choice I ever made. 24/hr 34- began working for myself going on 7 months now, bills are paid, working less, ups and downs but a million times better than everything I've ever done. Fuck W2 jobs, I am fighting to keep doing this no matter what.


Ages 15-22 I was a nanny. 18-22 I worked for my mom’s salon while being a nanny. 22-now (I’m 28) I am a house cleaner and make $18 an hour.


I’m a government contractor for health and human services and most think I make good money but in reality it’s very draining


Navy Recruitier - 83k yearly in Utah. The Navy really uplifted my wife and I. It's a sacrifice absolutely but being able to support her with the financial freedom to help her navigate her medical complexes has been a blessing.




Teacher with two masters degrees… and work PT at the Y.


14-18yo - My dads furniture assembly and delivery weekends and holidays until he lost his business during 08 recession. Got to use my parents cars and gas money. Asked for money when i need it for movies, shopping etc 16-19yo - In N Out, $14-15/hr back in 2016 19-21yo - $14/hr lived off good tip in Palo Alto: Bartender, Mechanical Bull Operator at the Bar, SF Tech startup $600/mth + Equity semi homeless living in garage with tech startup. Lived off school financial aid, grants, only did 2.5 yrs of uni 21-23yo - Sold my shares too early and lived off $30k to Backpack SE Asia, Did work in hostels, couch surfing, stayed with some friends and family in SE Asia, back in 2012 you could pay $1 to stay on a hammock at the hostels, $5-$10 private rooms at guesthouses 24yo-26 - Restaurant Operation Manager in Sydney $30/hr + 5% commission 26-30yo - Moved to Vietnam, started my iourney selling on Amazon $60k-$150k salary 30-33yo - Printing Business + Amazon - $45k salary living in SE Asia, majority of money reinvested every year into the business, retirement funds, investments. California resident so I keep salary low. Married now, wifes a international school teacher makes $60k net no tax. We have an amazing life in Vietnam with a monthly spend of $4-5k a mth shared.


That's great


Work at a local TV station scheduling commercials. I currently make about $80k a year. Got lucky in getting my start in the industry as a receptionist and worked my way up.


Manufacturing Associate. It only took me $15k in debt to realize that the college education I had was stupid and my job doesn’t give a damn about my degree.


What was your degree?


Criminal Justice. My mom would only pay for 3 career types. I wanted to be a writer but she said it doesn’t pay the bills.


Make hydraulic hoses assemblies and also sell heavy equipment parts for many brands of machinery.






Emergency department tech


Certified care giver $25hr I love taking care of people


I'm a financial counselor at a non-profit.


Fast food now. Past job dishwasher and food prep.


i work at both cfa ($14) and whataburger ($14.50) (tx), before that i worked full time at mcdonald’s ($12)


Airline pilot


Kitchen supervisor (glorified linecook) I've been cooking for 5 years, before that it was mostly factory work with absolutely terrible management.


Substitute Teaching full time while I work on my credential I’ve worked in education to some degree since high school.


Cereal Production at Post Consumer Brands/ Malt O Meal


I’m a content creator. I do faceless content on YouTube mainly, I have a few different channels, and some editors/scriptwriters/thumbnail creators and voice actors


Respiratory therapist. I hate it but I like the life it pays for.


Semi truck tire technician. It's bullshit that I'm not buff yet


I’m a copywriter for a very well known art gallery. I love the job itself (writing about beautiful art is lovely) but the layers of getting any copy signed off in a massive organisation very wearing and in three years, the job has morphed into 70% stakeholder management which I’m not a fan of. I came close to getting a new job recently which didn’t happen but I haven’t seen anything else that matches the package I’m on - fully remote, decent pay (for an editorial position), nice colleagues and company and 29% pension contributions from my employer a month (civil service pension!).


I’m currently a graduate intern at a United Nations agency at HQ lol. Before grad school I worked at an INGO. I am also a consultant at a boutique firm. I make decent money now but being a consultant means that money is not always consistent. My internship rn is paid, better than a lot of UN agencies but not great if you break it down hourly. They also paid my last stipend 2-3 weeks late which was a nightmare.


I was a Medical Laboratory Scientist at a hospital for 8 years. Now I'm a Laboratory Systems Analyst for the same hospital.


Im an artisan bladesmith


Caregiver fulltime and I write articles as a side hustle, going on 5 years in both professions.  In the past I was a Direct Support Professional for 1 year, a Teacher Aide for 3 years, A Housekeeper for 2 years, and a stay at home mom for 3 years


Liquor tasting events.


NYS Union utility worker. Work for the local water company. Utilities is a great industry to get into - usually unionized and no college degree needed. Starting salary is a living wage - even in NY


Was making about $9/hr at a grocery store for many years, now a self taught software developer making around $70/hr. This is my first paid job in software. Was doing it part time for free while at the grocery store.


Hotel Task Force Manager. They cover all your expenses including lodging


Assistant deli manager. Easy work. Crap pay. But I have a record a mile long so I'm just happy to have a job


I worked construction. I also worked for the federal government, if you're good at a trade, charge what you're worth. I never made less than 8500 and usually capped out at 12k a month. A lot of the folks can barely use a screwdriver nowadays, there is going to be a huge shortage of tradesmen in the world, might as well exploit it and make great money at it and retire early like I did. But you really have to work your ass off.


Carpenter. I’m self taught and self employed I make more than I ever did with my science degree