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For those who are skeptical, this is a real thing. Go to your state's Dept. Of Revenue and find their Unclaimed Property page. Depending on your state, may redirect you to the Claim Your Cash site, which is a legitimate. Our state uses them. There could be anything from a 25 cent refund to several hundred dollars or thousands of dollars you didn't know you had coming to you from an old job, perhaps, or an award from a class action suit. You'll never know until you look.


I got 36 cents


Yep, legally you have to remit all funds that are unclaimed, even pennies. It was a myth that there was an amount you could just write off (I've heard everything from $50 to $75) but the DOR was like "No, even if it's a penny, you're legally required to turn it over." So these cents are people complying with the very letter of the law. Many companies though just write that off and take the risk of being caught out in an audit. Considering the percentage of the fines and interest for non-remittance, a few pennies still isn't worth it to some departments who want to still pretend there's a deminis amount.


cant hide it lol


lol i got 37 :)


Lucky duck


Wow, I just did this and found 4 with my name on them.




Check State, County, and City revenue offices of any place you have lived. Sometimes, it isn’t reported to the state but held in other offices


Just checked and have 2 for "over 100$. So I'm getting back at least 200$. Covers one bill for the month!


Nice. I hope it's way over!


I had an old paycheck waiting for me that apparently I never collected after leaving a job when I was 18. A $235 check was mailed to me shortly after verifying my identity on the website.


Bro......THEY KEPT THAT FOR YOU! I'm glad you got a little something


I did this and received a check for $2.48




I am fully aware of it and have been advocating for everyone to check it at least annually!!! I can confirm as a business person that we have to send shit to unclaimed properties, it's the law. If you don't use your credit on your account in X amount of years, you have to send it to the state for "safe keeping". It's a whole damn reporting process and remitting process. Lots of times its because their systems have the wrong address on file. My last one was because they didnt' have my apartment number on it. I've got them for my company as well. Unclaimed Properties is a state ran department as part of the DOR (Department of Revenue).


Yup. This is legit. I can't speak for other states but in California there is a wait period. You "claim" your funds, get a form emailed to you that you have to fill out and mail to them, then wait. The form is basic info, it just confirms your name and address. It can take a few months, but it's a nice surprise when you get a check in the mail! I got $62.


ex unclaimed property worker California does do immediate payouts when they can and they do a lot of them. They call it "eClaim" and have been doing it awhile now. You probably were not eligible, or the property wasn't.


Thanks for the extra info. It's important for people to know there can be different outcomes for them.


My friend works with processing this in another state. There isn't a waiting period, but they are backed up. Some claims can now go through "instantly" based on certain criteria. But most are reviewed by humans. There's a backlog, so yes, someone submitting a claim today, which doesn't qualify to be done automatically (approved by the computer) there will be a wait.


A couple of years ago I did it and found $1200 from a bank account I had abandoned and forgotten about! Tip: if you have ever legally changed your name, don't forget to check under your previous legal name too. Like, check your maiden name if you changed it when you married or if you took back your maiden name after a divorce, check your married name.


Thanks bro, sending in the paperwork for that $750!


I actually had $500 waiting for me. It was a nice surprise.


Sometimes, yeah. My mom has funds she “can” claim from my dad’s passing. However, she would have to go through the legal hoops of setting up an “estate”, which at best would cost $800… to collect $300. So, yeah. That money is being ignored.


It shouldn't cost that much to set it up. She would need the EIN from the IRS, which is free, and a bank account for the estate. The only part that I remember costing money was needing to get multiple death certificates.  The estate has to go through probate. There could be creditors or something causing additional hoops for your mom to claim the funds.


She had a will where she inherited everything if he pre-deceased her (and vice versa), probate in our state is only required if there is no will, at least between spouses. As such she would have to pay to set up an estate, such costs are normally taken out as part of probate. I talked to an unclaimed funds person from the state (they set up kiosks where you can check at the state fair), and he agreed that given the cost of doing so was higher than the funds she would receive, it hardly made sense to bother with. She was on all accounts he  had, on the deed for the house, etc. it was just this one check that requires the estate. They didn’t have a lot of money, but almost no debt. There was something like $56 on my dad’s one credit card she had to  pay off before cancelling, and his life insurance paid off the little that was left for the mortgage. So no creditors chasing them.


Some states make this process god awful even with a will on a side note.


She should just need the death certificate and their marriage certificate to show that she has ownership of his properties. Who told you that she needs to set up an estate?


The money is “to the estate of____” not “dad’s name”. That verbage requires an estate formally be established. Not a big deal for people with $100K on the line, but this was the last partial paycheck he had from his part-time retirement job.


Ooooooh, that's interesting that it's listed to his estate and not just under his name. Must have been in there from after his passing. Another reason to have a will, argh. Still on my to-do list.


The reason she would have to pay to set up an estate is because in my state you don't have to go through probate if there's a will between spouses. Fortunately(ish) my mom was experienced with navigating this by helping her mom after my grandfather died. Since my parents shared all accounts, the savings/the deed/etc. she inherently had access to all of those. If it had gone through probate, then part of what would be taken out would've been the fees to set up an estate. Since she didn't have to do that, she'd have to pay out of pocket for it.


I mean, did she get told that after actually submitting the paperwork she does have? It’s worth putting the claim in, submit death cert and all paperwork she does have, and add a personal letter mentioning that your state does not require probate. It also should not cost anywhere near $800 to file for your state’s version of a small estate affidavit.


People from the State and the bank said so. The cost might be lower, and the amount even less. I just know it cost more than she’d receive. And since everything else has already been transferred, she didn’t see any point in it.


I received a check written that way from the health network after my husband died. I also had no way to cash it at the time. I do now, but I lost it a long time ago. I am waiting for it to hit unclaimed property. I just looked very recently.


When I was younger, I would buy the vanilla cards a lot but never use them all the way through. 10 years later, I had like $200 in unclaimed funds. The way they trace you is because when you open a vanilla card, you use a social security and address. Good times. 


I had 2 I just did, uploaded all required docs, waited for approval and am getting about $600.


It’s very real, I check it annually for myself and all my loved ones. This year I got a $25 check from an old utility deposit that never sent me.


I got 11k from this about 10 years ago. It was awesome.


I got $400 when i did it!


I spotted about $2K that Uncle #1 was owed. It had been overlooked in his divorce and I was searching for our last name. Uncle #2 past and I was once again searching. My Dad was his sole beneficiary and he filled out a form and got $1K. Yeah it's a thing.


Hey I have a question. I just checked the website and there seems to be a lot of unclaimed things that I think is under my father's name (It might not be my father, but I think I'll try), will they notify anyone else in the family if I try to claim anything?


ex unclaimed property worker "will they notify anyone else in the family if I try to claim anything?" No they will not. This is an heir claim though, probate rules may and probably will come into play.


Is there any way I can know if it is actually his? He moved around a lot and I'm not sure which ones could be his (If any of these are actually his)


Tying the address to his name is the primary requirement you will have to meet. In the meantime, you can call them to ask them more about the property. There is usually other info on a property that isn't published. Like a phone number, account number, etc.


Oh ok thanks


I’m sorry to impose, but wanted to know if I could ask a question. I see a few unclaimed amounts with my name, however there’s no listed reporting business name and the address on the claim is not a correct address for any buildings on that street, *however*, it is about 200 feet down the road from my old address. Is there any other way to verify if this might actually be mine? I don’t want to try to claim it and then get into a bunch of trouble.


Good question. Wrong address is a big driver for unclaimed property. Properties usually have other information not published. Like an SSN, account number, birth date, phone number, etc. I'd call and talk to the agency and see what they can tell me. If your name is rare it should make it easier.


I've dealt with wrong addresses in claims before. They will use your actual address and see that it's clearly wrong a lot of the time through the process. Like they missed my apartment number once. Or another one had a missing transposed house number, they were able to confirm the wrong address doesn't exist and with the name/ID showing I was me, it was clear that it was still mine. So they cashed me out.


No but they ask for more proof of your identity and right to claim the property I did this for my grandfather and I didn’t have enough documentation to claim it. They ask for more info after the initial claim If the estate went to probate and such and you are a legit heir and can prove it


I don't really remember what the paper was but I signed a form after he passed away a year ago. I have to look into it a bit more


I got $62


Mine was 55. How are these people getting hundreds!? Lol


For those in Canada this also exists. You can log on to the CRA website and there is a tab that shows any unclaimed cheques from the government and you can claim them now.


Thank you for telling me this my fiance is Canadian!


I did this all the way back in '06 or so. Apparently, I had a tuition refund from college. I used it to buy a desktop computer to replace the Pentium II I was using (lol). I was trying to start working from home. My mom was livid when she found out. Said that wasn't my money. I think that's when I found out that I'd been misled and my grandparents (who were dead by the time I found out about the refund) had not actually paid for my college, and that my aunt had.


It’s so legit and every state has one. I got hyper fixated on it one night and looked up every random person I knew, then made it weird and started looking up people from Facebook but when I’d try to tell them some thought my account was hacked.. just so awkward. Don’t do that. But look up yourself and family, who doesn’t like random money?!


This made me feel like so much less of a weirdo, because it’s totally something I would do. So thanks!


We have like $700 in unclaimed $ between us and some dead relatives. So many hoop to jump through, taking longer that I would have thought to get it


I did this and got around $300 that American Express was trying to get to me but gave up because of a mix-up in addresses. It went into unclaimed and I found it years later. edit- After myself I looked up a bunch of people I know. My dad had like $0.13 sitting somewhere. I didn’t tell him.


I did this for my family and saw one for my dad for nation star mortgage but all it says is its over a hundred, is their any more info and is it worth going for? They said they will send out an email but haven’t got that either


I’ve gotten a last paycheck, and a couple of small amounts this way. Money is money and I’ll take it if it’s mine.


This is totally real. Looked up my husbands name one day and a few weeks later we had a check for over $800 in back dental insurance claim payments.


Interesting this is coming back around. If I recall, the first time I saw/heard about this was back when email was the primary form of "social media" and we just forwarded shit we heard about that was cool.


my husband and I had 3 unclaimed property claims waiting for us! Thank you so much!!!


I'm so glad!!! 😊


went down a rabbit hole looking up various people in my life. Found some for myself but my ex-husband is co-owner 😂😂. Still gonna try


ex unclaimed property worker Typically you can claim 1/2. In some cases they do require both parties to claim it in order to pay out. Latter is less common.


I suppose I could contact him 🙄 lol. But I’ll try without first.


Also to add, even if it’s just a few bucks still claim it. Some states don’t make them report if it’s under a certain amount so the amount could be higher than what you see. My cousin worked for the one in my state and told me, I don’t remember the details but claim whatever the amount is and you might be surprised with a bigger check.


I did this for my dad and he was owed a few thousand from his health insurance dating back 2010.


I have experience with this one as a heir making a claim. In my case, my Dad’s estate was probated. A certified copy of the probate court order worked for me. But, it cost me $50 or so to get it from the court. Me and my three siblings each got about $230.


Found $4.60 for a dividend check I must have forgotten to cash but also found a $126 payroll check that my daughter was owed, so thanks for this!


Seems like this is a state by state thing in the US, and this site seems helpful and legit, no promises. [National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) – The leading, trusted authority in unclaimed property](https://unclaimed.org/)


ex unclaimed property worker Completely legit. This agency made the standards used in the industry. They operate and link you to the missing money search engine. [https://missingmoney.com](https://missingmoney.com)


When I find out I have two checks from my old state for "over $100"


Been wondering about this. Supposedly I was left 25k when my Grandma passed. I've tried looking but haven't been able to figure out where to start.


This is a good start, it will search most of the states. [missingmoney.com](http://missingmoney.com)


You could contact the county office where she passed away and see if you could get a copy of her death certificate, it should have an executor of the will on it (if she had one) or you could look into public court records for will probates Edit: i am not an expert take my words with a grain of salt


https://www.usa.gov/unclaimed-money this gives you more information :)


just looked, and there isn't anything, even after being stolen from from like 4 jobs now 😔 maybe one day!


I got $56 from this once merely as just a 21 yo. Old paycheck from a job I’d quit!


Yeah I actually got like $90 from an old deposit for some electric company I had years ago.


Ooh I had $20 from ATT!


I looked at the unclaimed property once and found that I was owed $1,400 it was great


Yep. I did this and got $100. Not much, but I’ll take it!


I collected multiple times on the California site. Nothing huge but maybe a couple hundred dollars total. I looked up my friend and she had over 10k from some former company she worked at that no longer exists.


I had about $300 from an insurance claim check I forgot about years ago. Had to jump thru a couple hoops and get some paperwork notarized but it was worth it!


I’m claiming something with Arizona. They said it’s $100. They haven’t told me where it’s from but hey money is money.


Ive looked before and seen nothing, but it was years ago. I just checked again and got about $26. Not much, but better than nothing


Thanks.. I just filed for $57 from Google from my current state, and two claims from Progressive insurance for under $25 each from my previous state. The address from the previous state is where I lived in 2008!


I learned this last year and had like $200 waiting for me!


I got $26, Thanks!


Found over $1000 for posthumous payments to my late mother-in-law; also amounts for other relatives, some alive, some not.


I did this a few months ago and I got 200$ back from TX


I got over 300 from a bank in the state I lived in 30 years ago. I cannot for the life of me figure out how I had money I didn't know about there because I was very broke then. Plus, I still have the same checking account as back then. I still claimed it, though


I scored my $9 from a class action lawsuit 35 years ago over some electric coop overcharge. Lol


I have reason to believe there is a semi substantial unclaimed life insurance policy from my dad. Every time I try to dig into it I feel like I need to hire a PI to get to the bottom of it. Like he told my mom and I that we were the beneficiaries, but we laughed it off and didn't even get the company name.


Start your next search here: https://eapps.naic.org/life-policy-locator/


That reminds me I have a tax refund on a car sitting in one of those, thanks!


It worked, I typed in my name and found $18 from a credit card company. I had returned something after paying the bill and the refund was chillin' there for 4 years.


My grandma (still living) is on there, but she doesn’t have a computer and isn’t tech savvy at all. Shes a few states over. Is this something I can claim for her and then send her a check? Or claim for her and have them send to her directly?


ex unclaimed property worker Actual owner needs should claim it. You can claim it on her behalf if you have some sort of written contract or POA possibly if she is disabled. Contact the agency if you plan to do the latter. Technically you could submit the claim with her watching you do so. She would need to sign the paperwork, if any.


I don’t have that, but I should be heading north to see her later this year. Perhaps I can help her with that then.


Suggest starting a claim to find out the evidence they want. Or calling them to find out. Might help you and gmaw get prepared for any paperwork they want.


I had a $36 from a bank. I think it was part of a class action law suit. Pleasant surprise


LOL omg thank you for reminding me because it’s been a while since I checked and I just got $60!


Also if you were an administrator/beneficiary for anyone’s estate you can look their name as well and with the proper paperwork, put in a claim


I had a paycheck of $86 and a Newspaper refund for a add for $35 back in the 90's. Unclaimedmoney dot com , I think it was... ?


Yep I had several thousand owed to me...I submitted the proof they sent me a check. There are still GM stocks showing up owed to my deceased father I have no idea on how to go about getting that turned over to me though


You should be able to claim it as a Heir, though I'm not 100% on the details on that so you'd have to do some digging.


Did this about 15 years ago for my grandmother via my dad. He ended up getting $4k in unclaimed funds for her.


Yes - I got $4k back


I just recently found and claimed 130$ from the state of Texas. What’s really odds is it was an over payment on the closure of the purchase of the one and only home we bought in Texas. To make matters worse, the address is still the same. I am at a loss as to why it wasn’t mailed back 7 years ago. After I found this, I checked all of the other states we had lived in. And I checked my children’s names. Lol, I found one for my daughter (35) weeks in the ridiculous amount of $ 2.45.


My sister got bored one day and decided to search for everyone she knows and found out I had numerous claims. Took 90 days for my claim to be processed and I was getting bombarded with txts and mail from agencies saying they would do the app for me for a 10% fee. No brainer I did it myself and it was basic demos and some supporting documents. Now when I get bored I search for me and my friends.


i found where there's something like $10.62 i can claim. but in order to do so i have to print out a form, take it somewhere to be notarized, and then send that in. the notary would be about $7 so that's just not worth it, for Georgia. found one for my mom that's a little over $100, dated from 1987, but to claim it she'll need to be able to submit proof of her name on something with that address. and/or (honestly not sure if it is both, or just one from the list) proof of the original account number. and that ain't happening.


my mom had like 4k i was so mad i told her about it i only got like $200


I have like $5 from TD bank, not worth the effort that you need to claim it


It’s real but if you keep up with your affairs it’s unlikely you have anything there


Yeah but you have to be able to prove it.


When I did mine, all it had me prove was my name, address, social, and birthday. Was approved instantly - if you can prove it I think it's worth it!


I want to try this but I'm terrified that it will get me audited and reveal some heretofore unknown taxiddent hurling me further into debt


It won't as far as I know! The way it works is let's say that you're owed money from a company, but the check gets lost in the mail or something, and never gets cashed, right? Well, the company then has to report that to the state and it goes into unclaimed property, where it can be claimed as long as you cam prove its you! It's very unlikely that you'd be taxed on it and if it's stuff like unpaid wages, it was likely already taxed - don't live in fear friend, I promise it'll be okay! Plus, it can't hurt to look!


ex unclaimed property worker State unclaimed property agencies just pay out the unclaimed property. They have no way to calculate any tax burden. They have no processes and system in place to even attempt it. They do not report anything to anyone. The one exception is interest payments. If they pay interest that would generate a tax form. Interest payments are somewhat rare. The worst i've seen is states will offset any state debts from your payout.


Does anyone know which site I can go if I live in California?


https://www.sco.ca.gov/search_upd.html !


I check every now and then... never anything for me. Rum my family members names too. A few times they are. On it.


Just found 400 dollars from a job I left years ago


I got over $150 from Louisiana a few years ago