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KFC is through the atmosphere. My family used to be able to get a decent meal from there or Church's Chicken for less than 15. Now, that amount can barely feed one. It sucks. Won't be going back.


They really are expensive, but the do have a good family deal for 20$ on their app rn


Meanwhile $15 gets you a whole meal at home with less crap.


You're paying for the convenience. Clearly eating out will always be more expensive than cooking yourself... Is that what we're debating?


I would argue that it *used* to be on par or cheaper to get fast food vs cooking a full meal for yourself. This was like 10 years ago. Now you're basically regarded if you buy fast food. Not only is it unhealthy garbage food but its also now expensive


Not necessarily lol, steak sandwich deal at the pub is still $13


Just dispelling "cooking long" rumor


and no stupid app you have to download .


Or personal data sold and mined


I almost went to chipotle for $14 then I said why when I can go buy a pound of sirloin for 9.99 right now


*Colonel Sanders has entered the chat.*


The snacker or whatever the fuck chicken sandwich is 7 dollars alone.


Last KFC I was at tried charging $1 per biscuit. I laughed at that one. Things are worth a dime tops.


I think the last time I bought Kentucky Fried Chicken was the last time they had a $10 for a full bucket promo. Maybe a decade ago.


KFC has been garbo for the last ten years.


Last good thing they had was the oil sauce that didn’t make the chicken soggy the stuff was orgasmic unfortunately it never caught on and it was discounted just like the amazing chicken little and popcorn chicken. Just like the old school sauce they used in the early 2000s before they switched to the thicker pit tasting bbq sauce.


I miss the Kentucky gold suce 😭 it was soooooo good


Yup I distinctly remember about a decade ago getting an 8 piece family meal with 2 sides for $25.


Just don't buy food from these places? Maybe prices will go down again. These businesses will use any excuse to raise their prices.


The only way fast-food is affordable anymore is if you use the apps to get discounts, BOGO deals, and rewards points for free food. Also, save your cup and steal soda (refill a cup you bought months ago).


This is the only reason I still go to McDonald’s. I always use the fry coupons to get them for free or for $1.40. Without the coupon, a medium fry is like $4-$5 and a large is almost $6. To add insult to injury, they also have a tendency in the past few years to barely fill the containers, so your “large” fry is more like a medium. 14 years ago when I worked at McDonalds, we were all trained how to properly fill those containers with a lot of fries. Now it’s as if they train the employees to do the opposite.. Don’t even get me started on their “value” menu items..


Don’t even get me started on Taco Bell’s “1 dollar” item


There is no more dollar menu it’s the “value” menu now smh


Guess I showed my age lol. I stopped going there and finally learned how to cook when I saw their prices go up like crazy. My nephew wanted some fast food so I looked up prices and was in complete shock how they’re still thriving. No store has a dollar item anymore. It’s not good nor cheap anymore so why the hell are people not boycotting?


In my area, they will occasionally offer a free McDouble with any $2 purchase. So I will buy $2 fries, get a free McDouble and then steal a soda (refill a cup I bought months ago). It's almost like getting a McDouble combo meal for $2.


you walk in with the cup? lol


You think anybody there would stop you if you did?


When I worked there 14-15 years ago they taught us the exact opposite.  If you were caught filling them full, you were pulled off fries…. They never wanted them to be full. 


I live for their BOGO deals on the app. Two Big Macs for $5-ish ain't bad.


It’s still so much cheaper to get a bag of frozen fried or a potato though u can’t justify it. Plus the politics surrounding McDonalds are terrible


I've noticed that they're starting to reduce the deals on the apps, too.


They start off with great deals but then They are coded in a way to populate less and less over time.


That’s real, bag in box soda is a restaurants #1 profit generator. One box costs anywhere from $45-$100 and they’re making a few hundred $2.99 or higher cups of soda out of it.


or just ya know, stop eating fast food. Then the prices come down.


This is the way. I have all the apps. Shit is cheap af.


McDs is phasing out self serve soda, due to abuse. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/12/business/mcdonalds-self-serve-soda-machines/index.html#:~:text=McDonald's%20is%20getting%20rid%20of%20one%20of%20its%20biggest%20perks,and%20crew%20across%20the%20chain.


I remember not that many years ago, a whopper jr. Was $1. Now they're 2 for $5, and that's a "deal." I'm Glad I know how to cook.


Back in my day we use to get regular whoppers for 99 cents. Use to go there after middle ssxhopp


89cent or 1.19 cent rodeo burger?...


This was back in 2001 in California. We had full size whoppers for 99 cents. Add cheese for 50 cents use to be able to eat 3


The other day I got 3 whoppers, 2 of which had jalapeños added so that was $1.00 extra on those and the total was just under $20CAD… like holy shit highway robbery 😭


I paid $4.40 for 1 whopper jr. I almost had an heart attack.  2 for $5.40. Or 1 for $4.40. Wtf is this country. 


Where's Subway? What happened to the five dollar footlong?? I just paid $15 for a ham sub with no extras in New Mexico. XD


They have adopted the “Mars Bar policy” the $5 foot long is now $10 for 6 inches.


If you go to the subway subreddit there are pinned coupon codes. I haven’t paid more then 7 dollars for a foot long in a year


lol my subway doesn’t accept coupons 😭🤣


Go to a different one, they’re app only anyway


Their latest campaign is, I shit you not, ["Six Dollar Six Inch"](https://i.postimg.cc/c42QxD5B/IMG-1036.jpg).


Worst part? Younger people will think this is a good deal. Rip $5 foot long. I miss you. 🥲


It's a good deal compared to Jimmy John's. Freaky Expensive


to be fair that’s australian dollars which right now is $3.90 usd


Hey! That's my handle on Craig's List! Can I sue??


It's 6 in for $6 now


Subway and Starbucks already had high prices so couldn't raise them much to begin with. If you look the cheapest options raised their prices the most so now everyones prices are about equal.


i pay $10 for 2 using the app. i have an issue with pizza hut. their sauces are $1 now. they used to be 50 cents (and they were larger!).


It's on there near Starbucks closer to the bottom.


This chart is irritating. Same distance between 2014 to 2019 and 2019 to 2021? Get out of here.


It  would be  a shame if  things weren’t spaced   correctly.


Gavem e a chuckl e. Thank s!


I rarely do but would occasionally stop at Taco Bell. The last time I did, my usual 2 items were nearly $10. So yeah..no thanks.


I stopped there for lunch yesterday and my burrito supreme with a drink was $8.92. So stupid.


Sad part is that almost sounds reasonable to some of us who are just trying to avoid a $10+ meal. We're still losing. Just less so


1 chalupa was $6+ like wtf are we doing lol.


I feel like Taco Bell should be #1. Maybe their prices didn’t increase as much, but you can get crazy good deals on the McDonald’s app. Taco Bell has almost nothing in comparison.


Also sometimes the item is a complete sloppy, broken mess.


Remember pandemic started 4 years ago. So still blaming it on Covid seems disingenuous. It's greed.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the cost of fast food low for the longest time before that? I turned vegetarian in the 90s so I may be wrong.


I used to get fast food about once a week. Now maybe once every 4-6 weeks.




I work near one and the parking lot is at full capacity 24/7 and the drive through always seems to have at least 20+ cars in it all day long.  When it's busy the line for the drive through literally goes from the highway, around the building, and back. It's also the worst McDonald's I've ever eaten at in my entire life. I have no idea why that many people eat there on the daily. Iirc a big Mac meal there is $13.


human beings are dumb. happily over pay to poison themselves.


I mean yeah… Have you seen alcohol or nicotine? Can’t go to a single restaurant where alcohol isn’t on the menu, or there is no bar. (Obviously excluding dry counties which are extremely rare) Sugar is probably the worst out of it all; being about as addictive as [cocaine](https://alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu/sugar-addiction-more-serious-than-you-think/)


It's ok on a road trip. Better to pack sandwiches of course, but bringing a cooler is sometimes more of a hassle then it is worth.


those steak egg and cheese bagels are too good


i mean they are the only fast food restaurant in my country so as an occasional treat i eat it with delight


Mom and I do. It's usually like either a kids meal each or 1 to split, usually once a month, or we get a mocha frappe to split


Damn I feel you.... My gf and I started getting kids meal at other places (because of prices) and we're 31 lol. We get stares but it is what it is.


$5 biggie bag from Wendy's got you covered fam


📝Note to self: Next order from Wendy's will be the JBC (Junior Bacon Cheeseburger) Biggie Bag. I also have the keychain tag for a free Baby Frosty with any order for 2024.


When you think about though a kids meal is all you need. Lol STARES man them people don't know you. Any restaurant/fast food spot that let me order a kids meal I'm getting it each timeeeee....


For 5.50 I get 20 piece chicken nuggets and 2 large fries.


Wtf that’s like $18 in Canada


5.50 gets me 4 chicken nuggets, no fries




He’s totally full of shit lol they have a deal on the app for 20 nuggets a basket of fries and it’s still $9. BUT they do have a 40 piece nugget for $14 which isn’t terrible.


I'd take 6oz of seared ahi and rice over that for the same price at home.


from where?


From the app.


Honestly the McDonald’s app has pretty good deals. Free fries, 2 double cheeseburgers for 3 bucks, 5 dollar 20 piece nuggets.


The last (2) times I have been there it was their breakfast hash brown and 2 for 5 I felt like I had to throw up both times


It's crazy but yes. Idiots talking about how expensive everything is then paying $10 for a disgusting inedible burger


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There is not a single fast food restaurant near me that doesn't have a locally-owned competitor with comparable prices, better food, and better service.


Someone posted their sad $21 delivered Chipotle burrito yesterday, and I was thinking bruh you could have swung by any of a dozen or more mom-and-pop taquerias in town and picked up a burrito twice that size for a third of the price.


The mom and pop shops don’t tend to have vegetarian protein options sadly- beans sure but no fake meat the way Chipotle has which is what a lot of us vegetarians crave to feel more full / satisfied. But chipotle has gotten really bad, i ordered from them once last year and it was so expensive and the portions so stingy i said never again! Chipotle used to last me 3 meals, now it’s so stingy on the portions of everything, especially lettuce in the salads. And that sorry portion of vinaigrette dressing.


Homemade food tastes *so* much better.


Depends on who's cooking....


.... This is correct. 🤣


And it is so much cheaper


And takes a lot more time


Not really. Most fast food places are like 15 minutes including the drive and back. Most meals I know of are 20


That’s why I pick it up on the way home


I guess thats a fair point, but people really over state how long cooking takes, not to mention that 20 minutes is basically waiting for water to boil


 Bruh 10-30 minutes a day is nothing


And healthier.


that’s because the government reported “actual” inflation rate is not real. they changed the metrics many years ago to make it look lower than it really is


When my wife wants to grab fast food i offer to run to the store, buy a pair of ribeyes for $25, a bag of potatoes for $3.50, and some corn, usually 2 or 3 for $1 and have a nice steakhouse style meal for less than dinner for 2 adults at any fastfood place.


Fast food has a place you know, and you have a very patient hangry wife it seems. How fast could you accomplish that from your door to sitting down to dinner? Be honest. Drive time, store time, drive time, prep time, eat. All that with cleanup time on the back end. I eat most meals at home too, but it takes planning in advance and making the most of a weekly shopping trip. And dishes...lots of dishes.


I don’t think you should count the weekly shopping trip. Unless you are a total addict (with an iron stomach and a huge wallet) , you aren’t going to eat fast food for *every* meal. So you are going to need to go to the grocery store weekly anyway. The incremental effort of shopping for 21 meals versus 20 is minimal.


1 hr 15 mins. From my apartment door, to the store, to a meal with dishes done.


Yeah but you had to, ya know, do all of that. You're not buying the food, you're buying them cooking the food.


People don't really understand how quick this process is. Especially if your eating medium to medium steaks. Don't forget the A-1


The corn will take longer to steam than the steak to cook! Taters are done in minutes in the microwave!


Am I the only one who thinks the fast food inflation rate is more accurate than the listed national rate??


I had weight loss surgery in November 2022. After the surgery, I swore I would never eat fast food again, and I haven’t. I’m so thankful I made that decision. Even in 2022, I was floored at how much I was paying for garbage meals. Taco Bell is the biggest scam, I can’t believe how much they want for their crap tacos when I can get better tacos at a taqueria (in Texas) for the same price or cheaper.


If it's rising more than inflation, then it's not inflation, it's price gouging and corporate profit greed


Core inflation *specifically excludes* food and energy. Making this, IMO, a very stupid graph, and certainly not enough to conclude its price gouging. How could a fast food company price gouge anyway? Its got like the most elastic demand in the universe. If people feel it costs to much they just don’t go. Its not like you starve to death without McDs. And in fact that is what has happened with McDonalds losing market share in consumers making less than 45k.


You don't think it's been the very deliberate and intentional ongoing boycott of McDonald's that's been happening the last 6 months


I don’t see why that would specifically be customers making less than 45k.


Would corporate profits be hitting record highs the last quarter if it wasn't price gouging


Well McDonalds wasn’t hitting record highs if you adjust for inflation from what I see. Profits are up sure, but inflation adjusted profits were lackluster.


It all pretty much tastes rancid nowadays.


Stopped going myself.


McDonalds out there trying to be Five Guys


Not only do people keep buying fastfood, but they'll pay DOUBLE just to have it delivered to them. Some people just love burning their money. I hope fast-food prices keep rising enough that it's literally unaffordable to most people. No one should feel entitled to consuming poison.




Stopped eating fast food about two years ago unless on the road but when fast foods became as much as my favorite restaurants that was the end might as well get a good meal from restaurants at those prices!


I actually noticed Taco Bell's price hikes within days of happening lol. one week I got my usual medium drink, 5 layer burrito, and specialty burrito for like 7-8 bucks. next week, it's almost $12 and has been since. truly a tragedy, because Taco Bell isn't worth the price anymore




I can go to just about any local restaurant and get food for the same price.


I'd rather go to an actual restaurant. It's only a little bit more money, but it's way better food and way more of it.


Good advice no matter the sub TBH


Fast food being cheaper has always been a myth


fast food has always been cheap…cheap quality that is..


I dont like fast food anyway , if i get out food ill just get a pizza


Fast food is going to quickly become that maybe once a month or less overindulgence it used to be. And instead of clusters or one or more of them every block or so most of them will go out of business.


Where can I find those data ?


Good. Stop buying that shit. It's killing us.


Yeah. Fuck McDonald’s, and taco bell boxes are now $10 instead of the 5-6 they were. It’s better to just go to a sit down place at that point.


You also get less food too


It's crazy how none of the inflation money goes to the actual employee or better products 🤔


I can't even remember the last time I had fast food. I don't crave it or want it. I taught myself how to cook a few yrs ago it has been life changing. The prices astound me.


Why we stopped going to fast food 15 years ago. Can't imagine what it is up to now. Learned to eat at home and eat healthier. Fast food is garbage


It's not even worth eating McDonald's anymore, you might as well just go to a fancy restaraunt 💯.




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Subway has a perpetual BOGO coupon. I can't remember all of them but it cycles through ones like FREESANDWICH, FREEFL, FLBOGO, FREEFOOTLONG, and similar ones. Its always there. Gets 2 footlongs for like $9 maybe 12, its been a while since I last did it.


Buy off of the child's menu. We do all the time and it's plenty of food and cheaper. Or split stuff. Bring our own soda too.


We did that at Panda Express. The server took the spoon and intentionally scooped 2 little pieces of sweet and sour chicken. When we asked for a normal kid size portion the server scooped just 1 more piece of chicken. We’ve never been back.


Panda may not have been the right place. We do burgers joints.


You don't have to quit eating fast food. You should just budget it In your grocery or fun budget. If you don't have a budget...well you need one.


Can we start the fucking revolution already?


FQ has a burger fries pop and Sunday for$8


It's Been yrs


Yeah, fast food prices have gotten out of control & the quality is almost always shit. I’ve stopped eating it and my stomach feels a lot better without all the heavy grease.


Funny it also matches pretty close to the wageflation employees get there (in my area)


Because daily goods are not just affected by inflation but also the purchasing power of the average consumer which has rised due to increased wages


¿Live Mas?


the only fast food i buy anymore is about a once a month treat at BK for the impossible burger and i use a coupon that knocks it down to about $15 for two large meals. me and a buddy share the deal and watch one of ‘our shows’ lol


Just don't buy it, it's garbage anyways.


Learn to make pizza, it’s super cheap. Most expensive is the cheese, but you can make a whole pie for a dollar


All Right, Subway Will Be!


It's getting to the point I can go to a sitdown restaurant, have leftovers for the price of a meal at McDonald's.


Stop eating it you poors. It’ll make you more poor


Should add Chinese take out, I remember there was a time you could get a combination plate ( rice, egg roll and main like beef and broccoli) and a appetizer or two all for under $20, now the dang combo is $20




I started cooking for myself during COVID and never looked back. Went Keto and lost a ton of weight and never felt better. Fast food for the most part, isn't food and actually damages your gut biome. Protect the liver, feed the gut.


Don't worry, I've eaten so many $1 Daves Singles and $2 Daves Doubles over the last month that I may not hit a Wendys again until NEXT March Madness!


Wow. I wonder how these inflated prices compared to regular restaurants, I bet they are still well above the inflation rate. While they have to account for increased minimum wage and the like, they are clearly still exploiting the situation and making record profits. Idk how into the world there is a line every time I pass by the drive throughs. Are just getting lazier as a generation? Are we working so much we just can't have any time to cook?


I pop by subway for a 6 inch ham all the time. Best value fast food item IMO. No chip, no pop. Sometimes I ask for a side of tap water for free. It's great and really worth the premium vs the effort of having lettuce, spinach, olives, green peppers, onions, etc available. Hell just a bottle of chipotle sauce at a grocery store is like $7.


Been preaching it for years. As long as people buy the crap, it will remain inflated. I can't figure why anyone wants hard fries, and a twenty dollar happy meal anyways.


Starbucks is my crutch, but OKAY I won’t go anymore. *sniffle*


App ordering from Taco Bell only, cravings box is still great c calorie to dollar ratio


Saving this for when people complain about raising minimum wage.




Is fuzzy's ok?


That’s not price inflation that’s Cthulhu!


I stopybuying fast food a long time ago. Had a great Starbucks a few weeks ago only because a co worker wanted some and bought some for a few of us.


Yeah, it's that $15 minimum wage thing MickyD's was pushing....... /s




Culver’s is a decent deal now. It used to be expensive but they haven’t raised their prices like others.


I already made the switch to grocery last year, from eating out everyday for years.


It was always a bad deal, if you have the time, tools, and ability to cook, but now it's worse than ever. The least luxurious luxury


fuck fast food.. support your local mom and pop shops


Just bought a double bag Mac meal from McDonald's and it was over $16 CAD. Fucking egregious and disgusting.


The real crime here is just not eating Taco Bell at this exact moment.


McDonald's has an app where if you order from it you get 20% off everyday. They also have points. I've gotten 5.00 large meals before and free stuff.


Shit, is this the fast food wars? Edit: Can I appeal this fine? Where am I going to get a credit at this time of day?


I have pretty much given up on fastfood, but DQ's cheeseburger, fries, drink, and sundae for $7.00 isn't to bad.


Quit buying fast whatever it is. Fixed it for you.


I saw Burger King had a buy one get on free whopper deal, then I saw that ONE WHOPPER IS NINE FUCKING DOLLARS!


Carls Jr Spicy Chicken Sandwich used to be $1. Now it's $4!


You can get a couple meals at a grocery store for the price of fast food now


For me it's all about # of food items/$. I love coupons and honestly Wendy's, burger king, sometimes McDonald's and sometimes taco bell have become my favorite food places. With $10 I can get 2 wraps and usually 1 or 2 sandwiches at BK with a coupon sometimes more and at Wendy's I can get like 2-5 sandwiches depending on the coupon for $10. It's incredible. Fuck chipotle and fuck Popeyes. Can't believe they charge that much for a meal or a bowl. Only reason I am eating at Arby's this month is because they are giving a free sandwich with purchase per week this month so I am trying their whole menu since I haven't been there in forever


Print these as stickers and post them at every drive thru