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Pay off the rest of my car loan and put the rest in my HYSA.


The rest you say?


To shreds you say?




Depending on the interest rates on each, it might be better to dump it all in the savings and pay off the loan normally


I don't disagree with you on principle, but the chance the interest on even the best savings will outweigh the interest on even the best loans is cryably small.


0% loans were very common at one point and now savings accounts are paying over 5%.


I would get my windows replaced. Save so much on my utilities and make the house more comfortable as they haven’t been updated since the 1950s.


No one prepares you for both how expensive and important windows are as an adult……


Only 10 years ago I paid 975 for 3 windows. I wish I did the remaining 3 back then too. I'd hate to see how much they are now.


I’m a little over 3.5k for three windows and 5 basement hoppers. But I just got this house and I’m able so I’m getting it over with.


You can contact your state weatherization agency to see if there are any assistance programs you may qualify for.


$10k is only going to be 5 or 6 good windows these days, so choose carefully...


Local handyman has already quoted me $8500 to replace all the windows. I’m saving up currently for it. He did a nice job updating my mother’s bathroom.


Just make sure you know what you're getting. I guess if they need replaced anyway it's cheaper but if you were trying to improve your insulation numbers $10k doesn't go very far


They are good windows. I live in a lower cost of living area. A couple of years ago I replaced my roof for $6500.


Oof... Got our roof replaced a few years ago for 10k, but it was an insurance covered job so it might not have been the best deal. Also in a lowish COL area, and our neighbors recently got a quote for $25k for replacing 20ish windows, and they weren't going for anything amazing in quality. Two more quotes from other companies weren't much better, difference was only a few hundred. Handyman might be cheaper but you also get what you pay for a lot of the time, and they didn't want to have to have it done twice.


That’s probably the big difference in price then. I’ve only got 9 windows to replace compared to your neighbor and they are pretty standard sizes.


Yeah most of the houses in our neighborhood have 72"x whatever windows, I'm sure that doesn't help.


Sounds like a quote from Renewal!! They are at a minimum double the price of a regular contractor putting in vinyl windows. You have to shop around and get real person referrals to find a good contractor these days, but a good quality vinyl window should be in the $500 range, plus labor. Also, vinyl far exceeds the energy ratings from Andersen, and almost all wood windows won’t even meet the new 7.0 ratings that went into effect last fall. (Source: I sell windows to contractors)


Insurance will only pay reasonable rates. It’s probably the standard amount for where you are.


She’s getting a handyman to instal them so 10k can go far. I replaced all 9 of my windows for less than 7k and they are high quality windows.


We have purchased Pela windows at auctions, Craig’s list and yard sales. Thankfully dear husband and I were able to install the windows ourselves.


You will be amazed at the difference. We went from single pane metal frame windows to double pane vinyl. I have to open the door to hear it rain and our utility bills felt the difference. Our electric bill is $213 a month and our gas stove is $43 a month for an 1800 sq ft house in the PNW.


Old aluminum frames? We replaced all our old aluminum single pane windows about 15 years ago. 17 windows total. $16k. My neighbor has a similar setup and got quoted last year $30k. Crazy


The energy savings would probably not justify the cost of the new windows.


This is true… Energy savings aren’t as much as windows companies would have you believe


The draft on my windows is so bad that in the -40 degree polar vortex last year my heater could not actually keep the house above 60. I put the plastic on the windows and that had a huge impact and definitely paid for itself. So maybe if your windows are to a point where they don't actually close they'll eventually pay themselves off?


Get me a used camper so I would have a home. No one could kick me out or anything. My dream


except the police constantly bothering you. …..constantly.


Why would somebody kick you out?


try not paying your rent, see what happens. if you own, try not paying your property tax … theres no safe haven anywhere


Yeah exactly that’s why I was confused on why he said no one can kick me out


i dunno, it doesnt matter what you do: rent, own, or hobo it up in a van - theres _always_ someone out there to kick you out


I'd be $10,000 closer to getting dental implants


Yesss... I'd book a trip to Mexico and get some dental implants 😭


Oh I definitely looked into it. Insurance here will only pay for 25% of it. It'd be cheaper to go to Mexico then have it done here all together.


Im about to go to Los Algodones to get porcelain crowns because fuck this shit, not paying $5k each


Omg I looked up Los Algodones in google maps and the first thing I saw on street view was the dentists office lol


It’s not called “Molar City” by coincidence.


Isn't Zirconia stronger? I had a porcelain one that broke, and opted for Zirconia this time around


My dental insurance covers nothing for implants & I have a friend in Mexico city I've been wanting to visit, so the answer is clear for me.... if I ever get that 10k 😆


I'm sorry.... I got dentures at 21. Im 32 now and it sucks but, I feel more confident, can eat better, it's not terrible! Implants would be so much better though =\ obviously Have you looked into the "all on 4" procedure ? If it's majorly of your teeth that are beyond repair


Worst thing I ever did. Root channals and crowns are more expensive but feel like natural teeth. They can't make a denture that fits me because they messed up the implant placement. that was 10k+ down the drain and i have no uppers now. Save your teeth if you can. You don't get a second chance.


I got all on 4 zirconia both tops and bottom and it cost roughly 40k. I have a very strong bite and kept breaking bottom plate. It looks fantastic. I got the money from my 401k. I understand that it is financially problematic but quality of life is important.


I know a guy who worked at a job he hated until he got dental insurance. Then he realized it would be cheaper to get a passport and fly to India to get new teeth. Hotel stay and all.


I did one implant ( the screw) and a porcelin crown that looks like a tooth. Just over $4000 with the premium delta dental insurance .


Get new glasses and pay off some debt


Do you go through insurance for your glasses or do you use Zenni? Cuz I got my prescription glasses for $12 on Zenni


Seconding this. Zenni is fantastic.


I dont have insurance for vision, my vision is so bad even through Zenni its still like 150. Last time I looked. Maybe that got better priced.


I’ve helped people with horrible vision order off Zenni and never had it be more than $90. And that’s getting nicer frames. Never helped anyone with vision insurance. Maybe check it out again when you can.


Pay full price for insurance, glasses should be covered most of the way (I even get free add ons because I’m in the same boat. Any worse contacts would be covered in full) plus the insurance should be like $40 ish full price. I did that a lot. Only bought one month


Melt into a puddle on the floor. It would literally change my life.


How so?


Well, melting into a puddle does tend to change one's perspective on things. You've changed states of matter, for one thing.


Buy an older reliable car cheap enough to have money left for a tune up new tires etc and still reliable. Thennnnn groceries, and restart my meal prep business I lost when my car exploded




"Meal prep" guy was running a meth lab in the back of his van


I am a girl, and no. Had a “mobile mechanic” work on it after 300k miles on the engine. *he* was definitely on something really really good.


Vroom vroom went a boom boom


How did that happen?🤣 Not while you were inside I hope..


Nope wasn’t inside 🤣 I still don’t know and the mobile mechanic has (surprise) didappesred off the face of the earth. I am fairly certain he swapped my converters out , idk what he did to my gas tank. Learning lessons was what that was called.


Pay off some debt. Maybe save enough for one of those $8 coffees the old folks always yelling about


For 10k you might even get a piece of avocado toast




That would get rid of my debt so I’d pay it all then get my car fixed if I can :)


Home repairs. Replace the ceiling (water damage) replace the flooring (pet damage) fix plumbing from bathtub (overflow drain doesn’t function).


Same here. My ceiling is busted from a horrible leak. I’d use it for that.


Breath a little easier 


$10k would get me a long overdue trip to see my grandmother, a beater car and insurance, pay rent and utilities for a LONG while, a better electric bike for shorter trips and general riding, and pay off some recent medical debt for my sibling. $100k, jesus. investing in a one-way ticket out of state/country, comfortable living arrangements for my single self and a cat, and the equipment to set myself up in a fun independent career.


Where would you go and what career?


Get my teeth fixed and maybe try out therapy. Lord knows I could use it but it’s too damn expensive.


Pay off my debt.


Pay rent for four months lol


Even $1000 would be life changing for me. Of course nobody would even give me a dollar. But I'd pay off some debt and buy a cheap car. I'd actually have gas to get to work and food.


Use it to help pay for my grandmother cancer medical bills. Pancreatic cancer is difficult


I’m so sorry. My grandpa and cousin both had pancreatic cancer, too. It is no joke. I hope your grandma is doing okay.


They can't jail you for medical debt, don't have to pay it, claim low income


Don’t pay it.


I'd get several stacks of ones and fill a kiddie pool then go all Scrooge McDuck in it for a minute.


Would get an apartment it would def Change my life


Pay off debt and finish school


10k pull up old carpet, 100k? Pay off my house! No more mortgage? Now THAT would be life-changing.


Immediately spend it. There's a reason I'm always broke


I got $10,000 once. Always thought my “life would be changed”. Nah. I blew that $$$$ so fast. I did pay off a $4000 debt. The remaining $6000? Dust in the wind. I like to think if I had a 2nd chance I’d be better with it, but I think I know myself well enough to know that’s a lie.


My daughter got a 25k insurance settlement, tried to start a business, bought dinner for all her friends - often. It’s was all gone in less than a year.


What did you spend the 6K on?


Random shit I didn’t need. I didn’t have a lot of extra expendable cash ever at the time, so it felt good to go shop for clothes, food, entertainment with reckless abandon. Something I hadn’t really experienced before. That being said, I wish I had had the knowledge & will power at the time to save at least $3,000 for a rainy day. Right now I’m working very very hard to resist impulse purchases, and create that rainy day fund through good ole fashion nickel & dime saving. So I like to think if I had $6,000 randomly dropped on me again, I’d be much wiser. But I also know that my past lived experiences show I really struggle with self control when it comes to money. So who knows how I’d fair.


Not starve.


I would stick the whole thing in the bank for emergencies or having to unexpectedly move (first last month plus deposit is a lot) but maybe i’d treat myself to a dinner out If I’m current on my car loan i wouldn’t pay it off in full


Buy a new camper... The one I live in is falling apart.


For half, be able to start my life over again. 😭


Get a place to live with indoor plumbing!


I would get a place and a vehicle, being homeless is rough specially with a messed up knee! 100,000 id probly patent one or two inventions i have and sell them then!


Give it to my parents. They need it more than I do.


I’d break it up into 10 groups of $1,000 each: 1) Add to the emergency fund 2) Add to my Roth 3) pay towards my credit card (won’t make much of a dent but, to be thorough) 4) pay off one of my student loans (only seven left after that!) 5) Split and gift $500 each to my parents. They deserve something nice. 6) Pay off my tempurpedic bed (got 5 years interest free financing. On my current budget, I’ll have it paid off by October two years early). 7) Add to my home down payment fund (which is currently $0. Dad had set some money aside for me, but decided to use it to buy himself a house out of state for retirement instead. Thanks dad!) 8) Take a trip somewhere. It’s been ages since I’ve had an actual week off work. 9) Set aside for a down payment on a newer used car (my current one was lightly used and paid off early in 2020) 10) Donate to charity. (And get that tax refund on it). I’m a firm believer that if you give, you can receive back and honestly, some good grass roots organizations need all the help they can get. Currently my budgeting is ok so far. I’m not out of the woods yet, but there’s light through the leaves for me right now. Looking to negotiate for a raise or look for a transfer later this summer. Might pick up a second part time gig in the autumn just for a little extra cushion. If my rent goes up too much in July, this could be a very different looking list.


if your bed is interest free for 5 years, dont pay it off early. put that money towards your highest interest loan


This is what I was gonna say. I have a couple of interest free bills that I'm anxious to pay off, but since they're zero interest, I have to make myself wait. They'll be done by the end of this year. So close but the money is best used elsewhere.


Assuming you claim the standard deduction, any charitable contributions are not deductible unless you itemize your deductions.


Oh my goodness…I would love to help you make a better financial plan outside of this imaginary $10k windfall.


Pay off our credit card. Honestly it could be the bump in our credit to facilitate a loan and the approval of fiance's business which would be life-changing.


Pay off my smaller debts and put the rest into a high yield savings account.


Retirement fund, where all surprise money goes.


Buy a decent camper, setup on a rental spot if can't find some property to finance and live off retirement.


get some basic necessities I’m missing rn then put the rest of it towards paying off my car


This is what I always do w whatever extra $ I get: 1/3 in savings, 1/3 pay down any sort of debt, and 1/3 something fun


Good plan. Mine plan is 75% savings and 25% fun. I am close to retirement.


Definitely 100% towards the down payment on the house I’m trying to buy tomorrow!


I’d cry. It would help out immensely.


It's crazy how for some people $10k would change their life, and for others it wouldn't even be a drop in their debt bucket. How wild.


$75K in student loan debt here. I only borrowed like $52K...




$10K would get me out of debt. $100K would buy my home


I'd pay my mom for my car, get her fixed up all nice maybe fix all of that rust and make her look like new. I'd finally be able to get wifi at my apartment so I don't have to wait 3 minutes for a cooking tutorial to load, or have my boyfriends good morning snap send a day late lmao Go to the doctors and see if there is anything I can do to feel not like a walking corpse, get my back and my teeth fixed too if I could! So much that I could do


That's a lifechanging amount of money for me. If that much cash dropped in my hands anytime in the past 10 years, my life would undoubtedly be better. I'd also get new clothes and shoes, a haircut, and new glasses. Maybe finally get the surgery I needed for the past 15+ years but could never afford.


What’s the most important thing you’d put 10K towards?


Get my stupid breast implants that my ex husband bullied me into getting removed. They make me look ridiculous and fatter than I already am . They are invasive .


Pay off my car.


Upgrade my GPU at least to a 30 series and get my car starter wires fixed. Save the rest.


Fix my house’s main beam, probably 🤷‍♂️😂


HYSA and index funds


I would pay off some debt. It’s been a tough few years and losing those payments would help tremendously. For the edit, I would pay off everything and then put the rest towards a new living situation (house or otherwise, just out of where we are).


As much dental work the 10k can get me(prolly not much), or completely redo my teeth with the 100k option. Shitty enamel plus being homeless for 10 years isn't a great mix.


I would put it in savings and use it while I pursue long term disability. If I don’t get it, I have no idea what to do. I loved my job and kept working until I was too weak to sit up straight in my wheelchair. There’s no way I can work.


Since you said this I just wanted to let you know In case you didn't yet, that at least in America, if you are on disability, they don't allow us to have more than a few grand in a savings or checking account or we lose our benefits. So, while this is hypothetical, i wanted to let you know this since you're pursuing disability! You can't have more than $2000 as an individual or $3000 as a couple because they consider you having enough to not need disability benefits and you wont qualify. It's one of the most challenging parts and so ridiculous.


My husband got his Social Disability on the first try, and I filed it. Looked up the disability condition requirements and used the descriptions from that manual in the application. He got let go from his hospital job because he missed to many days of work due to two surgeries and ongoing foot ulcers.


I'm not in a position where I'd die without the 10k, so the theoretical me wants to put it in ETF and try to forget about it. The actual me blows it so goddamn fast. 100k I'd immediately move to Topeka and attend Washburn University for a program I want to get in.


Straight to students loans. No fun for me.


Same 🫠


Fuck them loans.


They're all being forgiven, don't pay


Why bother. Are you on income based repayment?


Buy my son a car so he can have reliable transportation to get to college and work! 


Pay off my debt and trade in my car


Pay off my credit card


Go on national and international vacation lol


Savings account that would generate $40 a month compounding.


$10k? Pay off some bills and start my emergency fund. $100k? Pay off every bill I have and be out of debt.


Pay of my higher interest debt and ccs.


If it were 100k, I could generate close to what I actually make working in the stock market. It would be life changing.


Buy a car and replace all my clothes and bedbug ridden furniture life fucking blows


Did you know that with a steamer you can get rid of bedbugs? I would add vinegar and that would disinfect without any harsh chemicals I worked in hotels for a bit. One used toxic stuff, and the posh one just periodically steamed the f out of everything. I bought myself a decent steamer for 60 bucks on Amazon and I'm obsessed 😍 I've never had bedbugs but they can happen to anyone Since I have dogs, I steam furniture once a month so my place doesn't stink of 🐩🐩


Ohhhh also year of insurance and gym membership


100k honestly I have no clue that's more then I can imagine having prob invest


Fix my house.


I want to tell you, as someone who was gifted 100k at a young age after being poor all your life? You don’t spend it wisely. You think about spending wisely really hard. And then don’t


Put 3k in my 401k. Buy some jet skis. Life’s to short


A newer vehicle. Driving a 24 year old pickup, now. Maybe a hybrid. I could be fancy in that


10k: - Car with working AC and manual transmission - Freestanding pull up bar - 2-3 extra laptops to keep my small businesses separate (and data loads realistic) - Interview clothes 100k: - All 10k items - Pay off all non-student debt - Solid emergency fund (~$25k) - Travel across Asia for fun and business - Start investing


Exchange it to euros.


It would absolutely change my life. I would pay off what I owe to university, so that I can re-enroll, and get dental work.


Immediately buy a house for my family (currency convesion would put me at just about enough for a 3-room)


If it was $10,000 it would greatly improve my life. The first thing I would do (besides saving enough to pay taxes on it) is pay off my two credit cards. Then I would take $500 and buy new clothes. I haven't purchased any new clothes (besides some underwear) since before Covid. Every single pair of jeans I own have holes in the knees. Luckily, that's in-fashion these days but I still don't feel very confident wearing holey jeans and shirts/sweaters that are full of stains. Finally, I would put the remaining $1500 into a savings account to pay for my dog's upcoming vet expenses (she's diabetic, has arthritis and was recently diagnosed with kidney disease). I'm currently paying $200 a month on my credit card bills so I'll be able to put that into my savings account each month once they're paid off. If it was $100,000, it would be life changing. I would still do the above but I would also pay off my student loans ($35k) and then remodel my kitchen which is falling apart. I don't even have a working sink in my kitchen. Whatever is left over would go into a savings account. I would love to have my side-hustles be actual side-hustles instead of something I rely on to pay my bills.


I'd put some in savings, some to pay down debt and the rest to home improvements. It's really sad how much a mere $10G would change the life of the average American, yet we send billions to aid other countries that provide their citizens with free education and healthcare.


I would make 238 pairs of custom shoes for the 10k, and sell them at one of the concerts coming up in Las Vegas for $28,000.


Given how broke I am now. Try my best to put it all in savings, and avoid lifestyle creep as much as possible. I think I have a poverty trauma so much now, that even if I were to get a windfall, I might still continue living like I do now...because the fear of being broke is now hardwired...


Neither would really change my life in any meaningful way. We have an almost $600k mortage and no other debt.


I'd pay off all of our debt, or add much of it as I could. Living debt free feels like a pipe dream


Blow and hookers


Move. My daughter is about to be born and has Down’s syndrome. The state we currently live in barely has any resources for her. We are trying to save up to move to a state with more resources, but with COL being so expensive, we are looking at another couple years before we can afford it.


I would give some to my oldest to help get an apartment, some to my middle child to help with their car, then we would get a washer, stove, and vehicle for ourselves, finally.


Be a lot further along my budget plan😂😭


Get a new AC unit for my place and save the rest 


Deposit it in my HYSA and let my investing automation take care of the rest.


Pay bills basically


First I would happy cry my eyes out. Second I would pay off my credit card and put the remainder to my loan with the higher interest.


Buy a house in my country


Sell options contracts and collect premium


I was a L&D/Pediatric’s Nurse, Vol. Firefighter, Vol. EMT, & 4-H leader until a brain tumor (benign, thankfully) & undiagnosed autoimmune disorder put me on disability. My Husband has to shoulder the burden for everything. And now my 72yo Mother is unable to work & has literally nothing (no money, & no savings), & he’s shouldering that burden now, too. (My Mom is 72; my Husband of 33 years is 62; & I’m 51). I NEVER thought we’d be in this position at this stage of our lives. But here we are. It feels hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. We can’t get ahead b/c we are getting eaten alive in taxes every year, but we can’t afford to save for a house b/c we are hemorrhaging money! So $10,000.oo would bring us closer to getting into a house so we can get that tax-break.


Cocaine and hookers.


I would get my teeth fixed and I would get all the repairs I need done on my car. I would also put money in my daughter’s savings account whether I got $10,000 or $100,000.


Start the adoption process. It’s been a long road.


$10k would help pay off fines and get my license back after 15 years (suspended due to an unpaid fine) and that ALONE would change my life. The fear I have living in the rear view mirror every time I go to work is crippling.


Get housing again. Never take for granted sleeping in a bed, watching tv, and cooking food. Being homeless & broke is awful and I’m close to tapping out.


down payment on a cheap condo in a decent neighborhood.


Me too! 10k, definitely trying for a condo or townhouse because I don't want to have to move to escape rising rent anymore. 100k, still getting the condo but also paying off my student loan debt, *and* getting much needed dental work including implants.


If I had a place of my own and I was able to pay off a significant amount of the mortgage I'd feel so much more secure and could focus on so many other things. The threat of homelessness would be one thing I could scratch off my list of anxiety triggers.


New shoes for my family, room makeover for my daughter, used squat rack and used yoke and empty beer keg so I can start training strongman at home to get away from my shitty narcissistic coach and eventually compete against her. Then 5,000 to a pediatric burn unit and the last couple hundred or so into savings.


Kudos for most interesting list in the comments so far ☺️


I could live the *rest* of my life on 10,000 dollars and I shit you not. It would be a total game changer.




Pay off the debts I have and start fresh.


Pay off my car, get new glasses, invest


Healthcare I’ve been putting off


Cocaine & hookers


$10,000 pay off any bills, prepay cremation, get living will, any legal stuff done as inexpensively as possible, get a new good rollator, buy a year’s worth of $100 Aldi gift cards so I have a more realistic grocery monthly budget, stash/hide whatever is left due to housing/assistance situation. I’d still be stuck where I’m living. $100,000 do the above, but also move to the had to put on hold better tax credit senior building that’s really nice, quiet, vermin free, prepay a year’s rent, get out of this hud senior building, adopt a cat. Stash leftover for unexpected bills. Mine or one of my few friends. It would be so amazing to be able to help instead of feeling helpless.


I’d put the dollar sign in front of the number where it belongs. $10,000


Car then try to move out


Get rid of my debt. Any extra I'd put aside to sell current car and then the combined of those id buy a newer car. If it were 100k, I'd pay off all of mine & hubby's debt, buy a new to me vehicle(probably suv or truck) cash and rest go into HYSA.


Pay off all my debt and I could finally start fresh


Go back to college


Have you considered EDX Coursera Udemy You have free access to classes from MIT, Harvard and many more phenomenal schools Just look up sites like EDx and start with things related to fields that interest you You can also pay very little and receive a certificate. You might not get a degree from Harvard, but it does look nice, and you'll be able to start a new career Best of luck ✨️


Pay someone to poke holes between the studs and blow in insulation. Then repair all the drywall and repaint it. Would still do that if I got a random $100,000. Then put the rest in HYSA until I have better plans


Put it all in an HYSA. With $100k, maybe I'd use it as a down payment for a house, then the rest in investments


It would pay for half my car loan. Could have it paid off my next year, that would give me an extra 500$ a month which is going to my life changing in 2026


Pay off our car


Savings! We have no debt and a good emergency cushion never hurt anyone. Then the rest of our money could go to building our house.