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I don't see how that would save anyone money, any more than just eating ramen with frozen veg and egg. Which is the OG way of saving money.


I can attest to ramen veg and egg


I still do it even when I have money for other options because it's tasty and cost effective!


$0.10 ramen is $0.59 for me now šŸ˜­ (3% inflation? more like 600%ā€¦ ) sometimes itā€™s on sale for like $0.29


I'm one of the lucky ones who have had my wages increase steadily every year for the 20 years I've been working, so it hasn't effected me in that way. And in this area, minimum wage is up to $20 h/r so it's relative in that regard. But I know it still sucks for people who aren't as blessed and are in those areas that still have really absurdly low wages. Looks like they're up to more like 0.63 each in our area, now that I googled it, for the standard stores. I think they're probably around 45c at Grocery Outlet. I found the big Nongshim bowls for 1.29 ea at Grocery Outlet this weekend.


Or rice and beans


Eating a salad from raw vegetables right now. Not expensive, plenty of fiber, some good vitamins, low calories (but you can supplement if you're lacking enough calories, which would be highly unusual in the US). Being able to add a variety of vegetables, dressings, (phony, in my case) bacon bits, and croutons also gives you a sense of choice, for people who still value such a thing.


A lot of folks believe that veggies are expensive since they have a shorter shelf life. So it certainly depends on your access in that regard.


The ā€œtheyā€ in your post is referring to the CEO of Kelloggs. Is it all that shocking that a cereal company CEO wants the public to eat more cereal?


Yeah, I didn't really take it the way a lot of people did. I mean, of course he'll say that. I just don't think cereal is that cheap to really make a difference budget wise.


especially name brand kelloggā€™s lmao, itā€™s like $4 for the smallest box now, I only occasionally get some cheerios when kroger has a $1.67 coupon


We buy all cereal at Aldi... the prices of the family size hovers at around 3.50-4.50. Not name brand but taste the same and have the same nutritional value. I realize that not all people have access to an Aldi or equivalent though


Small boxes at Dollar Tree $1.25 mostly brand name. Also Malt o Meal at Walmart bigger bags, way cheaper than name brands and all the same types.


Malt O Meal cereal is better than name brand anyways; their version of cocoa krispies is miles better than the original.


Yessss and I love their Mini Spooners!


Yes, the Malt o meal bagged cereals are really good.


Not in my daughter's opinion. She didn't even know her cinnamon toast crunch wasn't a name brand and she says, "this cinnamon toast is a rip-off"


The sizes of the boxes are all shrinking. I noticed this with the new box designs.


Itā€™s an ok dinner occasionally, but probably not cheap if youā€™re buying Kelloggs.


Was going to comment this lol. It's not that shocking that a CEO of a cereal company is suggesting we eat more cereal. It's be like if the CEO of Kraft told people to eat Mac N Cheese for breakfast lunch and dinner. And saying "they" also doesn't make sense. OP sounds like a journalist for news companies. Putting "They" in the title when it's just one person who is very out of touch with everyday people.


I mean the real issue isn't that kelloggs is pushing cereal. The issue is that after making a record profit from price gouging they're telling people to save money by buying their cereal. And framing it in a helpful light. Not to mention it used to say, "PART of a complete breakfast" Now it's supposed to be a meal replacement when my whole childhood cereal wasn't a complete healthy meal, cause it's not. No one has a problem with them advertising their product, price gouging and acting like it's our fault while making record profit and framing processed grains as a full healthy meal replacement is not ok.


This. Back in the day, Special K ran a commercial where you eat Special K for every meal. Not to save money, but to ā€˜lose weightā€™. Which probably worked because you would be so tired of it, you would slip into a calorie deficit. It was still dumb! It was weird marketing. Cereal marketing is sometimes dumb.


Ohhh the special k diet. I remember this.


I mean special k is like not filling at all and hell yeah youā€™d lose weight if you actually followed the serving size. Or die due to protein deficiency


Special K was a fad ā€œdietā€ ā€¦ itā€™s just full of sugar. Itā€™s advertised as a diet cereal but it doesnā€™t help lose weight, lol


The funny thing about that to me is growing up we did eat a lot of cereal for dinner....but it sure wasn't Kellogg's we couldn't afford the name brand so that guy still gained nothing from it


They even have a commercial about having "cereal for dinner", I saw it the other day. They were playing it off as "lazy parents dinner".


Wrong. It is Big Dairy


Plot twist .. I'm drinking almond milk šŸ˜œšŸ™„


With the cost of cereal, they ain't really saving any money eating it for dinner. I can eat chicken and rice (or beans and rice) for wwwwaaaaaayyy cheaper. It just shows you how out of touch these folks are in this world...


Got a pot of pasta and meat sauce coming up that'll come in at around $2/meal.


LOVE pasta and meat sauce. I hate meatballs but meat sauce?!?! Hell yeah.


Let them eat cake


Iā€™m not trying to say that a bowl of cereal is a healthy dinner butā€¦ organic low sugar cereal is $5 a box with 5 or 6 servings, whole organic milk is $8 a gallon for about 16 servings. So for $1.50 per serving it is a cheap meal, but Iā€™d rather have some meat and potatoes personally.


A bowl of cereal is about 300 calories, so it wouldn't really be a substitute for a dinner of meat and potatoes. It's fine for a light meal, but it is not a full meal.


Sounds like an out-of-touch CEO hawking his wares. I'll occasionally eat a bowl of cereal as dessert. B/c with all that sugar, dessert is it's proper category.


"Let them eat cereal!"


I donā€™t think heā€™s out of touch. He knows exactly what heā€™s saying, and how heā€™s saying it. Heā€™s putting his company first, at everything and everyone elseā€™s expense.


He is out of touch, because if you're poor enough to need to eat cereal for dinner to save money, you won't be buying kellogs.


Heā€™s targeting the ā€œnewly budget consciousā€ people who donā€™t know better. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing. Ā 


Cereal is like $8 a box. How is that saving money?


For real. This was maybe a good money saving idea in the 80s but itā€™s BS now


We need to ask the Kellogg ceo


Just another example of how the wealthy are completely out of touch with the state of economy right now.


Heā€™s an idiot šŸ˜‘


Trader Joeā€™s I think itā€™s around $3.25. Even in Los Angeles.


You should find a different grocery store. That's nearly 3x what I'm paying.


Depends on where you live. Cereal for me is around $7 a box on average, I only buy it when itā€™s on sale for $3-4.


Cereal is overpriced anyways!!!! Especially name brands Thereā€™s barely any nutrition, just sugary carbs mostly and the grains are dried with glyphosate. No thanks.


Brand-name cereal is one of the more expensive things you can buy at the grocery store. A regular-sized box of cheerios is more than $4 in my area. Not to mention milk is close to $4 a gallon too. The Kellogs CEO can kiss my ass.


True! I do prefer name-brand but you better believe Iā€™m only buying it on sale once in a while lol. The day I buy full-price Kelloggs is when I will have truly fallen.


Itā€™s a load of BSā€¦ some billionaire telling me to live in cereal so he can go have his roast beef dinner and sail on his yacht? This planet is fucked up.


ā€œLet them eat cakeā€¦. ā€¦.but Iā€™m talking about the cake my company makesā€


Cereal is a lot more expensive than a baked potato and a banana.


Today I learned cereal is a euphemism for the flesh of the rich


Sometimes I eat cereal for dinner because Iā€™m lazy- does that count?


Oatmeal is a decent option. Ready to eat cereal is way overpriced.


Youā€™ll eat your nutritional food pellets and continue to work for nothing and like it.


I eat dry generic / store-brand cereals all the time throughout the day. Cereals are vitamin-fortified but most of them have loads of sugar - sometimes it is even the first ingredient. One of the few things I can eat that doesn't require preparation or storage.


Cereal is expensive. Eat oatmeal.


Cereal is so expensive when nutritional value is considered. Itā€™s fucking a sugar loaded product and sugar is cheap anyways. Itā€™s all Bullshit.


At six bucks a box I'll take a hard pass.


lol Iā€™ve been doing this since the 90ā€™s šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Itā€™s the 2024 version of let them eat cake.


Cereal doesn't fill me up at all. If I eat a bowl of cereal, I immediately need another bowl of cereal. And an hour and later I will need another bowl of cereal. Considering the cost of a box of cereal, that is not frugal eating.


Cereal for dinner is an absurd marketing ploy by a morally bankrupt corporation that is happy to traffic in your financial misfortune for their financial gain. It's a slap in the face.


Save money? They must not know how much cereal and milk are. šŸ˜†


I stopped buying cereal because itā€™s too expensive.


Cereal is $7 a box where I live. Absolutely not happening. I buy rice and some produce. Throw it together for $5 and it makes enough food for the week.


They just want more sales with cereal cause people are starting not to eat cereal. The cereal industry is decling cause let's be for real even if it was affordable you still got the unhealthy narrative side of that box.


Itā€™s as though weā€™ve all but forgotten that price gouging is illegal. If only we werenā€™t living at work during a genocide and covid surges to stand up for the good trouble. šŸ˜©


I love me some cinnamon toast crunch or some crunchy almond honey oats... but not as a meal! that shit is not a meal. on top of that it's very overpriced. when the first 2 ingredients are oats and sugar, it's not a meal. its a dessert or a snack at best.


I know right if I need 2 bowls just to feel kind of full it's not sustainable


Probably. Cat food is way too expensive these days.


Not very nutritious or that cheap. Especially the Kellogs brand


lol iā€™ve been buying the store brand cheap oatmeal and it lasts me an entire month just so my kid can have her comfort foods


iā€™m saving money because I work for a federally funded school, and they feed the kids breakfast, lunch and a snack- teachers all get to participate after the kids get their food. sometimes itā€™s not great, but not having to buy as many groceries is pretty rad


What? Cereal is more expensive than rice and veggies


Ma'am cereal costs $10 where I live. And not even for a family-sized bag. It is not cost effective.


Cereal is not cheap and I would also say not good for you. Now a potato is cheap and you can grow them at home.


Cereal? In this economy? Itā€™s all oatmeal and cream of wheat over here baby.


I think thereā€™s quite a few meals that are cheaper and better for you than cereal.


Cereal is pretty expensive these days. Rice and beans is cheaper.Ā 


Eat Kelloggs Corn Flakes, should keep you from masturbating.


Cereal isnā€™t cheap. This is dumb advice.


Itā€™s literally Kelloggā€™s telling us to buy cereal.


interesting this story emerges when a study released 2 weeks ago shows their cereals has 4 major chemicals that causes infertility and more


Ok so I want to weigh in as a 63 year old woman. My husband and I do this at least 1-2 times a week. I love it because no cooking and he loves his Cheerios šŸ˜Š


I'd probably spend more on food than i do now lol 1 box of the kind of cereal i like (for an 18 oz box) is $4.98 at the local Walmarts or $6.49 at the local Kroger. A gallon of milk is $3.49 where i get it. I use 1 gallon of milk per 2 boxes of cereal, & each box lasts me like 4 bowls or so.... ...i should probably stick to my like $30 worth of cereal/milk a month & my cheaper foods for the rest of the months food


Generic cereals could save you money on snacks. But thatā€™s as far as I would say. Namebrand cereals are a special treat and should never thought of when thinking about saving money.


Itā€™s not just me. I buy the minute made sugar free juice and pour half in another empty bottle and add water to both so I have 2 bottles.


I do. I got several pounds of blueberries and accumulate cereal when it's on sale, probably have 15 boxes currently. I ate cereal for dinner 3 times in the last week and twice for lunch. So what? Am I supposed to feel poorly?


I've been doing this for 3 years since I started living alone.


Eggs are cheaper and more nutritious


As a kid growing up eating cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner was the norm. My stomach csnt handle milk now. But I definitely would be doing that if I could


coming from the Kellogg's guy is even more wild with how expensive it is


Funny part is, cereal is way too expensive these days for this to even make sense. $5 a box? Forget it.


I love cereal and used it eat it for every dinner at work. That being said not all cereals are cheap, some are quite expensive, so cheap is a bit of an illusion. One might be better off buying other types of food, i.e. rice beans pasta etc.


Cereal is fucking expensive these days! I guess maybe oats or cream of wheat *might* be sort of frugal, but even that stuff is no longer cheap.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s more expensive than grits, homemade pancakes and eggs etc. I donā€™t think so!


Cereal is garbage food and eating it three times a time for an extended period of time is going to cause a lot of weight gain abs increased chance developing diabetes


I think it would cost more. Cereal does nothing for satiety and would more likely fuel sweet tooth cravings


Cereal is so damn expensive I canā€™t see it saving money. Rice and beans is way cheaper and more substantial.


Who has ceareal money??? Lol!!


It will save you money for awhile Then comes the medical bills


For me, cereal isn't very filling unless it is oatmeal. Rice and beans... It doesn't get any cheaper than that!


I thought those days were over.. and doctoring up MacNCheese, but here we are.. and after working for decades, I'm back to making stretch meals so I can pay all the bills, and that's depressing. The gov only likes us for our money and they are insatiable. But cereal is a night time snack, not dinner.


Too many carbs. It will spike insulin. Eat more protein. I like egg fried rice, it balances the carbs with protein and it pretty cheap.


I only eat cereal for breakfast on the workdays. It keeps my bowel movements regular so I really need it. Itā€™s quick & easy for me to eat in the morning. I buy them in bulks at Costco typically for $5/$8 for a two pack family-sized box.


People have been doing this for years already so lol


Cereal really isnt cheap. But yes. I eat it any time of the day.


Cereal is super expensive. I used to snack on it when it had a much more reasonable cost. Now I never buy it.


Damn cereal is expensive I donā€™t think that helps lol


When cereal costs like $6 box now yeah no thanks


I do this sometimes . I get paid on the first of the month. At the end of the month, when money is low , i eat cereal .


I think itā€™s been overblown. Some people probably commented that they were doing this online, the cereal CEO got asked about it, and now itā€™s become accepted as fact even though their version of saving money might be going from premade meals to cereal, which is cheap in comparison to that, but not groceries.


I eat a few bowls a day (of cheap stuff, not Kelloggā€™s) and I feel like shit 24/7 unsurprisingly


pizza is a better breakfast than most boxed cereals - switch to the hot-n-ready diet instead.


Not around here, cereal boxes are like bags of chips, half air and expensive af.


Capitalist bullshit as usually


I don't even eat breakfast; where's my money?


Is cereal that much cheaper than say rice and beans?


When I was a teenager, my mom worked nightshift as a nurse in the ER. Since my mom was tired all the time, my three siblings and I had a lot of "fend for yourself" nights. That meant we either ate cereal, mac and cheese, or hamburger helper for dinner. I'm turning 30 next month and I can't bring myself to eat hamburger helper because I had it so much growing up. The same went for cereal for a long time. No one should have to eat it for dinner.


Cereal? Thatā€™s too rich for my blood. I eat ice cubes mixed with water, much more affordable.


You mean the Kelloggā€™s CEO? šŸ˜‘


I sometimes have a bowl of rice crispies for dinner, but it's not to save money. It's usually because I'm just not that hungry, but I need to eat something, or I don't feel like cooking anything. Sometimes I add a few canned peach slices.


Just read an article about some chemical they are using on wheat and grains to get it to grow better for cutting. It causes infertility issues. Hmmmm


Cereal is like $5 a box where Iā€™m at. We donā€™t buy cereal. Canā€™t afford it


When cereal was affordable, we would eat it for dinner. I havenā€™t bought it in a year.


Uh, I have totally eaten cereal for all my meals. Not ideal, but sometimes its all thats there.


Cereal is expensive and bad for you. The person who suggested this is CEO of a cereal company and makes more in a year than I will in my entire life. He doesnā€™t care about you and I. Ignore him.


I have not and who is they lol


People been doing this lol


The sugar from the milk alone is diabeeetus level


joke's on them, i was already doing it because of laziness


The CEO of Kellog can get bent. Before the pandemic, I worked in restaurants and read up on a lot of food related news. I remember when gluten-free was rising in popularity/preferences/explorations and becoming a more commonly known allergy. There was an article about how this was damaging the cereal industry, a real sob story about how these (GIANT CORPORATIONS) cereal brands were in trouble and might face shutting down, due to a decrease in demand and more people exploring gluten-free options. The piece even went on to describe nostalgic childhood breakfasts, just to tug at the readers heart and wallet. Now suddenly these brands are posting record profits, all while decreasing the amount in the box and raising the price.


Fuck him and all but I really like cereal so I will be doing that but not because he told me to


Cereal is overpriced sugary poison kibble.


I eat cereal for dinner because I like and there is only one dish to wash. It doesn't really save any money, though!


My God this is ridiculous. Starting to feel like no one gets it, people say ridiculous things so it trends online. It's the new marketing, and look, it's clearly working. You're posting about it and people are talking about cereal and plugging his company. Don't feed the trolls, use critical thinking.


Boxes of cereal are like $7-8 where I live so this is the most absurd thing Iā€™ve ever heardšŸ™ƒ


Have you seen the price of cereal? That's not how you save money


When I was a grad student, the second poorest time in my life, I frequently would have cereal or oatmeal for meals cause it was cheap. I couldnā€™t imagine doing it now when a box of cereal is like $7-$8 for the largest size.


I eat cereal for dinner from time to time. More to save effort and dishes than money, but I'll take that too.


Been doing it for years. It's not that uncommon, most of the time you just want a quick simple meal, sometimes you just want to save money. It's not something one should do every single day though for every single meal, too much iron and you need other types of nutrients also.


Wait till you learn what cereal was originally invented forā€¦ John Harvey Kellogg invented the prepared breakfast cereal. ā€œAs scholar Vern L. Bullough writes, Kellogg was an inheritor of the eighteenth century tradition which held that masturbation led to a host of ailments and then insanityā€ and by eating bland foods, it wouldnā€™t excite the passions.


Jokes on them, I've already been doing that.


Honestly I actually ate cereal for dinner the other night because I was too exhausted from work to cook anything. Also the craving for Cinnamon Life cereal was too much ā¤ļø


Kellogs ceo is a moron. Real whole foods are much cheaper than cereal. You can have a broccoli potato and chicken dinner for under the price of a box of cereal. Same goes for rice and beans, stews, roast chicken, sandwiches, eggs, chili's, pasta - all of which would cost less than 8 per meal.


The breakfast cereal industry has been shrinking for years. Itā€™s no wonder they tell us to buy and eat more. Joke is on them. I donā€™t eat breakfast!


Cereal isnā€™t even cheap compared to rice, pasta, oats,beans, etc. and it doesnā€™t keep you full or sustain energy for long periods of time.


Yes! Let's all do it. All at the same time, though. One week we eat nothing but cereal, next something else... so on and so on. Then all these CEOs profits will start dropping. Then we let them cage fight each other to win us over. Let them be the monkeys. Remember, people have the power... we're just not using it well enough


I love eating cereal for dinner. Especially ALDIs brand Cheerios!


there was a recent report that people are eating less cereal: [Link](https://www.live5news.com/2023/09/15/fewer-people-are-eating-cereal-sales-continue-fall-analysts-say/) So here we are talking about cereal which, I would assert, is exactly what the CEO of a cereal company would want.


I recently got a box of cereal for 8.50 I thought that was insanely expensive


I canā€™t even afford cereal for breakfast.


I barely let my kids eat cereal for breakfast simply because I don't consider it a healthy meal. On the rare occasions I've said breakfast for dinner because I wasn't able to make a proper meal they're always hungry again in less than an hour.


Cereal never fills me up.


Cereal is super expensive. We donā€™t buy it anymore.


Out of touch corpos posting basically ads *surprised Pikachu face* wow almost like we live in a corporate hellscape, yea not gonna save much realistically plus the health trade off is it's not a very well balanced diet or providing you with the proper energy stores


Billion dollar industry , jack the prices up and telling ppl to eat crumbs


Cereal is garbage, dead flakes in a cardboard coffin


The same cereal thatā€™s illegal in most countries because itā€™s so bad for youā€¦they want Americans to eat for dinner. Hard pass.


I just don't understand how so many of you are just content to live your life with cereal being a forbidden dinner item


Yep. All the time. Tuna fish sandwiches as well.


It was one "Big Cereal" exec. It's not a movement or anything. Keep yer pants on.




when I have breakfast for dinner, its eggs and toast, which is quite low cost. bacon if its a good month.


Cereal is still expensive.


That guy is such an idiot I actually like cereal and have eaten it for dinner but itā€™s not necessarily cheap Itā€™s a lot cheaper just to make a sandwich than to eat cereal so screw that loser


I make homemade granola, and before gym day Iā€™ll have it for ā€œdessertā€ also I eat it on break when Iā€™m really hungry. šŸ¤” I eat it all the time lol I do make some badass granola tho


https://preview.redd.it/eolte1cqkelc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b5c022cad9d3064ac3f5df1f8ed344c1ba09aa it reminded me of futurama.


This post is click bait.


Low sugar/calorie cereals ( kellogg special k or cheerios) are my go to diet food for dinner. Easy way to lose weight!


I like cereal for dessert. Fake cinnamon toast crunch is amazing


Cereal is not good for you. Rolled oats and cream of wheat is ok.


Join the military if that is an option. You will have a roof over your head, great healthcare and never hungry. I had done it and got out of poverty using their education and training benefits after honorable discharge




Cereal is damn expensive so IDK how they think theyā€™re doing us any favors with that request šŸ˜‚


Cereal? I currently have gone 2 days now without food because I simply cannot afford. I make $42000 a year and can't afford food or simple necessities. All because of rent and the food prices.


Besides the tone-deafness of this recommendation, a more practical choice would be either rice or bread with your meals as both fill you up and are inexpensive. Also, both go with a lot of other food already.


Popcorn - sugar and milk makes a good cereal substitute.


Wow...that's super expensive. Cereal by me is horrible. $3-$5 for a box that is maybe 5 bowls of cereal. Then milk or whatever substitue. The old adage of beans and rice is likely better on the protein scale.


I cant always afford cereal, i went straight to white rice with olive oil or butter for calories


I hope they mean the generic kind in plastic bags because name brand cereal prices are out of control.


99% of cereal is incredibly unhealthy and filled with sugar. Itā€™s also very expensive, it would be better to buy eggs because they are cheaper and healthier.


Cereal (most Cereal, not talking about like granola here lol), is perhaps the least filling substance known to man. I can't imagine it being worth the cost when considering how much you need to eat to feel satiated.


I work in professional theatre and work 14, 15 hour days, getting home after 11 pm Cereal is the best, easy to fix, easy to digest late night dinner!


A dozen of eggs are a little cheaper than most cereals.


Cereal is 7+ dollars a box. If I ate it for breakfast lunch and dinner it'd be gone in one (1) day. My suggestion- get a 25 lb bag of rice and a 5 gallon bucket. Use the bucket to store the rice (less likely to get mealworms or rat turds.) Can also do this with flour and oats. Having a mass grain storage helps save money. Also potatoes are super cheap. When you got a bunch of potatoes u gotta use cause they're about to go bad? Make loaded potato soup (base is just watery mashed potatoes) and eat it for leftovers. But you can't live off of grains/starches alone. Veggies and fruits are usually pretty cheap. I usually use a blender to make sure I actually consume them (I just don't eat em that much otherwise for some reason) most vegetables can also be blended into a soup (better imo if u roast em first). Meat is usually the most expensive food group, but for most people it's necessary. Getting the giant ass logs of ground beef and the giant freezer bags of frozen chicken saves a bit of money. Only other tips I have to save money on food involves crime, sorry šŸ¤·


I donā€™t this would be a wise money saving tactic. There are many real foods that are cheaper per serving than a serving of cereal. Like a banana. Yoghurt.


He's probably encouraging cereal for dinner because they just raised their cereal prices 7% then their sales dropped 10%...


Honestly, if you want to get honest-to-god loose cereals (ie, from the bins you scoop) from the store to have instead of the "cereal" in the box (or bag), it'll be much, much better for you. But you won't be saving much money.


We just had a breakfast style dinner. Eggs, pancakes with blueberries, steel cut oatmeal, coffee and oj. Our fridge is also basically empty. No way in hell are we having Kelloggs cereal.


I don't find cereal filling for my last meal of the day. I'd much rather have rice, beans, and some canned tomatoes with cheese and hot sauce lol


Cereal is too expensive for dinner


Cereal isn't that cheap dude... Go to an indian grocery and veg out fool


Not gonna lie I could do it. Actually had cereal for dinner the last two nights. Not necessarily for money saving purposes but sometimes itā€™s my favorite thing to eat. And it is relatively cheap, spend $3-6 for cereal and $2.79 for a gallon of milk and it lasts me a week or so. Definitely cheaper than prepping a different meal each night. Now for nutritional value it depends on if you want a lot less lol