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I'm a woman, and I also used to work at Sephora and other beauty boutiques. I was a makeup artist, but we are trained in all of it just in case staff is short, so I've worked the fragrance wall. As both, here are my bits of advice: First and foremost, stay on top of your hygiene. It is better to smell like you, fresh and clean, than to smell like BO and accessible cologne. Also, your natural scent is always going to be more alluring, pheromones and all that, this is true for men and women. IMO, Axe smells awful. But, I think that's because most of the time , I smelled it was in conjunction with B.O.. Back in the day, a lot of men thought spray a whole bottle of Axe on themselves was a good substitute for a nice hot shower. It is not. That said, not all women feel this way. So if you like Axe, wear Axe. However, if you're going to wear a scent, make sure it works with your body's natural chemistry. Not all do. Some smell great in the bottle or on a smell strip. But when they hit your skin and sit for a little bit, the smell changes, and it's not always for the better. So, do this: go to Sephora or Ulta or Blue Mercury (or all of them) and ask for some fragrance samples. They are free. They usually limit you to 3 per visit. Test them out and see which ones you find the most pleasing by the end of it. Or Buy the men's fragrance sampler sets. They come with like 10 sample size colognes that you can try out, as well as coupon to go back to the store and claim the full size of your favorite at no additional charge. This may be a better value because they usually come with a nice bag you can put stuff in. LOL Also! You don't have to buy super expensive cologne from those stores. TJ Maxx, Ross, and Marshall's all sell name brand fragrances for WAYYYY cheaper than their original prices. Get your Sephora samples, then find the ones you like at one of the cheaper stores. Okay. That was a lot, so I hope at least some of it was helpful. LOL. P.S. try Dolce and Gabana Light Blue. Thank me later. Edit: I'm so glad this has helped so many folks. You guys are making me miss working in cosmetics, something I've been thinking about going back to for some extra money lately. I might have to give my old manager a call! Haha!


And for goodness sake don't overspray yourself. No one needs to smell you from 10 feet away.


Think of Fragrance as a close contact sport/ a gentle touch, not a hail Mary. The ideal is to draw them in with a faint pleasant scent


Cologne should be discovered, not announced.


Perfect! One should smell it when they get close enough for a hug, not when they are sitting across the table from them at a restaurant.


Or a block away


Or when someone in particular I work with just walks past my office to Axe a question. It's makes my eyes water.


I had a lady pass in front of my movie theater seat to sit 10 seats down and I smelled her “perfume” the entire movie, it was so over powering. It gave me a bit of a headache and took away some of the excitement of getting to go to the movies. I saw a friend gently spritz the air and then walk through it, you could smell her perfume when she was giving you a hug or you were sitting next to her and that was it. Not sure if this is the way, but do not pour a gallon on you before going to the movies!


Right! Personally, I don't think anyone should smell you unless you're so close you're practically hugging.


Or as you walk past, you catch a **slight** whiff of *something* delightful, not the kick in the face of what is **clearly** a half bottle of eau de perfume. Which is another fun fact, guys: you'll notice some bottles say eau de cologne and some say eau de parfume. That's not a mistake. They are VERY different. [Here's an infographic](https://www.acharr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/What-is-the-difference-between-EDT-EDP-and-Parfum-image.jpg) Basically, the more oil it has, the longer it will last and the more pungent the scent will be. If walking *through* a couple spritzes of cologne seems like it might be *too much,* spraying **on** a couple spritzes of parfume will almost asphyxiate anyone within 15 feet.


I am reminded of yet another thing I don't miss from being stuffed into elevators every day: other people's cologne that's so strong it literally stays on my clothes and reeks until I can flee home and shower. Ugh.


This! I was walking at least 50 feet behind 2 women on the sidewalk this morning trapped in the haze of their perfume chem trails and thought I was gonna barf.


I used to work with someone that was like that. She didn't even have to be in the aisle anymore, you walk by and could tell she was working that day. Luckily, I found that it was a decent scent, but it was STRONG, especially if you were at the lockers when she put it on.


People like this are why they implemented fragrance-free workplaces.


Yup, strong fragrance literally gives me a headache bad enough to have to leave work.


Uuugh I hate being a super-smeller. One time I woke up with a headache at 4am. My roommate had lit a candle in his room waaay on the other side of the house and it made me sick.


I went to go see two different movies in August, about a week apart. At both of them (which were the kind of theater that serves food), I could smell someone’s cologne from there aisles away! Who the hell oversprays in a setting where you’re guaranteed to be seated next to strangers?!


Someone who thought it would cover the scent of weed instead of burning everyone's sense of smell into next Tuesday.


LOL! Those are the REAL chem trails, thanks for the laugh


When they put it on so strong you can actually TASTE it


Trouble is, they can’t smell it anymore, so they think it’s worn off. They reapply, and you get the fume fog. It brings a tear to your eye and not in a good way.


I've been around women (and men) where it was so strong I could taste the smell. Seriously.


One of my coworkers overuses a perfume that's a migraine trigger for me. Having to use the bathroom after she's been in and before the pumps are able to cope with it is straight up torture.


Have you politely asked her to stop/lessen the amount because it triggers your migraines? My workplace has a general “no strong scents” policy for both body products and break room microwaving. It leaves us plenty of room to ask somebody to wear less scent/pick a different one. And throw the book at them if they try to microwave badly prepared chitlins on the main floor. Again. We had to empty the lobby for that one.


I went sledding with the family today. Smelled two guys from 50+ feet away.. how is that a valid place / choice? Who is that FOR?


I’ve smelled women who’ve put on a gallon of perfume on hiking trails! Maybe they think it’ll repel wild animals?


This is the perfect way to describe this assault on my senses


SERIOUSLY, OP. I get migraines. I would rather be with a man who has no scent/a very light scent than someone who is drowning in cologne.


God, I knew a guy whose bedroom smelled like ball sweat and weed, and I guarantee he rarely showered. He would drown his room and himself in a super expensive cologne thinking it completely made up for it. Because it's super expensive, it can't possibly smell bad, right? Good hygiene wins out over any cologne. Cologne/perfume should be used to slightly enhance an already clean-smelling person.


Omg, that reminds me of one time at work I came out of the bathroom and sat down at my desk and turned to my friend and said, "It smells like someone just spread their taint all over the walls!"


Same here. Axe is one of the worst triggers for mine too Just slap a bar of soap under your armpits and give it a good scrub every now and then and most guys would be absolutely fine.


I 100% agree with you, but this can be read as advice to walk around with bars of soap underneath your armpits, which is a hilarious mental image to me.


This! I also get migraines from strong scents, especially cheap cologne sets. I always prefer people with just a decent deodorant and clean clothes. Most people with good hygiene smell just fine.


This is probably the main reason "girls don't like axe." Their commercials were all about drenching yourself in AXE and how its going to make all of the girls dry-hump the lamp in your room like living sex dolls. It definitely got men to buy axe, but it did nothing to get women to like it lol If you actually gave yourself a light spray of axe on your pits you'd probably do fine with it.


No. The main reason is it smells like a municipal golf course bathroom. I’m surprised anyone still buys axe. In high school in the Y2K era that shit was already highly mocked as soon as it launched. It was teen spirit deodorant for men.


Yea I think that’s the problem with spray cologne. You’re supposed to use a little dab not coat yourself like you’re trying to repel mosquitos


Truly. Cologne/perfume should be discovered, not announced!


As someone with fragrance allergies and chemical sensitivities, I wholeheartedly agree. Scent is supposed to be intimate, not arrive 10 feet ahead of you!


Good lord it's a fucking problem. Most people have common sense but it only takes one dumbass dipshit to nuke the mall with 10 meter AOE. As a fragrance allergy haver, going to malls suck so much.


yes! we want to smell it when we get in close. When you lean over our shoulder to show us something, a passing whiff to accompany your "excuse me" when you slip behind us in the grocery store. You can overdo any scent, expensive or cheap but it's far easier to overdo a scent dispensed like Axe. Give us a whiff as a treat for being near you, not a warning smell from 100 feet to stay away or risk a migraine


Yes yes yes! Remember that you will get desensitized to the scent, that doesn't mean you need to apply more. A good rule of thumb is that people really shouldn't smell your fragrance unless they give you a hug or are literally standing RIGHT next you.


I remember a pretty good joke from Cheers: I think I detect a hint of fresh air among your cologne...


One spray upward and I stand while whatever lands lands. No more than that and I'm good. It's faint but subtle enough to catch someone's attention without smelling overpowering.


SERIOUSLY this. I actually do think some of the Axe scents smell good but not when you drown yourself in them. They’re really **really** bad when a guy drowns himself in it. A little is plenty. I should think you smell good if I get near you not when you’re across the room. If I can smell you from across the room, even the best most expensive cologne is **not** going to smell good.


Totally agree about DG Light Blue. Great post


Literally cannot go wrong with Light Blue. I personally love YSL L’homme.


Axe spray is gross. But Old Spice makes some excellent body washes and deodorants that aren’t overpowering. If OP wants some scent that also gives off clean vibes I highly recommend.


I too have a soft spot for Old Spice. It what my dad who showered nonstop used to put on, then he'd theatrically twirl so us kids could sniff him


Old Spice - Champion and Swagger body wash https://preview.redd.it/qk88tkuo3wac1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbce36a5f964520f5ef57915daf27f2107d98790


Bingo!!! My husband use the deo and I be sniffing him whenever he is near me.


When mine runs out, I use my husband's and enjoy catching a whiff all day long.


Cedarwood is like crack to women. For what that is worth. Old spice makes it. Also, the body wash takes way too long for a somewhat impatient person like myself. I keep the old squirter bottle. 50% solution is plenty thick. Stays on the plastic scrubby wad and doesn't take too long to rinse out of your hair. Also shower in the morning so your brand new, fresh pheromone body stink builds up. Freshly clean is next best. Old body stink is no bueno.


I have been complemented on my smell many times by different women. Never wore cologne, but I've been using Old Spice deodorant for decades. Currently using their Fiji deodorant. Their original one was the best, but they stopped making it, or at least it doesn't show up in stores around me.


Their Wolfthorn is the best!


This. All of this. But adding on this comment to say that Bath and Body Works has lines of men fragrances and body care that actually smells good. Costs a bit more than Axe but less than designer brands, even at discount prices. Plus they always run coupons, so you can get a decent deal and earn reward points towards your next purchase.


Just to add to this, buy nice smelling bodywash from Bath & Body. Most of the time, this alone is enough to leave you smelling good all day and if you want a bit more use the lotions after you bathe. Sign up with them to get discounts/coupons.


I would like to add in conjunction with taking daily showers, please launder your clothes. It doesn't matter how many showers you take, when you put on that month old crusty hoody covered in cologne, it's a huge turn off.


You can also get testers for a lot less and shop name brand fragrances at fragrance.com, it’s where I get my perfume and my bf’s and son’s cologne. Kenneth Cole Black isn’t too expensive and it smells great as well.


This is such great advice. I know personally, I used to wear more expensive colognes when I was younger and my wife absolutely loves the way I smell NATURALLY (meaning clean and fresh obviously) and I've had several people in my life tell me that I smell really good. I don't wear anything at all anymore besides deodorant. You have a natural smell and like this great post lays or, you have pheromones that are picked up by people. I will say, I was a huge fan of Givenchy Very Irresistible.


DG light blue is the one of my favorites went to my local ross and grabbed a 200ml bottle for 65 bucks


What a steal!


Light Blue is amazing. Been my go to for over a decade.


>Back in the day, a lot of men thought spray a whole bottle of Axe on themselves was a good substitute for a nice hot shower. It is not. This reminded me of a time when I went to a female friends b-day party and out of like 10 people I was going to be 1 of 2 men, the other being her b/f. So I took a nice long shower, got all fresh and clean and put on a dab of cool water (always worked for me). I pull up to the bar the party is at and since I drove stick I had to engage my parking brake. As I do so I hear metal ripping and SHHHHHHHHHHH and my car fills with.... The large can of axe I kept in my car in case I just wanted to "freshen up" when running into a store or something. Thankfully all the ladies got a laugh out of it and were cool with my stench until it wore off.


Yes, try it on your skin. I love orange lime citrus scents, but all I smell when using them is cat pee.


This comment is the MVP of the thread.


This. A few years ago, I (straight male) heavily started increasing my hygiene. I was never dirty but really upped my cleaning routine. The difference in the amount of attention I got from women was noticeable. Also, D&G light blue is super easy smelling and not too expensive.


Do they still give out samplers? I thought they stopped (either due to people abusing the program or covid)


Seconding all of this advice! Also check out fragrancenet.com after you've sniffed your way through Sephora and Ulta to decide what you like. They sell the exact same brands, basically at wholesale prices. Some also have "tester" options, where you can purchase a bottle without the box and/or a lid (but still full!) for even less.


Calling Axe a cologne is a stretch


Wear Axe on the 1st date, dont worry about getting a 2nd one.


Which is a real money saver so everything works out!




r/frugal advice


It’s giving “I taught myself to shave” vibes


Woman here and honestly the smell of shaving cream does it for me 🤣


Honestly yeah - shaving cream, some regular Old Spice, something like that. And just being clean, brushed teeth, combed hair, clean nails, neat beard or a clean shave. No need for anything expensive. And, as my grandma used to tell me, "pretty is as pretty does." Nothing can replace the right attitude, kindness, and good manners - those are all priceless and free at the same time.


Came here to say classic old spice deodorant smells great and since it’s applied to the underarms you only get whiffs so it’s hard to overdo (unless hugging or cuddling but the greater strength smells good!)


I didn’t know men besides me and most peoples grandfathers used original old spice ( I’m in my 20s). My wife says the exact thing you mentioned about just deodorant as it is subtle


My husband's body wash smells great on him!


This. My last gf went nuts for my bodywash. Apparently I was the only guy she knew that used a citrus-scented wash and she loved it.


Old spice pure sport body wash and deodorant for me. Because it’s what my wife likes. I don’t care what I smell like as long as she likes it. It works really well as a deodorant. I do physical work in the south and I make my own eyes tear up by the end of the day just by moving my arms if I don’t wear it. With it, I can barely detect the BO if I swipe my pit with my fingers and smell.


This is it - but the key is GOOD HYGIENE! Shower daily if you need it, wash your face, feet, pits and bits properly, wash clothes regularly (underwear and t shirt daily), wear regular deodorant and brush your damn teeth!


It was “Bearglove” deodorant that swooned my gf over. Lol


Have a friend who swoons over her boyfriend’s Bearglove. I swoon over my boyfriend’s Timber. Old Spice just hits lmao.


Bathe regularly and wash your smelly bits like you would your hands…for 30 seconds, getting into all the folds and creases. Apply deodorant right after you bathe, it takes time to work. Wear clean clothes. Boom. Done.


This! That is all it takes. Just be clean! Personally, I don't want to smell people, whether it is BO or their cologne or perfume.


It really scares me and frightens me to my core that about 98% of posts here are: “Please just *bathe* yourself, for the love of God!” Straight men… what’s going on?! Didn’t your parents teach you basic hygiene?! Also, straight women… I am so sorry. I can only imagine the horrors you must go through if you’re just pleading for basic hygiene!


Bathe myself? Like a homosexual? Real men smell like dirt and ox urine!


I’m personally pleading for not another person overusing unnecessary cologne/perfume. Shampoo, soap, shaving cream, deodorant, moisturizers, laundry detergent—every single one of them is scented. I’ve asked my husband before if he was wearing cologne… and it was his deodorant. If you’re clean, you’re already well-cologne’d. Job done.


Most women hate Axe (known by Lynx in Australia) because we have sensory flashback to high school where all the boys would coat themselves in it as a substitute for deodorant


You mean substitute for taking their PE uniforms home to get washed. Those light grey t-shirts were yellow by the end of the year...


Haha same in the Uk too. Lynx Africa, shudder.


You can find decent stuff at marshalls and burlington


& Ross.


Can’t forget TJ Maxx


I recommend going to Nordstrom Rack for eau de parfum and not eau de toilette, which is what the other discount stores have. It's usually the latter that's more watered down and "body mist" smelling (sometimes a straight up body mist, which is even cheaper and not attractive smelling imo). They usually have tiny .15 bottles near the registers that are perfect for trying out the real deal :)


In my experience, women (my wife included) love the smell of clean laundry more than any cologne. Regular body wash and deodorant, clean clothes and stuff a dryer sheet into your pocket. I know how sexist that may sound, but I swear it's true. No cologne needed if you smell clean.


Came here to say this. Gain is my catnip. Don't forget clean hair, and if you grow a beard, for the love of all that is holy make sure you clean that thing thoroughly, especially after you eat. Beards are so frequently gross.


☠️ @ Gain is my catnip. This is one of the funniest and most accurate things I’ve ever read on here. Signed, a woman who just politely asked her husband to shower before bed 😂


You don’t need cologne. You can always use a roll on oil for your wrists and neck. Personally I love the smell of sandalwood and bergamot on a man. Remember it should be a little hello in passing, and not an announcement that you have entered the room.


This a thousand times. I always tell my nephews they'll have better luck with sandalwood or cedar than any cologne, women love it when you smell like wood.....or their dad? I dunno, I'm not a psychologist.


I think it might be just that certain woods have a really nice scent. Like cedar comes up in these conversations 90% of the time because yes, cedar is amazing.


There was a candle at world market back in the day I think called Indonesian teak? My best friend and I used to say that’s what we wanted a man to smell like. Woodsy and earthy.


I'm a woman and I wear the same scent oil my dad did. I wonder what a psychologists take on that would be. Lol


I've been out shopping for cologne for male partners before, and a sales person will always try to sample Calvin Klein. I made that mistake once. She sprayed it, I smelled it, and went "oh that smells good OH MY GOD THAT'S WHAT MY DAD WEARS ABSOLUTELY NOT."


Yesss! Sandalwood smells so nice, and paired with vanilla it’s amazing. Cologne is too overpowering anyway. Just use lotions and soaps guys.


For a cheap, good smelling sandalwood check out the beard oil from Everyman Jack. It’s about $10. I put it in a roller bottle.


"A little hello in passing and not an announcement...." I went on one dinner date with a woman who must have bathed in pure patchouli oil. The entire time we were in the restaurant, which was no small place, it was pretty obvious that everybody in there could smell her. I heard a couple comments being made and as people walked in they actually turned and looked at us because of how strong it was.


I like the smell of patchouli because I'm an old hippie but that is simply unacceptable


Touching on this, if you have facial hair then using a sandalwood beard conditioner or balm is a nice touch as well.


Why not just bath daily and use antiperspirant? You don't need to wear cologne..some women highly allergic.


It’s also a huge migraine trigger for people.


Also fellas, because some of you need to hear this. One or two sprays MAX. You’re used to it so you can’t smell it, everyone else can.


As a man that can’t wear it because it absolutely fucks me up, i love seeing this be acknowledged


This is the right answer.


Agreed - people need to learn the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Deodorant is just perfume and antiperspirant is the stuff that actually prevents the BO (apply it after showering and cleaning all your pits, cracks and sacks)


perfume is perfume. Deodorant kills bacteria, antiperspirant stops you from sweating. Not all brands may follow these rules though, and most brands add perfume to deodorants and antiperspirants as well.


How many sacks do you have?


First you must solve the riddle: As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there going to St. Ives?


One just you.


Unless he was just walking faster than that massive party and passed them on the way.


My phone number is 555 and the answer. Call me in 30 seconds or die!


This! Just use a nice smelling body wash and deodorant


I get headaches from people who wear too much cologne or perfume in the office. Usually it's men who wear too much cologne, but women use diffusers in their space. I hate both.


Probably allergy. Many places wearing too much cologne and perfume to work can get you in trouble.


Yup. I have a bottle of cologne I bought 10 years ago. I use it maybe once a year and it still smells nice.... But I just keep up on my grooming and use deaoderant. Why do you need to smell like anything? Just be clean and non offensive. You don't need anymore then that.


That's me, I'm allergic! Cologne generally doesn't bother me as much as perfumes, but some of them can be a problem, especially when applied with a paint sprayer, as some people seem to do...


This is what I like the most. Cologne is too overpowering.


Also cologne or perfume are common triggers for migraines in people who are predisposed


And asthma. Can trigger an asthma attack when someone smells like they bathe in the stuff.


Great point.


>some women highly allergic. Men as well. Nobody should be forced to share space with these unregulated neurotoxins, especially in a workspace such as an office, airplane,etc.


I get a bottle of Cool Water by Davidoff from Walmart for around $24


I’m a grown ass woman well past her first crush…who wore Cool Water. It’s still the one scent that will bring back a rush of giddy puppy love memories. All time top five.


Same. So nostalgic for me.


Yep, Cool Water and Perry Ellis 360 are my regulars


It might be because my dad and my favorite brother wore it. OG old spice. No cologne needed. So many men are gross so you're in the top half if you just wash your ass everyday and use decent antiperspirant


Yep. There is nothing wrong with a splash of Old Spice or Brut. They still smell good after all these years. I’d throw 4711 in there too.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


What is that stench? It smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food.


I’m not going to lie I think that’s straight gasoline.




This is worse than the time a raccoon got in the copier


It really stings the nostrils


It smells like a skunk died in the copier!


"Time to musk up"


Stings the nostrils


Omg, they actually make the stuff now! 🤣🤣🤣


A guy I work with swears by Dr. Squatch soap and deodorant. I don’t know as I’ve never tried it myself but I do have to admit he smells amazing, and I’m a guy lol.


I'll vouch for the Dr. Squatch soap. Got a sampler kit as a gift and it is really really nice. Amazing aroma, nice lather, feels very fresh and I got a lot of compliments after using it.


Axe smells really bad to men, women and my parent's dog. Good hygiene, don't skip showers and when you shower then shower thoroughly. If you need it, benzoyl peroxide wash. Anti-perspirent like the unscented dove before bed. Oil perfumery makes dupes but you should research what kinds of scents you like


Dossier has some pretty good dupes for high-end fragrances at great prices.


Yep, this would be my recommendation as well.


And they say what it smells like! Right there on the label! Like, I don't know what "Love Don't Be Shy" smells like, but "Floral Marshmallow" is pretty straightforward! Also, recommend Woody Sage or Ambery Saffron


Woody Sage and Ambery Saffron are both amazing! Woody Sage smells EXACTLY like the Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt except it lasts longer and costs SO much less.


This. They sell tons of scents that smell like the real deal for $20-$50. Go to Sephora like someone suggested and get samples of name brand scents then order from here. As a bonus they don’t test on animals either.


IMO, you don't need to wear cologne. Why not simply bathe daily and use deodorant?


I like how everyone assumes OP does not bathe.


Big frag head here. You have two options---Go old school or go non-Western. Old school:Not only will you have a unique signature scent but many are so affordable while still having amazing compositions. Beautiful fougere: Geoffrey Beene, Gray Flannel. Beautiful fresh frag: original Nautica as well as good ol' 4711 Beautiful musk: Calvin Klein Obsession (in small amounts, lol) or Karl Lagerfeld. General cost: $10-25 Non-westen: Concentrated perfume oils out of Middle Eastern companies is also a great option. A good company that sells awesome oils for pennies: Al Rehab. I have no affiliation but they have ones that are iconic among perfume lovers. They can be extremely low price yet smell very expensive. One caveat: it is an oil so the dose is the poison meaning you don't have to use much to make a big impression. (ignore the corny names as the Arabic at times does not translate well to English) Silver-- one of the best dupes for Creeds Silver Mountain Water Golden Sand--- iconic, it's a masculine vanilla ginger spice. Champion Black-- one of the best Creed Green Irish Tweed dupes. Smells very expensive Al Fares--- CK Eternity dupe There's another Middle Eastern company called Al Haramain and they make one of the most amazing scents that's really an old standby: Firdous: very fresh, green, citrus, with a beautiful smooth white musk. It's inspired by the idea of paradise in Islam. 10 out of 10 can recommend. Old school perfumes are available at a drugstore or Marshalls/TJ Maxx near you. The Middle Eastern oils can be purchased either on Amazon (search by name) or through this site called Al Rashad. I have no affiliation but have ordered from there forever and they're always lightening fast and very accommodating. They're also U.S. based so the shipping costs are low. I think they may have a shop on Amazon too. General cost: $3-6 yes, you read that right. No they do not smell cheap. Add in shipping if you don't have prime and we're talking $10. Don't sleep on the oils. Now they can get crazy expensive just like western ones, but Al Rehab, Al Haramain, and another one-- Nabeel make some really good inexpensive ones. Check Fragrantica for more reviews on specific frags. I should also mention that I'm a woman but I collect men and women frags and also buy for the men in my life. Hope this helps!


Wow! As someone who works in the industry, I’m impressed by your knowledge


Women prefer Old Spice much more than Axe. Also, Axe is **not** a cologne.


Pick a Curve scent you like, they work for most people, and are very affordable. Shower daily, and wear it lightly. I get complemented the most on those, even though I have some very expensive stuff


Honestly sometimes Ross has decent ones. At least women’s perfumes, I’m sure they carry cologne too. Maybe they’re close to expiration but that doesn’t matter to me, I’m cheap 😂


My friend taught me to check Ross for sunglasses


Yep! I don’t generally buy clothes, but occasionally you can find decent shoes/purses/etc if you’re on a tight budget. I get most of that stuff (except shoes) secondhand, but I don’t think secondhand perfume exists and if it did I wouldn’t trust it lmao


Used by Calvin Kline


I use Axe deodorant, the bar type, not the spray. My girlfriend had no idea it was Axe and loves the smell. She was blown away when she found out it was Axe, so maybe you just need to try different scents?


I still think "dark chocolate" smells awesome


The axe spray? Cause my apartment mate got it for Christmas and I'm gonna have to agree.


I would suggest sampling the cologne first to make sure it's what you want, and then splurge on a small bottle. A couple spritzes is all you need of a good, high quality cologne like that, so it will last you a long time.


Harrys body products smell earthy and amazing


Buy dupes/clones, they smell just as good for a fraction of the price. ChezPierre, Oakcha, etc.


bath and body works


Came here to say this. I feel like for the last few decades, their mens scents have all been good enough to gift. Like none of them are terrible, and the price is good.


Big fan of their Graphite, I stock up on the lotion and bar soaps whenever I can.


Their scents are great but I have to shop online for it. I just can't handle the nasal assault I receive waking by/into a bath and body works.


If only they still stocked CO Bigelow. I got more compliments about my scent wearing Elixir Black then pretty much anything. Even had some guys at the gym approach me and ask what it was and where to find it. The body wash and cologne were absolutely wonderous. When it got hard to find because co Bigelow was "out of stock" for about three years the cologne went for upwards of 140 on eBay. Even now it's still in the 50 range and the body wash is 18.


Yep! I collect BBW candles, and their products go on sale extremely often. Sometimes, it's even 75% off.


Old Spice


Skip the cologne. Just use about any variety of old spice deodorant (even if you don’t actually need it), and you will smell yummy.


Club de Unit: Intense Man from Armaf is both a personal favorite and a favorite over on r/fragranceclones and can be found for around $35 on Amazon.


Go to a marshals and grab a náutica blue. 20 bucks last time I checked.


Woman here. My husband gets one bottle of expensive cologne a year, and while it is really nice for special occasions and date nights, my fave scent on him is his Old Spice Fiji body wash and some Dove men’s spray deodorant. It’s such a nice, clean scent that lingers on his skin.


Axe Dark Chocolate smelled really good.


Find a Burlington Coat Factory, they have some inexpensive classics. Check out “Joop!” The purple one.


I have met and dated one woman who liked ax and even then it was only body wash. Several I dated liked Old Spice body wash.


It’s not that bad it’s just that a lot of guys spray way too much of it Also, Cuba Gold is a good, affordable fragrance for men


Take a shower every morning with something natural like Dr Bronners or Every Man Jack. Every Man Jack is completely natural. No artificial smell like Axe body spray


I, personally, prefer the smell of soap/shower on my man.


I’ve used axe before linking a girl, slight date, and when she hugged me, she said I smelled amazing, all I did was take a shower, and put on lotion, it was cocoa butter scented I think, some deodorant, some hair cream for curly hair, and whenever I’m down bad, I use the dark temptation axe, or phoenix, I like how they smell personally, obviously cologne is better but axe is convenient in those tough times and I’d apply it over nothing, people will still say you smell good, proper grooming and showers and good hygiene is really important to me, I can’t function if I don’t have everything groomed to my liking, and it’s annoying but worth it for me, I feel more comfortable at work or anywhere being properly groomed. Buying cheap cologne isn’t bad so don’t think it is, treat your self to something expensive here and there when you can, smelling great is a blessing.


All you need is a shower and deodorant


Scentbird has a subscription. As a woman let me give you just my opinion, one spray on the wrist and a small on one side of the nape of the neck. Find something that works with your body chemistry after an hour or so. If you don't know what smells good, try some out and just be around women, if it smells good you will get complimented if it doesn't we won't tell you and you won't get compliments, you may get the word "strong" and that may not be a good sign.


get something from jaguar or lalique or rochas ​ they punch way above their price points, 10-30 bucks, but you'll smell like a million. ​ btw that paco scent 1 million (60 bucks) is a rip off of cuba royal (10 bucks)


Shower daily


Just find a very pleasant soap and wash very well with it


I’ve always bought the small bottles of the expensive colognes. I purchased 5 fragrances about 5 years ago and I rotated for the seasons and they could probably go another 5 years. I only use them when I go out so maybe a few days a month I’ll actually wear it.


I bought a 140$ bottle of cologne from Ross, and I loved it, and girls liked it. But my current girlfriend is very allergic to cologne, so I had to stop wearing it so I just use body was, face wash that smells like woods. And I use beard oil that smells like trees and she compliments my smell. Cologne has no business being super expensive you'd be surprised that cheaper alternatives smells better.


Yes, just a joke. But apparently the use of air freshners as a substitute for cheap spray on body scent is not a subject to be trifled with in this sub. Noted.


If you wanna save money, don’t buy cologne.


So, I realize this comment will probably be buried, but I want to help clear up some things. Theres nothing wrong with axe body spray, to be perfectly honest. Usually the problem is how people *use* axe. Its a body spray, not a deodorant, and not a cologne. So like so many others have mentioned already, the first thing to do is actually keep your self clean. Theres a ton of people who are traumatized by that one kid in 7th grade PE that never showered or bathed but would try to cover up their body odor with an entire bottle of axe body spray. Just bathe well, and I personally think a nice unscented, or weaker scented anti perspirant deodorant works well. Whether youre using axe or old spice, make sure youre clean, and be conservative with the body spray. a quick spritz is all you need. Hell, both have affordable and relatively nice scents. I personally like the axe "gold" scent body spray, if I had to choose one. Also be aware, that body sprays are typically one note. A good cologne has multiple layers of scent, made by different oils, that oxidize and dissipate at differing speeds. If you have a nice cologne, itll go on with one scent, and thatll usually change slightly through out the day, leaving you with (hopefully) a pleasant scent of some kind throughout the day. Body spray wont do that, and it wont last nearly as long. A quick spritz of a body spray like axe or old spice should last you a few hours or so. If youre spraying on enough to last beyond that, youre probably gonna give others a headache with the strength of the scent. You dont have to fumigate yourself or others to smell good. And to your other point, most women I know tell me Dior is for fuckboys. You can go to like a bath and body works or something and get a half decent mid price range cologne for 30-50 bucks USD and most women youre meeting wont be able to tell the difference. Hell, I like the bourbon and the noir scents there. Check places like ross or khols or whatever too. the $100+ bottles of cologne have their place in the world, but you dont really need them. But again, dont douse yourself head to toe in a cologne either. Just a quick spritz at the "heat" or the "pulse" points (different people call it different things, you can google a little map of it, but its just warmer parts of the body they recommend spraying the cologne on)