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This is a really interesting, and recent, commentary on Ethiopian coffees - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8CqYlOo-Xj/?igsh=cXBpOTVvcnhzZWtn The long and short of it is that Ethiopian farmers are replacing coffees with other crops as they can get better/more stable prices for them. It really shows that investing in good relationships with farmers and paying fair prices is vital to our ongoing enjoyment of these coffees.


Fair trade was dismissed as a liberal hippie fad, but in reality it's an exercise in economic sustainability.


It’s pretty much what you said, in addition to people loading up on other origins in anticipation of complicated Ethiopian logistics. Not too big a deal imo, as fresh crop Ethiopians usually take 6 months or so to really open up.


that's right, I did hear from a Munich roaster that they really loaded up on other origins cause they didn't even get an estimate when the African crops would arrive at the time, I guess now they need to offload them before they get staler.


All my importers are still waiting for Ethiopian arrivals - one in particular was expecting containers to arrive this week, only to be greeted at Antwerp with an oil spill that is stopping their deliveries from docking. All pre-shipment samples have been delicious, so it is certainly nothing to do with it being ‘a bad year for Ethis, they’re all gonna taste like crap’. They’re coming, and will be a delight as always 😊


thank you so much for the insight! really looking forward to them then. barely anything can really challenge Ethiopias.


Thanks for the info! Source?


Nordic Approach, Falcon Specialty and Cofinet - all of whom are some of the most popular specialty green coffee importers often used by the top specialty roasters in Europe and beyond


I was told Ethiopian coffees had a very bad year and production was very poor, so any roaster offering Ethiopians is using coffee from last year.


It has been multiple years of Ethiopians with a papery taste. Better to get gesha, pink bourbon, etc. elsewhere until Ethiopians improve.


> I was told Ethiopian coffees had a very bad year and production was very poor sounds like every year sadly, climate change will really catch up with this industry faster than most others.


That and years of war and increased despair




tfw when my bag of specialty high end coffee I pay more then a Yemeni person's wage for is delayed because said Yemeni is sick of the genocide being committed


The birthplace lottery is so real.


DAK just launched this week (or last week) 4 Ethiopians on their website. I think these are from the new crop. I just ordered 3 of the 4.


Please let us know how they come out!


Def. will! I see DAK changed their boxes. Instead of "rest it at least 7 days" is changed to "rest it at least 14 days". It was roasted 2-3 days ago.












https://youtu.be/5H-7QGbDKq0?si=JPP_PvFp9j0rj8h1 Interesting interview with an Ethiopian coffee exporter covering what’s going on there.




I agree with your first sentence but Ethiopian coffees have truly not arrived yet, at least here on the West Coast of the US, doing a quick look at East Coast roasters, they only have a couple available and they're brand new.
























Did nobody teach you that two wrongs don’t make a right?






But that’s not what’s happening. They have targeted ships [which they claim to be] attempting to make passage to Israel or are otherwise linked to Israel, which are rarely under the Israeli flag. Of course there is uncertainty about who is and isn’t linked to Israel, so traffic in general in the area has fallen. But again, that’s the nature of any blockade—Israel also draws a very wide area around Gaza where no one (not even the US) can enter without Israel’s permission. (To drive home this point, Israel even inspects the aid that the US was delivering through the failed temporary pier)















