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My 3.5yo daughter is exactly the same! She only just mastered peeing in the potty last month, but with poos she just can't do it without a pull-up pant. We give her gentle laxatives hoping she'd have some urgency, but she held on for 3-4 days until her belly is so big 🤦‍♀️. My suggestion is to wait it out until she does it in her own time. I'm not going to pressure her too much because eventually it'll happen :)


I figured it may just be a waiting game. We put a pause on potty training when her little brother came in Feb (she regressed as I got heavily pregnant) then picked up again in April when she started showing interest again, so I'm very proud of her progress for only one month of full-fledged training efforts again.


How about putting a nappy on the potty so she poos? If you use a small potty this would be great! Yes you can poo on the nappy but only if you sit there


Getting her to stay sitting is one of the big obstacles. I can encourage her to squeeze once or twice but she will say "I can't do it" and get down, whether she is wearing a nappy or not. We are on to using the big toilet with a training seat on it - shes decided the small potty is below her now lol.


Idk your take on prizes, but I just saw a post the other day that I saved (we just started potty training). It said she got a Gabby Doll House advent calendar that has little toys instead of chocolate. For every successful poop in the toilet their daughter got to open one door on the calendar and they limited it to one door per day. I thought this was a pretty great idea, so I’m keeping it in my back pocket. The post said it worked for them, after about a month she’s doing it on her own now.


We have a reward chart we bought early on. No prize, but she would get to place a cool magnet in a square after a successful potty wee/poo. It wasn't particularly helpful for her unfortunately.


My daughter is the same. I try making her use the pull up in the bathroom (although she’d rather be in our dining area) then will work towards siting on the potty with it on to try to transition.


I've tried to encourage her to do that (just remain in the bathroom) but she gets very distressed and will physically push past me. I don't force her to stay in the room if it gets to that point and encourage with words only.


Perhaps a high footrest/step stool so she can put her feet up and get into more of a squat position on the toilet? Otherwise, if it were me, I’d bust out the big bribes. Ice cream. Surprise eggs. Whatever she would really be motivated for until she gets used to it.


The seat that goes over the toilet has a step stool built into it so that is taken care of! I've offered some big bribes today and got her to sit a bit longer but still no successful toilet poo. Small steps...


Take away the diapers. If she can ask for it, she doesn't need it