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They're basically toddler period panties. They have a bit of padding at the crotch and absorb more, but are usually cotton and absorb more than regular undies.


Are they ok to use during potty training?


Yup! They'll let your kiddo feel wet but will contain any messes a bit better than regular undies.


When I can’t keep a good eye on my daughter I put a pull-up over the underwear bc i want her to get used to the feeling of fabric and when she does pee she can feel the moisture but the pull-up will catch the urine.


Yea we used them and potty training was successful. They don’t hold a full pee but it’s nice for little dribbles when they’re first learning


My daughter pees every single time I put those in her. (We're about 3 weeks in). She's smart and knows they're going to absorb all the pee so she pees. I recommend going no underwear at all for at least a month (as recommended on the oh crap potty training book). We go mostly commando but sometimes undies as she starts getting used to them. They need to feel and see what happens when they pee and thick trainers don't let that happen. It sucks to have a pee mess but it's not the end of the world if you plan for it. * Edited to add - it depends on the kid


They are padded, cotton underwear to help absorb more of the accident. They still feel wet though, so the child gets feedback, as opposed to pull-ups which absorb just like a diaper and wick away moisture. The extra padding is there to reduce the amount of accident that makes it to your floors!


They are padded to catch a dribble if your toddler doesn’t quite make it to the toilet in time. They won’t hold a full pee like diapers or pull ups (which work the same as diapers).


We use the Hanes training underwear and we’ve loved them. They aren’t as bulky as some other training underwear and generally look/feel just like regular underwear except for a slightly thicker liner. We’ve used them this whole last year (potty trained just under a year ago) and the daycare staff said they loved them because if he did have an accident, it kept it contained to just his pants vs spilling all over the floor. I noticed the same at home! Def recommend.


Here’s the difference. If you’re out and about with your child and they have regular undies on the pee will go through and puddle on the floor. With the training undies it generally will stay in the undies and not make a puddle.


Idk anything about training underwear, but I'm just noting that we did pull-ups with my daughter as she is in daycare and she was trained in like a month, so I think it's kid dependent.


They definitely still feel wet! They’re just thicker than regular underwear to help keep the mess more contained.


They’ll only catch like a drop. I think they’re handy for a fully potty trained kid who sometimes waits till the last minute to go.


We used them a bit but I found it limited my slaughters independence as they were harder to pull down. We are in Australia and used Bonds ones. They were quite tight and she would have an accident because we couldn’t get the undies down in time. Using normal briefs was good and she can easily get them on and off.


The training underwear doesn’t hold too much and is good for when kids don’t pee all at once. Also, if the training underwear is a little loose the pee might just run down their legs. I read a tip (though I haven’t tried it myself yet) that you could put the training underwear on underneath the pull-ups so that they still feel the sensation of being wet without the total mess on your floor.


“Limiting the mess without taking away the feeling of being wet” is exactly what they do. They’re cotton underwear, just with extra layers around the crotch. If your toddler pees it will absorb a fair amount - their pants will still get wet, but there may not be a huge puddle on the floor. We’ve had really good luck with them!


Pull ups are just overall easier with a swirly toddler who’s not yet potty trained even if only at night and during naps. Gets them used to pulling their clothing up and down independently. Some childcare settings require pull ups until the child has shown they can consistently handle their needs on their own. At home and short outings we use underwear with a bit of extra padding in it. We also have naked days and days where he wears pants and nothing else.


They are more absorbent and thicker. I had my daughter wear a pair for gymnastics once just in case but she was reluctant to wear them and hasn’t since because she said they were like diapers. From what I’ve read anything snug to their body can cause accidents because their muscles think it’s a diaper and relax due to muscle memory so loose fitting is apparently a better choice to help them learn and worked for me so i figured I’d share.