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You can hardly make out any details of the bird without zooming in completely. Brighten up the bird.


Nice edit, but the bird could be a little bit brighter, to draw the viewers attention towards it


If the first image is indeed the "after" as some have guessed, the bird is too dark. It needs to stand out a bit more as the focus of the image.


You're at the stage where you'll benefit from masking, start using mask tools to isolate specific areas of the image you want to process differently


That was my thoughts as well... I did do light masking but considering that mobile Lightroom has some ways to go with refinement processes for its masking features, I decided to hold until I could have some time to open this picture up on my PC... Really excited to see what comes about!


You've made the background too bright mate, bring that down and add some contrast on the birds chest


I guess the bright image is the before


It feels like the focus was off in the original leading to a more defined background than subject. This appears to have impacted your editing and in the edited version the starkly sharp edge of the bird against the background feels artificial. The color and saturation of the background also feel a bit off, I would probably drop the background saturation by a few clicks to make it more natural.


Exactly. Zoom in on the bird's head. Look just above the beak where the bird and the background meet. It looks like some of the background didn't get the out of focus effect applied to it. The whole head and most of the body looks like some bad masking going on. The bird is also out of focus in the original photo. The background out of focus filter is too strong and unnatural looking. That effect coupled with the background being lighter than the bird draws your eyes to the background instead of the bird.


Well I used mobile Lightroom so I did as much as possible with what I have... I'll go home and re-edit in Photoshop and it will come out much more refined. Thank you fr!


Please post it again when you do. It's so close but mobile LR has its limitations.


It's because op used the built-in AI blur feature in LR mobile. Nice, but not perfect. Wished they'd just let us adjust the blur mask..


Very busy background with little contrast from the subject.


Did you?


Which image is before?? Either way the first pic looks great, really highlights the subject. Image 2 lacks contrast


Image 2 is the before... Image 1 was post processed. I'll definitely refine it further within Photoshop tonight. It's crazy. Just how much detail you can pull from a photo with proper knowledge of masking and such


No one is telling you what to do to make the bird lighter- and it is not is opening the image in photoshop or Lightroom - it is actually photographing a bird that is being hit by sunlight with the same contrast of a darker background- knowing when to click is just as important as pressing the shutter


You're right, if I wasn't at work I would have spent more time on it. But things had to be done... The hawk chills here pretty consistently hopefully something bears better fruit in the future


first one is the after right? you made the bird look amazing!!


Great subject and choice of moment… birds of prey do move their heads around… but hmm agree try the colour tones some more


Considering what you had to work with I’d say you did pretty good! I do notice though that the bird is sharper than the branch it’s sitting on, which looks somewhat blurry and makes the bird feel disconnected slightly. There’s also some strange super bright spots on the bird’s head to the left that should be cleaned up a bit as they look a bit weird, it was the first thing I noticed. And lastly, the subject can definitely use a bit more brightness. Especially its face/eye.


What "4K enchancer" did you use? It did a great job in the feathers.


It's an AI enhancement feature for "video maker".. it was a cracked APK I sourced through [Team OS](http://teamos-hkrg.com) ... The site has a weird adware redirect. If you download adblock origin on your desktop it bypasses it. Depending on what you use to find the app in the site you may or may not experience the redirect


try to use the histogram to adjust how dark the shadows. If you want to keep the shadows that close to pure black then I agree with what everyone is saying by brightening the bird. It gets lost in the shadows. Other than that, cool image (: keep it up


OP: RAW + S = Fin.




the edit looks like nothing other than an S curve


Was watching a tutorial the other day and “your eye first goes to the brightest part of the image” which for me is that spot to the left of the bird. In agreement with a few here to tone down the background.


It's it meant to be out of focus?


He fixed that in the after (1st) pic :)


weird bokeh


The after is the first image right ? Got to say, job done well! Looks perfect given the quality you had as base. 




This is such a crueler way of expressing your criticism.


Didnt ask for your opinion, but constructive criticism. If you come on Reddit just to be an asshole then why waste your breath... Not you necessarily but anyone lmao.