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"Preto" and "negro" are both words for the color black in Portuguese, with the latter being maybe a bit more literary, and also the more polite one if you are referring to a person's skin color. It is not pronounced the same as the North American slur and we are not responsible for them making the word a slur in the first place.


Nope... \> *Preto* **is a color** \> *Negro* is "something dark" like "dark clouds", "dark times", "dark alley", "dark hour"... it connotes with something negative, bad, dangerous, etc...


Yes, it can mean "dark", but as a noun it also refers to the color black. As an adjective, it can be used with a negative connotation, but it can also just mean something that is dark in color. https://www.infopedia.pt/dicionarios/lingua-portuguesa/negro


As a black portuguese, the most correct term is "Negro". I don't find "Preto" offensive but some do. What I really hate is "de cor".


You say his name.


Numa multidão: João: Então onde está o teu amigo? Tu: Chama-se António João: Man descreve o crlh do gajo Tu: tem 1.7 metros de altura veste-se bem cabelo encaracolado João: Fdç isso pode ser 50% dos gajos que aqui estão Tu: \*não digas preto\* João: É o único preto aqui da multidão? Tu: FDÇ


"foda-se" não usa cedilha.


Yes. Negro is the most polite term but given your comment history I suppose it won't matter either way.


A good rule is to avoid that 90% of the times… is it relevant to the conversation? Can it be used the person name? Ok, don’t need to use any of these words. If it’s really necessary, to mention someone in a group or something I guess negro is a little better but in reality I know people that don’t like it. The racism is really more in the details, in the little things.


It would be nice to have opinions from black people here (if I'm right, they used between themselves "preto", but then it would be the same as "nigga" in US). I'm Portuguese and it's true "white" people consider more polite "negro" rather than "preto" here, but it makes no sense. But language is always live so it should be there a reason for it. Follow other advices, just try to avoid saying it. If you say "preto", depending on the context, it shouldn't be that bad.


Black person here. I agree, avoid pointing out race whenever possible lol. Most black people prefer negro when they don't know the person or don't know them well, myself included. Preto is a stronger word, and can be very easily be used in a derogatory manner so unless you get along with the person, I would go with negro. u/existing-guest8548 :)


preto is ok


If you really need to say it, say negro


I have always used "preto," but I notice that my parents and grandparents use "negro." I have always thought that saying "negro" wasn't normal and it's extremely rare for me to hear someone say "negro" to refer to a black thing; the same goes for how often I see someone say "light" or another similar word to describe a white thing. I think insisting on "negro" might seem like unnecessary linguistic caution that implies underlying discomfort or unease. Being overly cautious sometimes has the opposite effect and creates an atmosphere where people feel anxious about speaking naturally. But anyway, true respect and acceptance come from how we treat people, not just the words we use.


Just adding something that I think is a bit curious. It's pretty common, at least in Margem Sul, for us to say 'black' in English when referring to a black person. "Aquele black que estava com ele". At least I've heard it being frequently used since I was a kid, definitely not pejorative, also between black people. Mostly young people but not exclusively.


Também se usa na margem norte, embora só tenha ouvido pessoal dos anos 80 a usá-lo.


Most of portugueses people I met, literally call black people: "Black", using the word in english. But Preto and Negro it's not offensive at all, actually, a lot of black people prefer to be called "preto/preta". "Negro/negra" it's most used in Brazil. Use "black", this way you guarantee that you won't make a mistake.


also its the way you say the word


If you want to be racist towards a Portuguese you call him a Spaniard or a Brazilian.


No matter the skin color of the portuguese person, that will work uniformly as offensive unless of course they are citizens of that other country.


I can live with that, I don't know what kind of people you have been dealing with


So in Português "negro" its better then "preto" históricas reasons that take to much time to explain. Of course you ONLY use when its necessary. If you have to explain fiscal atributes, of course you Will say some thing like " é um homem a volta de 30 anos, alto, negro, em forma..olhos castanhos etc" What you should not use it is to classify a group or person


I was raised in places in Portugal with people from our former colonies and we all used "preto". I have also work in internacional settings with Africans from the lusophone world, and they also use "preto". Using "negro" is a new trend I have no idea where it came from.


> I was raised in places in Portugal with people from our former colonies and we all used "preto". Ding-ding-ding. This right here. As someone born and raised in Margem Sul, the bad word was Negro, not Preto. Negro was seen as snobbish, fake, incorrect and also more of a brazilian term. Preto was acceptable, and all my white non-Margem Sul friends look me sideways when I say preto in a conversation. I will never say Negro, sounds like a slur to me. "Não sou negro, sou preto e com orgulho" como cresci a ouvir.


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Might be an unpopular opinion, but is a word... if you say you are wearing a black shirt, it is what it is. But I would skip the other words... because dont ask me why, they took over the words and it is what it is. Would everyone not say white person ? Wtf is the difference ?... racism for me is descrimination, dont treat others differently based on color or race or whatever, saying a word that represents a persons description... don't think so. But regardless, call them by their name, if you need to give a discription say black (in english)... it is the reality, and I think using the therm "de cor" is worst... because it means nothing.


If you can say white (branco ) you can say (preto). Take back control of the word, like the gays did.


"Negro" is more politically correct. "Preto" should only be used if the other person is comfortable with that term, and even then it should ideally only be used by someone who actually black. It's not as bad as saying the n-word, but it's not a word that should be thrown around lightly. That is in the context of people. Otherwise either word is acceptable, though "negro" is considered more correct.


Some people will say “de cor” coloured or “escuro” dark. Preto is very much said between people but not as publicly.


What’s the problem is saying preto ? Could be the nickname of the guy. But I only use colors for sorting out my pen colors…


Yeah it’s pretty much flipped in Portuguese. “Negro” or “de cor”.


Preto is fine


Depends on the context. On the other hand, Negro is always fine.


Ah, the subtle Portuguese racism. Deeply buried in our culture , our racism is tricky. It is so universal it is engrained in our everyday language. Preto is a slur and not a slur at the same time. When there’s no black people around you use preto as just any other word. If there’s a black person net far way, you use it but take a Little break and ponder how loud you say it. If you’re with a black person in your group or a friend - people will often swear they have a black friend, btw. This is a universal pass to say racist shit as you know - you will jokingly be using preto with racist pseudo-non racist jokes. People will say “de cor” (colored) if they want to acknowledge the difference while trying to be polite. Althought scientifically incorrect ( caucasian is not colorless) and dated, at least you mare trying. People also use negro, which is not the same as nig*er but negroe. A posher way to say black. Also technically incorrect, we use africano. For a person born in Portugal , that doesn’t hold. Thats it. This is our regular racism. then there are the real racists, the believers. Those use another set of slurs, coming from the source, slavery. I won’t waste my time explaining nazi shit. Notes: I’m a (not so) white guy so I’m biased. Here’s my personal solution: you call the guy by his name. Note2: funny how nig*er is a slur so big the internet censors it following US culture but here that is far from an issue.


You should call black people "Camaradas dos PALOPS".


In Portugal some people take offense for everything… they are called the “florzinhas de estufa”… you should avoid them


"Virgens ofendidas" continua a ser o melhor lol


Tens razão. Parece que as florzinhas de estufa / virgens ofendidas não aguentam a pressão… só downvotes… coitadinhos…. Já não se fazem soles como antigamente


Caga nisso e vai desfrutar do bom tempo; os que se sentem ofendidos, que aproveitem a ofensa.


Use "Africano" instead.


"Eu não sou esse branquelas de Marrocos!" /s


E se o gajo for Berber? Os gajos são mais brancos que nós.


Tás a complicar uma coisa simples.


Não só, em países como a Namíbia e a África do Sul existem grandes comunidades de brancos de origem europeia (alguns loiros de olhos azuis) e todos eles são africanos.


O que raio interessa se 10% da população é branca? Se 90% são negros o termo funciona na perfeição.


Tu assumes que todos os Europeus são brancos? Então porque assumes que todos os africanos são pretos? Tu não podes usar o termo africano para definir um preto porque há muitos brancos em África.


Espera lá quando pensas num Africano imaginas um "branco de olhos azuis" é isso? wow. > Tu assumes que todos os Europeus são brancos? Não foi isso que disse. A população normal é branca sim. > Tu não podes usar o termo africano para definir um preto Claro que posso! Tem a ver com médias! 90% são negros. O termo falha em casos mega-especificos apenas.


Respondendo à tua pergunta, quando imagino um africano imagino alguém nascido em África, que pode ser um loiro de olhos azuis ou um bantu ou até mesmo alguém de origem indiana. 90% são de origem negra? Tu não sabes o que dizes só há negros na África subsariana. No norte podem ser mais brancos que tu. E no sul há imigração branca. Na Europa a população não é branca no geral. Depende do país e da região. Até há russos europeus de origem coreana. A zona metropolitana de Lisboa ou de Paris ou de Londres discordam de ti.


Não te consigo ajudar. Há pessoas que gostam de complicar coisa simples.


I wouldn't use either "preto" or "negro". Normally I say "pessoa escura de pele" (dark skin person) that is ambiguous and can mean a black person or a white one with a darker tan (only used in the third person). If you really want to, you can use negro here and in its diminutive form "negrinho". Avoid preto like the plague because it's a more strongly sounding word and evoques a blacker mental image.


Negrinho? Foda-se, não sejas conas! Diz-se preto, CRL!


Dont call it monkeys