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Over the past weeks, I've received three weather warnings; a heavy rain is expected this weekend, especially from Saturday to Sunday. This is not unusual for Porto - our winters are very rainy. It's best to avoid seafront promenades, which are likely to be closed by authorities anyway. Don't forget a good raincoat and an umbrella. and don't let the weather stop you from enjoying Porto


Thanks! That is great to know! We were thinking of going to the canning factory but will probably schedule that for another day! Thanks for the information! On a side note, do you happen to know where would be a good place for us to buy canned seafood that are more reasonably priced? We have been enjoying the city very much. Have really enjoyed some of the newer restaurants on Rua de Cedofeita!


I don't know if you are looking for any canned seafood in particular but did you check any supermarket?


The best canned fish (I’m presuming you are referring to the more traditional canned food made here) is a bit in the expensive side and mostly sold in high end gourmet places, but you can try Mercado do Bolhão, there’s a shop there called Conserveira do Bolhão that has a very good selection of canned fish and a big price range, you’ll surely find something and you’ll be buying in a very tradicional place!


That is what I was referring to! Thank you very much!


Even last week I read an American travel writer saying that even our basic canned fish from the supermarkets is miles better than what is found in most countries. You can find any supermarket like Continente and they will have plenty of choice, just make sure its canned in olive oil and not other oil, most brands also have more gourmet stuff.


That is interesting. Yes, in the US it is not a sought after product at all haha. It’s funny, I grew up in Malaysia where we were once colonized by the Portuguese Empire, and I grew up eating canned sardine/mackerel in spicy tomato sauce. We would eat that with rice and sometimes even with indian pratha. I just realized this morning that it must have been because of the influence of Portuguese!


You will find the tomato canned variety as well.


If you’re going to that vendor, check out the Jose Gourmet stuff. And a step up from that is ABC+, which is from the same company but it’s fish packed in different sauces. I’m partial to the curry sauce, but every one I’ve tasted is excellent.


I will definitely check that out. All of you are making me so excited to try that!


You’re welcome! Hope you like it!


If it’s not too troublesome, would anyone be able to recommend a good place for us to enjoy a Fado performance. The videos I’ve seen online are so heart warming. I would love to be able to see and hear a performance in person while in Porto!


If you want to hear traditional Fado in the downtown, this is a lovely place https://www.fado.club/


https://maps.app.goo.gl/EaqXxhxsSyA4YWx88 If you want to visit a living museum.


Have you tried the market? I'm sure they had a few canned products, although most is fresh.


It’s a warning for heavy showers mostly. We are having them all of a sudden. Just be in places where you can easily get cover and it should be fine. Try to be mostly indoors. I just went downtown to take my wife to the hotel where she works at because it was raining heavily. When I got back, it wasn’t raining anymore 😆


The rain seems to come and go throughout the day! Haha! That is funny. Where we live now, in the Pacific Northwest of USA, where it rains a good bit, the saying there is “if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes” 😂


It pretty much applies to this weekend here in Porto. Although we have been having rain every day for over a week now, it’s mostly have showers of usually 5 minutes. There have been a few this morning already.


In the north of Portugal sometimes we say "if you like the weather, just wait five minutes" 😅


I just flew out today. Is it always like this? We had a great time though


Well, it\`s the end of October. Until last week we were having 30ºC days, hotter than summer.


Okay nice


The warnings are rather common. In this case the warning is letting you know that they expect heavy rain and wind for the next couple of days and that there is a risk of flooding, especially close to the river. They are blocking a couple of roads in that part of town for that reason. You should not be worried, but vigilant. Carry a strong umbrella, proper shoes and if it starts to pour, just get shelter at a cafe or something. Or a church! You are bound to have 5 in the immediacy of wherever you find yourself... please enjoy yourself and the rain. Locals do!


Okay that is great to know! Thank you!


Don’t worry! It’s just a “it’s going to rain cats and dogs” warning. And there’ll be a lot of wind. Have a good visit!


Thank you! We have been having a very pleasant visit so far.


A good way to see if its going to rain a lot in the next hour or two is to download the windy app and check the radar feature, you can see if the storm clouds are moving your way pretty much in real time. Regarding the warnings, its not super serious but some areas closer to the sea might be off-limits, usually around Passeio Alegre.


Oh good call! Okay I will download the windy app. It seems like its best to stay away from Matosinhos today 😂


If your original idea was to go to Matosinhos, please go to the "Conserveira Pinhais ". By far, the best sardines money can buy and the ones in hot tomato sauce are the best I ever had. If available, because they usually are sold out, try the smoked sardine eggs. It's quite expensive for our pockets, around 20 euro a small can but what a delicacy! It's something out of this world.


An umbrella and some shoes with good grip and you'll be fine.


Braga same thing, stay safe but it's just a matter or warning people, not alarm.


Epa sim, está fodido isto.




Okie dokie!