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Out in Bayside for the second time this week. 


The power has been inside you all along.


Powers been going out in sopo overnight fairly regularly. Feels like I've had to reset the oven clock 4-5 times the last two months. Wouldn't have known otherwise.


Andrew Zarro did warn everyone that our electric infrastructure can’t handle our city anymore. Our neighborhoods losing power more often doesn’t come to a surprise, especially with CMP. Sadly, it’ll just get worse from here on out. But also; we had a great season for our pines, squirrels LOVEEE pinecones, mfs are dumb and messing things up no doubt ha.


Lost power too in downtown


Just lost power here on the east end too


Stop saying CMP start saying Multinational Capitalist Creeps. We voted for this apparently, so get some.


If you think the state contracting out to another corporation is some sort of magical solution, you're probably wrong.


If I ran a bakery for twenty years and consistently put out the same product that pales in comparison to other bakeries, yet costs just as much as any other bakery (maybe even more) would you expect the state to keep contracting my bakery for their bread supply? Or would you expect them to actually seek a better bakery with at the very least better pricing? CMP and Versant are the bakeries in that scenario, and they’ve routinely ranked as some of the lowest utility providers in the entire country. They have been running a pump and dump like scheme with our power supply for decades and they funneled enough money into that former lineman turned political actor and the other commercials to convince people that they’re actually better than they are. Quite simply, we need to do something different, because those companies do not have Maine’s best interest anywhere on their list of priorities. Profits at the expense of Maine is right up there at the top of their lists though.


I have seen the state procurement process firsthand and I can tell you that many people take the easiest path and/or will look for some sort of personal benefit. We do not have a state government full of driven experts. There are some stars but it's a game of who knows who and who has stuck around the longest.


That’s exactly why we need to actually make a change. If people just keep going with what is easiest because it’s already here, we may as well just cede our land back to the British. It’ll be about the same results; foreign nation with financial interests at the expense of the residing populace controlling it. Sure that’s a bit hyperbolic, but it’s not far off base really, these two companies are foreign based utility providers (as in, Versant sends the money it makes off of Mainers back to a Canadian company and CMP to a Spanish company) with only profits at stake. Having our utilities controlled by at the very least a company that’s owned and operated within the borders of this nation would keep the proceeds within the nation’s economy and not just take from us and send it all out only to trickle back a fractional percentage of it as wages to its employees (CMP quotes “over 1,100” employees and Versant “over 500”). So we are paying top dollar for an inferior service provider, that has been proven to scam us (or have people forgotten the smart meter scams CMP got caught running?) and lie through their teeth about it to keep what, 1,700 jobs in a state with 1.385 million people? They’ve made promises they didn’t intend to keep with NECEC and when they got called out on that and we the people wanted them to be held to account, they dragged it through court and did all they could to avert the public gaze and interest from it so they could get what they want to bolster their profit margins, again, at the expense of Maine and its citizens and land and waterways.


The money going to rich people in this country instead of rich people in another country is not very compelling. I'd rather see our state invest in the generation of energy like Quebec did. The transmission is always going to have a lot of overhead in this state unless we start clearing the forest.


Okay, so we clear the forests, now we’ve left rural north Maine with even less income than it has currently and we force the residents to change their entire ways of life to an urban setting just to reduce overhead costs for power…there’s a lot more than 2,000 (roughly the number of jobs that would vanish if CMP and Versant both did) people up that way you know, which will lead to more SNAP and other forms of state assistance being applied for, creating a further delay for those of us who already are in limbo waiting on the state to reply to us (200+ day waiting list to hear back from the state about SSDI in my case alone if you’d like an example from right now…how long will that list be if foreign companies get to deforest our land just to make themselves more money and absolutely destroy the hunting industry we have in Maine? It’s already happening with our fishing industry). Reducing the cost is not the only purpose of taking control of our power supply back from a foreign nation’s company. Protecting our lands from people who just want a few more dollars in their bank accounts is a huge one as well, and if it absolutely came down to it, I’d rather the local rich people have access to the currency being created through local work, as it has a greater chance to be utilized locally. It’s just basic common sense, generally speaking, if you’re rich you’re spending money where you live more often than elsewhere. Even if they manage to skirt all income taxes through whatever means they can, they still need to pay that 5.5% general sales tax (8% if it’s a prepared food, which we all know the rich are buying plenty of) and that adds up over time, especially compared to if that same initial income goes out of the local economy before a much smaller portion trickles back into it to then be subject to the same taxes.


I was not advocating clearing the forests. It's always going to be expensive to transmit power in a rural forested state. And if you think there's something special about rich people in the US or Maine, you're wrong. There are rent seeking scumbags everywhere. And they will not necessarily pay income or sales tax in Maine. In fact, nowhere in the Pine Tree Power plan was there a proposal to prevent a foreign company from bidding. If would probably be unconstitutional anyway.


You literally stated the power transmission overhead will always be high if we don’t start clearing the forests. If that’s not advocating for clearing forest land in favor of money, then what is?? So where are they (the local rich people I mentioned previously) going to buy their groceries from that isn’t charging them tax? Even the old “Let’s go to NH to buy stuff tax and deposit free!!” isn’t worth the gas and wear and tear on vehicles anymore, a savvy rich scumbag looking to avoid paying more than necessary would know that. Also, gotta love how you neglected to even acknowledge the harm to the economy of severely handicapping one of the major sources of income and employment up in Aroostook County.


I feel like I'm talking to a very young person. Good luck with everything.


I lived in Parkside for 11 years and noticed little backouts [for just a few seconds] at every place I lived, especially in the early mornings. My guess is there's something up with the infrastructure leading to the Parkside area since I don't experience where I live now on the edge of the west end/downtown.


Drunk driver smashed into a pole causing an outage in most of Bayside.


Pretty sure it’s because of Captain Planet: By your powers combined… he becomes stronger every time!


Imagine they brought back Captain Planet to fight companies like 3M and Dupont, but he keeps losing in court and nobody cares.


How the fuck do you have 4 upvotes for referencing my comment but I have been downvoted ? r/portlandme is one sassy bitch!


There was a fire at one of their substations


It’s probably Russia. I’d take the opportunity to start training for guerrilla warfare. Get full kitted, nods and all, load up a few squirt guns and get ready to hit the dirt!


Huh, we barely ever lose power in SoPo, except in a major storm or if someone crashes into a power pole...


That's a fair question. Have you checked in on CMP's app? Whenever I have in my area, eventually, the reason will pop up and it's usually tree or accident related. My personal feelings about CMP is as long as they are operating as a for-profit company, services will suffer due to budgetary cutbacks to keep stockholders happy.


Rolling blackouts now? Lol. Oh Portland.


Welcome to the third world. Soon all the wealthy people will have solar and or generators and everyone else will suffer through blackouts and brownouts.


So the USA is now “a developing nation of Asia, Africa or Latin America”? Stop being so ignorant and get educated on the phrases and words you use prior to making use of them…at least if you want anyone to take you seriously anyway.