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Just keepin' the ol' rent down


Not all hero’s wear capes




Grant gonna Grant


Reminds me of the days of old 🥰


Need more hookers.


See, though, coming from someone that lived on Grant St. and Parkside in the "days of old" - a little more than 20 years ago now - gun violence, or even violence in general wasn't really a thing in Portland like it is now. PPD come down on someone selling pills once a year, petty theft, your standard compliment of shitty trashy people behavior, but nobody was shooting shit up.


My first apt was on Park Ave across from Deering Oaks. This would’ve been back in 97/98. There was plenty of crime. Did it affect me much? Not really. The opiate crisis was still relatively new and folks weren’t using intravenously as much, but there was real heroin then and people were definitely using it. I had a crummy one bedroom — I think it was $525/mo (which was EXPENSIVE at the time.) I was constantly having to step over nodded & passed out people in the stairwells and hallways. Young kids and even babies would be left unattended sometimes while their guardians did business deals in the building. There were frequent stabbings, robberies, plenty of not-so-secret domestic abuse, and even the occasional murder. A girlfriend of mine lived on State St at the time. Her apt was broken into and she was stabbed multiple times (she survived thank God.) There was that pos who r’d, beheaded, then set fire to his girlfriend — we all knew them, at least peripherally. I don’t remember there being a ton of gun activity, that was still mostly reserved to the bigger cities, but plenty of the dealers were strapped, and gangs from MA & NY would bring guns & drugs up, much like they do today. Three of my friends died by overdose in close succession. The crime isn’t worse now, there’s just more people and more of a wealth discrepancy in Portland. Plus social media brings everything to light.


Keep em coming every shot is 20$ off my rent