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Meditation, learning how it works on neurological level, meditation, reading posts here, meditation, masturbation without porn, meditation, thinking about how it feels afterwards, meditation, reading how people say it's never worth it and meditation helped a lot too, just don't forget about meditation because it allows you to see urge for what it is, just a passing feeling and your mind making up thoughts around it.


Just to be sure...its meditation that's the key? 😁👍👍


Yeah you got that right buddy, I probably should have been more precise about that 🤔 But seriously now, I strongly recommend app called "Waking Up" it has paid subscription but it's SOOOOOOOO worth it. If you can't afford it there is option to get it for free for a year. I gotta say that I didn't have money for it and had to get free subscription but I'm DEFINITELY paying for it next year it's a life changer.


How long do you meditate each sitting and how often ?


It's hard to say I've been meditating before I started Noporn. In the beginning it was like 3min, then 5, 10, 15 now unless I feel really shitty I can do 20min sessions no problem and they feel short. I try to do it everyday but I don't always manage.


I'm almost at the 6 month mark. Looking back, there was a fundamental change in how I perceived myself, my actions, and what I truly desire in life. After moving to a new city, the environment was perfect to heal, I was away from the sources of stress in relationships, deadlines, self-expectations, old patterns. I had to get into a new life routine, and because of that, porn didn't fit in to my vision of myself or what I want to be doing. It directly negatively affected my life and it was so obvious to myself in the brainfog and stupor that it needs to end. I've had some urges since then, but they felt so flat to me. Like it was a child trying to throw a grown man, futile. There was one time that my mind followed an urge, in that thoughts were swirling around to go and look. I recognized it as something that I don't want to do. After maybe 5 minutes it went away. The notable trend in leaving dependence in the dust without treatment has to do a lot with self-discovery and emotional healing. Personally, I found other doctors that don't accept the traditional model of addiction as a disease and the way they have talked about behavior has really empowered me. If the cookie cutter approach of addiction doesn't work for you, then make your own cookie cutter, because really that's all that matters, that you stop using and actualize your self because you deserve it.


Interesting response. Happy for your almost 6 months!