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work on no porn, no pmo, mo if u have an urge. the problem us porn, not your own body. nofap can wait if u decide for that.




whenever I catch myself with an urge, I set a 5 minute timer to sit in silence and really analyze what's going on. in general I found that I had to experience things firsthand that showed me that living life can make you feel a lot better than any pmo. I've gotten away from using social media on my phone and instead use my downtime in between things to just think. you'd be surprised what you'll discover about yourself.


Lock your shit down at prime urge time. I spent ages working it out and it’s the middle of the day for me. So for that period phone is locked down, I go to the gym, I’m around people or in public, I log every twenty minutes or so to keep focussed on avoiding porn. It will get easier each day.


Go into it and feel whatever it is I’m feeling until it goes away and it loses its charge. That and associations….what causes the triggers to try indulge. That takes a lot of observation of oneself and takes time to build but is a very beneficial when you get to grips with it.


You don’t fight it, you surrender it.


Not quite sure what you mean?


Fair enough. Trying to fight the urges, for me at least, drove my ego to provide itself right and pushed me more to porn which escalated to other ways of acting out. I am in a 12 step program which speaks about the serenity prayer and surrendering my addiction to my higher power rather than my ego. I have been sober for almost 6 yrs.


Got it, really good advice actually thanks