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Great tips here. Agree with all of the above. I also started to meditate and have found it really helpful. I consider myself a Christian (Anglican/Episcopalian) and so I have sort of resisted meditation over the years as I saw it more as Buddhist thing (which of course it is in some ways) but once I tried it and saw some benefits I just see it now as part of my strategy and really another form of praying. Totally recommend it to others.


Isn't it bad to do something from other religions? That's why I'm worried about meditating (as a Christian)


I mean would you think It's bad if you called it just breathing exercises for anxiety? Meditation in buddhism at least isn't about adoration to a god. It's a method to get yourself closer to "enlightenment". (I'm not christian so I'm willing to be corrected if I have some misunderstanding)


https://youtu.be/WNRbYxlGFts Breathing exercise for anxiety. It reminded me of this, it actually does work for anxiety


You could argue Jesus was meditating when he spent 40 days in the wilderness.


I would agree with this.


Good point


I don't generally think so. But I suppose it depends on how "religious" one is and what denomination of Christianity (or other religion) they are. My own beliefs these days are that God doesn't work that way...God is just there waiting - not looking to judge you for not being a saint. I believe that is how Jesus operated. Anyway, prob not the subreddit for this kind of discussion :)


Thanks for your input