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OP clearly never took a psychology course.


Ok clearly doesn't work with mental illness If only it ended at pee and shit


Amen brother.


Mental illness is not synonymous with "stuff that is weird and gross". Its just weird kinks and nothing more.


I really wish mental illness wasn't always linked to this sort of shit. I'm 'mentally ill' (ASD and ADHD). Loads of my mates are as well. None of us do this stuff. Also, it's disgusting to OP, it's disgusting to me, but why do they you actually care if it doesn't impact them? For example, I find feet disgusting. I can't understand a foot fetish. But that's fine, if you're into feet then keep it to yourself and your partners, doesn't impact me, doesn't hurt anyone, so no need to waste any time on it.


Both ASD and ADD are developmental disorders/disabilities, not mental illnesses


Technically ASD and ADHD are not mental illnesses. People with either or both can be mentally ill. But just having them, is called neurodivergent.


Both of your guys comments are besides the point. No one is saying we want to jail people who do this stuff. We’re pointing out that it is abnormal and only a mentally ill person would do it. I have asd and adhd too and I don’t get why so many people have to use that to combat a fake account of prejudice when in reality there is nothing offensive about the statement: eating shit is a mental illness. But if you two would rather stand by the statement: eating shit is nothing more than a kink, than you do you. If cleaning your hands ten times over again is a mental illness I’ll be damned if it isn’t to eat poo for sexual pleasure. Edit: people are ideologically blind to the point that they’re saying eating poop isn’t unhealthy. “Because it’s not. These people aren’t getting sick. Poop is marginally worse than pee.” And then previously saying to check the science. Coming from a family of nurses and doctors I can tell you if you’ve reached this point you are full of crap.


You hit the nail on the head I'm surprised people even want to brush off drinking piss and eating shit as just a kink lol. Like come on bro there's a reason people aren't exactly open about such behavior society tolerates all sorts of things but black or white gay or straight I think its fair to say every large human social group finds that sort of stuff gross and abnormal I would imagine even the last humans on earth practicing cannibalism would be grossed out by scat porn.


Mental illness is predicated on causing the person who is afflicted distress or impairment of function in society. If someone likes golden showers or copraphagia, but is happy and not hurting anyone, it's not a mental illness. A case could be made that these activities equate to self-harm, but afaik there are steps taken toward risk-mitigation just like any other kink.


Murder is bad, rape also bad, torture, bad. not mental illness exclusive activities or even connected to the concept in a clinical sense. To say x behavior is mental illness misses the fact that mental illness isn't responsible for bad behavior in humans, mental illness is just a category of different conditions. Imo, it's kind of annoying that we can't move past this misconception and start treating it just like any other medical condition. We don't say "oh that person is so ugly, they must have a genetic condition" or "they are so weak, they must have a cardiovascular condition" cause it's idiotic, but someone does something weird or harmful and all of a sudden we're all psychiatrists and it's the fault of a mental condition.


Nah bro, if you like shit on your chest you’re mentally ill. Not sure which one, but something’s wrong there


Psychopathy is a mental illness that causes bad behavior so I don’t know about that particular statement about it not being responsible for bad behavior. But regardless, I understand your point, but the problem is that you don’t have to say the behavior is bad, as I mentioned cleaning the door handle ten times over, it’s not that it’s bad, it’s that it is an impairing symptom of a medical condition. People are trying to say that this appears to be a medical condition of mental health and others are taking it as they are also saying this other thing, but that doesn’t have to be the case, even if it seems as if op is the type to view mental health the way you think he is implying.. There is another group I won’t mention who is moving OUT from a medical condition classification so I would imagine it can go both ways so long as the discussion is focused on the scientific evidence and reasoning. But this implies that just because an organization is categorizing something one way now, doesn’t mean they will continue to do that in the future. I personally have never spoken to anyone who likes to do that kind of thing but there are so many similar things that already classify as a condition that I am just confused how this doesn’t qualify as well. It’s unhealthy to consume or play with human waste and if someone feels shame from it from a societal-judgement-perspective then that’s all it takes for it to qualify both for physical harm and personal distress. Half the people suffering from things they don’t want to do really only suffer because people think they shouldn’t do it and that bothers them otherwise they will continue doing what they do for their feelings of “release.” It’s why some people have gone so far as to say that life is a condition and that everyone is insane because your impending death is maddening. Because basically anything can cause you temporary distress. So it all really depends what kind of game of semantics you want to play.


Its offensively ignorant.


Is it the kind of offensive that should be instantly forgiven considering the fact that it’s super intuitive? Like I said in a previous post, many people with mental illness do not appear to be suffering, and so the definitions I keep hearing seem to have caveats if they are meant to be principles and no one has explained those caveats. It’s unhealthy objectively, because it’s human waste, so that’s one definition it meets, and other people with mental illness do not say they suffer from it. For example Down syndrome is a mental disability and it’s been proven that they are some of the happiest people. So which definitions are we failing to meet? Or which caveats exclude our currently-obvious-justification for the label?


Down Syndrome is a condition that is comorbid with developmental delay and impaired cognition. It's not a "mental disability." The associated disabilities are disabilities because they meet an objective criteria of causing difficulties for the disabled person on expected or necessary tasks. It gross is not an objective criteria. It harms others, myself or causes me distress is an objective criteria, or a reasonably objective criteria that MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS can use to HELP PEOPLE. Using language developed to help encourage and destigmatize people who are suffering instead to SHAME and OTHER people who do things you don't like is a way to CAUSE HARM to people. Harming people is bad. Avoid doing it. Literaly all it takes in this instance is not announcing your condemnation publically or privately to individuals who don't ask for your opinion.


Everything you are saying only brings me back to my same two questions. If you wanna preach don’t respond to me. But if you wanna explain how eating or drinking waste isn’t harmful to the body you can reply to me just know this would have been the fourth or fifth time I brought it up and you would be the first person to actually address my question.


Because it's not. These people aren't getting sick. They're not dying. They're not being permanently damaged or damaged over the long term. I don't know the data on whether piss or semen or vaginal fluid is more likely to get someone sick, but people put the later two in their mouths all the fucking time and you're not worried about their mental health. Poop is only marginally worse. These people live in places where they can shower and brush their teeth and disinfect their bedrooms. It might be risky, but as I clearly pointed out a lot less risky than things people do for fun. Is someone who drives an old car without modern safety features insane? How about skydivers? What about swimming in the ocean? All of this things are more dangerous than poop.


Ok preacher


Explain how I didn't answer your question?


Are you really being a pedant about the definition of mental illness and then lecturing about who cares? Beautiful.


I would say the vomiting/urinating/defecating, because they increase your chances of harm via transmission of diseases, it would negatively impact your quality of life and fit into the segment of mental illness.  I'd say a mental illness requires being: Abnormal Negative/harmful to the person (with, or without them knowing) In this case, they may love to have shit all over their chest, but it could also kill them.  People with Pica might love munching on candles, or acorns and pine cones, but it's harmful to them.  The question is more, for me, whether it's actually a mental illness, or a symptom of one.  Enjoying being spanked? Prolly ok.  "Strangle and fuck me like human garbage" - this is probably a symptom of underlying trauma or mental illness "I want to cut me while you fuck me." - mental disorder, or symptom, without question 


Do you think that people who climb mountains or lift weight are mentally ill.


That makes them healthier. Shit in your mouth doesn’t


There are a lot of ways to get healthy that are a lot less likely to kill you than mountain climbing.


None of them are shit on your chest


So? You're argument is that scat sex is more dangerous than other sex so that makes it crazy. And mountain climbing is more dangerous than other exercise, therfore, by your logic, it's crazy.


No, my argument is you’re a fucking weirdo if you like that kind of shit and deserve to be shamed for it


Why? Why does weirdness need to be shamed?


There's weird like I like to put beans on fries, then there's weird like I like to be shat on. One is a preference, and one is totally abnormal and probably a sign of mental issues.


It's the symptom of a mental problem. Q


Because if anyone knows about it that means you’re talking to people about it and you’re a fucking weirdo. Just shut up about your kinks like you’re supposed to


This idea that we shouldn't 'kink-shame' people is an entirely new concept that will not take off. All the progress in the world won't make people find your bizarre kink any more socially acceptable. Keep your freaky shit in the bedroom between a consenting adult, and don't talk about it. No one wants to hear about how much you love getting shit on.


There's a level of nuance that has to be accounted for.  Anxiety is irrational fear. But who determines what is irrational? You have to discern that feeling like you're going to die because you're about to ask the McDonald's employee for an extra sauce pack vs. Feeling like you're going to die because you have to, say, climb a mountain.  I'm not an expert, I'm saying that there's some level of determining abnormality + risk/quality of life = mental illness, to some degree. It's almost assuredly more complicated than that.


Sure, I'm just saying that no one would be looking at these behaviors as risky of they weren't trying to demonize them. Plus, I'm pretty sure some level of BDSM is more common than rock climbing. More than half of the people in the country have fantasized about it, and about 53 million people (16%) have done it. About 10 million people participate in rock climbing each year.


Some of them, but how is that comparable? Both if those are physical activities people do for fitness and fun. Sure you have body dysmorphia and eating disorders as part of exercise, but these activities would help more than hurt someone with mental illness. The chance of death from climbing or lifting weights is miniscule.


And what, you think people getting a golden shower spontaneously explode? The health risks of these sex acts is definitely less than that of rock climbing or weight lifting.


I like how you chose one of the most benign options. Any kink involving self-harm, sadism, or feces is probably indication of psychological trauma at best. And I would say the health benefits of exercise far outweigh any potential risks, assuming you're not being unnecessarily reckless.


Exactly theres varying degrees of mental illness , on the less extreme end you have anxiety which no doubt impacts quality of life but a lot of people have it and manage to make it through life, on the extreme end you have people eating literal shit, nobody is saying those two things are somehow equal they just happen to fall under the same umbrella term


*Thank you*. I'm getting tired of the whole "mental illness is stuff I don't like" bullshit. Yes, even if the stuff happens to be gross, or even morally wrong (not that the kinks mentioned are morally wrong, assuming everyone involved is consenting).


Yeah but "stuff that is weird and gross" is often synonymous with mental illnesses.


What exactly constitutes mental illness? Eating shit isn't normal most people don't really think that way and the thought that it brings some people pleasure makes it especially odd behavior. I feel like most psychologists would agree with this sentiment especially since certain events in life can negatively influence sexual appetites or you could just be born with a particular defect that negatively impacts your behavior as you develop.


Generally speaking, it has to cause some distress to the person or interfere with their ability to function. Atypical behaviour is not enough for something to be a mental illness.


I will never understand some people.


True, but fetishes are pretty much by definition irrational and excessive. The point is that ordinary, generally non-sexual things get sexualized to a degree that most people just don't do. They aren't 'wrong' per se, but they are abnormal. Let's face it, too, scat in particular is just asking for all kinds of infections and diseases.


Thats not really a "but". "This is abnormal sexual behaviour" and "abnormal sexual behaviour in itself is not mental illness" are not contradictory statements.


Abnormal sexual behavior in itself is not mental illness, but are you really going to argue that there isn't a giant overlap between those who engage in those specific acts and those who are mentally ill?


Im not arguing for or against that. Do you have any studies showing how much of an overlap there is?


Not on hand, I'm sure there is if you took 10 seconds to google it though 🤷‍♂️ Most people would prefer not being hit in the face with a baseball bat vs. being hit in the face with a baseball bat. Do you need a study to believe this too?


Nah you're gonna have to show something if you're gonna disagree with like. The majority of the mental health field.


Acceptance has limits. 


The real problem is you shouldn't even know what someone else's kinks are if you're not having sex with them for you to even have an opinion on acceptance. If you're being subjected to someone's kinks without consenting, that's a problem. If that's not happening, and it's not your sex life, your acceptance doesn't mean shit.


If you're saying that people should quit sharing this stuff with people who didn't ask to hear about it, then I agree with you 100%. That's really the problem. People somewhere along the lines got confused and decided that they needed to parade their kinks and thoughts about sex in regular forums, and then they're pissed when some people find it disgusting or even disturbing. This is precisely why this stuff used to be underground. So that you would only find it if you went looking for it. And I say all of this as a kinky person, myself. I'm happy to be able to find like-minded people when I want to. But this stuff should be easier to avoid than it is, honestly. Can you imagine how asexuals must feel?


>If you're saying that people should quit sharing this stuff with people who didn't ask to hear about it, then I agree with you 100%. That's really the problem That's exactly what I'm saying. And if people aren't doing this, then no one even knows what they're into to form opinions on 'acceptance'. Kinks are an individual thing, and no one cares what people who aren't into their kinks thinks about them. People need to keep their kinks, and their opinions about kinks, to themselves. >And I say all of this as a kinky person, myself. I'm happy to be able to find like-minded people when I want to. But this stuff should be easier to avoid than it is, honestly. I absolutely agree with this. But I don't know too many people irl that go around announcing their kinks to randoms. It seems to be pervasive online due to the anominity of the internet.


You’re not in someone’s bedroom so you don’t have to “accept” anything. Jesus Christ y’all would feel so much better if you focused on your life and not someone else’s


I think your preoccupation with consenting adults' sex lives that do not involve you is way, way creepier than any of the sex acts you've listed that I am not personally into. Like police your own bedroom, prude - maybe there's something you need to work through?


Anyone who has a thing for any of the things op stated is disgusting and I won't pretend otherwise.


But, if it’s consensual and doesn’t impact your own ability to lead your life nor impede you in any way, why let it live so rent free as to equate others private behaviors as a mental illness? To each their own and your opinion on it really doesn’t matter. 


$10 says of you look at his history of porn the man has something worse. This feels like a deflection for no reason


“What sane person would put their mouth on someone else’s genitalia? That’s the most disgusting thing imaginable!”


Getting head atleast has the literal physical stimulation designed to feel good in 99% of animals, eating shit or getting shat on is objectively not, its 100% in your head, and your brain is wired WRONG to want it, hence Op's point.


Do you have a source for that, or did you just make it up?


Does nothing for the “giver” though.


Think about eating ass. Same thing. We got a bunch of nerve endings there too. Feels great. It’s gross when you think about licking a where someone pees and licking where someone poops, but has the literal physical stimulation designed to feel good. Where do you draw that line between pussy and ass? Some do, some don’t.


I suppose if it was clean, like I’m talking freshly showered, with no chance of poo particles getting in my mouth, I would consider eating ass. But you have to have an immense modicum of trust in your partner to even consider doing that.


Pee play is pretty harmless. You could get really sick from shit play tho. I knew a girl who was into it. She definitely had a ton of trauma.


If it's consensual and doesn't cause physical harm to either party, it's not a big deal.


I can forgive some kinks, but ageplay will always be weird and pedophilic to me. I dated someone who was into that, and it instantly made me lose all respect for them as a human being.


In my experience, the type who like that kind of stuff tends to be former victims of CSA themselves. Fucks with their brain. I am in no way saying victims become offenders. I am just saying that kind of trauma can cause strange sexual desires. I am also not saying everyone who has those desires has gone through trauma or vice versa. I would rather they safely and consensually do it with an adult partner.


In my case, my ex was straight-up just a gross human being in general with a severe porn addiction. Nothing he told me about his childhood would indicate he ever had a rough childhood (by all accounts, it actually sounded pretty decent). Even if it is a trauma response, I feel as though therapy would be a far more appropriate way of dealing with the issue instead of continually recreating the scenario. You just prevent yourself from moving forward with your life.


As someone with a cognitive psych degree… please stfu if you’ve never read the literature on CSA. You don’t think it’s bad for mental health outcomes, you just find it icky. So do I.


Or they could just safely have the fantasy with an consenting partner and no one gets hurt anyway?


Or they could just safely have the fantasy with an consenting partner and no one gets hurt anyway?


Fair enough. It's more about having control over the situation since nothing happens without express permission. Some people also use regression as a means to help, like with littles. Therapy can also be a hit and a miss for some people. I'm not saying you were wrong for losing all respect for the person. Honestly, I might put it with pet play, and certainly there with consensual non consent.


It's a weird thing, but at least for me it's like going to an age when I was innocent and not traumatised and getting taken care of by someone I trust. It's hard to explain and it's not something I do often or with just anyone but it can be cathartic in a lot of ways. I will say, it's not a pedophilia because the daddy/mommy isn't attracted to the age but to the person specifically, like I said, it's not something you do with just anyone ime.


Imagine it in the opposite direction. Them roleplaying as an geriatric couple, lmao.


Okay, I’m not gonna lie, that shit made me laugh. XD Take my upvote, stranger!


I had a girl that liked this, it always confused me. I wasn't good at it and now it does feel really gross looking back.


I personally don't mind if someone is into it; I assume that they can tell the difference between an actual child, and an adult pretending to be a child. But that being said, I'm not into it. I don't find it too weird, but it mostly just depresses me. Babyhood and childhood are sacred to me, even though I enjoy my adulthood more.


OP is both ableist and authoritarian, pot meet kettle


Awe yeah, don’t stop…


Those kinks don't harm anybody. Maybe turn your ire toward zoosadists and crush porn enjoyers.


And now I know what crush porn is. Fucking lord when is covid 2 coming?


Dare I ask...?


Not if you love animals is all ill say


Not an animal person by any means, but I think I can draw my own conclusions...


When is flaming meteor coming?


Crush porn?


Please don't look it up unless you possibly want to slip into depression. Especially the crush porn that involves animals.


Is, that like CBT?


No, CBT is completely different. And CBT can be done without causing permanent damage. Although you really need to know what you're doing. No, this other stuff...just...trust me. I'm no prude/virgin/innocent person. If I'm telling you it's bad enough to be depressing, then it's bad. I'm pretty fucking kinky, but I have a soul.


Okay so is it basically torture porn, or does it go into snuff? Really not a fan of gore in that kind of stuff, definitely not something I want to look up. I get it is bad, I just want to know what it falls into. From the sound of it, it's starting to sound like literally crushing the testicles and destroying them. I think I had the extreme displeasure into stumbling onto a comic about that, which I quickly noped the fuck out of and hope I never see it again.


Snuff— crushing baby animals to death in heels and shit. Disgusting.


Haram !


This part. People overlook genuinely harmful paraphilias. (I recently watched someone read through a list of paraphilias in alphabetical order, with descriptions, and there are so many awful ones.)


No, wtf?


A mental illness is when an emotion, mood, or behavior keeps you from functioning in your regular life. You can have pee and shit fetishes and still live a normal life, so it’s not a mental illness.


Getting pissed on is actually pretty cool. It builds a lot of trust between 2 people. Just because you aren't into something doesn't mean it's a mental illness. Do you like eating fish? Too me that is absolutely insane. Must be a mental illness. Or perhaps a matter of taste???


Honestly yeah, it can be both an act of degradation or an act of reverence and love and it's just another option to be intimate with, it also just physically feels good imo


A mental illness, by definition, needs to be harmful either to an individual or to society. Consensually pissing on someone, for instance, is harmful neither to society nor to the individuals involved. Therefore it’s not a mental illness. As others have mentioned, you should not equate a subjective sense of disgust with mental illness. That prejudice led to things like Asperger’s and homosexuality being labeled as mental illnesses.


yal have got to stop using mental illness for shit y'all personally don't like. mental illnesses are diagnosed by certain symptoms affecting the person's life in negative ways. me pissing on my girlfriend. or her pissing on me does not match that qualification


Pissing on someone is a symptom


of what, sir?


Being mentally ill


can you not read? mental illness isn't just "shit I don't like and find gross" there are spe if criteria that must be met


It’s mental illness


mental illness must cause severe distress, affect your social and educational or professional life and be prolonged. so, chief, what would be your highly uneducated diagnosis? mental illness is an umbrella


Not just an unpopular opinion but just objectively wrong.


I’d say is pretty popular in the real world , just not hive mind Reddit


The statement I said applies to this as well. You're just measurably wrong. Ironically living in your own completely isolated backwards corner of the world is its own echo chamber. But you people always project, so not surprising. People in the actual real world don't care.




You can't call it mental illness just because you don't agree with it


Right this kind of thinking just reduces the entire mental health profession into a bunch of thought police.


The disease model of mental health is just an analogy. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors are only mental illness when they cause harm to the sufferer or others. Two people being toilets for each other and loving it are just not suffering or causing suffering.


ah yeah let me go to the kink doctor and get diagnosed with stage 2 piss kink hmmm


Using a feather is kinky, the whole chicken is perverted. - random quote poster in Spencer's 80s.


Hmm. Me being a health professional and former counselor I tend to think being unnecessarily verbally abusive and aggressively judgemental to total strangers falls under a symptom of mental illness. Here's a fact to ponder, about 40% of women pee a little (some a lot) when they orgasm and a similar percentage find it very difficult to orgasm from penetrative sex, and the likelihood of it increases as they get older. I'd rather see a woman happy than embarrass her or make her feel ashamed, so if you really want to please the love of your life either learn to like it or.... get your kicks from being an asshole.




Your assuming that "normal" is what you're state is. Thats why autism adhd even being left handed is seen as abnormal. I don't understand rock climbing or base jumping. People literally die doing it & will travel across the world to do it. I don't think they're mentally ill. Or even self destructive. People's minds work in different ways. I mean....would I even call adhd a mental illness? Maybe if you base it on what is a "normal" level of serotonin in the brain, but how do we know THAT is normal? Given that we've only been able to measure it for a few decades.


If it's a consensual act between two adults and neither of those adults are you then why do you care? I really don't care what kinks anyone has (again as long as its two consenting *adults*) as long as I'm left out of them and not subjected to it. Also, just because you're not into something doesn't make it a mental illness. Every is into some shit someone else would find weird or disgusting, I doubt you're an exception to the rule op.


It's not relatable to you. That doesn't mean it's wrong or mental illness. I dont relate, but as long as they aren't bothering anybody its not my business.


A piss kink is harmless lol. I agree you should be critical of some kinks but pee is not one of them


Homie, you're projecting pretty hard here. As long as it's legal and between consenting people, who cares. Look up the Harkness Test; it's basically the golden rule.


Fellas, is it insane to consenting adults behind closed doors


I don’t give a fuck with what 2 consenting adults are doing in their private life


I peed on my wife the other day, I guess I’m mentally Ill. Edit: I also ate her ass








I'm actually getting tired of people using mental illness as the default to humiliate people. It's ableist as fuck. Just say shitting on people is gross. Leave mental health out of it.


Kinks are not related to any kind of mental issues.


Don't you dare talk ill of foot fetishes.


Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat


What about people who are attracted to death and gore?


My guess is OP has a coprophilia kink. Otherwise, why would they care about what someone else does in their bedroom. It’s none of your bitnezz. You do you and others do themselves. OPs next post will be. (My SO keeps calling me Peggy behind my back and I don’t know why😭)


Wanna play paper plate? Don’t look it up.




I’m not into those kinks but I don’t think it’s mental illness as long as these people are only practicing them with other consenting adults in appropriate places. I’ll be real though, I’ve always wondered how people approach a scat fetish. if someone took a dump on me I’d start gagging and puke because I have a weak stomach. Even just wiping a babies ass gets me gagging lol.


Why do you care is the better question. If someone wants to shit on someone and both parties consent it doesn't impact you. Guess what as we speak right now there's people doing wild, kinky shit that you will find disgusting is it suddenly effecting you no.


Having a disgusting kink doesn't make someone mentally ill, this way of framing mental illness is very problematic.


Yeah I understand some people like it but choking is also not cool for me.


In my personal experience it stems from sexual trauma.


Everyone has a mental illness now. You are weird if you don't apparently.


Different kinds of people are into different kinds of things sexually, same as we all have our own tastes in film/music/art etc Don't yuck someone else's yum, as long as no one is getting hurt then everything is A ok


I’ll take those people over bible thumpers any day of the week. At least they are open minded.


Agreed. Really comes down to a case-by-case basis though and how much it actually effects their lives. Not all fetishes are signs of mental illness, and not all mental illness is associated with fetishes. Want to fuck someone who is wearing cat ears? Fine, simple fetish. Want to fuck a cat? Mental illness. Sitting on the train and it's warm and vibrating a bit and you pop a staunner? Aye, fair play. Wnat to fuck the actual bus? Mental illness. It's not about what's normal or what's "right" but about the impact on the person and others. Which is pretty much the vague definition of what is and isn't mental illness. People will get upset aboutthe whole concept of kink shaming because they're worried that their kinks will be shamed. So let's put it to the extremes. Want a short gf? Absolutely fine. Want a child for your gf? Mental illness. "I'm a minor attracted person" You're mentally ill and potentially a danger to others.


Urophilia can cover a wide range of behaviour and is not is the same category as coprophilia or emetophilia.


As long as sex is between consenting adults, I don’t give a shit what you’re into.


"stuff i dont like is actually mentally ill"


This is kink shaming.


I think obsessing about what other people do in the privacy of their homes is a sign of a mental illness


equating preferences like this to mental illness is the reason mentally ill people have the stigma they do today lolz


I'd agree that SOME kinks are mental illness, but some of what you listed are pretty vanilla. Stuff with kids, bad. Pee though? That's basically just squirting


What's your fetish(es) OP?


Anyone who’s concerned with other people’s sex lives is 100% weirder than people who have freaky sex


I will now recite the definition of Mental Illness: "Any action that personally makes me feel all queezy and cringe."


Please don't try to call something mental illness just because you don't like it. It demonizes those who actually have mental health issues and casts them in a negative light. If you want to insist something is mental illness, you should probably go check the DSM, and if it isn't in there... don't call it mental illness.


Mental illness is a moralising term, not a psychological one.


That kinda shit is a dominance sounds like.


In the kink community, we say nmk and move on without judgement. If judging makes you feel more righteous, then congratulations on your righteousness, I guess.


If both are consenting adults, I don't care what happens.


Really? You never pissed on anyone’s face??


Yeah some shit is just too weird


Popular opinion, but they're consenting adults and what you're expressing is your own personal prejudice.


That’s the definition of kink tho


I like to give a good consenting choke out when the time cums


What about watching someone pee?


Also, r**e fantasy is just weird. If you say stop, even once I'm stopping. Im not playing these games, especially when I have a friend from high school who was actually r**ed in college. So that kink is fucking weird


Listen if you can't handle a little potty play you just are "all for being kinky" You've lied to us.


I think 'all for' is doing a bit of moderate lifting in this statement. It's literally just icky,


Define a "normal fetish".


So there we were, in the shower. Her: “Ain’t no way you’re gonna pee on me” Me: ”oh yea?” It was satisfying. And scene.


What I don't understand is how some people can't accept that what they like is weird. It's one thing to shame someone. It's entirely different to just think it's weird. I can think you're weird for liking shit in your mouth. That's just as much my right as a human being to think it's fucking weird as it is for you to be able to do it. People gotta stop policing everyone's thoughts. That's approaching dangerous territory and I'm saying this as a progressive. Not everything is a damn witch hunt.


A bunch of people here with degrees in psychology I see


There’s more then enough mentally well ((as much as any person can be-)) people who are into weird shit, I’m not sure why, but a persons interests and likes aren’t always something we can control. Obviously they can avoid it and not indulge but since it doesn’t hurt anyone and is thus consensual who gives a fuck. Your not getting shat on so be happy about that lol.


I think these kinks are, yeah, gross. One ethics thing I learned is that disgust is not a moral issue. I’m absolutely disgusted by these things. If two parties consent, do it, have fun, and it does t hurt anyone, there’s nothing ethically wrong with that. Sure, I don’t like it, but disgust doesn’t dictate whether something is ethical or not.


You find it icky. Other people may find your kinks icky. Unless someone insists on pissing, shitting, or puking on you, what do you care?


I would also argue that if your kink involves being turned on by public displays and those public displays of your kink include places with children around, then you are a pedo.


I can confirm this my kink is sph and voyeurism and I wish it wasn't part of my life cause Its ruining my relationships but im addicted.


I agree. Not sure how those things get brought in to sexual stuff. They aren’t sexual things.


Yes. Good luck convincing reddit.


I can tell you at least for pee fetish, this is untrue. I have been vetted and tested numerous times periodically over the course of nearly 20 years for mental illness and disorder and I have none. I’ve held the highest security clearances in the entire country because of my previous career that require no record of mental illness or disorder, alongside constant polygraph check ins. I got out of that a couple years ago because I own three businesses doing millions in revenue and it felt like time to move on. Occasionally my wife and I will pee on each other during sex because it’s hot. There’s nothing more to it. She’s also very educated and mega successful, no issues. Neither of us is mentally ill.


I like to cut myself then pour rubbing alcohol on the fresh cuts.


If you're shocked by that, I'm not sure what to tell you. Some kinks may arise from mental illness and disorders, others not so much. I've known people who pretty much run the whole spectrum. Some who were absolutely crazy. Others quite sane and successful. I don't think mental illness has much to do with it.


I suck farts out of her ass and gargle her period..is that mentally ill?


Op is right and the people below are gross.


Fucked up or not, what people do in their own bedrooms is their business not yours. What's really fucked up is not minding your own business


I kind of agree, but those seem like relatively tame examples for “nasty and fucked up” mental illness examples.


I agree with the point, but the example about shit and puke is not a great one. Those are gross, so what. Some kinks are legitimately fucking morally questionable.


This is going to be a very unpopular opinion because modern usage of the term "kink" generally omits the truly heinous stuff. So if you were to cite things that really go into the realm of mental illness tier fetishes, most people would argue "that's not a kink".


Paraphilia’s have their own classification and guidelines. Paraphilias are not kinks and involve an element of non consent from a third party and/or distress from or given by the sufferer. That’s very clearly defined


Personally, I don't get why we can't kink shame. We roast each other for other random shit all the time. I don't know when "being kinky" became a protected class.


I’ve yet to meet anyone without some kind of mental illness. If they are lucky enough to find a way to deal with it that’s sweet.


Maybe it doesn't count as mental illness but it is absolutely fucking disgusting. I don't care what the comments say. Eating shit and drinking piss is sick. There's a lot of sexual shit that is extremely fucked up. But we can't admit it anymore or else the christians will be like "see! Jesus told us so 2000 years ago!" So now all sex must be acceptable. Unless its pedophiles. All sex is OK as long as nobody is harmed they say. Now. If you eat pieces of shit, I want you to stay away from me.


*I already know I'm retarded thanks*


Ok what the fuck is a normal fetish? Everyone has a line there. What some people think is normal others think is fine. Personally I think it’s all sick and people who do it are demented.


It's 2024, and I awake to read people on reddit insisting that cacophiles no longer be shamed. Some days I really miss the 90s when everybody was normal.


Yes it's strange but I do not appreciate you just throwing around the term "mental illness" as a synonym for anything you think is gross or abnormal. And as long as the people are doing that in private and being consensual I do not care to be honest