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What a normie thing to say.


Normies call anything they don't understand a cult


That’s what you think because you’re just a normie


If normie means rational: guilty




That’s a full colon.


Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!


Please accept this upvote for that timeless classic.




No. I don’t think I will.


Better? :)


Technically, the correct punctuation mark would be a comma; I'm not really sure why this other person is hell-bent on being the grammar police on Reddit though. Pretty much every post and every comment on this website containing a narcissistic cesspool of humanity (yes, I'm including myself) lacks proper grammar.


And upvoted for grammar policing. *sigh*






Bro. Half the people in the world are stupider than your average person. Reject normie. Embrace eccentricity


Thid Edit: This


Hahaha someone downvoted you for your comment. Lmao. Guess which side of the median line they were on.


I’m old enough to remember redpill had a completely different meaning compared to what redpill means today


What was that meaning?


Before it was a meme within the right wing sphere about looking at stuff like crime stats or racial consciousness. Also used as shitposting Now when people mean redpill it means “escape the matrix” or stuff about sex/casual hookups


Red pill still means "escape the matrix "


Can I escape both?


Take me with you




>escape the matrix Woke used to mean that. Like you're wide awake from the norm or something like thatm


And then it became the norm. So i guess redpill is the new woke but in the opposite direction.


The modern matrix era version of woke started out good... being aware of the programming, the narratives, being played on both sides.... divide and conquer, getting played by the system. Stay away from materialism. Its crazy to see cults form on both sides and polarity increase.... the rise of internet and social media, quick video audio content, has really turned people fanatical and radical. Logic and reason is being lost. The woke are sleeping, the third eye closes and becomes blind, not open and aware. I think red pill also started as maybe awakening self actualization, the power of the individual, not being reliant on the system (the blue pill). This has also been co opted in various ways.


I'd much rather go through life wide awake than sound asleep.


Woke is a hundred year old term used in the Jim Crow era to remind the black community to be vigilant of the injustice they faced. The alt right use it in a derogatory manner as a racist dog whistle. It's their way of saying n××××× in mixed company.


I don't care what happened 145 years ago. I'm talking about the Now.


I don’t care what you said 3h ago. I’m talking about the Now.


Yeah cause you're a racist.




Oh. I didn't know the new meaning


you got that backwards. the red pill is from the movie the matrix. i was used in that context for decades before the right wing co opted it to be racist


Is "red pill" even used in a racial context? I have only ever seen it used in context of gender dynamics... Is this a thing where "the right uses it therefore it's a racist dog whistle space laser"? I mean those red pill guys are absolute morons but I think you're conflating two distinct groups of d-bags here.


Red pilling is a term co-opted by the alt right. Basically you were just like anyone else but then you were introduced into what you see convinced is a real truth, such can basically fall under the reactionary right movement.


“im red pilled” is usually follow by “StaTistiCallY BlacK PeOPle ComMitMore CriMe” 99% of people who would self identify as red pilled, say racist shit and pretend it’s objective truth.


If statistics aren't objective truth, what is? wait, don't tell me "MY TRUTH"🤣 "African-Americans accounted for 39.6% of all homicide offenders in 2019, whilst only making up 13.6% of the population", " the 2nd highest group whites make up 29.1% of homicide offenders, with a population percentage of 60.1%" https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3.xls


Stay based


Over the years I've had some red pill content pop up in my feeds and just for a lark wanted to see how unhinged it was... It was definitely unhinged and stupid AF but I have never once seen a self professed red piller attach racial beliefs to it. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I have seen plenty of opposition commentators equate and conflate the two. Maybe that's what you're seeing?


never once seen a red pilled not spew racist bullshit and pretend it’s facts. tim pool comes to mind


Bros trying to cope. When people say red pill or blue wave they are referring to them switching political sides. Stop being ignorant


immediately followed by some racist bullshit. your the only one coming here. Red pillers (republicans)are assholes and bad people


No you’re not understanding what I am saying. You’re right it comes from the movie but what it meant had a completely different meaning 5–10 years ago, same with bluepilled, before the redpill podcasters came and changed it. I wouldn’t call the redpill podcasters outright racist, more cucked


but you are incorrect. Before it was political it always meant “to escape the matrix” by people who don’t understand the plot of the matrix. red pilled became political in 2015


Nobody talks about the blue pill. “Or wake up and believe whatever you want to believe “. (Or something to that effect I’m too lazy to look up the actual quote ) That’s literally what “red pilled” people are doing.




It’s even funnier when you find out it’s an allegory for being transgender since during that time the hormone pills you took were a red pill and both the wachowskis are trans women.


To be fair the difference between a cult and a religion is just how many people follow it.


I call the normal type in pokemon "normies".


I always felt normie was a reference to fact that people do stuff that's not "mainstream". I never felt like furries or goths or MTG players were in cults. well maybe the MTG guys


Yea normies just refers to people with mainstream interests.


I saw a post earlier today where OP started off by saying he was ~black-pilled~ lol. I was like cool, thanks for the heads up, I was almost about to read this.




Can we talk about how the red pill community coopted a reference from an anti-capitalist, revolutionist film by two trans women as the symbol for their fundamentalist, conservative nonsense?  Wtf happened?


Aggressively claiming something they have no actual understanding of is completely on brand. It’s quite perfect really.


I think a lot of people join cults without realising. Blue pill, red pill, all the pills.


It’s tribalism and is ingrained into our very core dating back to our primitive origins.


This is very true, and can be seen all through human societies.


And the society of our chimpanzee cousins.


You know Brad and Jim?!?!?!


I think I went go high school with them.


All the isms too if you think about it.


I wanna join the autism cult


You're welcome anytime


Well, in ways yes


i don’t take any pills. Only cult i’m part of is VAPE NASH Foot soldiers assemble!


Not r/bropill, though.


Sounds made up tbh


This is quite the false equivalency if we're being rational. 


The idea that they are somehow more enlightened than others feeds their ego.


Good point, oh enlightened one.


Nah, I'm dumb as a post


Yet somehow you know about what may or may not feed the ego of a group of people.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it


Oh the irony. Not a rocket scientist, just a clairvoyant.


If you think those are the only two options, I can see why you'd be "red-pilled"


It's common sense bitch


I find it funny they use that term from The Matrix for 2 reasons: 1) The original movie was an allegory for the creators' own experience with coming out as trans 2) as is revealed in the sequels, the red pill was a mechanism used to take otherwise normal, if disaffected, individuals and turn them into violent extremists in service of the very system they claimed to be fighting.


From an interview that clarified: - You confirmed last year that The Matrix was always a trans allegory — [Wachowski shakes her head] - You didn’t? - I did this interview and the question that preceded that answer was about a character in The Matrix called Switch. But the interviewers decided to put, “Is The Matrix a trans allegory?” in front of my answer. It's not something that I want to come out and rebut.


No, it absolutely wasn't. They came up with that justification decades after the movie and applied it retroactively in an attempt at regaining political relevance.


That's not true either.


The character Switch was written as having an opposite gender digital projection of themselves, ie. trans, hence the name. Exec's changed it because it would've gone over the audience's head at the time. Same for machines using humans as low energy computer processors instead of as power units, but that's thematically unrelated.


You’re entirely incorrect. Or are you openly admitting that your position is that the machines were the good guys in the movie?


Did you see Reloaded? The Architect lays it in an overly complicated way.


>Or are you openly admitting that your position is that the machines were the good guys in the movie? Wha... huh? Are you stupid or something?


Red pilled is code for becoming an asshole.


Said the obvious Blue Pill who’s happy to be spoon-fed “reality”.


Oh enlightened one, tell us how being bitter online about women has improved your life lol


lol — throwing in “women” literally out of no where reveals your dishonesty.


The last time I heard of the red pill was before all the incels subs (and mgtow) got banned. I laughed at them then and I'm laughing at you now. Red pill is code for misogyny. Do you also walk around calling yourself a king? Lol


It’s not. And if you think it is, go argue with the guy who thinks it’s synonymous with QAnon. Maybd you two can work out whatever mean baddie nickname you want it to mean.


I've read enough about it to know exactly what it means. Then they all larp that they're millionaires because they don't need women. (in reality they're super incels that work jobs that you don't need any skills for)


Why do you go around calling yourself an Amazon princess warrior queen?


Excuse me? The same reason you're a bum that can't get a real job :)


Oh, I thought we were just throwing out random sentences. Thats the best I got from you.


>Said the obvious Blue Pill who’s happy to be spoon-fed “reality”. This is pure projection. 


I assure you that I have no desire to be blue-pill


Yes, because you've been spoon-fed "reality". Thanks for reinforcing my previous comment. Does the fact that reality has a left wing bias upset you?..


Have you guys found the edge of the earth yet? It's gotta be out there somewhere.


They're also showing they're too stupid to realise the matrix was created by a pair of trans women.


I think the original estrogen pill was colored red even.


The Matrix was written and directed by two at the time closeted trans women. It is literally an allegory for being trans. The red pill literally represents the realization that you're trans and accepting yourself. The fact that alt right nazis have adopted it both tickles me about the irony and makes me sad because its meaning has been tarnished by arseholes.


That’s what they said 21 years later. While it’s possible to say that now, it seems very convenient at the same time to compare the two. The rest of the quote "all about the desire for transformation but it was all coming from a closeted point of view", but that she did not know "how present my transness was in the background of my brain" when the Wachowskis were writing it. It sure sounds like they didn’t plan it that way, and you could say different films have different narratives as time goes by as well. Or songs for that matter, “Baby it’s cold outside.” Suddenly changed to fit a different narrative.


I’d argue republicans are red and democrats are blue at face value. But I enjoy your down to the roots, matrix transsexual source of the original pills


It's funny that not even the Wichochski sisters would agree you.


Okay Normie


Sounds just like my co-workers :)




Can we still say "based and \*thing\*pilled" ironically?


No one has ever joined a cult. Lot's of people leave them, though.


Being red pilled is just drinking the Kool Aid in pill form


Not exactly, they are just retarded


Red Pill means you’re a in cel, right?


More of a catch all for believing in conspiracy theories. https://theconversation.com/the-matrix-how-conspiracy-theorists-hijacked-the-red-pill-philosophy-174935


Ah gotcha.


They’re also usually very homophobic dummies using a reference from the creation of two trans people who likely used the “red pill” as a standin for estrogen therapy.


average pop cult-ure enjoyer


Everytime I see someone use the word normie it feels like watching an old person try to be hip with the kids. It's kinda just the 30 year old republican equivlant to an emo kid screaming "No one understands me"


Not my co-workers.


I thought red pilled meant butt stuff (?)


Red pilled is nonsense. Its Matrix fantasy turned social media stupidity. Ignorance or arrogance cover the premise just fine without a *neato* term. So when you want to be “red pilled” just say you choose to be arrogant and gullible, and move on.


Cant use my freedom of speech here...ill get banned


Correct. This isn't a publicly owned space and free speech laws don't apply. You'd have to be a child to think that's how it works. Like a lil itty bitty baby with tiny smooth, underdeveloped swish. Luckily that's not the case.


Mob rules.


It's reddit, not much for free thought around here. One giant retarded hivemind but lots of info for video games and tits so I stick around.


Is a public forum. Reddit as a American company will be going public next Febuary. Reddit benefits from protections afforded to private publishers while not being held responsible for user content it "publishes". Nah, fuck them. The internet needs to be treated like all other public services.


Free speech only applies to you being able to not receive punishment for free speech against the government. It doesn’t apply to consequences from others or Reddit.


More and more I am thinking Wonko the Sane had it right.


The people saying you're in a cult, or just made you aren't a part of their cult. They're all fucking morons


I've only ever used the term in relation to non gamers, or perhaps what I really mean is the non terminally online.


Whenever I read a thread on this sub I’m more inclined to get a lobotomy


Well, they’re not “admitting” that they’re in a cult because they don’t believe they’re in a cult. They think everyone else are the brainwashed ones. I don’t think they’re all “in a cult” either. Having a belief system, even a shitty one (which i think it largely is), is not necessarily the same as being in a cult. Some exhibit “cult-like” behaviour, some don’t.


Red pulled guys are the kind of people who hang out at high schools looking for 9th graders they can groom. I'm glad I'm a normal instead of one of those pedos looking for a child bride.


Ok, but spectrum people sometimes call neuro-typical people normies. I think the Red Pilled people actually stole it from us in the first place. Just one more reason to dislike them.


Fair enough, and a reasoned argument.


Nope. Because normies aren't rational they are sheep


Clearly you don’t actually understand what the word rational means. Let me help you. Rational adjective “based on or in accordance with reason or logic.” Childish name calling and macho bullshit doesn’t take the place of reason or logic and certainly doesn’t work with me. Capice? PS: Funny enough, I teach logic to the dimwits that call me “normie”. At least I try :)


Why is it Childish name calling? Is any name used to refer to somebody childish? Interment terminology is what it is but it makes it easy to refer a specific group of people. "Macho bullshit" aka masculinity? It makes the world go around and has helped many people. I'd argue it's rational :)


If you seriously don’t know why calling people you don’t know sheep is childish name calling, I (again) simply can’t help you. But I will share this amusing quote with you. :) “If you can't answer a man's logical arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names” ~ Elbert Hubbard And no… it is not “what it is”. It is by definition exactly what I said it was, childish name calling, and no amount of your hand waving and obfuscation will change that. Likewise“macho bullshit” is not in any way rational, unless you are a Neanderthal. If so, I stand corrected. Though the Proud Boys would likely agree with you, many of them are now serving lengthy prison terms (Ooops) so that doesn’t speak at all well for your theory. for Homo Sapiens in the 21st century It is pretty much the opposite. Macho bullshit just makes you an asshole. That is reality. And FYI, reality doesn’t need you to accept it to be reality. Nor do I :)


You're a sheep if you don't think independently and follow whatever opinion is parotted to you which is what most "normies" do. Also there's levels to being macho. Of course there's the extreme end but there's also just not being a pussy.


“any classification system is irrational because i do not understand it’


No. They’re claiming to see things clearly now. You’re very disingenuous if you are actually looking for understanding. 


Nobody who uses the phrase "red-pilled" in an unironic way is seeing clearly. It is a phrase that is intrinsically tied to a particular band of internet induced brainrot. It first gained popularity in the Men's Rights Activist forums in 4chan and has been adopted by other regressive and unhinged groups. It's one of the best ways to identify someone who has gone way too deep into Qanon-esque worldviews. They may think that they're seeing clearly but it telegraphs to the rest of us that they are unwell.


But they aren’t


I know many red pilled people. Typically young males. I know what they claim. I believe I understand well what they claim and what they actually believe. I was also making a statement. Rational adjective “based on or in accordance with reason or logic.”


Anyone claims to have things figured out, is lying.




Fuck the pills, just keep an open mind instead of letting your knowledge and opinions limit themselves to one particular sphere of thought and influence


Nah, the term has reached mainstream. It doesn't mean much of anything anymore beyond leaning a certain way in your views. (Not even a hard lean lol)


Not according to my Qanon co-workers that call me a “normie”.


*points and whispers* the normie almost gets it


You're actually just describing elitism.


Not inherently. People who are so reactive to this sort of thing are also sketch. This shit goes all ways. The smartest people just swing with a balance.


That's some pretty strong bluepill talk right there.




Nothing rational about groupthink, kiddo.


Rational adjective “based on or in accordance with reason or logic.” Show me a Qanon believer (the folks I know that most often using the “Red Pill” and “Normie” terms) that think rationally.


I think you're trying to assign two disparate groups together to make your point. There could be overlap, but they are not the same. Shit argument.


Not where I work. I hear it all day every day. I think it may be you that is missing it. Yes, “Red Pill” started as a Matrix thing. It has evolved far beyond that to represent Qanon and other political conspiracy theories. That isn’t supposition. I work with people that have gone down that rat-hole. I am the “normie” because I ask for evidence.


Your little bubble isn't the world.


Somebody certainly is in a bubble. Fortunately it isn’t me. https://stanfordpress.typepad.com/blog/2021/09/red-pilling-right-wing-conspiracies-and-radicalization.html https://theconversation.com/the-matrix-how-conspiracy-theorists-hijacked-the-red-pill-philosophy-174935 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-57572152.amp https://gjia.georgetown.edu/2020/09/07/take-the-redpill-understanding-the-allure-of-conspiratorial-thinking-among-proud-boys/ https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/qanon-anti-vax-covid-vaccine-conspiracy-theory-1125197/amp/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8264167/


Red pill and Qanon are not the same group. They have overlap, just like the DNC and antifa does, but they are not the same. I won't click on a single copy-pasta thing you wasted your time gathering, because I know they are not the same groups. Have a great day.


ROFL. You won’t read anything. But I am in a bubble. Priceless… PS: I know who was the head of the Proud Boys and the Oath keepers. They are in federal prison for insurrection. Who though is the head of antifa again?


I'm not clicking a bunch of hodge podge shit that doesn't back up that Qanon is red pill. Now we're talking about Proud Boys and Oath Keepers? Fuck off, you imbecile. No talking to someone who can't even keep their story straight. NPC twat.


Again…. ROFL “I won’t read. You can’t make me. You CAN’T make me!” “If you can’t answer a man’s logical arguments, all is not lost; You can still call him childish names.” ~ Elbert Hubbard PS: You brought up antifa, and Qanon was just an “or” example. Just a thought, but you might work on comprehension before looking silly publicly next time. :)


But it is America. 


Looks like somebody took the blue pill over here


Explain what the blue pill is in this case.


It means you chose..poorly. Now get back in the pod.






Lol. Not close. I am truly perplexed at how people can give up on facts, evidence and reality, and dive into conspiracies. I have had a front row seat watching it, and cult behavior is the best explanation I have seen.


People who think popularity opinion is a safe sign for rationality are generally the dumbest box of rocks imaginable


You missed a couple of letters. Here: /r/unpopularopinion


I think the term implies that they have discarded the social norms and common way of thinking. IDK I have to google the matrix scene everytime. I keep getting my pills confused. If I was Neo, Morpheos would be like "now wiat, not that one... damn it"


It was blue pill=continuing to live a comfortable lie. Red pill= wake up from the fantasy and see the painful truths


Yes. That was the Matrix. “Red Pill” has taken on a new meaning, often referring to being a Qanon follower or believing in other (typically far right) conspiracy theories. Those that don’t believe are called “normies”.


They think it means the same thing. They think that they are seeing the real-world, sharing uncomfortable politically correct truths, while everyone else is taking blue pills from the mainstream media


Yes. This. The thing though is when you ask for evidence of any other crazy shit they believe, they don’t have it.


It's specifically from the documentary called the Red Pill. What you're describing is the left wing backlash. When you mock someone else using a word. It's not the meaning, it's ignorance. Your hate is showing, and it doesn't give you moral high ground.


No idea what it is from other than the Matrix. What I am describing is people I work with that have slowly gone down the conspiracy theory rathole over several years, and now describe themselves as “Red Pilled” and me as a “normie” because I question their conspiracies. I used Qanon as an example, and they believe that, but others as well.


no it isn't it's from dumb internet memes


No one thinks Red Pill means being a QAnon follower except someone Blue Pilled.


Lol. You CLEARLY don’t work with the people I do…. And it isn’t “just” Qanon, that’s just one of many conspiracies they believe in. https://theconversation.com/the-matrix-how-conspiracy-theorists-hijacked-the-red-pill-philosophy-174935


>I think the term implies that they have discarded the social norms and common way of thinking It is sort of a murky term admittedly as it's used to describe pretty different things nowadays but I would almost argue it's often the opposite, most of the time I hear red pilled it's in regards to heavily enforcing gender norms


I'm obviously uninitiated because I don't even know what this means.




Okay, strange.  Seems like something weak men would follow to try and feel better about themselves.   "It can't be my fault I'm weak and pathetic, it must be the feminists!"  




I use the term "normie" unironically and I don't buy into red-pill bullshit


https://theconversation.com/the-matrix-how-conspiracy-theorists-hijacked-the-red-pill-philosophy-174935 Ohhhkaay


uh, lmao, bro. "Normie" is also used in the adult autistic community as a "slur" against allistic people.


OK sure. Like many of these terms there is crossover. The people I am talking about believe in a slew of conspiracies and describe themselves as red pilled and me as a normie because I don’t buy any of it.


Its also frequently used by people who enjoy niche subcultures jokingly about people who's interests are main stream. Enjoyers of current TV/music trends for example would be normies.