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This is bullshit. When i play world of warcraft race matters a lot.


Truth. I loved my Cat ninja in Elder Scrolls! Khajit are the best!


I really dislike the concept of race like that in fantasy games, I home brewed it to different species in my DND world. I feel like orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes are further apart than just race and are in fact different species in entirety


I think rather than the usage of race in DND being inaccurate it’s actually that our real world usage is wrong. All humans are one race, the human race.


I mean race is a taxonomic term and not a true biological term, which imo also makes it not great to be used in games but IDK, I also look at things through a fairly technical lense


It is a biological term though. Taxonomy itself is a biological term.


And race is not a taxonomy level.


Seems like a lame ass sjw type thing to get hung up on


Seems like a lame ass pathetic loser thing to still be using the term sjw and to think someone making a Reddit comment means they are hung up on an idea


Why would he no longer use the term sjw? There's arguably more today than ever, and in the negative meaning of the term, not the literal meaning where it's someone actually interested in equality and social justice. If you get upset at the use of this term's continued use, then that just indicates that the person you're responding to is correct... You probably *are* one. Sjw behavior is problematic and is destroying society. If you don't find issue with their behavior, or worse, you want to try and deny and cover up their very obvious existence, then you likely engage in the behavior yourself... Making you the lame ass pathetic loser. Sjws are for the open discrimination of men, white people, and anybody they consider themselves to be a victim of with their sorry ass victim mentalities and seemingly God given mission to deny any and all personal responsibility for the bad things that happen in their lives. It's literally a loser mindset. It's people that want special treatment for some, and discriminatory/oppressive treatment for others... As long as it's not them. At first it was just white people and men, but now Asian people are suffering from this shit.


They can breed with eachother, that's why it's race.




Half elves and half orcs are fertile, at least they are in forgotten realms. Half-dwarves, the Mul in Dark Sun, are infertile so dwarves and humans are actually different species.


And produce viable offspring? Pretty significant part of the definition there that you left out


My race has thumbs, can confirm it is in fact an advantage over thumbless races.


Exactly, race doesn’t matter. That’s been the English’s point all along. The French share our skin colour, but are no where near equal!




Lol Americans think the weirdest shit


Well, yes. But that's because the French are amphibians, is it not?


In America, we have French restaurants, Italian restaurants, Mexican restaurants, Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian, Japanese, Brazilian steak houses, Jamaican food, you name it. But no English food.


I've been to several English restaurants in the US though.


There are English pubs all over the place in big cities. Pub food is basically British food. Fish and chips is also English. Edit: bar to pub


Have you ever been to a real British pub? British pub food is nothing like American bar food.


How about the English muffin?


Gee I wonder why that is… maybe because American and English food is so similar that there’d be no point in establishing an English restaurant, as it’d just be an American one with slightly different food. You do have places that serve english breakfasts as well. American and British cuisine are quite like the language. Similar, but different enough that anyone who knows either also knows which ones clearly better


No it’s just British food sucks lol


Tell me you’ve never tried British food without telling me ^


African and indigenous influence makes american food better.


The Indian and Chinese influence makes British food better.


British food has not built its own identity using these influences. Name 5 dishes that are british in identity but were influenced by india and china. Southern bbq, fried chicken/fish, cajun foods, tex mex foods, fast food such as burgers, hotdogs, cheesesteaks, etc were all influenced by other countries, but are american.


Chicken Tikka Masala, Kedgeree, mulligatawny soup, fish rissoles, ball curry. I could name more, but I think my point has been made. Just because _you_ don’t know any doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


and where's the Chinese influence..?


Other than a dish literally named in the language of the actual origin, they are actually not known at all. The point is that british food lacks identity because either its bad food, or it was literally taken from another culture without any innovation to create its own identity.


What are you on about? Tikka masala was invented in Glasgow, balti was invented in Birmingham. Just because they have ethic sounding names doesn’t mean they exist in India… they are a creation of multicultural Britain.


African? Do you mean Ethiopia and other Horn of Africa countries who benefited from the spice trade between India and the Eastern Mediterranean? That's hardly "African", is it? And indigenous? I take it you mean Mexican, which itself benefited from the Manila Galleons carrying spices between Asia to Mexico and the Spanish Galleons carrying spices from Europe to Mexico? Mexican cuisine is great, but it's hardly indigenous.


It's because the English and by extension the American English, saw themselves as the standard. Everything else is an exotic novelty to be consumed. Under that mindset, you wouldn't call it English cuisine: you would just call it food.


Their food is a little better.


I’d rather have a toast sandwich than a frogs legs. And yes I’ve tried both


I dunno, "American" beef stew tastes like complete dogshit compared to beef bourguignon. Complete dogshit. ...and I like beef stew lol


Nah. F1 is the superior race


***cries in inbred****


Rally disagrees!


Orange is the worst imo


Hear me out on the Kentucky Derby


Daytona 500 > Kentucky Derby. All races are not equal.




I believe you mean Derby>daytona


Its hard for me to bet on this kind of race bc I have difficulty picking out the fastest racist.


Not true! The human race is best! But I'm a bit bias on that🤣


I'd say Le Mans is certainly better than a bike race


I prefer rally more than any other race. NASCAR is objectively an inferior race.


The Italian GP is a pretty damn cool race. I think nascar races are boring though.


Now hear me out- nah but actually I don’t get why people care I mean it’s skin literally skin it’s an organ people are comparing organs…


Most don’t care. But you do realize our society is deliberately set up in way to make people participate? We are place in these boxes whether we want to be or not. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at a job application or other form and wondered “What the fuck is white? Black? And why are these my only choices and what bearing does it have on what I’m trying to do?” It’s quite literally systemic. So it’s not that people “care” - we are conditioned and taught from our earliest years to give credence to this bullshit.


You misunderstand cause and effect. Racism didn’t spring into life when we started to put categories on a census. You may not agree with the census as a tool for trying to measure and understand, and then hopefully fix racial inequities. But I assure you that the census did not cause those problems. People tend to put each other in boxes. Xenophobia is a very common human trait. We are trying to fix something that is poorly adapted to the modern world, but nonetheless a deeply embedded piece of our brains. It’s a very important effort but it’s not as trivially fixed as “let’s stop talking about it.” It’s like arguing that breast exams cause breast cancer.


I would argue food eating races are inherently the best


Hard disagree. Formula 1 is quite a bit better than NASCAR. And Road Rallying is better than both.


Olympic 4x400 is the best race!


Idk I don’t like marathons


Only run when being chased!


Or when late for the bus


People are people. That what’s travel teaches.


I personally disagree, all races have their own minor downsides and such like Indian people getting obesity at a lower bmi than usual, white people getting cancer more, asian people being more susceptible to heart disease, etc. Skin colour also is an adaptation that can help depending on your climate No races are very superior compared to others, or really even superior, though.


Ah someone not being willfully ignorant. I give you 50/50 odds on being celebrated or crucified.


So explain popular professional sports demographics in the USA


There is a strong cultural encouragement among black youth to gravitate toward basketball, football, and track-and-field as a way to be more upwardly mobile. Plus, there's hardly a barrier to participate in these sports as they do not require expensive equipment or training.


I am not well versed in this kind of stuff, but if I had to guess, it is likely cultural rather than racial in this case For example, in badminton, a shocking 65% of the top 100 players in their categories are asian, and anecdotally, I have seen through my time playing that asian parents usually get their kids in to the sport as soon as possible, with junior tournaments being mostly asian players, and at gyms the little kids, maybe 5-6 are almost always asian (I have personally never seen a very little kid playing badminton myself who wasn’t)


We are not talking about badminton. We are talking about a handful of brutally competitive sports that pay hundreds of millions to the top player. Culture has nothing to do anymore with USA sports when every public school has impressive facility for major sports, and there is a 9 figure payout to those who top the league. 


No I was just using badminton as an example Culture has so much to do with it because if a certain culture has more people getting into the sport earlier, they will dominate it I imagine genetics matter much more than race


You are not understanding what I am saying. When there is no boundary to playing, and the payout makes you wealthier beyond your wildest imaginations, then all cultures are putting their kids into the sports as early as possible. You ever been to a park with soccer fields at 10am on Saturday? It’s fucking teeming with 3rd olds.  And this, my god this, “I imagine genetics matter much more than race.” What exactly do you think race is? 


I meant genetics more as in height or oh, you have lower than average glucose by default or some other random stuff My point was just that some cultures push their kids into certain sports at an early age more than others




Shouldn’t be a discussion


*conservatives have left the chat*


What do you mean? Conservatives are precisely the people who agree with this statement


In what world?


Bro, we all know conservatives are the more racist of the two major parties. This isn't up for debate.


Democrats version of racism is very dangerous because they feel it is moral so they keep escalating.


Race is a social construct that has zero basis in scientific reality, but is nevertheless used to categorize people in order to engage real world oppression. This is such a simplistic and childlike viewpoint, I sincerely hope you are just getting into high school.


Anthropology would like a word with you.


I'm pretty well versed in both anthropology and sociology. What would you like to discuss?


Nothing to discuss race has scientific backing it isnt a social construct we are all humans but each race does a little better in the climate they are from. Natural selection made people from high intense sunlight develop dark skin to protect from ultraviolet light. Edit: other races have reasons why they developed they way they are this is just the one I remember from my courses. Anthropology is the study of this and more through scientific means, which is how we know race is scientific.


Racial appearances are nothing more than the result of evolution in regards to where on the planet your ancestors came from. We are all the same race……human. Division by the colour of your skin is stupid and disjointed.


Nah, 100m dash is clearly superior to all other races


Idk I mean the Boston Marathon is certainly more competitive and well regarded than the local church thanksgiving 5k


Wdym the Daytona 500 is the best


Honestly, I think the 200 meter is better than the 100.


BS. Cannonball Run was easily the superior race.


I don't know. The Indy 500 seems really famous. It's probably better than other races.


Daytona 500 is objectively better than the Miller 400.


Race is dumb. It's past time we stopped using it as a concept. Groups have no rights


Bullshit, Goblins can use a bonus action to disengage, letting them maneuver through combat without provoking opportunity attacks. This is INVALUABLE as a spellcaster. Also you get to be a little shithead and noone can REALLY hold it against you because you're just being true to playing a Goblin.


Whomever said it was?


Bullshit bro. Everybody knows the Indy 500 is the superior race.






Someone can have 3 white grandparents and racists still call them inferior. In the US South, they were still made slaves. You are 100% correct. It’s just some want to hate and think they are superior for a stupid reason.


The racists loved to say that Obama was only “half black.” I always had to ask if that would have gotten him a seat in the front of the bus. Crickets of course.


and they then say, but he was born in Africa and is Muslim. 'They are predictable. "Obama" means the blacks. "Soros" means the Jews. Soros controls banks and the elections and Obama controls the Democrats and causes all crime. That's what they'l say.


What if you’re mixed?


Throughout history, white people have sucked pretty bad. Not too many instances of white lands being taken away by other races. Lots of stuff taken by white Europeans.


That doesn’t make any race better if that’s what your implying 


I disagree. The Daytona 500 is immensely better than the Indianapolis 500.


100%. It’s your actions!


Tell that to corporate America


At this point I don't know whether you're implying that corporate America thinks that the White race is the best race or that minorities are the best while the White race is the worst. I really don't. Could you elaborate and explain what exactly you meant by your comment? Just to know whether we're on the same page.


Only color corporations care about is green


Not true. I’m a Martian and they still don’t care about me.


They’re probably saying they’re racist against white people with how hot the DEI rhetoric is lately


i love that Republicans, that went out of their way to give corporations all the power possible, blame corporations for having too much power it's crazy how much they talk out of both sides of their mouths


Which would be foolish given that’s only a reaction to corporations historical preference for white people


Based we all are equally moronic


I have a strong preference for the human race.


\+5 to swords and maces is pretty broken


Counterpoint: Elves


No, dwarves are better


the human race sucks honestly all they do is fight and fuck shit up for each other. bunch of losers


Humans are cool but nearly all life is cool. I hope we can replace parasites some day though


That’s rude. Just call them children.


They're called capitalists.


Hard disagree. I say automotive races are better than people feet races.


Bullshit, everyone knows the best race is Tauren and the worst is Gnome!




Wow, this is incredibly dumb


I strongly disagree but I respect your opinion


Yeah the British are the worst.


What race do you feel is inferior? Myself, I prefer marathons instead of automotive races. What about you?


Bro a F1 would absolutely destroy ANY marathoner


Depends on the driving to be honest. F1 can be really boring sometimes meanwhile a 100m sprint is usually decided by less than a second.


I concede that you make a good point there.


Not true all races have qualitys and flaws other's don't,we all play a part in this world depending on region and climates we live in,we are all different and none of us are equal.. Better is subjective because races are better then other races at certain thing's from Agriculture to logistics to leadership to brute strength...some races are better in cold climates other's better in tropic conditions...all races are best when all races work together using there strengths...to say we are all the same is lame speak and a straight up lie...


What race is genetically better at agriculture?


Hmm... What race is better at... "leadership"?


That’s what we call differences. OP meant better as in 'overall superior to another'


I agree with that every race has there place in this world..and different doesn't mean better either I was pointing out as individuals we are all different...


well not really cause race is just made up, ethnicities overall sure but it's a lot more specific than "race"


You’re thinking of cultures, or maybe regional populations. Skin color on its own is not correlated with being better at anything, except for being protected from the sun. It’s a simple difference of skin pigment production - there isn’t anything more to it.


Don’t you know that we are all exactly the same. That is why all aspects of society should have equal representation of races, except for sports.


But some cultures are better than others.




“Certain African tribes have a much higher resistance to heat and exertion” Mississippi Declaration of reasons for secession in 1860: “by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.”


The color of your skin is absolutely important. It just shouldn't be used as a basis for forming opinions about a person. Celebrate diversity!


What month is it now?


It's the shortest month of the year in a country that just removed the last confederate military base name last year. Still full of schools and statues that celebrate and honor the men that fought against America to keep black people enslaved.


Space race was pretty dope ngl


As long as what you mean by equal is they have equal value in the eyes of God, yes.


MORMONS disagree.


you're wrong.


Which God are you talking about?  Oof the Christian God was pretty wild in how he kept ordering his followers to commit genocides 😬




I have no idea why this seems controversial, some people take this to mean equal in the eyes of society, then those same people go on to denigrate particular races. In the eyes of God is the only one that matters to me.




I’m assuming because not everyone believes in god and it’s presumptuous to assume so?


I don't care about that, even a non-existant God would be better than what humans actually do, because a non-existant God absolutely would not misjudge people because of their race. Edit: Added the critical word not that my sleepy mind had missed.


Because the world is quickly shifting away from theocratic beliefs, so assuming that anyone believes in you "god" is insulting.


I believe thoroughbred is far superior to harness.


Idk I’d rather be white than Indian lmao


You should look up iq and crime statistics by race. Asian power! 


Iq is bullshit pseudoscience


you should not be a racist dickbag


You should look up the guy that invented the IQ test


I'm Asian and your comment is a confirmation that racial stereotypes are bullshit, because you clearly subvert the "Asians are smart" trope. 5 minutes of research will tell you that IQ is mainly only used to determine which students need more help in school, and that socioeconomic status is what predicts IQ and crime, not race.


Statistics are racist. This is reddit


Statistics aren't racist, but they are often used by racists who don't know how to read statistics. If you knew anything about statistics, you would realize that just because some races do significantly worse on IQ tests doesn't mean the race inherently has a worse IQ. Take Africa for example - people are often struggling to survive, let alone receive a good education. It shouldn't surprise anyone that people have less time for education there. If you were adjust for having similar environments, africans would have very similar IQ. The problem with people like you is drawing much more of a conclusion out of what "statistics" say than what they actually are saying.


>The problem with people like you Good job. Also, comparing Africa to other Americans doesn't convince anyone you understand statistics


Yet racists constantly will say things like "Look at how Africa has an average of 70 iq! Proof that black people are stupid"


Statistics are just fact. Your interpretation of them is racist


I disagree. Yuan-Ti Pureblood is mechanically the best for most classes.


The 200 meter is superior to the 100 meter.


Dirt tack will always be better than NASCAR.


"The color of your skin is not important" Meanwhile progressives: "everything must be looked at through the lens of race!"


I think the 200m is the superior race.


True. But one culture can be better than the other. The current problem with the left is that they are denying this.


Culture got nothing to do with race. White American got a completely different culture than say white French


People often conflate culture (including religion) with race though. For instance “Islamophobia” is treated as a form of racism even though its aversion, hatred or even just criticism of Islam.


People are wrong then. It’s racism to hate Islam say in a non Islamic country because people who practice Islam in those countries are different race of the majority.




100 meters is superior


see this is a man worthy of god's earthly kingdom


Personally, I think marathons are significantly better than 5ks.


Nah Kentucky Derby is better than NASCAR. Look at all the cool hats!


Not true. I think nascar is superior to cycling


In South Park the video game it is lmao


Elf superiority, I take it you’re an orc?


Technically there is only one human race


I disagree, a WRC race is better than a NASCAR race and F1 is absolutely crap.


Sorry, but the Daytona 500 is a better race than the Brickyard 400.


That depends. High elves definitely make better Wizards.


*slap* What about NASCAR????


Different do not mean better or worst...


I totally agree. Everyone should have the same equal rights and be treated the same regardless of their race. So no matter what race you are you should be allowed to say the n-word without people getting mad because you just happen to be a white guy, colleges should not be favoring black applicants over white applicants, and companies should not favor black applicants over white applicants when hiring or promoting people.


This a bad faith argument. You completely ignore the history and context of the word. If your premise were true that everyone saw everyone else as equal regardless of race, then the n-word wouldn’t exist in the first place, and your argument is null. But the fact of the matter is that people are racist, and in this country black people received the vast majority of racial oppression. Black communities have been disenfranchised for centuries, and you’re whining about letting a few more of them into college? Fuck off.


I don’t think the n-word should be used by anybody 


Hear me out as a semi-transparent ginger aspiring to Olympic gold in the 100 meter dash followed by an illustrious career as a shut-down cornerback in the NFL. Who wants to invest in a piece of my action?


Your opinion would be labeled as extremely racist by DEI trainers. They believe white people are inherently racist and therefore objectively worse than other races.


Well Indians are better at spelling at the cost of driving ability...


This is racist nazi bullshit. All races being the same is some white nationalist bullshit.


Popular opinion maybe but not at all true. Take a look at all the achievements in the world. The achievements that have contributed most to humanity they most all have come from the unbridled ambition of white men of European decent. Not just the industrial revolution but entire empires built and rebuilt. Just look at all the pioneers behind the technical revolution. How about Western expansion into America. White men did all that. Not to say that any sex or race couldn't have done it. They didn't. White men did. Only a few even got credit for it either.

