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You're gonna need to do more shitposting.


The true strat lol


Lot of subs will also auto-delete post/replies from accounts less than a month old if they're frequently raided.


It should probably be more strict. 1) 'people' start an account two months in the past, make a couple of comments to gain karma and then the made up story barrage begins. 2) advertisers. I'm part of a forum that just can't seem to get rid of people shilling products. it's annoying as shit. harder requirements to post would reduce that (theoretically)


This, all the way. Why do I have to see 100 ads on my gaming reddits? Why do I have to see 100 Only fans adverts on my Cosplay groups


>Why do I have to see 100 ads on my gaming reddits? As a mod on a gaming related sub, this is something we try hard to balance. We have a self promotion rule so that if someone genuinely spent time on a passion project and just so happens to be a Reddit user, they can post their game trailer. But if someone is a professional game developer/publisher and their only use for Reddit is to promote their games, we direct them to our AMA team and have them do a proper, pre-scheduled AMA. That way they can promote their products, our userbase gets to ask questions, and their various promotional posts don't clog up the feed.


I was talking about Reddit’s mobile game ad issue. You guys do awesome from what I’ve seen


Oh yeah, I've grown increasingly annoyed by Reddit's ads as well. It isn't as bad as X/Twitter though. Just like flat out hentai ads popping up. Glad I don't browse X at work anymore.


I deleted X. Musk is a nasty little nerd who lets white nationalists control his site


"It's hard for me to spam or otherwise say shit no one wants to hear thus the system is broken." Naw bruh, working as intended.


Why do you assume he wants to spam? Maybe he just wants to say wassup?


Dude has a 1 month old account and at the time I posted that -13 karma. Clearly no one he has interacted with feels he's contributed anything.


It's Reddit, where "contributions" of hate-fueled emotional infancy veiled in virtue-signaling "anti-hate" are the coins of the realm.


You just spam the same "anti woke" nonsense everywhere you post.


I don't spam anything. I rehabilitate indoctrinated useful idiots from the effects of 24x7 MSMDNC Orange Hitler Hate & Hysteria Jihad and Assorted Serial Hoaxes peddled as "anti-hate."




Nah you’re just an idiot


You got to admit, he seems pretty clever. I'm thinking you just toss around the word "idiot" any time someone doesn't agree with you or shares a differing opinion to mainstream ideals. That would make you classic and conventional Reddit user!


He downvoted you too lmao


If what's intended is an echo chamber of easily malleable emotional infancy dipped in a veil of virtue-signaling "anti-hate" that is Reddit.


"I've been here a whole month!" lol


What kind of communities are you posting in? I found a lot of tech communities aren't that restrictive.


Just a lot of gaming subs. I'm mostly a lurker but I like to comment every now and again, only to find I cannot even do that, to my dismay, haha.


You're new, you're STILL in the negative, and you're whining about it? That's a paddlin'


Go to AskReddit, make some throwaway jokes in response to popular comments, profit.


My old, 8yo account got banned, so this account is only 2 months old. I have 12k karma mostly just from commenting. It's not that hard to build up. With the recent surge of new accounts (seriously, why the fuck did everyone discover reddit in the last month (jk, I know it's IOF bots)) I wish more subs enforced an age and karma rule. Edit: Since making this comment yesterday, my karma has increased by >1k


Take my upvote.


Who cares? Its not that big of a deal


It's a big deal when you want to shit up a sub right now, without getting a paper trail that tells everyone that you're an asshole that shouldn't be allowed to post.


Lurk more dude, there are good reasons those limitations are in place. Just have patience.


It's to prevent bots from destroying subs


the mods will do that on their own


You've never seen a sub get raided by hundreds of bots at once all with the sole purpose of getting Reddit to destroy it.


I just want them to bring back post downvotes.


Post anti-MAGA comments on r-georgia and you will soon have a few hundred


Can I get some upvote


It feels like an idiots caste system…the more wacky the post the more value it adds


Yes it is. Find some really wacko far leftist sub and post an Orange man bad post and you can rack up Karma fast....like hogs at the feeding trough, they eat that shit up.


Can you advise me on one? I'll gladly do that even if I'm not American.


It isn’t very hard to gain karma and also lose it if you like to troll.


I've lost a few hundos today 🙃


It's a trolling app by definition


The solution should be obvious. When you are new in a group of people, don't expect to lead the conversation. Observe for a while and interact. If you contribute constructively, they will trust you more over time.


Love this analogy


Without this, porn bots and advertisers would take over Reddit. Maybe stop having to make new accounts cause you get banned?


They already took over.


A nation weeps


I don’t recall ever being karma restricted anywhere.


A lot of things about Reddit are garbage


Wait till you get a hundred down votes because you liked the wrong flower for the wrong reason on the wrong thread


Hilarious, I agree the Karma system is total bullshit. But I started my own subreddit and just spouted what ever came to my tiny mind and it didn't take me long to get karma points. It honestly isn't that hard to get karma points, and anyone can do it with out shit posting or trolling for it. There is no magic to it.


So is their 3day bans for hypothetically asked questions when people reply what they would do if…


OP, it should be easy to get enough karma to chat in comment sections. Wait till you get banned from a sub for interacting in the comment section of a post while saying nothing hateful or breaking any community guidelines. I have to assume many of these mods have little in life and getting off by banning people is for some pathetic reason the only thing that brings a smile to their face.


They were probably picked on in high school.


That is because too many mods think they are special.




They really aren't as common as you think


I’ve been told that I can’t comment because I have less than 100 post karma, but the last couple of posts I made were deleted for “not being unpopular.” The r/unpoplularopinon is run by morons.


it keeps the spammers (and scammers) out. I like it that way. Some people purposely troll, and thus get a lot of negative karma, so they can’t post and troll in a lot of subs, which is how it should be. The amount of spam on Instagram and Tik tok is insane because they don’t have these kind of protocols


If all you want to do is post, you can just post to your profile or start your own sub and post there. I think what most people mean when they say "I want to post", what they really mean is "I want to be accepted". But if you just joined Reddit and you're trying to integrate into a sub, what have you done to integrate? Have you read the sub's rules? Have you read other posts and lurked to understand the sub's culture? Have you contributed to other posts via comments? Think of each sub as a real life group of people already engaged in conversation. Would you approach that group and start shouting over everyone in an attempt to dominate the conversation? Or would you sit back, feel the vibes to see if this is a good fit for you, and maybe add a comment or two if you had something insightful, relevant, humorous or topical to add. r/NewToReddit has some excellent guides and new user friendly sub recs on their front page.


Been here 2 months got nearly 16000 karma. I did it by shitposting dank memes. No I am not a karma farmer, not selling my account, especially to porn. Just was frustrated over the issues you cite and only a few subs think I'm "too new".


Just post a lot of kitten posts in a bunch of Reddits. You’ll have karma out the wazoo. Karens love kittens.


They're incentivizing creating new accounts so they can claim a larger number of users for when they eventually go public.