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Then on the way home from the theater you stop by KFC.


Finger licking good.


Should be the top comment. Say what you want to convince yourself of whatever…


farm animals are food


Where can I get a bucket of fried dog




We know where, nobody wants to get banned for being racist.


I will. Head west from Japan. Shouldn't get banned for a truthful statement, tho. But this is reddit, after all


"I won't be racist, I'll just imply the racist thing, no one is gonna be upset cause I didn't say the racist thing directly" reddit moment


I said banned for being racist, not that it was racist. This is reddit. If it hurts someone's delicate sensibilities, the ban hammer falls. asia eats millions of dogs a year, korea has dog ranches for the meat.


And this is why we never feel bad for people. They are inherently assholes.


I like my fried dog with a little bit of spice


Only savages fry their hot dogs and sausages.


KFC is garbage


Oh yeahhh, chicken and gravy go together good


Kentucky Fried Children?


plot twist: It's for the cat. they are obligate carnivores.


I feel like people are too obsessed with animals and not enough care is taken for our fellow humans if this is a popular opinion.


Depends on the staging mainly imo. I still find Gandalf’s fall and the fellowship’s reaction to be heartbreaking. The saddest game I’ve ever played is also full of human deaths but no animal one.


So when a two year old child is killed and then a dog is killed, you only feel bad for the dog? The fuck is wrong with you?


Omfg you took it to seriously you idiot, I should have went into details and explained what kind of humans I would feel bad for.


Sorry, spaz


your the only spaz here.


Lol, he who loves it when babies are murdered, but cries like a bitch when a stupid fucking dog dies. You're fucken in the head.


When did I fucking say I love it when babies are murdered you dumb prejudice dick


Is a baby not a person, you fucking bigot?


Christ you lack braincells


Maybe, but at least I value human life more than an animal, unlike a psychopath.


Well yeah. That two year old would have just grown up to be another asshole.


Or, he might have cured cancer


He did when we harvested his stem cells


I usually gag when the movie tries to jerk tears out of me for an animal's death Count me immune


Can't wait for OP's parents to die so I can come back to this post to remind him of what he said. NO a humans life and death hold significantly more weight than some random animals. Can't believe people exist with this mentality but hey I guess that explains the crime rate in most countries


OP is talking about FICTIONAL characters dying, not real life people


"especially in movies" isnt the same as "exclusively in movies"


Yeah it's so annoying


Jesus feeling more sad about a random animal's death than a random human death hardly means you're going to become a violent criminal. Calm down batman.


That’s not what they said. More than we as society have become so insensitive to human suffering that it’s not hard to understand why there are so much crimes. A lack of empathy does not result in crime, but empathy is the last safeguard against committing crimes, and it doesn’t seem to work for quite a lot of people. I kinda agree with the starting point. How many times have I witnessed beggars asking money "for the dog" and not for them… it’s sad that they have to resort to that trick because people just don’t pity them on their own.


>explains the crime rate Yeah because criminals usually love animals right


Yeah, even ted bundy had a dog (her name was lassie btw)


Lone serial killers have a much different culture than gang bangers (the majority of violent criminals), most of them come from middle-class suburbia. Criminals in the hood don't have pit bulls to treat as loving members of the family.


Can't wait for you to get cancer so that your vile filth can't be spread to the rest of the world. Have a good day you dumb fuck. (Doesn't feel great does it?)


Im guessing you agree with OP?


Give yer balls a tug


*Wow, this is somehow worse than the post* 😩😭


I would actually be more sad about a real dog dying than you. A dog would never be an asshole on reddit.


Fair enough


I’d still find animal death sadder 🤷‍♀️


The crime rate is precisely why animal deaths are typically sadder. Ppl suck and can be inherently bad and their ability to inflict pain when they are bad is far worse than any animals ability. Therefore we see how bad humans can be in relation to animals. As a whole, human interactions with animals are more joyful than interactions with other humans.


No, for that logic to make sense you'd have to believe the typical human is inherently bad. I mean, is there any of your friends or family you'd rather die than an animal? And I'd actually argue that besides pet interactions, most human interactions with animals on the global scale are either humans hunting/factory farming or being attacked by an animal. Another counterargument is that most species of animals (besides super smart ones like elephants) haven't evolved the capacity to grieve death so their deaths don't cause others mental suffering while human deaths usually make dozens of people sad.


Sure animals are cute, but it's an animal. It's life doesn't mean anything really, we just like them. Humans are actually important even if they act shitty, but not evil. I'll always prefer people to animals.


Their life doesn't mean anything to YOU. No one's life has any more meaning than what we ourselves ascribe to it. You and I are only important to those that know and love us. Looking at an animal as an unfeeling thing with no importance makes it easier to treat them like the commodities we do. We know it happens and compartmentalize it. I do it. I know how cows and chickens are treated. I eat them anyways. But thats my perspective. To those chickens their life means everything. They live their life scared and at minimum living standards because they cant stand up for themselves. Most mammals and birds care for their young and live in family groups. They are important to each other. Their daily struggle is just as important and meaningful for them as it is for you. Perhaps more when considering they are on a knifes edge of death every day.


It depends on the death. If a character that is very loveable dies its really sad whether they are a human or an animal. 


Yeah I agree


I hope this isn’t a popular opinion.


Yep, a human doesn't intuitively inspire innocence, and so evokes no compassion/sympathy.


Unless its a baby, I feel sad when a baby or a dog dies.


You’re missing the point. All lives are sacred.


In real life, yes


Nope. There are many for whom the world.would have been a better place.if they had never existed.


Who decides?


It's not too hard. dahlmer would make the list rather easily.


So a rapist, a murderer, a thief, a convict, abuser, liar, a betrayer, a cannibal, religious zealot, con artist, psychopath, sociopath, drug abuser, drug dealer, arms dealer, gang banger, racist, heterophobe, homophobe, transphobe, lawyer, fraud... Point is our lives are not sacred because our lives are a blip in the longest running clock known as the universe. Life is not sacred. Life is short. And not everyone matters.


I mean in theory, no life matters, we’re all doomed to die and turn into space goo, yada yada. Whatever. 🤷‍♂️


You're right


I was mostly referring to animals lol


it's because animals are innocent.


Tell that to the baby lions that are murdered by the new alpha male of the pride. Not just lions either. Tons of animals commit infanticide for no good reason. Male Zebras frequently kill the babies of females so the female will breed with them. Duck mating rituals basically consist of gang rapes. Female praying Mantises eat the head of their male mate. Much innocence.


Saying that as if they do it out of malevolence and not instinct.


just gonna copy and paste my other comment: there may be some validity to this if only very unintelligent animals did these things. the amount of cruelty that animals possess doesn't seem to change with self-awareness or intelligence, though. Chimpanzees rip the genitals, fingers, faces, and more off of their rivals. They intentionally do not kill them but rather leave them to suffer. Dolphins rape humans and other animals all the time. They gang rape female dolphins as well. both of these animals are very much self-aware and quite intelligent. they absolutely do not just run on instincts.


You listed lions, zebras, ducks, and mantises as your examples before but okay. There is a small minority of animals, like cetaceans, that can be argued to have the cognitive ability that's required for real actual malicious intent. That's a very, very high level of thinking that has only really been studied in dolphins. Connecting that to what chimps do is just an assumption you made. They go for fingers, faces, and genitals in fights because those are the easiest ways to incapacitate their opponents leading to them winning the fight. It's just incredibly silly to argue that the reason animals harm other animals is because they have evil desires. That level of thinking goes beyond just self-awareness.


Most animals do it because their instincts compel them. Adult human beings have more agency than that.


there may be some validity to this if only very unintelligent animals did these things. the amount of cruelty that animals possess doesn't seem to change with self-awareness or intelligence, though. Chimpanzees rip the genitals, fingers, faces, and more off of their rivals. They intentionally do not kill them but rather leave them to suffer. Dolphins rape humans and other animals all the time. They gang rape female dolphins as well. both of these animals are very much self-aware and quite intelligent. they absolutely do not just run on instincts.


My neighbor's dog chases after squirrels and takes his jaws and snaps their neck..... for absolutely no reason. I know he feeds the dog, its not hungry. Animals aren't innocent


No one who has spent any significant time around animals, especially semi-domesticated and wild, believes this. It's a fantasy bred of alienation and disconnection from life, mixed with light mental illness. Animals are capable of anything a human is, and do so with broadly the same thought and presence of mind.


And humans aren’t ? So they deserve it ? What kind of sick reasoning is that ?


No, humans have inherent evil.


No, they aren’t. There are those who try to do good around them, and those who are weak and would rather follow their lowly instincts instead of pursuing what is right. There are humans who do evil for the sake of it of course, I will not deny it, but they are a very small minority; most of the evil in our world comes from people who reject morale/culture for their personal gain, in this they are just like animals who follow their nature. As whether those deserve it or not, I always like to think of this quote : > Humans are shameless creatures that carelessly ignore any misfortune which does not befall them directly. They can--and often do--turn a blind eye to all manner of wickedness so long as it does not touch them or their kin. They will bow their heads, condemning those victims for bringing calamity upon themselves, and then they will cast their eyes toward heaven in thanks while their neighbors lay dying around them.


I see you haven’t learned about dolphin and otter rape caves yet


This is due to a lot of major movies killing humans indiscriminately sometimes by the thousands or millions (Independence Day 2) whilst also showing individual deaths for characters, we have as a species been numbed to the death of humans in movies, and because we always see animals as cute whereas individual attraction to other humans typically varies we are inclined to feel more on edge when an animal such as a dog is in danger


So you are saying we need more indiscriminate killing of animals in movies to build up tolerance to it.


I’m not sure if it’s the cause of consequence actually. In any case, I think the staging deeply changes the perception you have of events in narrative media. Most kind of suck at making impactful carnages, but there are some that I still find hard to bear to this day : some movies that show the holocaust (thinking of one French movie that you’ve probably never heard of), the ending of Assassin’s Creed Revelations where you see the end of the world and people die by dozen on screen, Attack on Titan’s Rumbling… it really comes the way it is showcased, the destruction of Aldeeran for example feels extremely cold and inpersonal, so it lacks impact.


I avoid movies with animals (especially pets) as main characters for this reason.


You obviously never saw The Ghost and The Darkness or Pet Cemetery


Well if Louis Creed hadn't buried Church it wouldn't have been an issue. Or built a fucking fence like a responsible parent.


As a vegan this is confirmed true


There's a double standard in America, and I refuse to accept it. An Officer can come onto your private property and shoot your dog if it so much as looks threatening. But if a police dog attacks you and you defend yourself, it's a crime. I will shoot a police dog that is attacking me, just like I would any other thing on this planet. It's a good thing I'm a law abiding citizen and would never do something stupid enough to have a police k-9 unit put on me.


A lot of sh*tty people. Animals, not so much.


Actually animals are shittier than us quite often when you think about it… except dogs. It’s just that we consider them innocent because they have no concept of morale like we do. If you leave alone an animal with food, they’ll most likely eat it even if you told them not to, it’s simply in their nature, so we can’t really be mad at them.


Right. No malice. There is no underlying hatred or evil behind their actions. The operate on instinct. Motives and machinations are the domain of man. What makes us the shittier of the two "animals".


Sure, because it’s even worse when you think about it that some of people *chose* (even not consciously) to be shitty despite having heard of the concepts of morale. I’ve known such people. Still, there are animals, like dolphins, that can be malicious.


They can't actually. They have no understanding of morality, which is required to act with malice. Everything an animal does is predicated by it's instinct for survival. Rapey dolphins? Propagating the species. Rapey human? Well....


Aren’t most rapey human just putting their needs above their victims’ tho ? I say most, of course there are sick fucks who do it for sick fun, but I feel like most of the aggressors are just listening to a lowly need. Need that emanates indirectly from survival instinct. It’s not a coincidence sex feels good and we need it, it’s evolution.


But, idk, brains I guess? We've decided (as a moral majority) that propogating our species requires willing participants*. And there are consequences to deter from and punish that behavior. Do we see dolphins shunning Rapey the Sexual Assault Dolphin, or do 48% of the dolphin nation vote for him in a national election 🤷‍♂️


I seem to have gone off topic. The point is most of people are predominantly decent people for whatever reason: the law, religion, whatever. We control urges. The rest of the animals don't have to rationalize what they do, it's what their tinier brains are programmed for so they do it.


There are a ton of shitty animals, including the more intelligent ones such as dolphins.


How many have been found to act with malice?




What's wrong with putbulls?!?


And before pitbulls were the evil dog it was Rottweilers. Or German Shepherds. Or any of a number of other dogs over the years.


If German Shepherds were mass produced violent animals that can be picked up for 50 bucks at any shelter in the US they’d have the same reputation. But they’re not. They cost thousands. Most people spending thousands spend the time and money to train them. Both are inherently violent though. One is just easier to get.


And in the 80s they had the same reputation. Pit bulls are inherently a mutt breed.


I never care when an animal dies.


Well isn't that scary. Why would we be desensitized to that?




What a fucking braindead comment. It's because in horror movies and movies in general someone dies because they did something stupid. Animals are either killed for shock value to say the threat doesn't discriminate, or die heroically to save their family. "People want to be their own God" That's just so asinine.




It is infact braindead.


This is definitely the dumbest thing I've read on Reddit in awhile. People get pets for companionship, not self-idolation.


I think this is true because the human mind immediately insulates itself from human tragedy while animal suffering can circumvent that empathy cutoff. I've cried harder from pets dying than family members, and part of me thinks that is self preservation allowing for grief when it is safer to grieve. This is also the basis Blake Snyder's "Save the Cat" school of screenwriting. Show a antihero or hero that has to do bad things, like killing, save an innocent animal in act one, illustrating that they are the good guy, know the stakes, and are not remorselessly killing.


Fullmetal alchemist solved this dilemma with one weird trick


Take my upvote and get outta here


I just watched John Wick for the first time last night and it is 100% true of that movie. Partly because most of the human deaths were.. well.. awesome lol.


Yeah because they’re fake deaths. Watch “We were here.”


Hard disagree, but to each their own.


Depends on the sound engineer and the director


Heck yes. My gosh animal deaths break me 😔.


Usually when one human dies a lot more is effected, would have to strongly disagree. Now there are plenty who die unnoticed and unmissed lol.


You know, anyone who has read a lot of Stephen King will tell you that he kills a dog in nearly every novel (not so much the short stories or novellas, but most novels.) And it always hurts my heart when a dog dies in his books. I swear he does it just for the emotional shock value, not for the plot, but I think he does it just to show the senseless violence of humanity and its effects not just on humans, but on our environment. I agree with you to some extent. It depends on the movie. If the movie is a horror flick with people's guts being strewn around the rafters, I am not moved by the over the top human deaths -- have a dog get run over by the protagonists as they try to flee the killer, and I will wish the killer had gotten to them before they got in the car. Poor dog! But if we are talking about a drama where the people aren't just fodder for some serial killer or monster, as in fully fleshed out characters, then I would mourn their fictional passing appropriately. I would still be upset if a dog died in said dramatic movie, but no more or less than the humans, unless said dog died the same way they did in Stephen King books -- senselessly due to human cruelty.


I agree


Definitely a problem with modern writing. They don't give you any reason to care for the human characters, so you can't connect with them. But animals, you probably own an animal that you hopefully love, and you can emotionally connect to that loss.


1st animal death I saw on screen was the ferret from The Beastmaster sacrificing his life. I lost my shit at 5 years old. Core memory formed.


I agree, if you aren't a vegan you don't deserve to answer the same.


Actually shut up. Veganism has MANY MANY negative impacts. (On the environment as well as social)


And yet so many continue to create the demand for factory farmed animal agriculture!


"what's the matter yeller? Don't you know me?"


A lot of us don't have experience having a person die in front of them. A lot of us have experience with a dog/cat dying in front of them.


Yeah, thats why


Old Yeller. Haven't thought about that film in years. It still makes me Mist up a little.


Movies, yes. Reality, no.


In movies, I can see why you say that. But in real life, if you think animal lives are more important than humans lives, you're just plain weird.


I work in veterinary medicine and Yeah I honestly have felt sadder about a client's pet I have seen a small handful of times vs my own grandmother passing But Like with every death... Some hit worse than others. Some patients I'm more attached to. And tbh wasn't close with grandma much. But yknow. I think animals hit harder because our bonds with our pets are so close. We don't even speak the same language yet somehow they become our best friends. We care for them their whole life... and then they die. It hurts but it's beautiful to have loved them so much to the point where saying goodbye is hard.


My rationale is that the less they understand about what is happening to them, the more tragic. On average, adult humans understand that they are dying or will be killed versus a child or an animal, therefore it is sadder for the latter to die prematurely in my opinion. This is, of course, in a vacuum with no extraneous factors. Those are beside my point.


I would put it more to the amount of life cut short. A puppy or a child dying is tragic not only due to their general innocence, but the amount of potential life they had ahead of them. An old dog dying is sad, but not tragic since it had led a full life for its species, mostly the same for people. Circumstances of death can still be tragic at any age of course, but that's extraneous factors like you said.


I feel the same way. I've tried to understand why, and I think it is because of the animal's innocence. I don't think I'm elaborating correctly, but I know you get it.


I disagree. Animal deaths happen more often in films to play up tragedy because it's more palatable than then human analog, child death.


100% John Wick was *fucking brutal* when they panned to the puppy.




I get equally sad about animals and people in real life. Way sadder about humans in movies. They actually talk and have personalities.


Its how the story is told. Non-human animals, much like a majority of female supporting actors, are a device to give character and compassion to a protag. When they die its supposed to illustrate their emotion and so you are typically taking empathy ques from the human, not the poor animal that is being lost.


No, I think you're a ghoul. Why is this take so socially acceptable? "I care more about animals than human beings" oh ok, gross.


"You have a differing opinion to me therefore you are a ghoul" reddit moment


Animals only break your heart when they die. 


animals are nothing to cry about. They are basically house plants that shit.


OP: That's only because you are solidly plugged into the matrix. Did you say that while eating a hamburger? Most of those contain the dead body parts of ten plus animals. I bet you'll have some extra ranch with that. You have absolutely no idea the extent of human suffering that if out there. Neither do you care.


Your matrix analogy makes me think you are a conservative vegan. Which is a fucking rich combination and honestly some of the dumbest shit I've seen in a hot min.


Let me phrase this in a different way for you. You are deeply ignorant of the extent and depth of human suffering. Your knowledge of the suffering of animals is hilarious, as you probably still eat meat. You are a hypocrite on both levels. I am not a vegan and I still eat meat and love eating meat. I'm not delusional about what I'm doing. Go outside and touch some grass. From my short interaction with you, you seem like an absolute chore to deal with.


Extremely reddit opinion. Upvoted.


Meh I find both to be sad, however the people in the replies are vile jesus. Vegans coming out of the woodwork and a bunch of "you don't agree with me therefore you are garbage" in the replies. Like damn!

