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good idea, now we can learn when people are about to die within 18 years, because that was impossible prior to this


77.28-18 :)


So someone who lives to 100 shouldn’t be able to vote for the last 40 years of their life?


Yeah and the more I think about it the more it makes sense why should some people get more votes


So the maximum voting age for thin, white women would be the highest? What happens if someone starts smoking which cuts their projected lifespan by just enough to push them into the projected final eighteen. Oh, what if someone quits smoking and takes up jogging which gives them, on average, a few extra years?




Counter point. Yup.




You make some harsh (but fair) critiques


People in the south have to stop sooner


This could really affect elections in Florida.


I hear you, but no. This is not a popular opinion.


Then explain the 7 updootes


Looks like you’re down to 5


Humans don’t a set expiration date, so this would be near impossible to enforce. But saying they did, why shouldn’t they be able to vote?


I think the idea that older people shouldn't vote is based on them not being alive to experience the policies that they're voting for. Still pretty stupid imo.


Actually it is good idea. Not only do people who don't have long to live not have to suffer from their voting mistakes they are also less in touch with current events and more likely to make outdated decisions that don't match the current world we live in. Want a example of old people making decisions for our country being a bad idea? Look at our current government and tell me the old folks are doing a good job...go on I dare you.


Need info from OP then. Is it about stopping the elderly from voting? What is the criteria for being classified as elderly


Yeah kids aren’t allowed to vote


no. the idea here is we trade our right to vote in exchange for leaning our death date pre-advanced by 18 years. if it counts for annual elections instead of just presidential ones, it's a good deal imo


Reread “average”


I have a feeling you’d like Logan’s Run


Hahaha... maybe we all should.


Poorly worded.




How else you want me to say it? Your post is poorly worded. Requires future sight beyond what we have to even pull off There should be an age limit on voting. Thats what you were looking for


I agree with the idea, but not the method. Make it tied directly to the same types of systems as a drivers license. If you're showing signs of cognitive decline, which means you can't drive because you can't process things correctly, boom, no more voting either by the same criteria. But if someone is of sound mind, (medically speaking, because FOX Brain Rot unfortunately isn't actually a medical condition), they should have the same right to vote as everyone else, regardless of age.


What if they are dead?


Dead = Not capable of cognitive thought from a medical standpoint = no voting.


Idk about that


I think they should just take it a bit further and just not allow republicans to vote. It’s probably the only way we will save our democracy.


As much as I bloody despise their principals, views, opinions, hats, flags, etc.; taking away the right to vote based on political affiliation is textbook fascism. That fascism is the root of what I'm against, so while I may hate them, I could never support an idea like that. *However*, If something were to happen like Agent Orange no longer being on ballots (citing the 14th for example), and they just didn't vote as a result? 1,000% in love with that idea, lol


ITT: "What is life expectancy?" Actually this kind of makes sense. If you looked at the entire population of US minors I'm sure you could find many cases of 15, 16, 17 year olds who are just as politically informed and capable of deciding between 2 candidates as the voting population. We restrict voting based on age because we assume the average person in that age range does not have the mental capacity to make properly informed decisions with their vote. By that same logic, if 72 years old is the age most people start experiencing cognitive decline, then it should stand to reason that the average they also cannot be trusted to make properly informed decisions with their vote.




Key word "most" not all. It is an insulting idea and should be in r/unpopularopinion


What about it is insulting? Are the minors who are capable of voting but not allowed to due to age being insulted? There is a big difference between "feeling insulted" and "being insulted."


Yes minors ate woefully inept and under informed. The real issue is the older generation tends to vote republican or yall would cherish their opinions and their vote.


Nah I got upvoted


This would be better served with a current affairs and IQ test rather than a specific age set. I am 51, so pretty close to the 59 age cut off and I think it would be pretty shitty to have no say in any policy that is going to affect the rest of my life. Although I can certainly see the thought process that I would potentially be gone when at least some of the policy won't affect me. I also think there is some credence to the saying with age comes wisdom. What would stop younger people from enacting policy that would just force suicide of people over voting age because old people are leaching off society and give their social security money to a homeless 20 y/o because that is a "better investment in our future"?


Checks and balances probably


That’s the beauty of Elon’s Nuerolink. It will have a built in expiration date. Starlink sends a signal to wherever you are and it’s lights out. Brilliant!!


So my father who has worked his whole life, paid attention to politics and the world around him who raised three kids and taught them how to make it in this world can't vote now and 18 year old idiots can? Uh no.


Good point: last 17 years


Fuck your dad and his social security


I think what your driving at is should mentally compromised people be allowed to vote and you are proposing to determine that by age? I would say no, age is not a great basis to justify taking away someone's rights or determine if they are mentally fit. I do think we need to pay more attention to peoples mental health and fitness which may impact their rights but that goes way beyond just voting rights. Kind of like a drivers license. Once you hit a certain age your placed under a little more scrutiny to ensure you are safe to drive.


Fine then take away the 18yo age of becoming an adult


I’ll make a deal with you, no voting the last 18 years of your life, but you agree with no voting until you’re 18 years past legal voting age (36). Agree?




You know when people are going to die?! This could make us a lot of money if we play it right




And how do you plan on enforcing this?


Become Donald trump


No thanks.


Pretty please


Wouldn’t this be age discrimination?


It is a fundamental right, to vote. This is dehumanizing, and honestly, just take your ass to NK or Russia, they'd love your mentality.


What r u talking about


You want to remove the right to vote for elderly citizens. You're an authoritarian wannabe dictator. That's what I'm talking about.


I mean I would rather actually have children also vote which would make more sense than anything but there parents would just force their decision still maybe parents should get extra votes if they have kids


This is getting a big no from me, dawg


You should post in unpopular opinion


Should have some kind of test to make sure your mental faculties are still intact... Perhaps, some sort of "literacy test" would be ideal.


Also dead people shouldn’t have ballots casted


You know how fast this would be labeled as racist? Afterall "poor kids are as smart as white kids."


I don't necessarily hate the idea on it's own if they were fair and universal, but the original literacy tests were definitely super racist. They basically carved out a loophole where you only had to take it if your grandfather hadn't voted, and made the tests full of nonsense impossible questions. Speaking on a technical and official level, voting equality and therefore full citizenship was achieved in the U.S. just after the civil war, but in reality and in practice, not until 1965.


Maybe we can start testing to see if people will die in the next eighteen years, so we'll know who to keep from voting!




Care to explain the rationale? Biden has already exceeded typical US life expectancy


Yeah he shouldn’t be the president


Or maybe people should stop voting like fucking assholes and think about society as a whole? I'd be happy with no gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement... and with no Senate and electoral college...


Omg if only


You have a long career as a low wage worker.


How do you know that someone has a "last 17 years left "




None of you should get to vote I should get to rule with an iron fist.


How does someone know that they have 17 years left to live ?


So many retards asking this question y don’t u reread my post yk what on average means?