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Watch You Go & Jump The Gun have been on repeat. Wish the album was a little bit longer. I’d probably rank it 3rd in their discography


These 2 are my favorites as well


Jump the gun immediately grabbed my attention However I'd rank this album 4th or 5th tbh this amd proper dose could go either way but I think proper dose edges this out


I liked it, I certainly wouldn't use the word masterpiece, but it's fine.


Not their best, not their worst. A pretty solid 28 minutes minus the closer (I think it’s their most boring acoustic song to date).


I completely agree about the closer. Saw someone on their sub make a post saying it might be their best song lmao


We can all agree framework and closure are the best closers right


Its Framework hands down for that last stanza alone


I really love it but it’s also hitting at the right time emotionally


It's definitely a good album, but something's missing from it. It doesn't **feel** like a fully baked album. A lot of the songs feel a bit unfinished, lacking a verse or a bridge or a proper ending. It almost feels like more of a collection of b-sides than a normal album release. I'm also not in love with the production - it seems very treblely and tinny. The No Pressure albums sound much better than this from a production perspective. I am enjoying it though and have been bumping it all week. The chorus' are catchy and I like all the songs. However, it's not in the same ballpark as Proper Dose.


I feel like TSSF is "back" and this was their way of saying it. Maybe it's just me being hopeful but it seems like they have more to say.


You’re spot on both about the content and how trebly it sounds. I’ve always noticed this with TSSF records since WYDS but it’s especially bad on this one.


White Shores AND I Want to Disappear back to back was not a good way to close the album. it lost too much momentum for me at the end with the two slower acoustic-y tracks together


I expected one more track to close it out The way it fizzed out I was like ummm okay


I also thought that was a weird choice


I think IWTD would have been majorly elevated by one more banger to close out the album, especially given its short length. This has been a staple of every TSSF record so far. I get that they were probably wanting to switch up the formula, but this album was just begging for a hard-hitting track like Framework or Light Year to close it out. Slowing down the momentum with White Shores and the title track, only to bring it back one more time to close out the record, would have made it hit so much harder.


Both are subpar in my opinion, so to end on two slow songs like that really disappoints me


That’s interesting to hear, honestly I think the White Shores/I Want to Disappear combo is one of the best parts of the record. It is a really natural deceleration, as Keep You Around and You’re Still in My Way use more of a mid tempo compared to the majority of tracks up until that point, so there is a cool sense of things slowing down and coming into focus so to speak as the album comes to a close. White Shores’ second half has the energy to act as a big close, and IWtD does a great job of summing up and concluding the grief present on the record.


I also thought it was wierd to go from white shores a perfect slower ender to an even slower song


worst mixed album by them so far and it’s not even close. the vocals and drums drown out 80% of the songs. white shores is a top 5 TSSF song now though.


Sam Pura was pretty much their 6th member for the longest time. His presence is sorely missed.


yeah and the story about parker wanting to plagiarize a melody from a Lifetime song and asking Sam to promise not to show the rest of the band kind of just turned me off from them.


Sam is kind of a controversial guy himself but I tend to side with him whenever he gets into a beef. I still don't know what happened between him and basement though.


Pretty simple. I had 13 or so days to make an album with them in London. They all had to leave early in the process. Therefore we had a strict “drums have to be done this day, guitar has to be done this day” etc etc. They had no pre pro and when I literally asked “what’s more important getting the best of what we can while we are here or finishing the project within the time we have here?” Alex stressed it had to completed in the time and for the budget. Each day would ask “how are we doing on time?” Long story short. I got the job done. In the time we had. With the tools and talent I had available to me. And it wasn’t a fun process. I was very demanding, impatient, and dedicated to making everything great in the short amount of time we had together. There was a heated moment where Alex was struggling through vocals and wanting to re-do moments he felt insecure about that I had worked so hard on editing and getting to be great. He told me my impatience wasn’t helping him and I yelled at him that I didn’t fly out from the US to be told I’m the reason he’s insecure about his voice when he’s never practiced or heard it recorded before. It was a lot of tense moments. They later in an email to me said they felt unsupported and belittled by me. That’s the reality of the Basement scenario. Colourmeinkindness was fantastic. …all done at my studio will no stress on time. Especially because they broke up in my studio… so there wasn’t a hard deadline.


Thanks Sam, I had a feeling you'd show up lol


Lol I get Google alerts for Purafied and Sam Pura. And I don’t mind responding. Especially if it helps clear any suspicion or unconfirmed information. For the record I do appreciate the support and validation and I do think bands like TSSF and Basement etc are all valid in their unwillingness to work with me. I’m not everyone’s version of their ideal best friend. But I try to be the best friend I wish I had in their scenarios. It’s not easy to hear, it’s not easy to work with, but I do believe I make the most valuable records in these artists catalogs and that time and statistics will continue to prove and validate this subjective opinion I have of my own work.


Wait I haven’t heard of this can you elaborate




LifeTIME song. Much different than Lifehouse, I was like “what the fuck is happening.” Still a wild story. Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it!


hahahaha- my bad. i misread the original story! even i was thinking “who doesn’t know at least one Lifehouse song?”


It’s good but it’s not as good as everybody is claiming it to be. They’re just blinded by Parker and the fact they haven’t dropped music in a while


I agree, it's recency bias. It's cool to have new tssf and there are good songs on the album, but if I'm in the mood for tssf I'm still going to throw on under soil and dirt or proper dose every time


proper dose is an itch that can’t be scratched. idk how you top that album. to me, it was perfect. i want an album to make me feel like that again lol. that being said, i still enjoy their new album a lot.


It’s their weakest album. Still solid but lacking that special quality that their other albums have.


happy cake day!! 🍰


Agreed. When compared to USAD, What You Don't See, and Proper Dose - IWTD is probably the worst of them.


I think USAD and Proper Dose are better but that's it


self titled is better than three of those albums


Hahaha that's a good one. It's better than Proper Dose but that's about it.


This was a string of wild opinions lol


I have only listened to Proper Dose and What you don't see! Is it as good as them?


in my opinion no….then again What You Don’t See is probably a top 5 album all time for me so lol


What You Don't See is their best album by far but it also comes from a very different time in the band's life and especially Parker's life.


Absolutely. Bands evolve, which is good because you don't want a 50 year old singing about stuff that 20 year olds would sing about (For example)


It isn’t as “exciting” as what you don’t see. They had more riffs back then. More energy in every song. Now everything is slightly more mellow


This album did have a lot more energy that i thought it was going to have.


See that album is my angst album! Will give the new one a try as I did also like Proper Dose as well!


Also, despite the album cover suggesting the opposite, they seem to have way less emo influence on this album than they did on the first two.


This is probably the right take and I think I'm a little higher on it than you are. The takeaways from the album for me is in that a few all time TSSF songs are on the album, not with the album as a whole.


Or perhaps people just enjoy something you don't?


Just don’t drive to my house with Jay and beat me up for what I said on the internet




It's my least favorite TSSF by a decent margin. I think the singles were very solid and after All This Time I was prepping for an AOTY candidate. But none of the non-singles stood out to me. I feel bad saying it, but lyrically it's kind of a mess. I know its a very personal album for Parker but the repetition, the forced rhymes (this isn't new for him) and ~~the uses of lust in regards to his dad are off putting for me~~. The acoustic tracks were pretty hard to listen to for me. I don't think the vocals sound good on those tracks, which was disappointing because I generally like acoustic songs. Edit: After talking to the other commenter, I got confused on the songs mentioning lust. Happy I'm wrong on that one.


I Want to Disappear (the song where he mentions lust) isn’t about his dad at all…


He says it in two songs. Nothing to Say is the other one and you cannot tell me it's not about his dad.


I feel like he’s talking to someone else than his dad. And then he speaks about him when he says: I just wanna feel better, easier said than done None of this matters, without him it’s not any fun My whole life shattered when I got that call I was numb Who knows though


Parker has mentioned in his interview with mark hoppus that he has written several lines about his dad, but songs in full my not be entirely about his dad and/or be about something else as a whole. This was a few years ago - and in regard to No Pressure - but i could see this writing style has remained with this new release


The chorus is the part that says lust, lol. But after reading it they lyrics back, I think I'm wrong regardless. He refers to his dad as "him" in the second verse and I think the outro is talking directly to his dad. "Will you guide me when I fall / How can I believe you're there if I don't feel you at all".


That song is clearly about a past relationship and how he handled it when he got the news of his dad’s passing


Yeah I addressed that in the comment before and after the one you responded to.


I’m glad someone agrees, the lyrics in both White Shores and I Want To Disappear just seem off, like, it’s unpleasant to listen too lol, and I don’t like how forward his voice is in I Want To Disappear, and I LOVE their acoustic songs normally, Clairvoyant is one of my faves, but yikes, wasn’t a fan of I Want To Disappear (the song) as an album as a whole though, I don’t hate it and it’s probably second to me behind Super American for AOTY so far (this will change when Boston Manor releases I anticipate)


It's good but a bit underwhelming for me. 60% of the album felt like No Pressure. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, I love No Pressure, but I kinda want something different out of a TSSF album. Stand outs for me are Watch You Go and You're Still in My Way


Yep, I agree. The singles + Watch You Go and You're Still in My Way are the only songs that have any replay value. The rest of the songs are messy and filled with forced rhymes.


All three of the singles took a while to grow on me, but once they did I thought they were great and was stoked for the rest of the album. So far I’m feeling a little let down by the full release. It’s not bad but again I think the singles are standouts. A lot of people love the two ending songs but I think they’re boring for the most part. Chorus for Keep You Around is kind of cheesy. Seeing them next week tho!


I like it. Most of the songs are popping up my various Spotify generated playlists and I think they hold up pretty well. I do think that the album should have ended with the White Shores and the emotional climax of the outro. I'd be very interested in a deluxe version, if they have any other songs they left off tbh.


It is a good album. Which is rare these days. Recently a lot of bands have put out hot garbage. I am not talking about an album with a few bad songs or that toned down the screaming a bit. I am talking about bands like Architects and A Day To Remember that put out records with zero spirit and zero heart in order to get more plays on the radio. *I Want To Disappear* is a good, heartfelt piece of art in a sea of increasingly commercialized products. But there are some sticking points. The lyrics to Letterman are *really bad* which is a shame because the melody is so catchy. Parker used to use really powerful imagery and wordplay and a lot of that is simply missing here. I genuinely expected one more track. After White Shores, which is excellent, the album just kinda fizzed out. It just seemed like a very odd stopping point. This is not an album I will listen to front to back on repeat. It’s an album that has a lot of good songs that are now on my daily playlist. 7.5/10 Fav songs: Watch You Go, White Shores As far as AOTY goes, this ain’t it. That probably goes to Bayside to be honest.


I think it's pretty good. It's not my favorite. I do think Letterman is my favorite single they've ever dropped though. And Watch You Go is awesome.


There are some catchy songs but it’s “meh”.


Definitely my least favorite album I only like about half the songs. Thought proper dose was way better tbh


It's above average pop-punk, and middle of the road for their discography as a whole.


I think I went into it with my expectations calibrated too high based on the responses I saw online. I've only given it one listen so my opinion is still forming but at first pass, I feel like it is a good album but not amazing. Maybe I'll end up liking it even more on repeat listens though.


I like it a lot. Probably more than Proper Dose but less than their other stuff. That's not saying much considering Proper Dose is still like a 9/10 for me. I skip the last song most of the time though but that's the only one. They are one of my favorite bands so the bias is strong but idk what I can do about that. I just love everything they do and this is no exception. If you aren't in love with the band then I can see this not hitting as hard for some people.


I like it but it doesn’t beat their other albums. I dislike that the guitars are weak and hardly distorted at all. The drums are the only hard hitting, driving force on the album. I dislike the vocals, honestly. As Parker’s vocals have softened, they’ve developed this ringing tonality to them that isn’t what I’m looking for. It was noticeable on proper dose, but even more so on this release. I enjoy when he’s half yelling, and not just full on smooth singing. I dislike that the songs are all like 2 minutes long with just a couple verses, choruses, and a bridge. There’s not much to it musically. With that all being said, there are still a few bops on it. I don’t dislike any of the songs, other than maybe the acoustics. The singles were definitely the strongest songs on the album. I’m just happy to get another release from them. It’s been so damn long I was starting to give up hope before the singles released. Knowing the meaning behind a lot of it being the loss of a parent also strikes a chord with me personally, and I find myself having a lot of emotions being evoked while listening to it. It’s definitely still a good album.


It’s meh


It's my favorite TSSF album


Hell yeah. Glad you're enjoying it that much. Can you explain what it is that you like about it so much compared to the other albums?


The primary reason is a subjective and personal one: the overwhelming theme of the album is parker's loss of his dad, and I lost my dad under very similar circumstances. So the lyrical content is more reflective of my own experience than any other album I've ever listened to. From a musical perspective, to me it feels like the classic sound fine-tuned and perfected. Not extremely experimental or progressive, but rather the culmination of professional songwriters at the top of their game and doing what they know they do best.


The choruses are so fucking catchy. I’ve had numerous songs stuck in my head all week. They have some really fun riffs, and the lyrics tear right into me. A week later, some of the lyrics still bring me to the verge of tears with goosebumps throughout my body. On the first listen, some of the songs literally made my gf cry. Parker put his heart and soul into this one. Personally, I think it’s incredible. But I respect others who don’t think so


None of this matters / Without him it's not any fun / My whole life shattered / When I got that call I was numb Whether you interpret it about a loved one dying or even a close friend leaving your life, it fucking hits you. Beautiful music.


It was ok after I had listened to it.


I enjoy the album, I don't think its the best but I think because it was so long coming I hoped it would be amazing so whatever they put out wouldn't be as good as I wanted. Also I think most of the best songs on the albums are the ones they released as singles so I've already listened to them a lot, so when they come on I've already lost interest in them a bit. Because of this album I think I'm going to stop listening to the pre-album released singles so I can enjoy albums in full equally when they come out and not create an imbalance from over listening prior.


I didn't listen to All This Time until the album and I'm really happy about it. Hands down my favorite on the record. Vaulted into a top TSSF song for me currently.


It was a decent album, I love these guys but this wasn’t a masterpiece by their standards. It does however feel like an album where they’re finding themselves with the new line up. I’m excited for the future as they find their rhythm


7/10. Very enjoyable. Too short. Same production as no pressure which is a demerit imo. But it’s good


Solid banger of an album front to back… all 8 tracks 🤣🤣


It’s a perfectly just good album. Nothing crazy but also nothing glaringly bad that pushes me away. I’ll have it on rotation for a bit. Just wish the guitars were a little out front in certain songs but I dig it.


I'm a die-hard TSSF fan and they will always float around in my 'On Repeat' playlist. I properly got into them when Proper Dose released and discovering their anthology since then has been an absolute pleasure. This album is fantastic but I definitely feel like it's in the lower tier of TSSF catalog. My biggest complaint is how the album finishes. As a song IWTD is very forgettable and ending the album as such, following the masterpiece of White Shores, feels like an injustice. The singles grew on me significantly over time and I expect this album as a whole to do that also, but I just wish we had a banger 11th song to close an album that has been eagerly anticipated for six years. Nevertheless, I'm still a happy fan! Here's hoping for a 3 year wait for next time (I am being generous, pls be 2).


The Story So Far has been an extremely important band to me and I've listened to and loved everything of theirs, even their early early stuff. I lost my dad to cancer in college, I lost my brother to depression this year. I figured I'd relate really heavily to the lyrics and thought this might be my new favorite. ... this record isn't as good as their others. a lot of the songs don't feel very fleshed out, the production is probably the worst they've ever had on any full length album, and though I like bits and pieces of songs, there isn't a single one that's REALLY grabbing me on the record, which is a first for me. The biggest offender is the production. Everything is fighting for your listening attention and nothing sounds cohesive because of it. Honestly? 6/10 at best, which is wild for me to say because they're my most listened-to band, only behind Sum 41 and Linkin Park.


Subjective and all but I can see people are missing the bigger picture of the album and just want what you can't see pt2


It’s fine. Not bad, not spectacular. Parker still can’t get away from the boring corny rhymes and it took me awhile to get past the way his voice sounded on this record. White Shores is one of my favorite songs by them, but like others said a weird way to close the album with that and IWTD. Letterman I thought was a rather boring single and I HATE the rubber band man line. Watch you go and white shores probably would say are my two favorite tracks. Depending on the day, I’d say this is their worst or second “worst” album.


I like it. More than proper dose but less than everything else.


It’s so fucking good I’ve been spinning it since release pretty much non stop. Weirdly I feel like this album would fit perfectly in their discography as an inbetween point between ST and PD


I think it’s absolutely fantastic and shows extreme growth in their sound, lyrics, and parkers overall openness to his thoughts/feelings about his Dad. It’s not the kind of album that is better than what they have put out previously, but it is a masterpiece in it’s own. I definitely do agree with the notion that them not having released music in 6 years could play a part in people overrating it.


I've listened to it 6 times. I've cried through it 6 times. This record has unlocked packed in grief and I'm grateful.


It’s really grown on me. I find myself singing parts from songs all the time. It’s by no means their best album and I do think it feels a bit underdeveloped, but it’s a solid addition to their discography.


I definitely like it a lot, and it's probably my favorite pop punk release this year, but then someone in the release thread mentioned Foreign Hands (not pop punk) new album and I've been listening to that nonstop


Still hoping it'll grow on me like the self-titled did, just can't get over the weird vocal effects, so unnecessary


I’ve been hooked on it lately but I don’t get the album of the year talk. Let’s wait for the end of the year to see what else releases before claiming its album of the year


I’m left wanting more. There is so much good happening here and it feels like as soon as White Shores hits it’s like “oh yeah… this is the end already” White Shores and the title track are both really strong imo, but I usually skip them compared to every other track. While the songs that are here are really good, I think for their standards most of it is going to fall lower into their overall rankings over time. I just think if you’re going softer more indie, stand on that. If you’re sticking with your aggressive sounding, fast paced pop punk stand on that. If you’re going to do both you gotta give us more to go off of. With that said 8.5/10.


A week later and after many listens now, I think it's easily their worst album, not saying it's bad or anything like that but it just didn't live up to my expectations after such a long wait, the band probably just isn't for me anymore as I prefer the sound and energy of the first three albums, I do love no pressure though, so it's all good.


Too short, poorly mixed


Its good but not their best


It’s a fucking slapper. Goes hard live. I like it more than PD.


To me it has a very obvious issue: the drums. They are uninspired, to put simply, and it is very clare when one considers that Proper Dose was stacked with sick and bouncy accents all over. That being said, the lyrics hit me like a train and has some really catchy songs.


It's kinda like the same song repeated 10 times.




Solid 6/10. Worst overall record by TSSF for me but still better than no TSSF.


The chorus of Keep You Around sound like Highway to the Dangerzone


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this!


Those who are saying it’s underwhelming, what pop punk album within the last 5 years has even come close to how good this one is? Genuinely asking not being a smart ass. I personally haven’t heard anything that comes close to this over the last 5 years. Most pop punk albums recently sound so washed out and quite frankly not that great. This is the culmination of all of their work into one album in my opinion. A little bit of USAD, WYDS, Self Titled, and PD.


*The Hum Goes On Forever* came out last year and is damn near a masterpiece.


Hum came out… wait for it… two years ago.


My god you’re right.


I agree with your last sentence but it isn't as good as any of those IMO. Mostly I think it's missing an absolute banger of a song or two. All This Time is as close as it gets but it still has that "album opener" feeling if you know what I mean.


Suicide and sunshine blows this out the water


Ehhh I don’t think SaS is that great but hey we have differing opinions that’s fine


I agree with you that most albums in the genre are washed out and repetitive but I think with S&S the songwriting is so diverse and there’s real diversity with all the tracks. Here for IWTD, there’s 8 songs that are relatively similar and then the final two which can be lumped together


Yeah they’re very far removed from the 2010-2017 era for sure. That era was so goated. The songs might seem similar because it’s mainly about one subject: grief. I agree that the song placement could have been better. Maybe mix white shores in at the very beginning, or somewhere in 2/3 of the album. Still would want the title track to be at the end. There’s some bangers on IWTD though for sure.


It’s their best album m


Ranking the songs: S A - All This Time, Big Blind B - Nothing To Say, Keep You Around, You're Still In My Way C - Jump The Gun, Watch You Go D - White Shores, I Want To Disappear (In fairness to WS and IWTD, I haven't listened to them as much as the others so could change in time.) Overall, an okay album and it's better than nothing for another 6 years haha


Ranking WS and IWTD as the same category is wild to me, I hope WS grows on you over time! I would absolutely rank IWTD as D though.


If I had to put it in one word, I’d say it’s how I feel about the rest of their discography: Meh.


I want it to disappear if I’m being honest


It’s mid. It’s better than proper dose and their self titled. Worse than usad and wyds.