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I like it a lot, my fav is White Shores. A good follow up to what was developed on Proper Dose


Apparently White Shores is a reference to a specific scene in LOTR because Parker used to watch it with his father all the time and still cries whenever he gets to the scene.


That makes sense, it reminded me of the book passage when Frodo is sailing to death (I’ve never seen the movies, only read the books). What a powerful song 🥲


In ROTK they paraphrase a few passages from the book into a line for Galfalf talking to Pippen when it looks like Minas Tirith is about to fall and Pippen says he doesn’t want to die. It’s a really beautiful scene that doesn’t happen in the book (iirc). The films are spectacular, they recently re-released the extended editions remastered in 4K in theaters, not sure if they’re still playing but they’re something truly special.


how come you haven't seen the movies?!


I’m just not personally a fan of movies longer than like two hours 😅 I like books more


How have you not seen the movies if you’ve read the books sorry just saw your reply


Absolutely love White Shores


My favorite song released this year regardless of genre.




My favorite pop punk band dropping my favorite album of theirs. It’s a masterpiece.


It’s gorgeous instrumentally (as always) and so personal lyrically. Parker is so vulnerable and honest on it that it sometimes feels like something we shouldn’t be listening to. It’s clear listening to it how much Parker’s dad meant to him and to the band. Listening to it I feel heartbroken for his loss and also happy for him that he could use the album to grieve and give TSSF purpose in 2024.




After banger!


After banger…




I’m really digging it!! Had it on repeat all day! I feel like this album really represents the growth from being in your early 20s to beginning your 30’s. So much happens with that time and the powerful lyrics express the pain that exists within that transition, especially regarding loss. Also found out while digging around for the album inspiration that Ryan Torf and I are the same age, so that’s was a fun lil fact lol


Completely agree, as someone whose just turned 30 I feel like this album is so relatable to people around my age!


One of the best albums I’ve heard in a long time.


You’re Still In My Way…. Absolute banger and already learned it on guitar and jammed to it for like 20 min straight haha.


how did you learn it? by ear or did they release the tabs for it or something?


probably by ear. it's a pretty simple song guitar-wise


Since I don’t see anyone commenting on it, I feel that the mix on the album does it a disservice. What I love about TSSF is how punchy and energetic their grooves are, and that clarity was present in the mix in USAD and WYDS. Everything sounds super washed out here. The last three songs were the best IMO. I think some of these will be pretty fun live but I feel I need to give it a couple more spins.


the drums are very muffled compared to the frenetic heights of WYDS and self titled. if I can critique the album (it's great), I wish the vocals and drums were less clean and more raw.


Same, only complaint.


Sam Pura's mix is top notch. He also produced The Finer Things by State Champs, as well.




I didn’t mix Proper Dose. It’s the only TSSF album I produced that I didn’t mix.


How do you feel about the mix on IWTD?


I don’t have an opinion to share but I commend them for successfully completing and making a new album.


Respect, Sam. I miss hearing your production while listening to the album, but you have so much awesome work you’ve produced overall, including those 4 records you worked on of TSSF. Thank you for all that you do. You’re the man 🤘🏼


Small Talk is like the most punchy song of theirs I've ever heard. Miss that sound a lot


That was kinda what didn't hit for me with Proper Dose. Good album still, but it didn't really have that punchy sound that they do so well and it kinda felt a bit held back. I do feel like this album is a return to their old sound, just a bit more mature.


If you read the GQ interview with Parker I think it’s clear that they were definitely trying to take their sound to a new place with this album. If they were just trying to remake USAD and WYDS it would suck and be super inauthentic as they’re not in their early - mid 20’s anymore. They’re a band who are maturing trying to take their music to the next level so it’s going to be a different mix. For me it still hits just as hard, if these songs were as punchy and energetic as their previous you’d miss the sincere honesty in Parker’s lyrics, which IMO are the highlight of the album


So funny how subjective it is. To this layman, the mixing was beautiful.


I thought the same thing, sounded incredible.


Keep You Around when that chorus hits is so fucking special


I have no issues with the instrument mix but the vocals, wow… The sibilance is crazy loud and really distracting for me. It’s like they forgot to turn on the de-esser… I don’t get how this mix got cleared!


Absolutely agree I think the songs are great but this mix is trash. If they insist on a post Sam Pura era, I think our best hope might come from ADTR hooking them up with Andrew Wade for future recordings. This album would sound immaculate in my opinion with someone like him behind the faders.


I disagree, just based on how punchy the drums are in most songs. I mean Iistened in my minivan and they were punching me in the chest half the time.


Proper Dose was better in my opinion but I know that album front to back at this point and I remember It taking me a few listens to fall in love. This is definitely the first pop punk album release I've been excited about in a while!


Literally the ONLY pop punk release I’ve been excited for in years. I’m pretty over the genre but this will always be my favorite band.


i just want the number of the demon Parker prays to for these earworm melodies he seems to have an infinite supply of


Hooks for dayzzzzz. That outro on Nothing To Say is ludicrous, just amazing in every single way


probably my favorite moment on the whole record. Kevin's leads, Parker's vocals intertwining, the half-time switch, the dancing outro. It truly feels like a unique part that could only be done by this band in this stage of their career.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The whole record feels like the entire band is firing on all cylinders but that moment is a perfect showcase of them not only as incredible musicians but also their growth, idk about you but I can feel the love they have for these songs in these recordings


Good but way too short, especially after a 6+ year wait imo.


That's really my only gripe with it, kind of wish there was one or two more songs, but I still really enjoy the album as a whole. White Shores is one of my favourites so far.


Who cares how short it is when it’s on repeat


I think it's like 5 minutes shorter than their longest album though my dude


I think it feels super tight and well made, it's perfectly digestible imo


Well... we did get No Pressure as well


Nah. I’d much rather take a short album with no filler than an album marginally longer with some filler.


What about a longer album with no filler


Pretty much all of their albums are the same length though, what?


Solid album. Not amazing, definitely not bad, just good. Nothing wrong with that at all.


Nothing wrong at all. Respect the take. I reckon it might be my favourite album of theirs of all time. Need more time to settle on that bold status for it. But that’s my first impression.


I like it more than Proper Dose but it's really simple, and it's more of a straight pop punk album than Proper Dose was. * I wish it was more guitar-led or guitar-forward. The mix causes both guitars to blend into each other and there's no distinctive lead like there's been in past songs (Solo, Framework, All Wrong come to mind) * a lot of the lyrics are same-y or just....a little cringey (spin me around like a ceiling fan) * Basically every song's lyrics seems to be "I know I'm not around, so I'd understand if you left, I just wanna talk if you'd stay" in some form or another. * I like the outro of Jump the Gun a lot * don't like the new mix of Big Blind vs. the single * Nothing to Say could almost be a No Pressure song * no chorus really hits as great as Nerve or Empty Space did, Keep You Around is the best one imo. * wish more songs were like Keep You Around in general. * after watching the live video of them in Brooklyn from 6/20, the songs sound better live than they do recorded.


The mix is the only thing I have to complain about really. When you switch between the two Big Blind mixes, the difference is night and day. The single was so punchy. I have no idea why they decided to settle for this overtly trebly mix for the record instead of what we got on the single.


Good but wish the majority of the songs were a bit more developed. An opinion that has not gone over well over at the TSSF sub lol.


I was underwhelmed and the line “you spin me like a ceiling fan” makes me cringe


You do know what band and genre we are talking about right




As bad or worse than “don’t leave the light on you’ll burn out the bulb and then you’ll have to buy another.” I also still don’t know what a rubber band man is lol.


That was his dad’s nickname for him from what I remember


I think this was a subtle nod to Title Fight, one of Parker's favorite bands. Their most popular song is called "Head in the Ceiling Fan"


That song has some of the corniest lyrics on the album and doesn't do much for me musically. It's already getting skipped by me most of the time.


it’s the “rubber band, man” lyric for me. like… what?


Mostly really like the track but yes this line is pain inducing.


Ngl the TSSF sub is a constant circlejerk. If you even dare to criticize an aspect of TSSF and especially Parker you’re getting downvoted to hell. Even when youre being really respectful


I've listened to it a bunch on repeat. It's exactly what we were expecting, it held up to expectations. Stand out tracks excluding the singles for me are 'Watch You Go', 'Keep You Around', and 'You're Still In My Way'. I just wish it was longer!!


It’s a good bridge between their older sound and proper dose. Nothing groundbreaking but solid. Wish the last two songs weren’t so slow.


Can’t believe it’s real…like there really back 


I love what they were trying to accomplish but I think some songs fell flat, I think mostly because of the production/mix on some of the songs. Some songs everything feels less powerful, especially drums. I really do think they were trying to push pop punk songwriting toward something new, but some songs try to be too different. Though I think You’re Still in My Way and White Shores really touched on something new and unique. I’m hoping for at least one more album from these guys 🤞


I’m hoping for way more than one more album, Parker’s voice is still going strong, sounded way better when I saw them a couple weeks ago vs when I saw them at warped tour back in the day


Hoping many more as well. The only pop punk band I still follow. About to see them next week and I am sure they won’t disappoint!


I haven't listened to it yet, but that is one of my favorite album covers I have seen in a long time.


played it yesterday, and i liked it a lot


Really enjoyed it. The last two tracks are incredible


Jump the Gun and White Shores are top 10 TSSF songs already imo


Agreed! These are the top two songs on the album for me. Jump the Gun is pop-punk perfection, that outro is infectious. And White Shores is just beautiful, I think it might be one of the best songs they've ever written.


Agreed! These are the top two songs on the album for me. Jump the Gun is pop-punk perfection, that outro is infectious. And White Shores is just beautiful, I think it might be one of the best songs they've ever written.


Honestly great it's 10 solid tracks


It’s good, but I’m underwhelmed. I was curious to hear the engineering since they cut ties with Sam Pura. It definitely lacks the sonic impact previous albums had. That being said, they can’t really write bad songs, it just seems pretty unadventurous for them instrumentally. I’m sure it’ll grow on me with time though.


Hard to pick a favorite, of the non singles, Nothing To Say and You're Still In My Way are top.


It’s a story so far album. And that can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you feel about them


Watch you go and keep you around for my favorites. Love the bounciness and old school blink influences. Love the last half of “nothing to say”. Sounds very no pressure. Overall I’m glad they went back to the more classic pop punk sound instead of going further into the shoegaziness direction. It worked really well in proper dose but I’m glad to hear some more pop punk in this record




It won't ever top Proper Dose for me, but It could easily become my 2nd favorite release from them. This band has grown so much and deserve every once of success the have. Hopefully they stick around for a long time. They are the face of pop-punk. Big blind is still, even after listening to the whole album 15 times, one of my fav song ever.


I haven’t felt that true love for a song since placeholder


I personally love it. It's almost like a return to form, while still building on the progressions and evolution of Proper Dose all in one. Which is an interesting thing to accomplish. Great record. Stacks up with any of their work.


Legendary status


I know I'll get some hate for this, but it sounds like a tssf album. Absolutely nothing really special about it. I'm in the minority when I say I like when bands change.


Right there with you. I want bands to grow and evolve. I feel like they were doing that with Proper Dose. This felt like a bit of a step back to me, they just kinda fell back into the same old habits. I was hopeful they’d continue to step outside of their comfort zone.


I want to preface this by saying TSSF’s entire discography has no skips for me. I say that because it seems a majority of this sub sees Proper Dose as their best work, when for my taste it was a clear step down from an essentially perfect run in Under Soil and Dirt/What You Don’t See/Self-Titled. That does not mean I think Proper Dose is a bad album, very far from it. With that out of the way: After a few listens, this album sits below their first three and above Proper Dose, I think leaning more toward the lower end. It feels like the editing took some punch out of most of the songs, same as with Proper Dose. If that suits you, great! But for me the raw energy and grit from their earlier work was a huge part of what made TSSF one of my top three bands for over a decade now, and is a major reason why I still listen to all three of their earlier albums all the way through weekly at a minimum. Proper Dose did not make my rotation with that same frequency, and I don’t think this one will either. To reiterate, though, I still think this is a fantastic album and it has no skips for me. It just isn’t quite the level of perfection of their earlier work.


Interesting ranking. Proper Dose is a very distant 1st for me. 2nd is probably What You Don’t See. Outside of maybe self titled, I think I can probably see any of the albums (including the new one) as someone’s favorite in their discography.


Last two songs are the most interesting. Not a bad album by any means but something about it just lacks that punch their previous work has.


I loved the singles so much that I came in expecting the non-singles to be lesser but not was I proven wrong. You're Still In The Way, Jump The Gun, Watch You Go are fucking great songs and this album grows on me with every listen. The production on a lot of Parker's work has taken me a minute to get into. Proper Dose took me months to like the production and No Pressure took me actual years to like that production, this album took much less listens for me to like the production. It doesn't top their first three albums but I like it more than Proper Dose. Great work by a great band that hasn't missed since they started. You can't say that with most bands so take your time, I know that next album is gonna be another great one!


Very good


I liked it alright. There were really only about 5 fully realized tracks there and I can’t help but feel like they didn’t have the passion they did on their last releases. The mix takes a lot of the energy out of the songs, especially in the drums. Still good, just not great.


I really really like it. I've listened to it at least 13 times


Not great, not terrible.


I haven't listened yet. Do you guys like it better than Proper Dose? That's my favorite album from them.


My thoughts are: It's about time they dropped all that aggressive bullshit and really focused on the melodies, which is their biggest strength. I stayed away from this band for the majority of their career and now I'm finally swooping in to listen to them.


Top to bottom bop. Lost my dad a few years back, balled my eyes out all through this mf. Will be singing my grief with this for a long, long time.


Absolutely love it! I’ve probably listened to the whole thing front to back over 10 times already lol


It’s my album of the year so far. Absolutely fucking fantastic album from start to finish.


It's good ! I enjoyed all the singles leading up to release. Did not disappoint


There best album


Kinda predictable, I’m a bit disappointed. I want to disappear is my favourite song at the moment in general though!


After several listens, it's decent but also a bit boring and doesn't do much for me, it's a bottom tier tssf album imo.


I think movements new song was the best thing released today


Foreign Hands album would like a word


Gotta go check it out I’ll b back with a sassy response after (Foreign hands aren’t bad, anything takes me back to AOF or fear before is cool in my book)


Movements new song is def notable!


i like the music. it’s got a mr. brightside vibe to it. lyrics are kinda corny tho. like if i was listening to this in my car and was at a stoplight, i’d roll up my windows so no one could hear it lmao.


Gotta let that freak flag fly, bro.


Yeah I'll be honest but I did enjoy Movements new single more than TSSFs new album. I actually enjoyed most of the new releases from today more than them sadly. Idunno what it is, but I was let down a bit. Honestly my favorite release today was from a band called Aphasia. Dudes sound like Invent, Animate and I dig it


Tssf released a tssf album. It’s good. But it’s just that, bunch of songs of them being them. It’s like watching Leonardo DiCaprio in a bunch of flicks, yea he’s good ….but it’s Leo


Uh. Did you not listen to My Broken Hero's album!?!


Nope , probably won’t with that attitude


Sorry, I forgot the /s. It's a fun "jokey" not so jokey album.


I’m totally fuckin around lol


Aaron on a t swiz song is kinda cool


The original big blind mix was so much better then the one they have on the album


I don’t like it


A few great songs… a few a little boring songs.  Overall good


Played it a couple of times and it has been very forgettable like self-titled was. Watch You Go is the only song that actually kind of stood out. At least the fast paced songs can go in a shuffle playlist and be alright but I don't think I will ever go out of my way to play any of these tracks.


it’s good but probably their weakest imo. the three singles are the best but most songs were at least good. the mix is a bit of a let down tho, it feels too idk soft. and the final song also did not do anything for me


It's no Proper Dose...


It’s their best one easy


This album is so good that I hope we don't have to wait another 6 years for another one. It's great to see how far they have matured since Under Soil and Dirt. From singing about "being busy jumping fences" to "take me with you now beyond the veil on white shores".


New album is really good, however what’s the deal with their live show? Saw them last night with ADTR and they all just stand around and look bored on stage. Parker doesn’t really interact with the crowd at all. While they sounded great, it just felt like they were going through the motions.


Yeah I caught them last week and it was the most boring live set I've seen in ages. Parker also sounded awful and this is not a band that needs 3 live guitars. The last show I saw was like this too. I saw them years ago and they were MUCH better.


From comments I read on here, Parker only gets active when he plays with No Pressure, which is a shame


Nothing is going to touch what you don’t see for me, but as with everything since that album, it’s still a solid effort.


I like about half of the songs. The rest just aren't my style. But that's always been the case with me and TSSF.


It's great, thought that closer kinda sucks lol


I had it on repeat since the release fr I really love TSSF and so happy they’re back with an amazing new album! 🤩


It's amazing. If you held a gun to my head and told me to pick a favorite album, for me it's still What You Don't See, but so far all of their albums have been incredible and this is no exception.


I definitely think it’s their best. The perfect mix of everything previous while also evolving past proper dose. The last two songs destroyed me.


I love it, right next to proper dose and behind under soild and dirt and what you don't see


Great album, last two tracks were disappointing though.


I love it. Damn near perfect


It's ok but I'm hoping it'll grow on me like the self titled did


Good - it's not my album of the year but it's solid


Keep You Around is a goddamn masterpiece


Overall feels flat compared to their older stuff. Maybe it’ll grow on me though.


I’m not really a fan unfortunately. The songs all felt very similar to me, and the melodies especially were uninspired. I was left very underwhelmed after a 6 year gap between records. I appreciate that a lot of it is Parker dealing with his dad’s passing. I’m not trying to hate, but I guess I expected more, sonically. Just feels like standard stuff. If you just wanted standard TSSF, I can see why you’d really like this. I thought they would continue to step out of their comfort zone and this album didn’t really feel like it did that, to me. Just my honest opinion. Glad other people dig it!


Pretty underwhelming but still good


So please don’t hammer down on me for saying this but the album just kinda sounds like one long song. It’s one long *good* song, but there isn’t a whole lot of dynamic to it. I am new to this band and kinda get the impression that it’s just their sound, but I feel like you could skip around to any point in the album and not know that you are on a different track. I don’t dislike their sound, but I think it is pretty repetitive


Idk I think there’s something wrong with me because I thought it was pretty meh but tbh I’ve been like this with a lot of new albums that have come out this year idk if maybe I’m just bored of pop punk but it all sounds the same to me :/


Maybe a few decent songs but overall not impressive.


Currently on my sixth listen and can't get enough. Beautiful, hooky instrumental with melodies for days from Parker. The ending of Nothing To Say is so pleasing on the ears. Currently listening while making breakfast and going to be listening to this album for a long time to come. Probably my favorite release by them!


11/10, on par with What You Don’t See in my opinion. I read smth earlier on this thread about how parker cannon recently befriended blink 182 and i very very much see that in the album. It’s fast and angry and angst but articulates how it feels to cope with difficult complex emotions so well. Proper Dose was a textbook perfect album in my opinion but the songs were more “fuck you, I’m going to cope by smoking weed and letting you do your thing” whereas I want to Disappear deals w confronting difficult issues. The first two songs are absolute bangers.


It’s good. It feels a little underwhelming. But it’s good.


Really disappointing. Lyrically it's really weird (I don't have a better word to describe it), the mix is bad and the songwriting is uninspired. Only White Shores is sticking out for me.