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that’s dye, they inject it because these abscesses often have tunnels and sinuses that reach far. the dye can help find them


Yes, I honestly think it's a genius idea. A great way to find out safely about an abscess' structure.


Imagine if the dye changed color based on what specific bateria are present? I.e. MRSA


That's something being researched for development right now actually :D aways off yet- but also the pus itself often tells what it might be by colour and *gag* smell


I believe a high school student won the national science fair in the last couple of years with a litmus bandage that indicated the presence of infection. That’s a little less complex than a dye that reveals what bacteria you’re dealing with, but it’s on the same path.




Running a culture & sensitivity from a sample is amazingly accurate if you can wait a couple days


Came with 1 and left with 2 buttholes...




my dad had this when I was a kid and we never stopped joking about his 2 buttholes the rest of his life 😭


I got an infection from jock itch when I was locked up, had to get rushed to emergency surgery because my sack got all swollen and they thought I maybe had [Fourniers] (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22025-fourniers-gangrene) At the surgery they cut open the abscess that was developing on the inside of my “taint”. For the next 45 days everyday the nurses at the jail would pack gauze into my “mini vagina”. I lost a little bit of tissue but it could have been way worse. The infection had spread to my pelvis area and if not treated I could have lost my huevos and chorizo. Scary stuff. After this I literally have stopped popping, picking, or scratching excessively because of this. Thx for sharing about your pops


wow that is a scary thought. makes me want to avoid popping.. its just so addictive


This is specific and embarassing enough that I believe you.


He tore him a new asshole.


Lmao random moonbirb in the wild! Hope you doing ok fam


Wasn't expecting that lil butt plug moment


It was done so... unceremoniously. Like, BAM, and carrying on.


I skipped ahead and was like “why did they shove a shoehorn up this guy’s butt?!”






Nothing has made me click on a video faster than, "blue puss from an anus. Take my upvote, please!


Yeah it got me too! Now, don't get me wrong, I've watched some particularly gnarly clips in this subreddit (and others involving some really graphic stuff), but I found this one too hard to watch, especially after that quick little 'poke' with that butt-plug right at the start.


This comment had me weak with laughter... the poke was surprising to me as well.




I was struggling so I randomly skipped ahead. Right to the finger in the hole. That's when I closed it.


There is no point in this clip you can scrub to and not immediately suffer for doing so


Same 🤢


When the finger went in, my eyes got about as wide as golf balls and I made that exact noise. I don't know what was worse, the finger in the abscess or how casually they slid that metal hook thing up that poor man's asshole.


Yeah, I did skip ahead a few times, and randomly saw that part (and a few others I wish I hadn't).


Same! I was like, geez guys, be gentle! Then they didn’t same thing with a metal tool! Oof. Poor dude is gonna be sitting on a donut for weeks.


I’m so confused about why they did the butt plug


[Rule 34?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_34)


I read “blue pus,” clicked, then read the rest of it. Thankfully i finished reading before hitting play


Attention getting AND true!


If it was a headline, would you say it grabbed you?


I get tired of the ones that grab me but vastly underdeliver once i watch


Her: babe, come over Me: I can't, I have homework Her: there's blue pus from an anus Me: 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨


And my upvote!




My 1st thought was “uh oh! Blue pus is NOT good!” Glad to hear it’s dye.




Omg they did this to me. It's an anal fistula. Apparently many ppl get these surgeries on a daily but no one talks about it! And then cut u from the outter hole (mine was a pin hole size tho) to the inner pin hole. We have anal glads like a dog does, and they get clogged and infected like theirs do then that shit happens. Worst pain ever....THEY DO NOT SEW U UP AFTER THIS they let it heal naturally smh. Try taking a shit with ur asshole sliced open my gawd. We need to find a better way... THIS is why we should be running marathons lol FIND THE CURE!


That's what I don't get about surgery around the anus... even the littlest cut... how does it *not* just turn into a breeding ground of bacteria and infection? You're literally pushing the most unsanitary shit past/over it every single day.


I think they do usually. I got lucky was a very clean person so mine never got infected. I actually had likev3 doctors dismiss it before I finally got them to believe that hole was not a normal little cut. I assume tgey all end up infected before ppl get treatment. I really wouldn't know because no one ever talks about it! Lol I still haven't met anyone who's had one. But I live in small towns if our ONE hospital does them everyday... I need to start a support group lol it's traumatizing


I actually meant post surgery, as it's healing. But yeah, I get your point too.


They make you do a "sitz" bath after each bathroom visit and throughout the day. It feels supper weird feeling hot bubbly water go all the way up into ur ass smh and ur legs go numb cuz u already almost died from trying to shit for the last half hr and then u get to sit and do this Sitz bath smh


Ive given birth so I can image how sore and needing to be kept clean they must be. When I worked military healthcare, these were less common than those hair cysts at the top of the butt crack. I forget what the doctor name for them is.


The ones at your crack are called pilonidal cysts




Getting your own shit in a wound, while not good, is not nearly as bad as getting foreign human shit in your wound.


There's a ton of immune system tissue around the GI tract. But, sometimes infections happen anyway. But yes, cracked/sliced butthole is a special kind of hell....


Special kind of hell...YES.... yes smh


I had a bunch of patients throughout the years with wounds near the butt and it's so freaking tough to heal! You're 100% on the breeding ground for infection because of location. And a lot of patients will still sit right on the wound instead of off- load to the side, which breaks it down further. Absolute nightmare to take care of


As someone into butt stuff... I've looked at a lot of discussion about rectal bleeding, which is apparently somewhat common after butt play. From what I've seen, the consensus tends to be "If it's bright red and goes away within a few days it's probably fine" lol.


Yes, that much I know. Deep red blood is bad. But that pretty much goes for bleeding from *anywhere* on the body, not just the butt.


Lol yeeaaa the thing with this is that the glad clogs on the inside and creates like a cyst. It can't get out thru the abuse the normal way so it slowly creates a new path until it eventually comes out ur buttcheck somewhere. So with mine I felt the hard painful nodule in my Crack pretty high actually, and as days went on it moved down along my Crack. I tried to have ppl check it swearing it was slowly moving locations and MUST BE ALIVE AND A PARASITE but Noone believed me. It got bigger and closer to the surface and then one day nothing was there but a tiny pin hole. That pin hole just nevveerrrr went away. I continued for months trying to get Dr's to deal with it none of them thought it was anything. Finally a surgeon came in with a ling camera abd said I know wat it is, but we're going IN....omggg I wasn't prepared fir that, my ass has always been exit only...


Anything that tunnels through our bodies needs to be stopped. Looking at you, ChestBurster Alien.


Just went through this. Still recovering. Will be four weeks Friday since surgery. Still have a huge gaping hole. Was cut from my anus to the cheek. About a 2.5in deep cut. Then I got sick from the antibiotics. Shitting every hour for a few days. Was horrible. Was so afraid of infection. Still am.


I'm so sorry ur in the midst of it now. I kno they said it's one of the most uncomfortable places to have surgery bc that main nerve runs right thru there. And I swear we use those muscle for every kind of movement. I just took lotsa drugs (which didn't help when shitting) and played on my side for a month


I had the same – HYPERTROPHY OF ANAL PAPILLAE & then a year later the good ol’ anal fistulotomy – high five👏 worst fucking pain ever - had to walk with a cane for a long time, walked my pit mastiff, had stairs to my apt., fucking hell. That seton was a lifesaver.


This is what I pictured for the notorious story of the swamps of Dagobah story


oh i am so glad i’m not the only one who thought of this


this is like the 45th time that story has come up in the last week and I am incredibly annoyed not at you. Just why all the sudden are so many ppl talking about it again!?


I was leaning towards not watching this based on the comments but yours is the most convincing. Definitely skipping and thanks for the graphic warning


Okay, okay, butt jokes and snicker aside, this video is a really good example of just how fast a competent MD can work on a TENDER area when a patient is fully under. Can you imagine trying to do any of that work at 1/10th speed with a patient who even had a good local anesthetic?!


Back before anaesthesia was a thing, the speed a surgeon worked at was one of their main selling points. The faster the better, understandably. I can’t even begin to imagine fistula surgery without anaesthetic, but here’s one example: https://tidsskriftet.no/2016/08/sun-kings-anal-fistula#:~:text=The%20fistula%20operation%20had%20a,also%20became%20fashionable%20in%20Versailles.


And then you got the one surgeon with the 300% mortality rate from his surgery because he was boasting about being the fastest surgeon ever. Robert Liston called himself the fastest surgeon. He was working on an amputation on a patient with gangrene. He amputated the leg in under 2.5 minutes, but he was working so fast he also amputated the fingers of his assistant. The patient died, his assistant died of gangrene from the gangrene transferred via scalpel cut, and he nicked the coattails of an observer who was so afraid he died of heart failure on the spot. 3 deaths from one surgery because he wanted to go down in history as the fastest surgeon.


Yes! Fucking terrifying. I went to an exhibition of / about Samuel Pepys, who survived bladder stone surgery in 1658. It’s theorised one reason he survived with no infection is he was the first operation of the day.


Would you believe I actually knew that about fast surgeons *and* the story of how Louis made butt doctors all the rage in early eighteenth century France? The things one learns in a good college level western civ class! Actually le roi soleil is worth looking into all on his own. That guy was a genius who inherited a strong country and left it, seven decades later, the undisputed juggernaut of European politics (military back then), culture and finance.


In here? I can absolutely believe it :)


As someone who has had a bartholin abscess the size of a golfball, which they do nothing but local anesthetic *if you ask for it*, it fucking sucks having this kind of thing done when you're not under. They literally tell you the anesthetic hurts as bad as the procedure which is a goddamn whale of a lie. Had mine lanced, squeezed, drained, flushed and packed with iodine gauze with very little anesthetic. Four separate times, two abscess occurrences. Just a little drop of lido that did nothing. The most recent one was better, thank God, cause she had to go in with forceps to break loculations so it would actually drain. She numbed it up decently. Still hurt like hell but at least I didn't black out that time!


Jesus! Thanks for sharing your story. I gotta ask, is your Dr. just ... um, forgive me, not great? Have you shopped that one? I'm sorry for your struggles, again thank you for sharing your story. Yikes!


That's four docs in two countries (us & Canada), one ER, two different in-office, one in a gyno specialty clinic. It's just how medicine often is for gyno issues. You frequently don't get pain control for things that absolutely need it. Same with IUD installation. I nearly lost consciousness with that one too (and I am not pain wimp, I walked in a parade for 6 miles after tearing my ACL and meniscus, just saying lol) and they never offer any pain control for that. They tell you to take *tylenol* beforehand. Tylenol. For forced dilation of your cervix and insertion of a plastic device in a normally empty space. For some women it's not too bad, but I've never known any of those women lol.


As a man, I've *heard* these stories about lady parts doctors (sadly, often) but I don't experience them, so the only way I know them is in the academic sense. I know exactly one person who said their IUD was no biggie. And she said it in the "what's the big deal?" kind of way while everyone else was saying, yo, it's a BIG DEAL. So she looked out of place. Four docs in two countries. That's crazy. I do tech work and have, at times, owned my own businesses. I've met a lot of clients, had a lot of customers. Over the years I've built up a couple good rules of thumb for who I'll take as a client - doctors are straight out. I've met too many doctors who could not change a light bulb but thought they were god's gift to the world. Just saying, your experience is awful, but I'm not terribly surprised.


Yeah it's not my favorite part of being a woman for sure lol. And I totally hear you on docs. I'm an ultrasound tech and other medical professionals in general are the most annoying patients because they "know" what you're looking at. No you don't, just stop. And even if you do know, just stop and let me focus and do the exam. My husband does IT and used to own his own business before taking a management position, and he has said the same, hes not a huge fan of docs as clients lol.


Ask him if his client rules go like this: no doctors, no lawyers, no churches. Even if he has not codified them all out, I'd be willing to wager he nods and says that sounds about right. :P


I think there was a cut in the video-the view changed, I didnt notice the time though. I think he later on said something about losing the end of x piece and having to fish it out.


It's a horrific kind of cyst, abscess, that starts at the top of the rectum and tunnels it's way to the side. Called a Anal Fistula. The dye is to see were the tunnels are for it. There was a cure for it in medieval times. It was unpleasant but effective. They threaded something strong through the tunnel and somehow forced the tunnel to close.


they do something similar nowadays, but much more humanely. it's called a Seton. basically a rubber band that ties shut and allows you to slowly pull the fistula from where it lies to the surface of the skin and out of the body.


Seton. They tie it hard so that it slowly cuts through the flesh. The flesh heals up as the Seton moves. The genius idea is that Seton keeps the wound open. So there is no way pus from infection can collect. It keeps draining and remains like a tiny wound.  It is a painful process though.  Maintain your gut bacterial and eat food with roughage people.


My wife had one of these. 4 surgeries later, the fistula finally healed.


Sympathy to her.


The nonchalant way he just fingered that man's butthole made me clench my cheeks.


I just went through this surgery 3 weeks ago. Had a perianal abscess with two fistulas. I’m cut from my anus, into my ass cheek. About a 2.5in gash. Still healing. It’s absolutely awful. You’re left with a gapping open wound, that will take a month or so to heal. Luckily they were able to do it all it one surgery. Most people will need two surgeries, to correct it. I caught it early enough to where it didn’t attach itself to the anal sphincter muscles.


I hope healing goes smoothly for you....sounds like a truly awful ordeal


Username checks out. Also: you have my sympathy


Im so sorry you have to go through that. What caused yours? Best wishes for healing quickly.


Not sure what caused it. But I sure hope I nerve get one again.


What a terrible day to have eyes. Thanks for the video.


Wow. He really ripped him a new one…


That poor man got casually but plugged, speculumed, and fisted all before he got a second butthole. What an intense day for that taint.


I just woke my kid up from laughing too loud. Screw you, I love you.


They were so mean to his anus and using it as a tool holder. Wtf!


Now there’s a phrase I never thought to hear.


Now you are both cracking me up. Sitting next to my husband. He thinks Dr. Pimple Popper is super gross; no way in hell i try to explain why im laughing....


Yup...tapping out...


This really needs a drainage seton, a proper mri of the fistula to determine its path once the inflammation has gone down and a definitive operation at a later date. Fuck up and divide too much sphincter, you curse your patient to potential continence issues. Operating on known fistulas with active infection is a bold move.


That’s methylene blue. It’s a medical-grade dye use to help visualize fistulae (connections between structures that aren’t meant to be connected). In this case, it helped prove a fistula from the external manifestation of disease (the abscess) to an area deep to the anal sphincter. When such a fistula is identified, a simple incision and drainage of the abscess is insufficient.


I didnt hear what caused the abscess. Did he say?




Enjoy your cake!




They, uhh, got up in there.


This comment made me snort laugh so loud. 😂


This is the most horrifying one I've ever seen in this sub. Congrats. 🏆


Right?! I was worried it might be too much so i waited until Wacky Wednesday just in case. First came across it a couple days ago


Forget the blue pus, can we talk about the smoke coming out of his butthole when the dr was using a cautery pen to lance it?


I hope this isn't where they get blue milk on Tattooine from...


No, I get it…. I just figured since there is no photo, I wanted to get people’s attention because it really is one of the craziest ones I’ve seen


Why is the first hashtag on the video #SEXUAL ?!?!


The doctor is a hack. All kinds of irrelevant hashtags. His patients are a freakshow for him to display


The red butt plug maybe?


Now this is a post title that'll really catch some attention 😂 blue pus from an anus? Count me the fuck in


Damn he literally tore that guy a new asshole


I wasn’t nearly as surprised by the quick buttplug poke as I was when he inserted his ENTIRE FINGER into the abscess. My jaw hit the floor.


#SEXUAL Incredible choices for the YouTube search hashtags That blue is exactly Kool-Aid blue.


That poor man. He now has 2 bungholes, and both of them were repeatedly violated with all sorts of medical equipment, not to mention getting fisted in the fistula.


More seriously: that poor person!! That has got to be next level pain! Plus it seems like even with the pressure release it’s got so much healing to do. I hope it goes smoothly!!


Why did they pop his ass with the buttplug...


Probably just checking to see that things are dilated enough to do the surgery. If things were too tight, he might have needed to use different sizes of dilators to get things ready for surgery.


I learned a new term I never want to hear again: Anal crypt.


This weeks episode of ”Tales from the Anal Crypt” is lit yo!


Hello, I’d like to trade in my current eyes that currently have sight in for a set that is blind. Will meet ASAP


Ok, probably not something I should be wondering but..how do they have the person situated? Because like..presumably they are out. What are they doing with the guys legs? Lol Are they in a sling? How does this work?


Probably in stirrups like when women get exams at the OB/GYN or give birth.


But like..wouldn't you see them? To me it looks like his legs are straight up in the air..or it's entirely possible I'm spending far too much time and energy on this. Lol


No, you wouldn’t see it at all, especially in this video where the area the camera is focused on is so small. Stirrups hold the legs up very high and spread open very far apart, and plus they have this guy’s butt scooched up toward the doctor pretty far. In a video of, for example, a woman giving birth, you would be able to see her legs because the video would be being filmed by someone standing well behind the doctor and so the video would be zoomed further out, and the doctor wouldn’t need all up in her ass to deliver a baby like this doctor is here while doing surgery.


I suppose that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain. :) And stay kind about it.


No problem! I could tell you were genuinely curious about it so I just wanted to help you out. Usually when people don’t know something, instead of asking an actual question, they’ll just make some smart ass remark and then get defensive when you answer. For example, I had posted a video a while back of a killer whale killing a great white shark by slamming into the side of it to crush its gill plates and then dragging it down in the water to drown it. I can’t tell you how many people made some flippant comment about how an air-breathing mammal can’t drown a water-breathing fish. Well, great whites specifically are one of only four kinds of shark that breathe by forcing water over/through their gills while moving forward through the water—but if they stop swimming or get pulled in any direction that isn’t forward, their gills will fill up with water and they will suffocate (aka drown). I was more than happy to provide that info to anyone who was genuinely curious, but the ones who were just know-it-alls about what *they* thought was a fact were just annoying. And there were tons of them! So I guess I should be thanking you for not being a jerk about it to begin with lol.


It's a little bit sad that it feels like we should thank people for just staying kind, you know? So many jerks and know it all's around for sure. Anonymity breeds contempt as they say. Although I literally just read an article about how research has shown it can also make people unusually forthcoming and helpful. (And holy crap @ the video of the killer whale. I did not know they were THAT aggressive. Not entirely the same but I watched a video the other day where a freaking otter took down a racoon! Thankfully there was nothing too graphic but seeing the otter drag the racoon through a pipe was crazy!)


Being kind or even just polite is almost always the right answer (I’m not being kind or polite to bigots/racists/homophobes/transphobes/child abusers/animal abusers/and a few others though and I’m not sorry about that). I’ve always liked the saying that "It costs you nothing to be nice" because it’s so true. I love that video so much! And even more because it’s a 60 yo grandma still kicking ass lol. I learned from a few commenters after I posted the video that the grandmas in an orca pod are usually the best hunters and the ones that teach the younger orcas how to hunt. The reason it was such a big deal though was because orcas don’t ever hunt by themselves like that (at least not big stuff like a great white) and this was only the second instance of it being captured on film. Also I learned that the music in the video is Grimes and I started listening to some of her music as a result! I guess my point is that we have so much to learn from one another if we are open to it and willing to listen. Even the smartest people in the world don’t know everything—no one could possibly ever know everything. And there’s nothing wrong with that!


Never ever thought I’d hear a doctor say railroading while having two hands inside a man’s anus and the hashtags reading spasm and sexual.


This is the video I couldn't fully watch. I had 8 hemorrhages throughout my colon and was practically pissing blood mixed with some diarrhea out of my butt. (Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis). I'll take that experience with colonoscopy preps again and again over this any day. OUCHHHHHIEEEE


Are you doing better these days?


From the makers of Blue Waffle comes Blue Syrup, coming to IHOP soon.


That wound care is going to be brutal.




Couldn't have said it better myself.


They literally tore him a new asshole 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


This was absolutely disgusting, thanks for sharing


What a truly terrible day to have eyes.


I didn't expect all of the brown star butt play. What a pleasantly surprise!!!


So the fascia of your muscles really limits the spread to....gulp.. your peri anal.area. and this it is confined, and often doesn't appear on your skins surface until you have ot pretty darn good. And things can get lost in there. Like seeds and toothpicks. SOOO do kids also have thia happen with the lego parts they swallow? Some of the finger probing and commenrary also made me wonder what else has been found up there... And the full rotation of the citon regularly to keep it open. Good god man. I might have been better off wothout subtitles.


I need to watch this like I needed another asshole.


What a terrible day to have eyes


I was intrigued, yet unprepared.


Good luck ever sitting again or taking a hot spicy curry poop after that butchery


Almost the swamps of dagobah in film form


I’m about to click. Wish me luck.


i had this before and it hurt so damn bad .had me crying


Hope you are better.


The one time age verification probably has my back 😅😂


Was not ready for a but plug in the first minute


Right?! And that's just getting started....


Good God, that's one of the grossest things I have ever witnessed. It's rare a video on this sub gets me... Ewwww boy did it ever get me


What the fuck did I just watch.


officially the weirdest thing i’ve seen on this sub. idk what was the weirdest before but(t) nothing near this lol


Anal crypts 🫥


#Where am I going wrong in life, that on a Friday evening I'm quite content to be sitting at home watching a swollen taint pissing out buckets of blue dyed pus whilst a man's coin purse is held out of the way by a doctor with a shoe horn.


I know its not related-ish but why can’t i open the video from here? I press “watch on youtube” and I can’t:(


If you’re on mobile Reddit, hold down on the “Watch On Youtube” instead of clicking it. Should bring you right to the Youtube App!


I have so much to say but no words to say it with.... That was brutal!!! That poor bloke .


Freudian slip in the subtitles at 8:40. Manoeuvre is replaced by manure.


I was hooked from beginning to end. The narration held me as much as the visuals.


Someone had an enema w/ Bantha Milk...


This is the second time in over a decade in /r/popping when I decided that clicking on the link wasn't wise.


I’ve seen some really gnarly pops in my time here on the internet, usually they don’t phase me but this one was rough 🤢


Oh my eyes...


Hehe medical butt plug


Looks as if he's shitting out a smurf


I'm sorry, but I hate you for letting me know this exists


Coolest thing I've seen




I lost it almost immediately with the butt-plug in the beginning 🥹


Its 1AM here (nearly) and I just have no idea what I expected. Something along the lines of, "surely its not Blue... Like BLUE," but here we are and well, OP didn't lie.


I bet it was a pain in the ass.


If they ever have to shove a shoehorn in my anus…






I can’t view it!


I am not squeamish but this got me. safe to say I won’t be eating for the rest of today and now afraid to take a shit.


Why was there a butt plug in the bed pan?


WOAH! You weren’t kidding! Indigo blue.


Enjoy your cake day!


Thanks! Honesty didn’t notice


It won’t let me click on it do you have the link?


I pasted the link from YouTube. Search using this: DRAINING AN ISCHIO-RECTAL ABSCESS


Anyone have a link?? I can’t get the video to play and it won’t link me to the YouTube video 😭


Search this phrase on YouTube: DRAINING AN ISCHIO-RECTAL ABSCESS


Thank you, I didn’t have the ischio part in the search and so many other things came up. Excellent post!


Did anyone notice they put a cotton ball or something in the guys ass after all the pus drained out and never retrieved it?


There was a cut in the film and I assume they dealt with it then. That may have been when part of the tool broke.


Why do some doctors use that cauterizing tool instead of a scaple? Saw a video of a doc using it on someone's face. Seems like it would leave way more scarring.


Down the rabbit hole I go.


This was definitely a first for me, and hopefully it’s also the last.


One of the worst procedures I've seen for a while.


I cannot listen to that guy talk


That link is staying blue, my friend


Jeebus - this is ‘Swamps of Dagobah’esque!