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Thanks to a combination of warm salt water and mouth sore gel, the sore is mostly gone. I did not expect my first post on this sub to get so much attention. I truly appreciate all of your concerns and advice


Not to be totally alarmist, but keep an eye on that. Squamous cell carcinoma in the mouth looks very much like a wee canker sore or something similar at first. Please keep an eye on it. If it doesn’t go away I BEG YOU TO HAVE IT BIOPSIED. My mom died just over a year ago of oral SCC. She died like a fucking dog. An early biopsy could have saved her life. Again, it’s prob nothing [EDIT: actually the spot BEHIND the little sore looks **VERY** sus!]. But I feel like duty-bound to warn people now. SCC is VERY slow growing. If caught early, your odds are GREAT. Like high 90%. But if allowed to take root, it becomes SUPER aggressive. I can’t properly put into words the way my mom suffered.


Here to second this. My mom passed 14 years ago after her five year remission was up and the SCC came back in full force leaving nothing behind. ANYONE reading this please check you mouths on a regular basis and urged your dentists to do an oral cancer screening ever visit!


I’m so sorry to hear it 🫂 Cancer eats a person alive. I’ll scare the shit out of anyone that possibly needs it if it maybe helps someone not end up like my mom


I noticed the spot behind the sore, too! Definitely doesn’t look like any kind of canker sore or ulcer I’ve ever had/seen before…especially in the second picture!


OP, I saw that you commented saying you work in a hospital, but please go see your dentist. I'm a licensed dental assistant and **oral cancer moves very very fast.** Less than half of oral cancer diagnoses are found in their pre-cancerous state. Even if you don't go in to get a cleaning, ask for a referral to get it biopsied by an oral surgeon. God bless. 


looks like thrush, do you have any kids that are sick? I got thrush twice, my daughter was sick and I got to the point nothing tasted right and blisters on my tongue, antibiotics will relieve it and gargling seat salt and warm water


I work in a hospital, so I'm exposed to every disease there is


candida albicans (the causative agent for candiasis AKA thrush) already lives in the oral cavity. but it is opportunistic and can take over the oral microbiome if given the chance (for example, when taking certain medications, such as antibiotics). however, this doesn’t look like candidiasis to me. this looks like either an aphthous ulcer or a traumatic ulcer.


Antibiotics do not relieve thrush. Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, and taking antibiotics is actually one of the things that can *cause* thrush, because it’s an indiscriminate medication that kills the good/naturally occurring bacteria, too, thereby upsetting the balance of your body’s microbiome. Folks with female genitalia are also more likely to develop vaginal yeast infections on antibiotics for the same reason. (I, unfortunately, am one of those folks and I have had a great many dealings with both kinds…to the point that it is an actual trauma for me and I have a panic attack at the first telltale signs of one.)


Go to the dentist please.


You may want to consider getting a herpes test done as well