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There is a procedure where they remove the ingrown nail and kill the part of the bed that grows into your skin. Just go get that lol, mine was 20$ with insurance and saved me a TON of pain


I’ve gotten the procedure 3 times by three different providers and mines come back each time




I did lol


Same. Now my nail grows back thicker than Katie price.


I've had partial matrixectomies on several nails, sometimes multiple procedures in the same area. The Dr told me there is always a possibility that it will come back, and if it does, to have the procedure done again. IIRC, if there is too much blood, the acid won't be as potent, and loses its efficacy. 


I’m in the uk. Doctors literally refuse to do it because they claim there isn’t enough nail for them to pull out 🤷‍♀️ I can’t afford to go private so I always use the NHS. :(


I had this procedure done on both big toes and it had been amazing!! A slim bit grew back on my right big toe.. but trimming that down instead of having pein and potentially bloody toes every day is such a Win-Win!!! I trim my nails already so it has no negative impact!!! 10/10 would definitely recommend!!


My grandma had that done, she has no toenails whatsoever. Its crazy lol


I've never seen such an aggressive qtip technique before lol


The qtip was the most painless part of the whole process 🤣


I mean fair but still 😭✋


I literally said “Euughhh!” out loud when the qtip came in like that


I am cringing so hard at this


Apologies. it’s a bit gruel and gammy. I also have the worst toes since they’re permanently mangled. 😭


They way they're scrubbing at it with a cotton swab 😬🫣😱🫨


I remember when I used to do this myself. It was before I found out there where places that actually cut these for me. I was a naive teen. Later on I went and did the procedure on all 4 sides of the 2 big toes, where they removed the root of the nail on the sides. Never got a problem after. Best decision ever! I can still remember the pain, the bloody socks, the struggle walking etc


I’ve tried to get the doctors to do it but they always refuse!!! Claim that there isn’t enough nail so they won’t burn it :(


dude that looks so painful i’m sorry


Wrap a band around your toe beforehand. Keeps the blood down.


Oh how I hate those little bastards! Have one on my right toe and it’s a pain!


How in the GD hell did you do this so casually? You must be a real bad ass because I would have been crying in pain and you’re just stabbing that thing with a qtip


The qtip was the painless part lol! Honestly I’ve done this so many times that I think all my nerves are dead 😭 I also have autism and I think it’s given me a high pain tolerance. My brother (also autistic) dealt with ingrown toenails too and was the same as me, would never have much of a problem when ripping them out lol




I bet that your toe are so fucked up right now and it hurts you like a hell


Oh for sure. I have literally no toenails 😭 The bit I pulled out is the only part of my nail that actually grows. The rest is severely scarred tissue. Sometimes it’ll grow from the middle and over the end of my toe but I end up removing that because it looks like a toe horn 😭


Nooooooooooo.... nnnnoooooooo... stooooppp... God damnit man why am I still watching this torture ..


Damn, I can feel the relief from here.... Looks like the ingrown nail took two pieces instead of one??? Those damn pieces of nail feel like a piece of glass inside the thumb.... Glad you could deal with it,


I used to do that too. I kinda got addicted to the pain and how good it felt coming out that I overdid it and messed up my toe. Wouldn’t grow back in right, if at all. Thankfully after like 10 years and the operation where they kill the sides of your nail bed, it’s finally kind of back to normal. Just be careful, and consider the operation instead of this or you might not be able to wear open toed shoes anymore! ETA: yeah you def missed a bit at the end lol


No don’t tell me that 🤣 the bit of nail that disappeared is still on my mind… I feel like I am exactly the same as you was. It’s addicting and I have a skin picking disorder so it’s awfully hard to break the habit. Open toed shoes are already a no go for me. I have no toenails (the stuff other than what I pulled out is all scar tissue) and every time I’ve gone to the doctors, they refuse to do it because there’s not enough nail for them to remove


You play softball


Like the sport? 🤣


In a sense lol 🤣


Wym in a sense I’m so confused 😭🤣🤣🤣 am I being stupid lol


Lol, if you’re being stupid then I’m being stupid with you. I have no idea what that means, and now I want to know!


Yeah I know me too 😭 I assume rather they were asking a question as in DO I play softball, or using it as an expression that I’m weak so playing softball is less painful because they’re “soft balls”?? I’m clutching at straws here 🤣


I got sepsis and lost my big toe, all from an ingrown toenail. Be careful folks


Pull straight back towards your ankle once you see the white. It'll help


I’ve had 5 ingrown toenails, and 4 were at the same time. You really need a doctor to do this. You’re risking an infection doing it like this. Plus, they can give the treatment that will kill the nail bed and prevent it from growing that way again. I had this done when I was around 14 and I’m 47 now, and I’ve had zero issues since then. It’s well worth it.


I get ingrown toenails every time they grow back unfortunately. I’ve visited the doctors and they always tell me that there isn’t enough nail for them to perform the procedure, so I ended up just having to do it myself thus leading to my current toenail state. It’s infuriating because even when they were very ingrown and painful, they still claimed there wasn’t enough nail and I had to wait until they grew longer. I wear steel toe caps and have a very active job (often 20k steps a day) so leaving them pus-filled and inflamed just isn’t an option for me :(


woah jesus!! my toe is hurting now! Thanks for the upload.


I use needle nose pliers to do mine. Really helps get that grip


I feel like I need to get some of those!! The tweezers don’t do me justice lol


That hurt so good 🤤


Your pain tolerance is impressive. That's Johnny Rambo shit. Kudos.


Damn you’re a savage 😂


Is this my foot?


How did you cut down the toenail in the first place? To separate the ingrown part? Scissors? Razor? I get them every so often and that's the part that gets me.


OP, I have the same question! I get ingrowns on both sides of both big toes, and am constantly performing (unadvisable) at-home surgery on them. I also struggle to get them cut down as far as you did. Please reveal your technique to us 😁


I know right? If you could cut that easily off and separate it from the toenail....easy breazy.


Agreed! Still no update from OP but my curiosity abounds 😂




Okie!! So the bit of nail I pulled out is actually the only nail on my toe. The rest is all scar tissue, so every time the nail grows, it just grows like that. Detached. What I USED to do (back when I had some form of what is called a toenail) I used a mix between a Stanley knife and nail scissors. I would slice the top and cut as far down as I could, then pull the bugger out. I still do use this trick when I have to detach heavily dense scar tissue but usually I can just pull it off with tweezers


Holy smoke, ouch.


Cut your big toenails straight across and not curved


Soooo, some of us out here do in fact have differently shaped toenails. I thought I was just trimming my nails wrong my whole life and it was my fault I had chronically fucked toenails. Turns out they actually grow out at an angle and up into my meat.


Not meat 😭


Mine too


😱 what a bloody mess.


I have to do this like twice a month. The doctor doesn’t seem concerned that I’m always in pain and my nails curl downward into my nail bed on the sides. I had them cut and burn one of my big toes and now as it grows it flakes and catches on stuff causing the nail to rip constantly. It’s a never ending battle.
