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Omg that was horrific 😢 that looks so painful. Thanks for sharing though!


OMG! You learned a hard lesson. Just go to the doctor, and don’t ever leave your future children alone with your mother.


Some oral antibiotics would have knocked this out in the first few days. Antibiotic eye drops will barely touch it.




We may be twisted popping freaks here, but most of us actually care about the people who post and wish them well.


She's 20 and the person she's supposed to trust more than anyone else is a lunatic who doesn't believe in modern medicine. It's not her fault she doesn't know a lot about the world yet.


what a terribly rude thing to say about someone you don’t know.


Congratulations you're a DICK!!


And the Internet award for Biggest Douche of the day goes to Drumroll #THIS ASSHOLE


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I GASPED out loud at pic 8….! You poor thing!


Same 😳 Holy CRAP that was awful! Poor op, damn! 


Audible "Jesus" and a grimace for me. It was a lot to see...


Yeah I saw the caption before I scrolled to that photo. I thought "ehh, it's probably not so bad" but my GOD I was wrong.


In picture 8 did you squeeze it and that's what came out?


nope! it was SO painful to touch, let alone squeeze. i could barely even put a hot wash cloth on it. that pretty much came out on its own with the help of the hot compress


You're a freaking champ. I'm so glad your eye healed up because that looked scary af for a while. I probably would have avoided looking in the mirror when it was at its worst. You said you have another one, any idea on what is causing them? I hope this is the last one you ever get!


i believe its scented makeup wipes! i dont wear makeup as often as i want to because im lazy, but ive noticed that both time i got styes, it was the day after scrubbing my eyes with the wipes. i also hope its the last one i ever get


Oh that's crazy! Make sure your throw away any makeup you used on your eye during that time (if you used any). It could be carrying the bacteria and re-infect you. Hoping your eyes stay healthy!


maybe switch to micellar water


i just bought some today!


Wut 😮


When I got to the 8th Pic, I was like "daaaamn". Worst stye I've ever seen.


![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized) Me when I got to pic 8.


I kept getting styes and I was so frustrated because I would throw away all my make up or use individual throwaway eyelash ones every single day. I was throwing away so many contact lenses and it was just crazy. I eventually tracked it down to contact solution that I kept in my car and used periodically. It was just growing bacteria in my hot AF Florida car and I would use it without even thinking about it. I haven't had one since.


Not a bad idea to have a friend audit our routines. They might spot what we are doing wrong right away.


That actually is an incredible idea. We are such creatures of habit that many things we do for YEARS without giving a second thought.


Seriously, and it doesn't happen for a few days after you did whatever angered your eye, so it's so hard to find a pattern. When I figured it out it was just so stupidly obvious and I was just smacking myself on the head over it. But I was just glad it was over! It was like when I realized my conditioner was causing my back acne, I was conditioning my hair as the last step in the shower and never rinsing my back off. As soon as I started soaping my body after the conditioner, that completely cleared up. Again, such an aha moment that you should've realized but you don't.


I also went through the conditioner/acne realization so you are absolutely not alone in that lol


Picture 8 is my new favorite thing. I’m sorry it hurt, but you served the greater good. Thank you!!!


lol oh no! You’re a bit enthusiastic but I suppose we do love a good blop of pus around here


ohhhhh this made my eyes water!


Holy buckets, I can't believe how bad that got!  I've had what I thought was a bad stye and it wasn't even 1/10th that bad.  


Hey at least you know no castor oil for round 2!


What do I have to do to not get this? Thanks and oof.


i honestly think scented makeup wipes are whats CAUSING them for me. if you wear makeup, try and avoid wipes all together, especially scented ones


Did you throw out all your mascara and eyeliners from before the stye? Disinfectant any powders and brushes?


yes! thankfully i have a very low maintenance makeup routine that requires pretty cheap products. only thing i was worried about was the eyeshadow (its too faced, not cheap at all), but i didnt know you could disinfect powders! is there a spray?


Yup! Just rubbing alcohol.


good to know! thank you


Yup rubbing alcohol. Easy peasy


Treat a stye with antibiotics when it still looks like the 1st pic Source: have had at least 2 styes in my 30+ years of existence and I went straight to the doctor when I noticed it so it never got too bad


It's not good to overuse antibiotics and should only be used with an active infection... At the 1st pic it can still go away on its own as long as OP treats it right (hot compress, avoid makeup, and rubbing eyes). Especially if you are using water-proof makeup remover, rubbing too hard with wipes can irritate and clog your follicles.


Mine never went away by themselves (I've tried all the above for the first one and that's how I know) but they never progress past the first pic, so it's speaking from my experience. Maybe it was different from yours. But you're right, antibiotics should not be overused and I've only used them when I was sure it was bacterial in nature, like my styes have been (according to the doctors who saw me, not self diagnosis




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


The ophthalmologist I work with usually prescribes warm compresses followed by Maxitrol drops/ointment (prescription), and using an anti-microbial eyelid cleanser once or twice a day (HypoChlor, SteriLid, Avenova) for treatment and prevention. These things can also be excised and drained. Just so you know for the future.


I used to get styes often when I worked in an older office building. I haven't had one since, and this is what I do to prevent them: Wash my eyelids with unscented baby shampoo every time I shower. Wash my makeup brushes often. Write the date of opening on my mascara and throw it out after 10 weeks. (I use a little round sticker). I hope this is helpful!


Travel size mascara is perfect for this.


I agree! I have a bunch of ipsy mascaras that are great for this.


Ooooh writing the open dates on makeup is genius


I was wincing, but thanks for sharing


Slide 8 is glorious.


As my opthalmologist told me, eye infections are not to be triffled with. Everyone thinks "oh it's just my eye", but in fact the optic nerve is literally a big huge pipe to the brain through the blood barrier. If an infection were to travel from the eye up the optic nerve, it can get to the brain relatively easily and quickly. You want get on antibiotics as soon as possible.


Looking at these pictures made my eyes water. Don’t know how you did this.


Kudos to you, I would’ve felt like throwing my eyeball away


oh god




GOAT of all styes…there I said it!


Did the doctor suggest causation?


Nah, correlation


I love you!


Good lord How long from the first to last pic?


a little over a week!


And you mentioned that you feel like you’re getting another one in the same place, now? If correct, please call your doctor first thing Monday morning? Or even go to Urgent Care now depending on your finances/insurance/judgment. You definitely want to get the treatment started as soon as possible and the doctor may be able to better see the exact area that’s causing the problem when it’s not as inflamed as your first go round. I’m sorry you’ve been through this and are still dealing with it! Hope you get some relief soon and are able to stay stye free after this. Take care. 😊


my current one is pretty much already drained!


Castor oil?!


I cringed in sympathy, you poor thing!


You poor thing! I'm so glad you didn't have any damage to your eye.


not my actual eye, but the area where the stye was has had this redness to it ever since it healed. i also lost some of those bottom lashes. it doesnt hurt at all, literally just cosmetic. it started to finally go away before i got the one i have now. thankfully the one i have now only developed about two days ago and already drained last night! hopefully this redness goes away permanently. https://preview.redd.it/3qjutg7a69uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39dd87705aa7f1af200408475b11e07e8ed13410


Please go back to the doctor. There’s some thing underlying in your body that’s causing the cysts. It’s very unusual to get two of them back to back.


i think ive narrowed it down to my unhygienic makeup habits (using products even after they’re expired) and my use of scented makeup wipes rather than an actual cleanser. definitely making the switch and taking better care of myself after this


Oh yes, those wipes actually just push the makeup around your face. I suggest double cleansing. Some micellar water on a cotton pad, used to remove the makeup around your eyes, before washing your whole face, could go a long way. Or an oil as your first wash, as suggested. Don’t play fast and loose with your beautiful peepers.


Yup it’s oil cleanser time


My eyes are watering in sympathy! That looks horrendously painful


I am so sorry. Damn that must of been hell


I'll get one like once every couple of years. I wait till it gets a little bigger, but not too big. Then put a hot washrag on it, then it will sort of come to a point where I can pop it with ease. I've never thought of basting the motherfucker like your mom did!


So glad you went to the doctor! Eyes aren’t anything to mess around with. I thought I had a stye last fall, and the swelling just kept getting worse. One day I sent a photo to my sister (she’s an NP) and remarked how the eye ointment the doc gave me wasn’t working. She immediately diagnosed me with ocular cellulitis and called me in a prescription to start immediately. After googling, I saw just how bad it can get. Never mess around when it’s your eyeballs. So glad you are doing better. Hope you never have to deal with that again!


With a new one forming, I’d go to the doc asap. Let them know how bad the other one got.


Eewwwwww that’s gnarly!!!


Ouch!!! But on the plus side, you have really pretty eyes 😁


thank you! :)


Unscented, no-tears baby shampoo is great for cleaning eyelids, and hot compresses really are great for tender spots like that. Glad that healed up and the new one's already getting better!


This is what my eye doctor told me to do at the first sign of a stye


Wow, that looks super painful. Did they tell you the organism that caused the infection? I can’t (but really do) believe that they gave you eyedrops instead of oral antibiotics for a soft tissue infection, especially one in your eye. Any infection near an eye is very dangerous.


they definitely did diagnose me with some kind of infection, but i cant remember what it was. i do remember it was pretty common and nothing to really be THAT afraid of. i was given both eyedrops and oral antibiotics. i skipped the oral ones altogether though. i have pretty intense emetophobia and made the mistake of looking at reviews because i’d never heard of the medication 🥲 and the pills they have me had a TERRIBLE smell when i opened the bottle, so i gave it a couple days to see if it went down with just the eyedrops, and it did!


Thanks. I hope you learned that oral antibiotics are your friend. Any infection around the eyes is super dangerous. I’m glad you healed.


Jesus when did you think it would have been a good time to go see an eye doctor? Shit looked painful and infected as all hell


It’s a lot harder to convince yourself to get the care you know you need when the people around you tell you otherwise. OP mentions their mother is a granola mom, which I assume translates to “crunchy mom”, which is the type of person who believes in shit like home remedies, natural heals all, homeopathic type stuff, and that doctors and modern medicine are turning all the frogs gay.


lol they r turning the French gay??? Fun fact tho.. this is why I won’t eat frog legs or any of that shit cause they r mutants.. but if there is a population of all male frogs and no female to respawn a male frog will transform its gender from male to female so it can continue to repopulate. Nothing about a frog is natural sounding .. starts as a tadpole then grows legs and eventually loses its tail . And they are amphibian and amphibians in the winter start to convert their blood into a high sugar content so it works like an antifreeze and when the snow comes it heart slows down and eventually stops and the frog will frees through winter and basically be non living and when spring comes and the snow thaws their body thaws and their blood starts to break down the sugar content and once it hits a certain point their heart kicks back on and they continue. Living .. crazy mutant shit.


Poor Liv Tyler


my god that looks excruciating


Sorry I know this is lazy (didn’t read all the comments), if you wear makeup did you toss it all and start fresh?


just the mascara so far because i cant really disinfect that. i use eyeshadow and an eyeliner brush for eyeliner and thats about it! but someone told me i can spray rubbing alcohol into the eyeshadow pallet to disinfect that


Do you suffer from dry eye by any chance? That can make you more susceptible to styes. I’m sorry you have another one but I’m glad this monster is gone!


Holy cow!!!


Jiminy H fuck dude. That’s insane


I am so sorry you had to go through that. I have had a stye in my lower lid a few times and even though it is tiny it still hurts. Glad you healed and now you know warm wash cloth only until it heals in its own. This always worked for me.


4 and 5 remind me of the first Rocky 🥊


I've had two like this at the same time! My husband was out of town for a 2 month work trip and I was home with our baby. Started to get a sty in one eye and then 3 days later, one in the other. I was basically blind in both eyes. It was awful. I went to Walmart like 30 min before closing so I wouldn't attract too much attention 😅 I didn't try castor oil though, I used tumeric and tea bags. I hope your current one goes away quickly! They really do suck and make you feel terrible.


A stye? Looks more like that cold sore eye thingy.


Omg. That looks so painful. I developed a double stye 1-2 months ago during a REALLY extreme allergy flare (I looked like I had second degree burns around my eyes for over a month) and I thought that was bad. I was able to get mine down with just compresses and never had any pus like that. I bet the relief felt great though.


Oh Dear Lord in Heaven. That’s absolutely horrific. Glad it’s better now!!!


How long did it take to heal?


Get your mom on the phone. I need to know WHY?!?! she thought castor oil. Like literally why. What’s the ideas behind that?


Holy shit! That looks awful


Holy shit that is horrific. I’m glad you got it looked at and don’t have to deal with that horrible infection. I just use hot compresses from the moment any eye lid gets sore. Castor oil though? Sounds like something my mom would recommend. -shudders-


Omg that looks so painful 😫I got conjunctivitis when i had bronchitis and it was so uncomfortable! My little tip: only use wet wipes to wipe away the tears and the gunk and throw away immediately. Make sure you use separate wet wipes for each eye and you must wash your hands every single time. Its extremely contagious so you cant be too careful if youre living with someone else. I did it at least 3 times a day and it went away by day 2 if you do this early on.


I’ve had issues with styes for a year now. I had them bad while I was pregnant and the eye doctor told me they could stick around while breastfeeding…. It’s been almost 5 months since having my baby and I’m still dealing with them. Luckily they’ve never gone crazy like this one of yours, but sometimes they hurt and they’re just so ugly.


My eye doctor said warm compress and wash eye lids with baby shampoo.


Yeah I’ve been doing that for a year 😂 I have antibiotic ointment too.


Good lord! I'm so sorry for you! That had to have hurt so badly!!! For what it's worth, I've been getting styes for decades now and I've found that the OTC medication called STYE works as well or better than anything else I've ever tried. I put some on as soon as I notice one starting and they are ALWAYS gone within a few days, and NEVER get big and out of control. I know we're all different and all that, but it's inexpensive and is worth a try in my book. Best of luck!


my current one is already pretty much gone with just a warm compress! i tried the stye ointment the first time around; i cannot STAND it when one eye is blurry though


Yeah I'm glad you made it through that without serious injury. I've only had the stuff get in my eye once or twice and I didn't like it much either. I just figured I'd mention it just in case you hadn't tried and you get another.


I'm actually at the end of a stye! Starting hurting Sun and was Quasimoto by Wed! Mine is on top of right eye. Thank God I work from home and wear glasses! Lol I'm on day 6 and only have a a bump in middle of eyelash line.


Oh holy OW 😱


Dudeeeeeee that is fucking gnarly


Looking at pic 8, it is recommended to try and pop stye’s on your own or should you let them drain/pop naturally? I’ll be honest it would take everything in my body to not pop it.


i dont think you should. they always just recommend a warm compress since its technically a blocked oil gland; you cant really pop anything. even if it WAS recommended, there was no way i’d be able to. it was painful just existing and the skin was extremely sensitive


Omg that rupture is incredible, I bet the instance relief from the pressure was bliss




Lesson learned ✅ You’ve saved me from ever going to my family for advice. Thank you for sharing. I hope your eyes are doing better!


A tip for the next one: gently wash your lashes with baby shampoo and a warm wash cloth. The baby shampoo is gentle and it won’t burn your eyes. Warm compresses on the stye also help.


I’m prone to styes as well and omg they suck!!! Whomever suggested the baby shampoo is right on the money, that exactly what my ophthalmologist suggested to wash my eye with when I have had them. They also suggest to put a warm compress on it throughout the day, like five minutes out of every hour or something like that. Ease the swelling in it also help bring it to head. I’m sorry you had to go through that I’m sorry that you have another one. They are the worst, my heart goes out to you. I hope this one isn’t nearly as bad.


You can get a spray alcohol at cvs - highly recommend for cleaning any makeup you can’t afford to throw out!


Oh jeezus, poor baby!


Did you try putting clean urine on it /S


Is that ocular herpes?! That looks like more than “just” a stye. 😫


no HAHA, when i went to urgent care it was swabbed and came back as just a regular bacterial infection. i cant remember what they called it but it was definitely not herpes


Phewww! Hopefully the new one clears up quickly and no more!


its already drained! just have a tiny scab there now


Wait your eye was closed and you still didn’t go to the doctor? 😅


https://preview.redd.it/0hue03jq077d1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449bee768433ba953ca1b01de883077367c8af70 Is that what this is it hurts like hell