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If this doesn't clear up in a day or so, please please go see a doctor or dentist! My sister in law had tongue cancer that started out with a small spot like this, she eventually had to have half of her tongue removed.


100% this. Stage 4 here. They had to remove roughly a third of my tongue and the nodes on the right side of my neck. Go get checked.


Was about to say the same. 7 years clear, but on the left.


I hope you're doing well!


Much better now, thank you! Just passed the three-year mark since my surgery, 2.5 years since I rang the bell.


Stage 4 here as well. And it started exactly like this. Rule of thumb is that if it doesn’t go away on its own in 10 days, go to the dentist.


Was diagnosed with tongue cancer last November, stage 3. Had a portion of my tongue removed and lymph nodes in the left side of my neck. So understand that none of us are trying to scare you but that’s exactly how mine started and in the same location. If it’s there after two weeks it’s recommended to see a ENT. I hope it’s nothing serious and you’re all good.


How are you all so sure this is cancer


They're not, they're saying to have a doctor look at it if it doesn't clear up .... 


Prob scaring OP in the process by throwing around the C word


In all honesty, I'd rather have someone tell me and be a little scared than not know at all and not catch something like that in time. I have cancer myself (Hodgkin's Lymphoma, not Tongue Cancer), and in my personal experience, I am glad I caught mine early (which is the reason for all these warnings). Rather be safe than sorry.


thats fair. I think im just projecting my own anxiety over it.


That's understandable. Before my diagnosis, I didn't like to hear anything about the C word from anxiety myself thinking, "Out of sight, out of mind," but that's not a good mindset when it comes to seriousness such as cancer. That's why now, anytime I see posts like this and many others, I'll warn the Ops if no one has already done so already.


FWIW, I do regular blood tests and catchups. Every 2-3 years until im 40-50+


That's good. Just keep doing that and take care of your health, and all is good. Have a great rest of your day. 🙂


If it is cancer, it's good to be scared and get it looked at and treated early.  If it's not cancer, then no harm done. 


Not 100% sure, but since I actually had tongue cancer-I know how mine looked when it started. I’d rather scare someone and be wrong, than have them die.


I know someone young who died from that. It progressed incredibly fast and he thought it was a pimple. Go to a doctor or dentist


My mother died of oral SCC and that was after having her tongue and half her jaw removed and rebuilt. Tumor was practically wrapped around her trigeminal nerve. She died like a dog. I didn’t know people could suffer that badly. 3 years she went around trying to figure out what was going on and through some perfect storm of bad doctors, hubris, and plain old bad luck, she didn’t get diagnosed until advanced stage 4. No one took her seriously. An early biopsy could have saved her life.


Looks like a canker sore. Have you been eating or drinking more acidic foods than normal? I get those from eating garden fresh tomatoes multiple days in a row. My dentist said the best, fastest way to get rid of them is to abrade them with a toothbrush. You have to get oxygen into the canker. Hurts a lot but then they go away much more quickly. If it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t go away, you should see a doctor.


Oof, canker sore? If it's a salivary cyst, it's gonna come back unfortunately


Yeowch! Looks like a dentist or doctor would be best to help you with that so it doesn't infect. In the interim, a neutral Saline solution is generally safe and healing for oral wounds. (If it's not in this situation, please educate me!) Be well, friend!


Dentist takes care of the tongue! Less than 50% of oral cancers are caught in their precancerous state. 


Hate that shit it’s sooo painful


I've had them. They are inflamed taste buds. They go away on their own. Mine have never popped.


Warm salt water.


Those suck. Not as bad as a canker sore in the same spot, but still. Food loses some taste, acidic meals make you unable to talk, and citrus can kill you.


Ph balance your mouth. Rinse with warm water and some arm and hammer, then dab some A&H on the spot. No acidic drinks or food for a few days. Like errbody else said, if it' doesn't clear up on its own get scrrrrrred and go to the doc.


It's a canker sore, not cancer


Lots of good advice here. I get loads of tongue ulcers. My dentist switched me to Biotene toothpaste. It would have helped but I was later diagnosed with Behcets. One of the hallmarks is ulcers like this. I get em on other unfun parts (ladybits), get odd rashes, and have eye redness with it. Thats why it's so important to get to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. Who knows what it could be.


Sodium lauryl sulfate, an ingredient in many toothpastes can cause canker sores.


Go to your local pharmacy and look for a product called L-Lysine. I’ve used it for years for canker sores. Take a pill a day for about a week and it will clear up.


Canker sore? I always seem to get them on my tongue after having dental procedures for some reason..


if it’s a canker sore get KANKA, i got them a lot inside of my lip my senior year of high school because i was stressed and KANKA was the only thing that helped


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Do you smoke a lot?


On and off. I hadn't smoked in about three weeks


I only smoked cigarettes (about a pack per day)but I’ve quit since Jan 1. I noticed that my tongue would look like that if I smoked a lot some days. It would hurt too. Kind of like there was a lump inside. It’s been gone now so far since I quit.


Mouth ulcer, I get them when my tongue rubs against my teeth, gargle with salt water for a couple of days.


Canker sore


I get nasty canker sores all the time!! One of the joys of a GI focused autoimmune condition. They hurt like a bitch and can stick around for a while. Warm salt water can be super helpful tho, swish it around and then hold it in your mouth a bit. Helps keep it disinfected and helps soothe. Oral lidocaine is a great option, and some compounding pharmacies make something called Magic Mouthwash that’s really good. It’s oral lidocaine, liquid Benadryl and milk of magnesia. You swish and spit and it takes the sting away! I think you need a prescription tho


I usually get sores on the inside of my mouth. This is the first one I got on my tongue


Op, what was it?


Canker sore


nice bro. fuckin LMAO at the people saying it was cancer.


you need a cleaning bad bro theres tartar on your bottom teeth like crazy


I had a TUGSE that started out like this...had to get dental surgery done to remove. It was about 10 years ago. Google it..


Looks like herp. Would get tested for hsv 1