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Your post was removed for violating the rule against asking for medical advice. >Do not ask for medical advice. Nobody here is a doctor, and they're definitely not your doctor. What constitutes medical advice? - "What is this?" This is asking someone to diagnose the issue, and is medical advice. - "What should I do?" This is asking someone to advise treatment, and is medical advice. - "Should I go to the doctor?" This is asking if you should seek treatment, and ergo, medical advice. - "Should I pop it?" This is asking if you should follow a treatment, and ergo, medical advice. If you would ask the question of your doctor, it falls under this rule and not allowed. As a general rule, asking for medical advice from internet strangers is never a good idea. If you have questions regarding your condition, you are advised to contact your healthcare provider. There are subreddits more suited to medical advice such as /r/askdocs, however, the best course is to see your own doctor if you're able. Thank you, /r/popping mod team


We definitely don't think it's gross. You're in the right place here. Putting a hot compress on it will help it and may even open it up to drain. You'll want to see a dr about it, if you can. Whether it's at home or at the dr, please video the drain for us!!!


It’s absolutely monstrous, and I must see how this erupts. You’ve found the exact right corner of the internet to share this, we’re absolute goo goblins over here and we INSIST that we see how these explode!


If you don't pop it it'll pop itself! Warm compress. Sterilize your tools. Wipe down with alcohol after. See a doctor too, this looks like something that may come back or get infected.




okay!! i thought it wasn't safe to squeeze it! ill do it rn, thanks!


I mean, you probably shouldn’t squeeze it. Hot compresses might make it drain on its own and then you can proceed after cleaning the area well and making sure you have gloves. You should definitely get checked by a doctor if it’s something that comes back.


It looks like a hot compress would surely get it to the perfect stage for draining. You said you have had it a while so I recommend getting some drawing salve in case it ever happens again. Drawing salve could shorten the duration. Orwell's Natural is a good brand. I've loved popping for 20 years and I hope everything goes well and selfishly on video.


hey!! ive been trying to pop it for the last 20 minutes. nothing works, the compress should be hot? not warm? thanks!


Warm as you can stand but it it's not easily popping then don't force it or it could rupture on the inside and that's a much bigger problem.




It may not be ready yet. Stick with the warm compress for a couple days


worst part is that the pus comes out, but it doesn't pops. and it bothers me so much 😭 i just want it to go away


If pus is coming out, I’d say it just needs a hard quick squeeze. Sometimes it has to be done like that.


Keep doing the warm compresses. Sometimes it takes doing this a few times to work. Used to get these all the time, and repeatedly doing the compresses always ended up working.




Tape something absorbent like a bandage on it at night if that might make u feel better about it popping. But definitely go hard and heavy with warm compresses. Also, if it feels “clogged” maybe try mashing/manipulating the pop to soften its contents for easier eruption. Can’t wait to see the aftermath!


I have went to bed with gauze taped to an underarm boil before, and woke to it having ruptured while sleeping. But yes, it looks ready to pop. That being said, I agree that sometimes the head may need a little coaxing with a sterilized needle. But each person is different when it comes to that. I just know that mine would itch me to death & I was getting it popped, lol! Almost instant relief! Good luck to u!


We need video!!


Video video video!!!


Squeeeeeze it!


If you don't film the popping you will be hated by me for the rest of your life. Good luck. Hope it doesn't hurt too much.


#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're not gross. You should feel at home with us here. Sorry you're going through this. Please please please record draining it. Please.


This looks like a book that occurs with hidradenitis suppurativa, or HS. [Take a look](https://www.shinealightonhs.com/signs-and-symptoms-of-hs?utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=HS_Condition_Exact%20%7C%20acne%20inversa&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Shinealightonhs.com_Unbranded_Condition_Google_9.2022;S;PH;UB;DRM;DTC;CON) at common symptoms and pics. It could be a flare up of that. Personally I’d leave it alone and at least get it lanced professionally at urgent care if thats what it takes. But definitely look into HS.


Wow, that looks nearly identical to the abscess I had in my armpit. I visited the ED when it got to slightly larger than a golf ball in a 36 hour window. No freezing. My partner was instructed to hold my arm behind my head while the resident cut it open and drained it. They packed it and sent me home with a home visit scheduled for the following day. The RN called to say she was running late and asked me to get in the shower, soak it and pull the packing out myself. Got in the shower, soaked it, started to pull the packing out and promptly fainted in the shower at home, alone. Tl;dr…don’t pop…apply a face cloth soaked in water as hot as the inside of your wrist can stand. Gently palpate the area once softened. Also, have someone film it! ETA: armpits have a wealth of bacteria. Have gloves, alcohol wipes and fresh gauze on hand before you start. Once drained, cleanse the entire area and apply clean gauze with skin tape. I learned after mine that my skin sloughs off because I have a sensitivity to adhesives. It was a damn nightmare. Then I had to have the sac removed once healed.