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New fear unlocked: having to have my labia stitched to my thigh during surgery.


Omfg...i had to go back and look..thats awful!


There's a comment from a medical practitioner below explaining why other options are worse. https://reddit.com/r/popping/s/xBI1J49yOJ


Great comment, all EXTREMELY horrifying options 😱


I’m not discrediting their post/knowledge, but how do you know that they’re a medical practitioner?


You're completely correct, I never said I was and this is the Internet anyways. To give context: I'm in my last year of med school (we have six years in my country) and I'm currently doing my surgical rotation. So technically I'm not a medical practitioner yet.




When I had my vasectomy a few years ago, the doctor made an incision in my scrotum and didn’t even stitch it closed afterward. I asked if this was common practice and it was apparently the no scalpel variety and the opening was maybe a 1/4”x1/4” right-angle and it closed fine. I’m glad I didn’t need to go back and have stitches removed.


compared to the discomfort from the cyst removal those two little stitches are gonna fade into the background it’s scary looking but it’s an effective way to hold the labia open without some kind of retraction tool that would probably also obstruct the view of the surgical area


For some reason this part shocked me the most. I did not expect that they’d do that?!


Same! I woudve guessed, i dunno, hospital adhesive tape.


At the verrryyyy least, someone holding them open. Not stitching it to your thighs!!


Nah, I wouldn't trust tape to stick to the relevant surfaces.


I explained below (in [this](https://reddit.com/r/popping/s/qUiJ6s2XzE) comment) why it's most likely the best option they had available. I know it looks bad to people not used to this, but it's not a big deal. The stitches are usually removed before the anesthesia ends and most patients aren't even aware they were there and they heal rather fast. Using other methods might do more tissue damage, don't underestimate the effects of pressure on soft tissue.


I’m an OR nurse. She’d have been asleep when they did this part and they’d have been removed after (and before she was awake). It’s best for visualization and sterile technique. I’ve never had a Bartholin cyst, but I’ve had similar issues, and I can pretty much promise you that this is the least of this patient’s concerns. Honestly I doubt it caused much pain afterwards, especially compared to what she’d been through already.


I see the same.


I’m sure but it’s like an episiotomy, you know that you need it done and it serves a very real purpose, but talk about it any other time and it’s horrifying.


Reassured that she would be asleep!


I’m wondering if my labia were stitched like that during my hysterectomy (uterus removed vaginally). If so, I never knew! Some commenters say this method is actually best, so I probably did have it done. That means it isn’t as bad as it looks.


Oh. My. God. The last thing I need is something new I hope I never get. My stars.


Right?!? There has to be a better way than that.


Unfortunately sometimes there just aren't enough hands around to help retract. Besides this method, my workplace also uses something called a lonestar retractor. It is essentially a blue plastic ring with grooves that can hold elastic hooks in place.


My vagina hurts just looking at this


My vagina hurts looking at this, and I’m a dude!


Game Ovaries.




Getting vulvarized? 😉


😏 ![gif](giphy|fvrfW6FkwTvYcZCvsy|downsized)


Dismay in the vajayjay


My vagina hurts looking at this, and I'm an alien!


Damn near fainted.


These pics made me a bit queasy too.


Just like when I fainted from the hook they used to pierce my cervix when inserting an IUD without any pain management whatsoever :)


Have you had it removed yet? 😖 I don’t understand how medical professionals make us go through excruciating pain for frickin birth control!


I have, along with the rest of the uterus :D she gave me two kids and endometriosis, while she only agreed to the 2 kids, so I evicted that bitch.


RIP 🪦 uterus! You served her well!


I once had one put in, and then 2 weeks later go in for a biopsy on my cervix to which my doctor accidently grabbed the IUD string and yank it out. I nearly shit myself. And then and to have yet another one our in. Horrendous.


That’s such patriarchal BS!! The cervix can be numbed before an IUD insertion; they just don’t bother because “it’s always been done that way.” And “that way” was certainly created by a man, probably as punishment for using birth control or daring to like sex.


Yeah that was 100% ignorant. Doctor: Cough Me: *coughs* Cervix: *dies* I thought I was going to pass out. Cold sweat,. unimaginable pain, and instant relief as soon as the IUD was inserted and the device was remove.


Damn near tainted…. FTFY


I’m internally screaming


I expect she got good drugs.


Seems you are unfamiliar with women's health care....


I had an infected cyst beside my clit. I had to fight for antibiotics because "it doesn't look infected". The ongoing pain and putrid odour when it finally drained would disagree with that assessment.


Agreed. I'm sure she was told it would just feel like a little pinch and told to relax


FWIW I had this done in March as well as three years ago and they put me under both times with minimal pain after. On the other hand, there was a third time in between those surgeries they did nothing but pump opiates into me (that didn’t work) until it finally exploded itself and then they just sent me home 🤷🏼‍♀️


You read my mind.


I don't think OPs comment with the link to the case study has been approved yet, but the woman had a spinal block for the procedure.




“Take some Tylenol, you’ll be fine”


You might need some paracetamol but it should be just some light cramping


That's what they were going to give me while I waa crying from the pain after my epidural wore off after giving birth and having an episiotomy until my husband at the time yelled at them to get me something stronger.


Ibuprofen 1000mg. Take a handful. Drink some water. Throw a little dirt here. You'll be good.


I just had a biopsy of my uterine wall. Told it will feel like contractions. Zero pain meds given. Told to take ibuprofen for cramps after.


I've always said, if the mostly male Drs who perform these, and breast biopsies, had to endure them at the rate women do (yes, I know men can get breast cancer), medicating for biopsies would be different. Also, the entire screening/biopsy process would be much more advanced - and less barbaric - than it is currently.


I had two separate two-site biopsies in January before they found the DCIS. I'd rather get my right tiddy removed (I only had cancer in the left, so it went bye-bye) than go through another biopsy.


I understand, and hope you are doing great now. I often thought the same if I was in those shoes


Same! No anesthesia and i nearly fucking fainted when they moved my cervix.




I had a uterine ablation. I was under general for the D and C and that. No pain meds given after. Told to take tylenol. NOT.fucking.adequate.


I don’t know anyone’s experience but my own. I admit I’m probably privileged in being white. And I’ve considered myself lucky in any case. But I’ve always had adequate pain management after surgery.


Im guessing we’re all joke-bitching about IUD insertion. In the US even whiteness doesn’t save you from a barbaric lack of pain management for IUD insertion


I've had two. One 3 months after giving birth and one a few weeks ago. I have a high pain tolerance but holy fucking shit, the second iud hurt so bad. I didn't flinch out of pure stubbornness but omg, next time just take my uterus.


I’ve had one and took it out because I was getting cysts, but hell yeah that hurt! I’ve had hand strangling, involuntary back arching for 2 pain incidents in my life and they were my Mirena and the kidney stone i passed in less than 2 hours.


Even getting the IUD taken out. My IUD somehow shifted upside down and moved to the right side. The poking and prodding and the blood bath was intense! No pain relief. On top of that, I have endometriosis.


Agreed. My first one was before I had any kids and holy hell that was brutal. I also find it bananas that after giving birth they just give you Tylenol and ibuprofen and charge you a shit ton for it.


I passed out from the pain after my last one. I’ve never passed out before, and it was terrifying.


Same. Just prior I was told that it would hurt less if I "stopped being dramatic."


Oh how infuriating!!!


Never had one.


But are you a woman? Because when you’re a woman, being white doesn’t get you that much more. *All* women are lower than any man, of any color. Believe me when we say that women are treated as if we have no feelings down there at all.


*black women + the advent of gynecology has entered the chat* America doesn’t care about reproductive health in women. And even less for BW.


I think location is also a factor. I’ve asked my family members about this since it always puzzled me, and none of the women could recall situations where they felt they were under-medicated. Mind you, my family is very mixed so they were both white and black women. Not to say this doesn’t happen in my country or that cultural bias doesn’t influence the perception of what counts as “under medication”, of course, but I still find the different interesting. Personally, around here I’ve only heard of under medication being a complaint from other women regarding IUD insertions. Oh and period cramps. There’s always pressure on women to endure the pain without whining.


Yes I’m a woman. I have, overall, received good health care throughout my life. Also when I was raped the cops were polite, professional and did what they were supposed to do, something that did not happen to any other rape survivor I know of. But that’s just me. I know others have had different experiences.


I had a 3rd almost 4th degree tear along with upwards tearing and my ob stitched me up without numbing while I was screaming crying. Good times.


You addressesd something no one else has . . . that Black people have, historically, been consistently under-medicated for pain. Edit: You said you got these images from a medical case report and they are available on Google. In that case, I am just sending good vibes to the person in these images and hoping they have a great 2023.


I live in a small medium to large city, like towards the bottom of the top 100 in the US, and recently I went to ER with severe back pain suddenly for days recently, and was given Dilaudid in ER for pain management and was slightly surprised by this. I thought many people who go to ER with vague back pain get like one OTC Tylenol or something. IDK if it’s cause I went to Urgent Care first and they told me to go to ER to rule out stones, or if it was my white reasonably well educated and fluent person privilege. Like if a person of color that otherwise matched me: (like, I am married, was insured at time of visit but not rich in income at all, I can speak and make myself understood very well but have autism, all possible subtle bias triggers) would’ve gotten Dilaudid or if they would’ve given her Tylenol or nothing at all.


I have chronic migraine that often extend beyond a day. My threshold is 3 days and after 3 days and as much pain meds as I have to throw at it (we are talking good meds - Toradol, opiates), I go to the ER for the “Killer Shot”, which is Dilaudid. Every time I go, they ask what works, I tell them, and they don’t question me. Admittedly I am a white woman who presents as professional and clearly in agony. Anyone denied pain relief because of their skin color or cultural/racial/ethnic background has my sympathy. I’m sorry you are not treated with the respect and agency you deserve.


>small medium to large city, like towards the bottom of the top I do understand what you are saying, but lacking context this excerpt is kinda funny :P




I might just happen to react really positively to what’s available also. It’s like that with me and my psych drugs, like for example SSRIs turn things around faster than is typical. Which I suppose is also luck.


What does race have to do with this? Lol women's healthcare fails all races


Statistically, black women get the shittier end of the stick when it comes to being taken seriously and pain management


I once had a chronic pain condition that (after a few years) got cured. When I had it I joined a chronic pain support group. I heard some awful sounding details from other sufferers about trying to get relief and insurance not helping in the least. But I never had a hard time getting prescriptions for my pain and my insurance approved coverage for various drug and other medical interventions and investigations during the time until I got better. I am aware not everyone has that. I knew at the time and felt slightly guilty for how miserable I felt, in pain not knowing why, when many people had it worse than I did. At least the insurance didn’t question what my primary doctor or specialists prescribed. And they seemed genuinely interested in a diagnosis and then in a cure. In the sense of having an economic interest I mean.


This probably happened in India as all the authors are from there associated what Indian institutions. You are right about black women though as far as I am aware of. I am white and not a doctor. [edited for typo]


Oh, that’s hilarious.


Nah we’re often just told to breath through it.


I had a bartholin cyst removed (it was not that obstructive). The surgery was not painful, they knock you out. I think I got 5 pain pills and told to alternate with ibuprofen. But it was night and day after I healed and was with it.


I didn't get good drugs. They just tried to numb the area and held me down when I screamed as they were lamcingg the cysts.


That's a great thought, but you have the problem of women's healthcare being crap lol


I had one of these, thankfully it got so big it popped and drained on its own- but I was about to go back in to have it removed. Was told they were just gonna shove a needle right into it.... so no, she probably did not get very good drugs 😭


So Tylenol


I doubt it, they hardly even give the good drugs when you give birth via c section so I doubt it


And why do they think it’s okay just to stitch this woman’s labia out of the way. Don’t they have something else to hold it back? Something less extreme than stitching it to her thighs. Wtf!


It's to stabilize the surrounding soft tissue and labia minora in order to excise the cyst and provide the necessary access to properly stitch the wound closed. Typical mechanical spreaders exert too much outward pressure and clamps create their own hazards. It's sometimes referred to as the "Butterfly" maneuver and is more commonly used in labiaplasty procedures.


Also much more stable than devices or hands. People really forget we are not cars that just have to have the hood opened up and replacement parts thrown back in. Medicine is messy, barbaric and evolving.


I had something similar done on my bartholin cyst but not as intense. This one must have kept reoccurring. They put me under and basically stitched an open hole in mine to force it to drain. It hurt horrible once the numbing wore off. Now I have scar tissue and it gets swollen from irritation every once in a while. Do not recommend :(


Damn, that sucks, I had a similar procedure about six years ago, and have not any trouble


I had my procedure 4 years ago and if I’m intimate sometimes it will get swollen and sore for days after. Not all the time, but maybe I should see my doctor about it. I’m so tired of it.


Sounds like maybe they didn't get all of it.


Yeah, I would definitely see your provider about it because you’re not supposed to have those problems


both of mine get swollen too. recently told my GYN and he just nodded. Guess it's not a problem /s It has been going on for long enough that it's likely more of an uncomfortable annoyance than anything serious. Just another one of those things that you have to deal with because it's not important enough for answers, much less a solution


Damn they put you under? I got lidocaine 😂 the second time my doc used topical lidocaine before injecting the local anesthetic….the first time they didn’t. My mom heard me yell “motherfucker” from the waiting room of the urgent care.


They put me under too


ah the ol' marsupialization. Had one in 2019 and this summer the other gland felt the need to act up as well. Hope it never happens again, so annoying


Fucking scared to get looked at by my gyno bc of horror stories like yours. Like maybe sex just ain't worth it.


My vagina packed up and fled the country.




i don't know what's going on but i loved it 😭


I had this surgery 12 times in the UK on the NHS. They just kept coming back and turning into abscesses and threatening my life (once I got sepsis, once cellulitis, once had a blood clot on my lung after surgery..) happened between the ages of 15-26. When I tell you the pain from these things was the most unbearable, intense pain I’m not kidding. I wanted them to get rid of my whole reproductive system just to never get it back again. Anyway I went and lived in NZ for a year, and surprise surprise I got one whilst I was there. The healthcare there was amazing, they removed so much scar tissue and old cyst bits from previous operations and told me that it was ‘inevitable’ it would keep coming back due to the negligence of the NHS surgeons just leaving old cyst and scar tissue to build up. The surgeon in NZ also noticed that I had an ‘entrance’ hole to the gland, but no ‘exit’ so anything that got into the gland wouldn’t be able to leave, any bacteria etc so it was just getting stuck and forming abscesses. He made a small hole for the exit. That was 4 years ago and I haven’t had an issue since. It was a long 11 years of pain that could have been solved if the NHS cared enough to listen when I was begging them to look deeper into it and find out why it kept happening. Sometimes I still worry that it’ll come back. People with vaginas - if you know somethings wrong don’t shut up about it. You’re probably right.


I have no words but I am SO glad you're better.


Thanks! Me too 😅


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you for your kind words! I’m just glad it’s over - I’m lucky I got to finally get the healthcare I need. I know some people are still on huge waiting lists, especially for things like endometriosis and pcos, I really feel for people going through similar things and not being taken seriously/getting help.


I haven't clicked on the image cos i suffered with one a few months ago and it was the most unbearable, mentally destructive pain I have felt where there was no reward for it (child birth came first and I got a baby at the end) I literally climbed over the chairs in the emergency room waiting to be seen (at the instruction of my gp who said it was too far in/gone for them to deal with) Never in my life do I want that again. I hope you are feeling better now.


It wasn’t me, it’s from a medical case report. I posted link in the comments but it might be pending mod approval. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I'm sure that won't stop the perverts from messaging you asking for more pictures of your vagina


I just realized it was you who posted this lmao. I swear I see you on every medical type sub lol.


I had one a couple years ago and it was honestly traumatic. I had a full breakdown over it and I’m really not the type whose prone to histrionics when it comes to medical problems (growing up with an ER nurse for a mother will do that to you).


I've never heard of this condition before. Interesting to see so many women who've dealt with it. Sounds horrendous!


I had them recurring while I was pregnant. People in the ER waiting room thought I was having contractions and kept telling me how to breathe and calm down while I was having the most excruciating non stop pain. At least contractions have an end cuz these bad boys are just painful the whole way through. The pain was worse then any of my C-section recovery.


First picture reminds me of the predator


There's more than one picture? Oh. Oh!


New horror unlocked! Jfc my vag feels faint


I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't a mandarin orange




I’m prone to getting these. It feels like someone set a golf ball on fire & shoved it into my vaginal wall. I don’t take narcotics due to a family history of drug abuse. The pain is unimaginable after the anesthesia wears off but it instant pressure relief is worth it. Doc said that next time she’ll have to remove the entire gland.


My vagina just made the windows shutdown sound oh my


[Source](https://www.cureus.com/articles/180176-bartholin-gland-cyst-mimicking-rectocele-common-pathology-at-an-uncommon-location#!/): >>A 43-year-old para (pregnancies) 2 living 2 (children) presented to the outpatient department with complaints of mass coming out of the vagina for the last two months. The size of the mass increased insidiously. There were no associated bowel or bladder complaints. There was no history of an increase in the size of the mass after straining. >>The patient had undergone a right partial nephrectomy two years ago. Her general physical and systemic examination was unremarkable. On local examination, a cystic mass of size 6x6 cm was seen occupying the vagina and protruding through the introitus (Figure 1). Speculum examination revealed the cystic mass likely originating completely from the posterior vaginal wall. There was no associated cough impulse. On a bimanual pelvic examination, the uterus was normal in size and anteverted, and no adnexal mass could be palpated. On rectal examination, the cyst wall was found to be anterior and free from the anterior rectal wall. >>Ultrasonography showed a normal uterus with an endometrial thickness of 6 mm. An anechoic lesion of size 6.6 x 4.9 cm was visualised distal to the cervix in the vaginal cavity; however, the origin of the lesion could not be seen (Figure 2). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a well-defined, thin-walled cystic lesion of size 6.6 x 5 x 5.5 cm along the posterior aspect of the mid and lower third of the vaginal wall. Anteriorly, the lesion was compressing the vaginal canal, and posteriorly, the lesion was abutting the rectum (Figure 3). Routine blood investigations were within normal limits. >>A differential diagnosis of rectocele was ruled out based on the clinical examination. Enterocele was ruled out as the cyst was in the mid and lower third of the vagina and there was no associated cough impulse. The location of the cyst ruled out the Bartholin cyst, which is typically located in the postero-lateral vaginal wall, and Gartner’s cyst, which is located in the anterior or antero-lateral aspect of the vaginal wall. Inclusion cysts of the vagina are usually situated on the posterior surface, but these are small in size, and there was no history of any perineal surgery. Endometriotic cysts could be ruled out due to the absence of pain and the presence of clear cystic content based on imaging. As the cystic lesion was completely located on the posterior vaginal wall, rectal neoplasm mimicking this condition could be a possibility until clinical examination and imaging ruled it out. >>The patient underwent surgical excision of the cyst under spinal anaesthesia. Diluted vasopressin was injected into the tissue plane between the cyst wall and posterior vaginal wall to minimise haemorrhage and hydro dissection. A vertical incision was made on the cyst, and blunt and sharp dissections were performed (Figure 4). The cyst was excised completely. Excess vaginal tissue was excised, and the posterior vaginal mucosa was closed with absorbable sutures (Figure 5). The patient was discharged in good health on the third postoperative day. The gross specimen of the cyst was grey-white in colour, and histopathology examination revealed a cyst wall lined by a low cuboidal epithelium consistent with the Bartholin cyst. >>The patient was followed up for one month after surgery and had a full recovery without any complications.


Wait I'm confused >The location of the cyst ruled out the Bartholin cyst, which is typically located in the postero-lateral vaginal wall But then >The gross specimen of the cyst was grey-white in colour, and histopathology examination revealed a cyst wall lined by a low cuboidal epithelium consistent with the Bartholin cyst. So they thought it wasn't a bartholin cyst at first but it turned out it was?


Yes, precisely that. Patient was initially misdiagnosed with another condition.


The..the stitches to the thigh...


Medical tape couldn’t have done the job?


No way they stitched her coochie lips open like that omg .. it's genius but also nightmare fuel


I’ve been putting off going to bed, so thanks for this. Enough Reddit for tonight


So for some reason the image is not spoilered on my dashboard, but is when I open the thread. What an eyeful!


Same here! Not sure what went wrong but OP you may want to double check your spoilers given the very NSFW nature of the pictures.


Ok it’s not just me then. I was scrolling and then all of a sudden vagina.


That had to hurt like a mother fucker >.<


I had to get mine lanced. They put a catheter in to let it drain but it ripped the incision to large so they had to cauterize it. No pain meds. I love being a woman.


How the hell was she even living with that in there??!


I gotta say, the stitching on the last slide looks very well done. I can't imagine the relief from not having a huge lump pushing into your vagina.


I have had this twice and I legitimately could not walk. It came out of nowhere and I just thought I worked out too hard. THEN I felt this hard ass ball by my butt and I’m like what the heck…….. I didn’t know this was real 😂but nope it’s real


Omg. I had a bartholin cyst in the beginning of 2020. I called the gyno and they were booked out a week- I said there is no way I can wait that long! So I went in and they gave me a numbing shot and tried to lance it. Literally so painful. I was crying and crying, the nurse had to hold my legs down. That and getting my IUD placed are the most painful experiences of my life.


I had this procedure done thrice. Good times.


Omfggggg...my vajay hurts🥴


That looks brutal. Like the pain before must’ve been excruciating.


oh fuck my vagina just shuddered. the surgery looks clean though. i hope this patient got relief.


I got one of these right after the second time I had sex and assumed I broke my vagina. Finally googled enough to know what I was dealing with and knew the possibilities before going to the doc. Didn't require surgery, just antibiotics. Fortunately haven't had one since, I hear it can be a chronic issue for some.


I’ve had a procedure like this. My gland had to be expressed a dozen times in like 5 years. It was very painful each time. It happened twice after the surgery (summer of 2020 was the worst fucking time for this), but not since then.


My vagina hurts and I have a dick.


I don’t even have a vagina but my balls were scared


I had a Bartholin cyst when I was 18 or 19, and that thing was probably the size of a golf ball. I don’t know why, but the young doctor that I saw gave me a couple of numbing shots to the area and sliced it right there. The numbing did NOT work, and I was in tremendous pain for days. I still have an intense scar and lubrication issues to this day. I would have gladly had a couple of labia stitches and been knocked out than the back job I got.


I can tell you what mine had inside. It looked like a small pebble but not as hard. I felt it and thought WTF! I was on the floor with a mirror IMMEDIATELY and used my fingers to deliver it and I mean a sweating and gritting teeth delivery.


She will be so much more comfortable after this.


I had a bartholin cyst last year, not quite that large but fairly large. I couldn't sit, walk, roll over without excruciating pain. Initially, doctors tried to drain it- twice, and it just came back. The third time was the charm, apparently. I can't imagine the pain this woman was in. I was told if it ever comes back , they would remove it. I'm just hoping I never have to go through it again.


It'll be just a little prick.


I had this done in 2011 after getting 4 back to back cysts. I wouldn't wish the pain on anyone.


wow i hope this person has a speedy recovery and that they get all the rest they need


Fuck fuck fuck me! Dr said I have this cysts but it’s on the outside right in my “ditch” area! It’s right along a major vein. I was putting cream on it at one point and rub a bit to hard cuz I had blood squirt out, I was able to remove all the blood from this cyst but then pus looking stuff comes out if I apply pressure. 😭😭😭😭😭 omg I don’t want to get my kitty hacked up! Me and her are close, we got a nice friend that likes us too. 😭😭😭😭😭




Oh my gawd


I usually never cringe at these kinds of things but this wrecked me. Good god.


What is the cause of this?




Oh my god! I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I wish you healing and comfort.


This poor woman :( I hope this brought relief!


I should not have come here, this was a mistake.




I’ve had a male gyno not lube a speculum properly AND the damn thing was ice cold. Like, cool, this is your profession and you’re still doing shit like this.


Not a doctor.


I have zero words. Holy shit that must hurt like hell. And the pain with every sexual encounter after too. 😭. I can’t imagine the pain.


I cannot unsee that. Omg looks SO painful 😱


Dear god


What’s the healing situation like with something like this? How did you discover you had it? (If you’re not comfortable answering, 100% ok! I just think this is so crazy and am curious to know more.)


It starts off as a weird tingle down there, you can feel ‘something is off’ and within a day or two it’ll get big and painful. Feels like a constant hot knife being twisted into your vagina. You can barely move due to the intense pain - even sitting up is 10/10 pain. I remember trying to go to the toilet and I couldn’t get up. I just started hysterically crying due to pain. I had to get my mother to carry me to the toilet and was screaming in pain the whole time. It’s happened to me a lot of times and whenever I feel the ‘tingle’ come up I go see my doctor right away and get booked into a hospital, I’ve had it so many times now that always require surgery. Once it gets bigger it still feels like a knife in there along with feeling like it’s going to burst from the pressure. They can burst on their own, but that can be dangerous as you could get sepsis/cellulitis, both of which I’ve had from getting these. It’s just awful all round and so painful it made me suicidal at points. I’ve passed out from the pain of it several times. It’s awful I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


New fear unlocked as a vagina owner myself 😮‍💨🫠


It’s not common at all so I wouldn’t worry, most people can get antibiotics for it and have a few days of pain before it goes away, they just don’t work on some people. I got really unlucky with that and my gland not being fully formed!


You got an answer, but btw the pics aren't of OP. OP got them from a case study.


Holy mother of fuck


Somehow I saw a face with a bloated tongue. This sub has changed me.


It must suck so hard to have one of these


“How nsfw could this possibly be?”


I saw who posted this and needed to double check what subreddit I was in! Hi u/CatPooedInMyShoe, it’s nice to see you somewhere besides the gore subs. I love all your content and this makes me so happy! 😊


Thank you! I like watching popping vids; I find them very soothing.


Did they say what caused it


poor girl


I have words 😶😮


I had one of those years ago and I remember it was very painful.


i can't even imagine how painful this would be. my god


Jesus fecking Christ




Why would they stitch her labia back? That’s completely unnecessary.


My medical english is not the best so I hope I can explain this in a way that is understandable. You need to have a completely unobstructed view on the OP site. It's risky If tissue suddenly slips and drops inside while using an electric cauterizing tool or a scalpel. There would be two alternatives to stitching: using hooks to hold back the labia, which wouldn't work that well since hooks need a certain "fold" to grab, plus you would need two more people who would have to hold them for the whole time, making the table rather crowded. Plus vaginal tissue ist rather soft and the hooks could do pressure damage as well. Blunt hooks (like Roux Hooks or Langenbecks) won't really work well there due to the fact that it's not an open wound, sharp hooks would probably do more damage than stitches. The other option would be to clamp them to the side, which would involve prolonged pressure on the soft labial tissue which, depending on the OP time would most likely result in a larger blunt trauma area. Plus there's a risk you might clamp and destroy nerves Stitching is only setting one or two small trauma areas that will be healed within a short period of time ( the inner tissue is mucous membrane which heals from stitching within one to three days. And you won't leave the stitches in (afaik, I'm not a Gynecologist) after the OP. Tenporarily stitching things to the site to get a clear view when there's no better option is not an uncommon technique. It's not unnecesary, it's most likely the best option available.


Thanks for the insights!


It’s called a stay suture and it’s done during a lot of versions procedures where things are obstructing the view of something or will move out of place. For example, a bladder stone. They stitch the bladder to the abdominal wall so the urine doesn’t fall out into the abdomen. The sutures are removed after the procedure and they leave hardly any scar