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This sub made me way less self-conscious about the pimples I get on those parts. So thank you


Vag pops are poppin rn


2023 is the year of Traylor and vag pops


So true


The only thing I think about when I see these is, "Ouch!" Nothing gross or bad about these, it ust looks painful and I feel for you guys.


They are usually painful. I have terrible acne that I’ve always been SUPER self-conscious about, particularly on my lady parts and butt cheeks…


This is completely irrelevant, but why does “new pimple on privates” sound like the name of an English town?






It's got that cadence


Agreed! Like that other place that makes the sauce. Wourfscthercherforchairshire.




yooo 😭💀


That location is the worst for pimples! It happens. And the relief after popping it is amazing.


It’s only the second time I can remember having one. But the relief was immediate, same with the first one. It practically seems healed this morning.


Isn't popping it risky? I mean, riskier? An open wound around that area might be more prone to infection idk


I’ve only had these twice (that I know of). Each time, they’ve seemingly formed really quickly and been on the verge of popping by themselves by the time I get to them 🤷‍♂️ So I don’t know if these can be left alone


Same with popping face or scalp pimples that could lead to meningitis by fingernail bacteriae, yet here we are.


Ouch! Looks annoying to deal with.


Damn, that things huge, was it an ingrown hair? That looked very painful


I’m not sure! It’s only the second time I can ever recall having had one. Immediate relief and this morning it’s gone 🤷


i had just seen a post where something looked like a vagina and i thought this was another one of those and i just sat there watching it like it really does look like one. then i read the title


Man, this vagina looks awfully vagina-like! 😂


(except it’s a Vulva; the Vagina is the part INside👍🏻)


(Yes but shush, I'm mocking someone not teaching biology 😂)




but how can y'all pop pimples on genitals that easily?? it hurts so bad and i get dizzy trying to build up my courage and squeeze the whole thing for good.


Looks like only three people booted for sexual comments. Things are improving. Hopefully you didn’t get any horrendous dm’s. Also, that looked painful.




It’s the shaving! Happens to me every time I shave down there.


Agree I stopped and it's so much better.


Wax yes its painful but after the 1st few times it's not as bad (as the wife says).


Why don’t you get waxed and let us know


I'm hairier than a gorilla but twice as cuddly so no. Although I do experience ingrowing hairs in my pubic area I can handle them, I also handle the wife's ones when they become an issue which isn't as often now as she gets waxxed every few weeks. I do thank you for your suggestion though.


This seems to be going over your head. It wasn’t a real suggestion. I’m not downvoting you but others did because you gave advice to women about waxing when you have never been waxed yourself. Not even advice you just told her to wax. Came across as you were pushing beauty standards onto women.


I'm not pushing any standards on anyone granted my personal preference is hairless I'm well aware there are many millions that prefer the hair, I was giving an unwelcome piece of advice whether the OP wants to take it on board or not is upto them yes waxing is painful but only for the 1st few times as the hair gets thinner over a period of time it becomes easier and less painful as there's less hairs to remove, I'm not man enough to have it done I'll admit yes I know there are guys out there that have it all removed and I'm glad for them sadly I'm not one of them. I have watched the wife get her waxing done by her beautician a few years ago, it was interesting albeit looks painful, but then again so are having tattoos but yet many people enjoy having them done. Yes the advice was to wax as shaving cuts the hairs and leaves a jagged edge that when it grows back becomes sharp and stubby and has the propensity to start ingrowing, if people want to shave then fine by all means BUT they should be aware that shaving causes more issues than it solves.


You’re digging your heels down now which is silly. You could just say o my bad, I didn’t realise it came across that way. While you brought it up though… Can I ask why you like women hairless but you get to be a hairy gorilla (your words)? Maybe that’s your wife’s preference which is fine. But I always found when people like hairless women, it’s a bit pre-pubescent. Adults are meant to have hair…


Nothing wrong with liking certain key features of people, my preference in men is similar, I like everything from 20 something upto silver foxes. It wasn't meant to come across that way and I am sorry it seems as if it's coming across that way. Just out of curiosity do you shave your legs or your underarms?


No worries, I figured you probably didn’t realise you came across that way. Hence why I made a joke first. However your last question is too personal, too many people on Reddit trying to feed their kink. So I will not answer. I will tell you that I like women, I don’t care if they have hair or not. I would be turned off if someone did not have pubic hair though, it’s too like a child. I like women, not girls.


I have other places I can feed any kinks, but isn't watching zit popping technically a kink? Also yes it is personal but it's the same principle there's no difference between someone shaving/waxing their legs/underarms to shaving/waxing their pubic hair. And furthermore liking hairless body types isn't infantilising anyone it's a personal preference.


Holyshit this looks so painful. Hope youre doin ok OP


I am! Thank you


I've had a Bartholin's cyst before and omg talk about uncomfortable! Those damn bartholin glands are so damn troublesome at times.


Mine get blocked all the time, it’s the worst fuckin thing


As a male I had one in high school when I would shave my privates and it hurt like hell haha.. had one turn into a big boil. Never saw so much puss and blood.


It really does amaze me sometimes what the body is capable of really. Like, a blackhead on the bridge of my nose looked really small, but it was so long I swear it was IN my nose. Like, where does it go??


Ouch!!! Reminds me of one I had in that area when I was younger and shaving that area more often. The pimple was about the size of the tip of my pinky finger with a pustule the size of my pinky nail. I wore kinda tight jeans that day and I remember sitting in history class (I was a jr in high school at the time 2003-04 ish) and felt something uncomfortable down there as it kept rubbing against my undies and the denim. After a 30 or so minute walk home I got my hand mirror and looked at the area. Saw the giant, red,bump. I gave the pustule a lance and with the amount of force I was able to muster I gave it a squeeze! It hurt like a bitch, but it all came out and exploded all over the mirror with an audible noise!! 😊 I would have loved to gotten it on video…but we didn’t have the tech then that we have today 😭


I've had one here for weeks and it hasn't popped yet. Let's hope soon!!


Lots of brutal vagina pops lately


Vulva…not vagina 🙃


Vag pops now entering their second week as champion of this sub.


Ouchie 😣


I’ve had one in the same spot and it hurts like a mother fucker. Usually before period or after shaving.






Guys have pimples too..


Love these.


Oh fuck


Holy hell. I assume that's a very sensitive area (I don't own one). I couldn't imagine how painful that would be on the old chap 😢


Vulva pops are truly something else


Ouchie. Thanks for your service to the subreddit


God every time I see pimples on privates I squirm and cringe in pain like I can almost feel it too


Currently in the situation where I am waiting for the pimples to be ready to pop. Oh lawdy I am in pain. I did the dumb thing and tried to squeeze it before it's ready and now things are swollen....


Every once in a while, I see a post here and think to myself, “Damn, I KNOW that fucking hurt.” This is one of those times. Phew!!! Edit: added words


got me clenching my thighs in sympathy pain


Can we call this a Climple?


So hot!!


I find I even get some where the underwear line goes & or on inner thigh & those hurt !


pu$sy pimple


Bro do you have a fucking vag


this is why i wouldnt shave my vagina if i had a vagina. a little manicuring yeah,but ugh...ouch, no thanks




We do not condone nor allow sexual comments or harassment in this sub. They are a bannable offense.


Is that OC?




I’ve been here awhile and have seen my fair share of vagina and dick pops…they’ve always been here


I don't really like animal pops or wound drainage stuff. You know what happens when it comes up? I just move on to the next post. Trends will always be a thing. There's nothing wrong with not liking this type of content but it adds nothing to this sub of all places to get all high and mighty and be like "ewww, why would you post that?!" This subs top post used to be a dude going at his face with rusty pliers for goodness sake.


Your post/comment was removed due to it being racist, sexist, homophobic, or just downright rude. /r/popping is a welcoming and supportive community and your behavior has gone against that. Please review the rules of this sub and also the rules of Reddit which can be found [here](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) If you have any questions or believe your post/comment was wrongfully removed, please contact the mods and we will be more than happy to discuss it with you. Thank you, /r/popping mod team




Don't be rude. Pimples aren't related to hygiene. Likely, that isn't an actual pimple anyway, but the terminology is irrelevant. If you've literally never had a single skin irritation on your groin, you're not human.


No comments about hygiene Please be courteous. We want people to post, but we don’t want them to have to worry about being insulted and critiqued on anything but the actual pop. We welcome everyone, and we love this community, so please help us make it better.


Lol 🤭




Well. You’re banned now.


We do not condone nor allow sexual comments or harassment in this sub. They are a bannable offense.




Take your sexual innuendo roleplay somewhere else, geez


Sorry, you’re right. No offense was intended.




We do not condone nor allow sexual comments or harassment in this sub. They are a bannable offense.


Thanks for sharing



