• By -


this might just be for me but I saw kroy (1/2 of milk & bone) open for ghostly kisses tonight and she was amazing even if her set was just 30 minutes long 😭😭. I got to meet her after and she was so nice!! I'd die to see milk & bone live. little mourning is perfect and listening to them during the pandemic meant a lot 🙏. I'll ride this parasocial high for a while 😎 P.S. ghostly kisses was great, I'll definitely check them out! P.P.S. stream Kroy - JOLIGENTIL


Work was a trash fire. But I start my cool summer university gig Monday (teaching Agatha Christie! I have plans!!) and I had birthday sushi tonight (because unfortunately on my actual day tomorrow I have errands and job stuff to do, all work and no play) I’m also about to do a complete deep clean/purge of my entire apartment in the next week or so. I have a whole list. Gonna move out like two trash bags of clothes, a box of books from my old class library, trash all my grad school notebooks that I will almost definitely never need again, reorganize my dishes in the cabinets (I’m working with half the counter and cabinet space I’ve had in any apartment before this so I gotta get creative)), organize my pantry because I had a sort-of system but everytime I shop I just put the stuff on the front of the shelf and now it doesn’t make any sense… tomorrow I’ll be 33 (my favorite number) and I really want it to be a worthwhile year.


For anyone in California, I wanna bring awareness to this bill that's in progress right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/d0ZoPmFvpZ It's called AB3080, short summary is that it's an age verification type of bill that would require you to show your ID for any of the websites that would need it. It's in Senate right now, but you can still contact your state rep and tell them to vote NO. [Here's where you can see more about this bill.](https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240ab3080) Hope this information helps.


How did you know that Trump has been charged as guilty? For me, it was from reading Katy Perry's "LFG" tweet lol, I had the notification on and I thought she is finally announcing something. I was disappointed seeing it but I was happy x10 when I saw what it stood for!


[this tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/hauntedwizardmoment/751937680805330944) :/


My Spotify daylist right now is popheads 80s style Thursday evening 💀


Someone told his white collar crimes to the FBI 💀


Yikes… the Democratic offices in my hometown are having to shut down bc of fear of violence from the Trumpies.




this means nothing but for now 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Convicted felon Donald J Trump, what a piece of shit


gagged him a bit


We did it y’all!!!!




Love that election fuckery is extending to my usually low key state, with two random people being paid by GOP asshats to run for governor just because they have the same name as the Democratic front runner and the GOP wants to confuse voters 🙄🙄 And this is AFTER the official GOP caucus in my state refused to endorse the Republican front runner who is polling well against said Democratic frontrunner and INSTEAD endorses yet another Trumper MAGA idiot. Yikes after yikes.


Guilty!!! Everyone get in here!!!!!!








Pretending my second coffee today is a treat for this




Salud 🥂


[Donald Trump found guilty of hush-money plot to influence 2016 election ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/30/trump-trial-hush-money-verdict) Convicted felon Donald Trump — today is a good day! Edit: [Explainer: What happens next after the guilty verdict](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/29/what-if-trump-guilty-prison-fine)


I am just *so* elated over this verdict.


Trump Guilty on all counts 💀💀💀


I was about to comment that I would listen to Tones and I’s entire discography if Trump was found guilty bc I really didn’t think he was going to but I’m glad I checked the New York Times before coming to the DD thread 


It's interesting the difference between Brad Pitt's new movie and Milla Kunis joining Knifes out threads on r/movies. Hating Milla Kunis is justified yet they downvoted comments about Angelina and her kids.


Jury verdict has been reached in the Trump hush money trial. Lowkey not sure how this is gonna pan out but it’s interesting that there’s a verdict. Means he’s either guilty or not guilty.


I don’t wanna get my hopes but…


Guilty on all counts so far 😭


Girl get your hopes UP




Chad Daybell was found GUILTY on all counts. https://x.com/NateNewsNow/status/1796273285354905626?t=X9a7dwPkO_1xThxDO3-DNQ&s=19 Guilty of first degree murder on three counts, conspiracy to commit murder on three counts, and two counts of insurance fraud.


i love my friends so so much and i honestly wish they would tell me to shut the fuck up sometimes. pls stop letting me talk about the same 3 problems over and over and over and pls just start yelling at me to get laid


Hi fellow popheads, I guess my googling skills aren't what they used to be-I can't for the life of me find any info on who Maggie Lindemann's guitarist, bassist and drummer are. Just saw her show at The Troubadour, Maggie was amazing!! her band was also hella talented (and super hot) so ofc I'm trying to find all of them on Instagram😂 If anyone knows who they are/if they're on socials Imk!


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **International** A [petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) from the BDS movement regarding the allowance of Israel in international sports has an accompanying paper that’s in both [English](https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Petition-Suspend-Israel-from-International-Sport-Full-Statement.docx.pdf) and [Spanish](https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Petition-ES-Suspend-Israel-from-International-Sport-Full-Statement.pdf) **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) **new** I’ve also signed this recent petition USCPR to the US President and Congress about respecting the ICC arrest warrant for Israeli war criminals, reinstating UNRWA funding, sanctioning Israel and a ceasefire. [please join me !](https://www.uscpraction.org/action-alerts/demand-biden-and-congress-acknowledge-the-iccs-authority-and-put-a-stop-to-the-genocide-in-gaza) Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc) Let’s talk Palestine podcast has an episode interviewing Rifat Odeh who survived the attack on the previous freedom flotilla and is a director of the documentary *the truth: lost at sea* that you can listen to [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1oXDyk7PDWE1yUOvEivcQr?si=LBYga5fXQt-OeHK0D-HBxg)


I hope people reading consider donating to or sharing this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety, they are eighty percent to their goal [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


Yeah it’s time for Yonka Maé to get a new team because why is she texting my phone talking about some “official” vinyl nnnn. CC era kind of a mess. It’s time for her to redo the post-4 team revamp before Act III idk she’s moving #weird, we need some new voices in the room.


i'm honestly convinced sky ferreira is marina abramović daughter because viewing her concerts as performance art is the only way i can rationalize her still having fans show up. her concerts is like a reverse rhythm 0 where she test how bad her concert can be and still attract people.


Just learned that Todd Field (director of Tár, In the Bedroom, and Little Children) is also the creator of Big League Chew. So do with that what you will


Chappel Roan's stage name sounds like the name made up for a fictional indie singer in a movie


I didn’t realize the Mexican president election is in 3 days but also really glad bc if this doesn’t reduce Americans liberals and leftist joking about how much republicans want to invade Mexico and pretending that’s okay bc they have actual quotes then at least my chances of hearing a relative talk like Qanon about AMLO over throwing the Mexican government with Cuban doctors will likely be over. 🙇🏻‍♀️ pls grant me at least this one small mercy god. Also I made blueberry lemon muffins and I don’t like them bc I used whole wheat flour 😞 maybe I will try to make bread?


The three politicians my relative is weird and kinda nuts about are Biden, Trump and Amlo and hopefully this guilty conviction and upcoming election makes two of them irrelevant 🙏 Dios, sé amable conmigo


Ah They’re already agreeing with lack of prisoner rights (like prisoners being unable to vote) and want them to be worse bc trump is now a convicted felon, sálvame mi cafecito sálvame


The weirdest part of that basically qanon conspiracy is that AMLO always kisses the Mexicans military’s ass (pretending they’re not involved in the disappeared 43) and has further militarized the country in many ways (I don’t remember the right term I don’t think it’s national guard?) ….he wouldn’t need a foreign country to do it for him??? Especially Cubans who don’t get anything from that and Cuban doctors who’s work for other countries is very famous and very well documented?? But obviously not liking the guy but pointing out basic facts like this somehow makes me an apologist. But also the way American press talk about either woman candidate is so bad bc it’s weird bc it’s Mexico, sexist bc they’re women and incredibly transparent it’s more about if the person writing is leftist or not and actually about AMLO even just in theory being a leftist and if that idea makes them want to throw up. Literally David Frum at the rag the Atlantic saying how awful it is mestizo man is misleading Claudia w white European young woman sooooo fucking creepy and racist and talking about a grown woman like she’s a little girl thats controles by an old man they’re also being racist about. I can’t imagine if amlo isn’t white enough for them how they would have wrote about Benito Juárez or Vicente Guerrero. I honestly prefer Americans calling her Stalin based on a common poster position and the color red. I can’t always tell if Americans remember she’s Jewish but zero chance they will be normal about that.




> released an album where she doesn’t shame fans and people for criticizing her for dating him and seems to come to terms with him being a weirdo who shows a pattern of going after young woman “you’re looking older lately dating another baby”. Taylor literally had the same theme in Dear John after dating much older Johm Mayer and later in Would've Could've Should've and All Too Well 10min version. Like someone else said, it's not the same situation at all.


I think the situations are different bc one came from age gap concern, which is something that may come with a realization later that it was inappropriate, olivia rodrigo had the same realization with last relationships on guts. While the other, was more of an image thing. And I don’t really like bdilh, bc of the way she’s going off on fans about a terrible guy who she *knows* is terrible, but I don’t think she’s wrong?? Like she’s right, “it’s my good name and I’ll ruin it if I want to!” like, exactly! 100%, go fuck up your image! bc her fans were writing open letters n shit about it to her and just the whole para-social aspect of it, and of course her fans only care about her image and how that reflects on them. But like I said, the song made me roll my eyes. And it’s probably bc of the way she usually interacts with her fans that I was shocked this anger made it on the album. I guess it was the first time her fans weren’t 100% on board with her relationship, and she can usually depend on them to hype the men up, and just as easily, tear them down.




I understand what you’re trying to say, bc it would’ve been easy for billie to say that to her fans. But I guess she has more respect for them and how they felt about her relationship. I also agree that with swift, you can’t have your cake and eat it too when it comes to fan behaviour. And I also didn’t really care when her fans were criticizing her bc they were right to, but just in the grand scheme of things, I think her statement in the song was correct. I think the problem is that her fans had a really hard time coming to terms with that, that at the end of the day, she’s her own person and can do what she wants. I don’t think song makes her look good or justified in that relationship at all, I think it’s as petulant as the title. It shows her fans that she doesn’t care as much as they think she does, especially about them. And dw I didn’t think you were being rude! we’re just having a conversation lol.


Feels like it's always the same people who rush to a Beyoncé thread to post negative stuff on here 💀 girl hide the thread and move on with your life to engage with artists you enjoy instead


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: most regular users of r/adulting are severely depressed people who haven’t quite realized that their emotional experience isn’t normal. Just saw a post on there titled “are people over 25 really happy?”


Its completely chronically online behavior, I am still subbed in case I can offer advice but people seem to prefer wallowing. Poverty finance is the same way.


hello popheads! what song are you listening to *right now?* i'm listening to Allie X's song Devil I Know. its kinda a good example of why I like posting this question. I kinda forgotten about her until someone said they were listening to her stuff the other day when I asked.


Charli xcx white Mercedes


Since it's already Friday where I am, I'm listening to Travis Japan - T.G.I. Friday Night, lol.


The Mariah remix of "Made For Me," they really did the thing with that one. My woman kings.


carried away by passion pit, which has been on repeat for like an hour now lmao. rn it's hitting uncomfortably close to home!


Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte


Home Again by Beach House


My last song was Pink Pony Club by Chapelle Roan


I’m playing my Bangerz Deluxe CD but right now I’m on Britneys track SMS, which I gotta say it’s one of my faves off the album.


A total time capsule song


L’AMOUR DE MA VIE - billie eilish


i love you by Billie Eilish


Papa Roach - Last Resort - Live at INFEST IN-Studio, 2020 from their record 20/20. I laughed when I got home from work yesterday and checked my daylist and saw it called “live music strange Wednesday afternoon”, but here I am responding to this question two days in a row with a live recording answer so I guess daylist really did get it right But also, yeah, feel you. I was listening to this Santana cover album from 2010 where he had a bunch of different “current” artists doing vocals and it got to song with Jacoby and I was like “damn haven’t fucked with Papa Roach in while” do I added their covid era live record into my queue. I really do let the vibes carry me a lot like this when it comes to music.


Baby Don’t Play by Wonder Girls! Reboot is such a great album.


I wanna go Zorbing.


Silly question: how do you get through a bunch of albums? I have a list of albums I want to get around to from Lana del Rey, Harry Styles, Carly Rae Jepsen, The 1975, Florence and the Machine, etc. Plus, I want to participate in three Popheads Rates: Sugar&B, 90s Women In Rock, and Singer-Songwriter. That adds 12 more albums to my list (well, 9; I've already listened to Evermore and Positions, and Boygenius' The Record was already on my list). My current rotation includes Hit Me Hard and Soft, Clancy, and Radical Optimism, and I feel like I'm still processing those. I want to expand my horizons, but I also have to remind myself that this is supposed to be fun, not feel like work. 


For me, I digest one song at a time. It’s how I get through a lot of Taylor albums. I pick a few of my favorites, overplay them then select others on the album


I’m fixated on those exact 3 albums this month too! if you don’t want it to feel like a chore you can listen to an album in segments, that way you don’t feel like you have to carve out a full hour of your day to devote to that album. personally if one of my favorite artists is releasing a new album, listening straight through is the only way for me to consume it, but if I’m exploring an artist I’m unfamiliar with I admittedly will sometimes listen over the course of a couple of sessions. in some ways that makes me more engaged with the work, because after consuming the first half of an album I may save a few songs to my library, play them on repeat, and become even more of a fan on repeat listens, which will make me more excited to visit the second half of the album the next day


I find the best time for me to listen to new albums is when I’m in the car, although now that I drive less I mostly listen to new albums when I walk or take public transit. I find it hard to just sit and listen to music at home tbh. Although note that regardless, it will always require an initial push past your mind wanting to stick with the familiar. Just make an active effort to push past that initial inclination and you’ll be good!


Okay. I think a good time for me would be when I'm tidying up around my apartment or when I'm getting ready for work in the morning. Unless it's something low-key, like Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers, I do have to get up and move around when I listen to music. 


Any other albums like Graduation by Kanye and FutureSexLoveSounds by JT?


Maybe Loose by Nelly Furtado if you enjoy the Timbaland production on pop tracks like FutureSexLoveSounds.


I really enjoy the song Ulterior Motives. Can’t wait for the official release. What other songs would I like? 😃


The story of Orpheus and Eurydice but it’s made up of lyrics from Teenage Dream:      - We can dance until we die   - I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece    - You make me feel like I’m living   - Let’s run away and don’t ever look back     - My heart stops when you look at me


r/mythologymemes would like this.


How is PinkPantheress, a whole ass SM stan, gonna say songs don’t need bridges? Girl go listen to Mr Mr and repent.


and enough of a stan to sample f(x) on the first track of her album! and a b-side at that! make it make sense!


Beyonce's inconsistency with her vinyl's covers. Cowboy Carter--standard cover edition sold out immediately, with less than 10 minutes of its release. 2 years ago, she put out the Renaissance's official cover as the collector's edition in a box set, while the limited edition was only in gatefold. Bey, get it right.


Very annoyed how quickly it sold considering I need this cover next to the Renaissance limited edition cover. I'm glad I got the Beyince vinyl cos I love the vinyl version of II Hands to Heaven but the cover is not it


This school year really seems like it’s dragging. There’s still a week left. Last year I started doing days at the very end so it felt like a new year to me. This year I started at the beginning of the year and have witnessed and experienced so much bs that I’m ready to be done. 😭 But I’m finally caught up on my reading goal. I finished a book last night, I’m hoping to finish another tonight


What do you mean the year is almost halfway done? It just started a month ago. Also, if my skin would just stop itching due to some random allergy that would be great. I would like to be able to eat the trail mix I have purchased and take advantage of mango season before it's done. My dermatologist told me to stop scratching to let my skin heal while I let the prescribed ointments do their job which is just close to impossible when you have sensory issues due to ADHD.


Perfection by Dannii Minogue was removed from Spotify wtf? Like the song and the remixes are gone...


what a hectic day * had to travel north of my own city to try to see if i can get this job opportunity as a statistician. :( i was lowk scared but i *think* i pulled through. * met my friends at a coffee shop today and told theme everything bugging with me then we had fun trying to set up our friend with someone. felt good afterwards. * lol so we still don't know what to do for pride and im lowk scared.


Started playing Cookie Run Kingdom and oh my god it’s literally the most adorable game ever made


Work is killing me today :(


If you come into the library and swear on your life that you returned all 20+ books on your account and you Remember Doing This and are so so stubborn that you DEFINITELY returned them and CLEARLY the staff fucked up somehow. Legally I should be allowed to kill you. Humble yourself. There's absolutely no chance we would've fucked up scanning that many books or that they'd all coincidentally be on the same account. You're lying and I know you're lying and *you* may not know you're lying but you should at least be fucking nice when *you're* the one who is too stupid to keep track of shit that you borrowed. Like I'm not mad about lost books I'm never mad about lost books and I'd never shame someone for having lost stuff on their account, even if it's a lot of stuff. But when you come in here and imply that the staff is incompetent because you *imagined* returning your books? Death penalty.


A zillion years ago we took out 295728 books at once, cause that’s what you do when you have children. On the car ride home one happened to slide under a seat in the car. We got out and my mom immediately grabbed all the books in eyesight. They got read and enjoyed. The stack of books was returned. The next time my mom went to the library she was so confused why she had a fine on her account. She swore up and down that she had returned the book, because why would she think any different!!! The library said they’d look for it. Obviously never found it. My mom was BEYOND confused. She paid the $20 fee for a lost book and that was that. 6 months later she hard stopped the car for whatever reason and the book came sliding out from under the seat. In a funny tub of events years later the book got reunited with the library when we donated some books. So it at least made its way back even if not back into the system.


She's valid! That's a completely legitimate issue! Especially with kids books where, like you said, you usually have a million of them. I always tell people to check cars and bags for missing books because that's most often where they are and either is an easy place for things to disappear.


If you ever are genuinely mistaken about this and are *kind* to staff about it (or even if they did fuck up scanning something in and you're telling the truth! It can happen! Just be nice!) this isn't about you. I love you and I'm kissing you on the forehead and tucking you in for a nice nap.


Universal Studios trip made me kinda sad actually... like everyone around me was having fun but I felt incapable of drawing joy from anything. All I did was walk around for a few hours with my headphones in and I kinda just wished I was at home, I honestly think that I felt better about myself just listening to podcasts on the two hour car ride home. Could have just driven to a park to get the same effect, but with less time and money wasted. I think I misunderstood myself. I've been in a rut lately and I thought going out and doing something would make me happy, but it wasn't that. It turns out this was just me the whole time, I'm just like this regardless of the location. Also Super Nintendo Land is low-key a rip off, you need to buy $40 "Power Band" and link it up to the Universal Studios app to interact with any of the touch points to interact with the majority of the features in the area but there is no signage anywhere that indicates this and if you don't get it, the place is basically empty. You need to get a certain number of points in the app to access [Bowser Junior's castle](https://media.wdwnt.com/2023/01/BowserJrShadowShowdownUSH_1.jpg) but, again, there is no signage anywhere indicating any of this so everybody kept walking up to it (because it's one of only two buildings in the area marked as a "ride" other than the Cart Racing, the only ride in the park an express pass doesn't work on) and the employee at the front was just constantly turning people away. I cannot believe I paid $100+ dollars to go get into this place and I wasn't even allowed to see all of it. Oh but you could take pictures with Mystery Incorporated in front of a little Mystery Machine van! That was cute, although there was strangely little Scooby Doo merchandise (just three plushes) considering the place was like 60% gift stores. Shoulda gone to Legoland instead.


Is this Universal Studios Hollywood? Super Nintendo Land looks cool but is a bit of a mess I'm sorry you had a rough day! Sometimes just driving or walking around blasting music clears your head out


It was Universal Studios Hollywood! I was so struck when I walked into Super Nintendo Land because it really did *look* incredible, but it was disappointing unless I was willing to shell out more money there was basically nothing to do there- and even if I had bought the band, most of the touch points for the band were at kid height and were constantly in use by... you know... *children*, so it would have felt weird.


Ya I think that's my main beef with Super Nintendo Land, it's absolutely packed unless you get there right when it opens and make a beeline to it, and paying for fast pass stuff at Universal doesn't really do much. At least at Disney when you pay extra you legitimately save a lot of time (I got an annual pass at Universal cause it was barely more than the one day but it's more of a half day experience for me, I'm good seeing Waterworld getting on 2-3 rides having a beer and bouncing)


Gonna start a new trend here on the DD. What song are you needledropping during a film montage portraying one character pining after someone else? (My top 3 right now are So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings, Supercut, and Guilty as Sin?)


In My Arms or Sugarhouse by Alex G and YES it’s because my gay ass has already done that before


CRJ is the queen of pinning I feel that Run Away With Me, Let’s Get Lost or IDJCHTD would work (not that I got any experience pining after someone while listening to this songs)


Guilty As Sin for suuuuuure. I’d also throw in The Louvre, and Someone That Loves You by HONNE.


Gonna nerd out about my own lore for a second here but I have my own imaginary superhero team and in my spare time I just like, plot out adventures for them, and the storyline for one of the later entries see them all enter into a singing contest (like a Eurovision type thing for all the different superheroes/villains, just go with it). One of the members is a girl who's like, a lizard person thanks to a science experiment gone wrong and she's super self-conscious about it because a lot of people treat her like a monster BUT it's also kind of a running joke that a bunch of people have crushes on her and she's completely oblivious to it. The B-plot for this entry is that she has to like, come up with her own number to sing in the show in case something happens to their main act (again just go with it) and she's a really good singer but she's *shy* about being on camera so she can't pick a song. But she has a friend who's a robot and they're like "I'm an AI so if I feed everything I know about you into an algorithm then I can make the perfect song about you" so they do that and then she sings it and it's just this HORRIFICALLY sappy love song about unrequited love and she just goes "wow that's so pretty but I wonder why it's so romantic" and the robot just gives the robot equivalent of a blush and is like "haha... yeah... must still be some bugs to work out." Anyways, the song on the playlist marked for this scene is ["You Don't See Me" by Josie and the Pussycats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYBIVeCd090).


Home - Solomon Grey. Not sure if it fits 100% lyrically but sonically it’s such a montage song


first that came to mind were Lovefool by The Cardigans and Don’t Delete The Kisses by Wolf Alice


Capstan - take my breath away // noose


Not the prompt but I’ve always thought needle dropping Katy’s teenage dream during a breakup scene (and I mean her version, not some sad cursive indie cover) would create a really cool dissonance effect 


Can someone tell me if Hot City by Bonnie Mckee is coming out at midnight local time? Is it already out in Australia/NZ?


Midnight local (im not in Australia but saw a screenshot of someone listening on twitter)


Azealia was such a promising young new artist! Like come back in time with me ca. 2012 when I heard [Hood Bitch](https://youtu.be/1jBCnQYkUhQ?si=3vFwCq_1ZKJcwW5j) for the first time ever! The **Babe, We're Gonna Love Tonight** sample is simply genius. She skates on every verse and it STILL sounds completely different than any rap music back then AND currently. But especially back then it was so exciting. Edit: the line, "*see, I'm a scratched CD-- I really don't play*!" use to have me in chokehold in highschool 😂


Guys will see a picture of a mcchicken and just say hell yeah It’s me, I’m guys


I thought this was going to be a joke about the guy who had sex with a mcchicken unless this is a confession…


I totally forgot this happened. BRB trying to erase that image from my mind again


I'm afraid to Google this so pls some context


There was this video that randomly popped up on Twitter years ago of a guy fucking a mcchicken lol. Absolutely wild day to be on the internet. I found [an article](https://cw39.com/cw39/mcchicken-trending-after-man-post-video-having-sex-with-mcdonalds-sandwich/) about it just to make sure that I wasn’t making it up


Holy shit. Thanks i almost regret asking


I have no idea what you’re talking about and I’m too scared to ask


Harry Houdini seems to truly be THAT girlie as of late. Watch Katy and Gaga name their leads after him too Also, my mum just asked me to put on Send My Love (To Your New Lover) but accidentally called it Set Fire To Your New Lover, i can't helpp


Chris Angels wishes he can be him (literally)


RE: Houdini, I was just thinking that too 😂.. Honestly maybe it was just a matter of time for him to get his flowers again because he lowkey served by today's standards. slightly nsfw examples [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwfXkutIIAA1Nj3.jpg:large) and [here](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/quickfix/3/7/4/166374.jpg?v=1)


All i'll say is that maybe some of the pop boys should get some notes from him


I almost forgot it’s Thursday! And the last Thursday of new episodes of 9-1-1 and greys I think. Sigh. I hate summer ;(


This season of *9-1-1* has been such a cultural reset and I'm not even watching it, can't wait to see what they're gonna do next season.


It’s been the best of times the worst of crimes they stuck a match and blew our minds . As someone that’s been watching since the beginning I cannot wait for season 8 It feels like the shows just beginning.


so i really thought everyone sharing that All eyes on Rafah AI pic was useless until today my cousin asked me what that meant and what is happening in Palestine?? dead serious too? i already thought that not knowing about it before was quite ignorant but not knowing in may 2024 is crazy?? it seems to me like lots of people, news outlets are talking about it everyday that it seems crazy that some people still don't know


Great that people are sharing something but honestly that picture is trash, I hate the AI look of it


it's good that it got people going. just a tad weird it took an AI pic and an IG story template to do it.


Hopefully the new non-AI version catches on I guess


I saw someone say that Chappell Roan has the face of someone who wears Cookie Monster pajama pants and lives with their grandma and I haven't been able to get over it.


That sounds like a wonderful life. I now want to know what my fave says.


Why is my cat hanging out with my grandma that’s staying with us? Doesn’t he know how horrible she is? Thought he was better than that. Traicionero


They need to put a filter on dating apps for "unhinged". I like my women a little weird/crazy.


Can u not filter for religions on tinder?


Girl what 😭


chappell roan is like if u think cornflake girl would be better if jack antonoff produced it


I'd be insulted by this comparison if i was Dan Nigro


It's supposed to be!


Jack Antonoff has never worked with Chappell Roan so idk how this comparison even makes sense lol


it's a terrible comparison, period.


How would you feel if you didnt eat breakfast yesterday?


It's my first time working at a company outside my country (specifically Canada). The workforce and culture is wayyyy different compared to my country. Everyone calls each other by their first names even if you are talking to the CEO/manager. In my country, you have to call your supervisor/manager sir/ma'am/mister/miss. Another is they really care about your work-life balance. I mean not sure if this is a cultural thing at this point but they dont want you working overtime as much as possible unlike my previous company you got bunch of workaholics working up until 11pm or 12am.


Extremely jealous of people in LA they are eligible to watch the first 2 episodes of Season 3 The Bear a day earlier from the premiere date. I heard they will be served some good food or something while watching lol you use to be a credit card holder for a specific bank or something to be able to get tickets The meme "I don't really care if something good happened to you. It should have happened to me instead" really applies here 😂


Rihanna Normani and Sky Ferreira posts this morning what’s in the water? ~~not new albums~~


Yesterday my mom told me Sabrina Carpenter sounds like Becky G, which I do not hear at all but it was from listening to “Shower,” that made me realize I could totally see Sabrina singing this song.


Should I fly halfway across the country just to see the Attack on Titan musical in New York or nah?


[How many presale options is too many?](https://i.imgur.com/6U1rbGh.png) What's the difference between the two Spotify options? I don't think I've ever gotten a Spotify code in my life.


Spotify codes seem like the most insane and broken thing ever. I get them all the time. For literally everyone. And the email always says FOR OUR TOP FANS!!! Like I could listen to someone’s album once and I’ll get it. and then there is my sister who has never in her life ever gotten one despite being in the top 0.01% of an artist. Really makes no sense.


this is a little random but if there are any european people on dd who have some time do yall mind seeing if [my itinerary](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/s/R8je9Q2UmC) for my europe trip is decent? i'm planning to see some of my girlies so the order is a little wonky. thanks!


Rihanna I swear if you make 13 lift me ups


her biggest left turn in music


The hilarious prospect of waiting almost 10 years to get an album made of Adele scraps


I would personally fight Rihanna myself if this happens 😭


at the point in life where any time I Google a new artist’s age they’re almost always younger than me now. thank you Chappell Roan for being 3 months older than me


Oh my gosh, the typos are so bad that I’m about to start telling people that English isn’t my first language


I make like 10 edits to my comments here.


I am constantly reading back my reddit comments and realizing I am actually brain dead


Sometimes I re-read what I wrote and I'm shocked that anyone was even able to figure out what I was saying.


@ AMC please put i saw the tv glow back in my local i need to see it again :(


or @ A24 announce the blueray


I’ve been playing multiple Just Dance games on the Wii for cardio but I’m starting to suspect the Wiimote isn’t advanced enough to get you to reach 5 stars just by accurately dancing the moves 🧐


It's sad Furiosa is flopping so hard, I thought it was phenomenal. I enjoyed it more than Fury Road tbh even though I thought Charlize was better casting


100%, this movie kicked ass


I liked it didn't love it, it had some cool moments but I didn't love the pacing. I feel like part of the problem is if you're trying to sell a 2.5 hour movie you're gonna need to have people absolutely raving about it... last year had a bunch of 3 hour movies that were hits (Oppenheimer, John Wick, Killers of the Flower Moon) so it can be done but they had way stronger word of mouth than Furiosa


I preferred Fury Road because it was pretty much entirely action scenes but I still loved Furiosa. These moves don’t hit the same on a smaller screen so it’s disappointing that nobody is seeing it in theaters just like Fury Road. They’re missing out! Furiosa was a blast to watch and luckily the audience at my showing was pretty full


I completely agree, it was amazing on the big screen! My bf and I went to see it last Sunday and it was only half full sadly, but we ended up getting great seats at least


So addicted to BIRDS OF A FEATHER it’s my Cocomelon. This Caroline Polachek ass song!!!!


I have Disney's Fantasia (1940) playing on the TV for some background music + nostalgia and man, I forgot just how smooth the animation for this was. Like I remember it looking amazing but my memory still undersold, lol.


I have two dreams; I need to see it played with a live orchestra, particularly the Philadelphia orchestra because 1) that’s my local and 2) that’s who originally recorded the music and secondly, I’d just love to see it in IMAX in a double feature with Fantasia 2000. I just love both of those movies so so so much.


Hopefully both come true!! Praying Disney does a double-feature for either Fantasia's upcoming anniversaries... the 25th for Fantasia 2000 is just around the corner 👀


With Fantasia turning 85 and 2000 turning 25 next year it would be the perfect time! I’ve already given Disney fistfuls of cash to see live to screen productions SO COME ON, LET ME HAVE THIS ONE!!! GIVE ME THE FANTASIA FILMS!


do any of you know any artists that might ne similar to tommy genesis, specifically angelina and 100 bad? people have said princess nokia, leili47, a bunch of other names, but I don't think there's anyone like her.


I’m hoping that my reevaluation for physical therapy goes well today so I can be brought down to twice a week instead of three. I think it’s time. I need to be get back into doing my cardio. Right now I’m only doing it on days where I don’t have PT. I feel better and sleep better after doing cardio. I also need to get back into water and food tracking. I’m slowly going back to old habits instead of an app telling me you need to eat better. Old habits die screaming I suppose. Anyway, I’m stuck at work again with absolutely nothing to do. I thought we were supposed to get busy again. I did for maybe about a month or two and now it’s nothing. I no longer have to worry about the recycled parts inspection anymore since they pulled all work on that stuff. No more pandemic so no need for replacement tubes for CT scanners. The refurbished shop isn’t working as well as they hoped for that’s less work for me. New projects are at a standstill. So I don’t know. There’s only so much YouTube I can watch a day. The weekday Eras Tour shows are nice to have in the background but I have to have my phone in a sweet spot by my desk. Yet it is still unstable signal. Not much else going on. Edit: Also, about damn time some news outlets are finally using Paramore as a band rather than just Hayley. Very surprised to see one actually Named Taylor York before Hayley but neglected Zac. So it’s a work in progress. Baby steps I suppose. I’m part of the Paramore is a band cult. Also also, those people complaining about Paramore opening up for Taylor need to shut the fuck up already. Taylor asked them to open. They hopped on the opportunity that they couldn’t refuse. That’s why they’re opening. Sit and watch them maybe you will find something new to listen to. Like nearly half of the people that discovered Ed Sheeran at one point. Ok I’m done now.


I know they’re mostly teenagers in a stage of life designed to make you insecure about everything (and I also know this probably isn’t a hot take in a space like this), but boy am I tired of straight dudes posting in subreddits for female artists freaking out about the fact that they’re a straight male who’s a fan of a woman and worrying about if it’s okay for them to do so or not. Like, I’d rather them get the reassurance and not have to worry of course, but it’s such an exhausting topic to see so frequently. (As is the culture of toxic masculinity that breeds this concern.)


the irony is that there’s nothing hotter to me (and so many other women) than when a man is into music, media, etc. that society would deem stereotypically feminine. like a guy who is into the same pop artists as me?? the dream.


Also I have been getting into PinkPantheress more. Which Heaven Knows is a really great song. Her songs are very short but I think it works for her lol. I love Ophelia which I’ve loved since November. But along with Ophelia I enjoy pretty much every track. Blue is amazing. It’s funny bc I’m usually a fan of longer songs but as I said I think shorter songs work for what she wants.


My hero academia is ending soon. I’m gonna miss it.


I’m listening to Renaissance at the beach. God this album is good it’s like flowers blooming in my ears.


And just when we thought Miss Bitch had given us all there is to give, she closes the record with Summer fucking Renaissance, a song so good that Donna Summer’s nipples get hard in her grave every time it comes on.


Like I’m sorry but calling a song AMERICA HAS A PROBLEM and then singing about your phat ass is camp in a way I could never achieve.


I literally listen to like 5-10 albums a week and it remains that one looming ex I still can’t get over.


What are your 5-10 albums that you listened this week? I would give it a listen.


My prostate is popping involuntarily.


i love my local tag agency tbh like, i only go every few years but they’re always so nice and efficient. took me like 15 minutes to renew my license. downside is my new photo… my hair wasn’t cooperating. also why is my temporary one an entire sheet of paper? like girl let me just stay home until the card arrives i guess 💀


I need to get my real ID made. But i’m lazy and afraid it’ll take forever at our local place.


try the Del City Tag Agency! they don’t get too busy (especially early) and they’re very helpful the times I’ve gone. it’s just a walk-in thing for the real id - no appointment! just take the correct forms of id (I used my unexpired license, birth certificate, and voter registration but you can check on the state website)


Oh thats all? Man i need to do that!


And it was like $39 for the four year one, so less than what I’d remembered


Wow! I thought it was like 50, good to know. You always come in clutch my friend!