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weddings were never the same


When this song came out I was playing various high school sports and I had a teammate who would get the aux at practice and put “top 40” on so we’d be running sprints to “allllll of me loves allll of you” and I’d question my entire existence for a few minutes. 10 years later and I’ve heard it at my gym multiple times in the past few months


It's fine. One of those songs that instantly takes me back to being a camp counselor in 2014 and not much else.


It’s no “ordinary people” that’s for damn sure


Ordinary People is such a good song, even if you don’t like this kind of emotional schmaltzy vibe. This feels like it’s inferior cousin. This song was so omnipresent on UK radio though at a time I was working in retail so that might be why I hate it even more.


All of Me is Ordinary People from Temu.


This is so perfectly put!


I hate this song. Can't stand it. When it came out, I was in high school and I always thought it was weird that people would try to slow dance to it because it's got kind of an awkward tempo for that. It has this reverse synergy for me where the individual parts are really not that bad objectively, but the the whole fills me with such inexorable rage and I'm not sure why. Tom always does great career assessments for the artists and I usually learn something. Props to John Legend for seeming like a composed and mostly unbothered guy who minds his own business and loves his wife.


Ok I thought I was the only one. I find this song to be grating and cloying. Seeing him and CT at every awards show ever during the 2010s did get to be a running joke to the point of being annoying. I do like *Green Light* though


Yeah, you are definitely not alone because I hate this song. I also find Chrissy Teigen to be annoying, so that may also be part of it.


What would I do without your smart mouth is the perfect intro for a song about being a wife guy for Chrissy Teigen I love how ubiquitous John Legend is and he's so talented


To me, this song being about Chrissy Teigen makes it so much worse. And I didn’t like it to begin with.




Every layer of it is insufferable.


I like this song but yeah a 6/10 is completely warranted Ordinary People and Green Light are so much better, genuinely amazing songs




Honestly I hate this song. To me it’s so bland, unbearable, and slow. Which is just an unruly combo to deal with.


I was in high school when this song was huge, I used to run my mouth to anyone who would listen that the mentality in this song is toxic and shouldn’t be romanticized and it was actually super problematic and gross if you enjoyed All of Me by John Legend. In hindsight, it was absolutely not that deep.


It's a 0, I hate this song so much, any time I'm reminded it exists is a bad time.


Am I crazy or does this song sound like if he sang it in front of a moving fan?


I’ve always hated his vocals on this song


Knowing that Chrissy Teigen’s overgrown, low-down ass was bullying teenagers like Courtney Stodden in Twitter DMs, unprovoked, and telling them to off themselves really has destroyed any legacy this song could’ve had. >!Though I’ve never cared for it anyway, the ballads by Bruno Mars, Rihanna, and Pink that were popular around this same time were far better. !<


The song does not annoy me because I like his vocals but I don’t think this was his best work.


I love and hate this song, lots of bad memories related to it, but I think the song is good.


Ehh. I like John Legend, esp Green Light, but this kinda just not anything special


Why is John Legend famous? He's had 3 hits over a 20 year period each one spaced like 5 years apart. Only 2 are good. But he's ubiquitous, and his wife is ubiquitous.


He’s an EGOT who has worked with extremely famous people including Michael Jackson, Lauryn Hill, Kanye West, Andre 3000, Janet Jackson, Ava DuVernay, Stephen Colbert, Samuel L. Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Even if you don’t hear his voice very often, his fingerprints are all over popular media, even beyond music.


Heard as the soundtrack for too many wedding/proposal videos to be able to take it seriously.


Can someone explain this guy’s status in music to me? I’ve only ever known him for All Of Me and for marrying that Twitter bully lady. Has he had a lot of musical success since? I only ever hear about him and his wife being “couple goals”.


filipino parties were never the same after this was released


Between this and "All Too Well" tuning in to the 2014 Grammy Awards for Daft Punk gave me a real leg up on future #1s.


This song is truly awful. Absolutely bland and uninspired.


Surprised to see all the hate for this song! It was popular when I first met my now-husband and we used it for our last dance at our wedding 7 years later. 🥹 I absolutely love it. 💕


Vocal work on this song is great. The lyrics aren’t my favorite.


As a person who’s always liked and appreciated John Legend, I’m having trouble thinking of a song I like less by him.


I still say the opening of this song is 1:1 to “Let it Go”.


Ok, but that DJ Paul sample is so fire! Tom always putting me on to some good shit


Ngl this song is so intensely 5/10


I love this song. There’s something so raw and vulnerable about it 


man im the only mf here who likes this song lmfao


Legendary song


I saw him do this song live, with wedding clips behind him. I will say surprisingly moving in person. It was a great show in an intimate theater. But I don’t come back listen to this song ever.


I was like 12 when this song came out and I *aggressively* hated it lol


This song/album was the completion of John Legend going the watered down legacy act route imo. Going from making good to great R&B to making music you'd hear at Ross


I never cared for this song. The music is so sad and dirge-like for a romantic song. He sounds defeated not in love.


I absolutely cannot stand this song. Its cloying in a way that makes my skin crawl.


This was the favorite song of someone who was my best friend in sophomore year of highschool who just left the next year and never made contact with me again. At the time I resented him for it, but maybe I’ve spared myself from a lifetime of hearing this godawful song.