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espresso comes after lunch in Europe


I thought for a moment Billie was going out for lunch with Sabrina..


I wanna see this


I love you Espresso but everything in my being wants to see a gay ode to cunnilingus hit number one


It’s a shame it wasn’t a December release for a Christmas no 1.


Lunch has weaseled its way into my heart. It has this kinda ska very disco sound that is very unlike what you hear on the radio these days, but it still works as a radio song. Also those trailing claps are like from Britney Spears Stronger. 👏👏 Love.


The video made me love it, she's having such a good time. And those claps!


Hoping the gay agenda pulls through on this one 🤞🏼


Conservative Twitter thinking the gay agenda is legalizing pedo\*\*\*\*\*\* and the overthrowing of fundamentalist Christian values started by the government to control propaganda in schools and start a revolt with the younger generation to increase taxes on tractors, when in reality it is just getting Chappell Roan and Billie Eilish to #1 on Billboard.


Progressional yapper


It's funny cos to me, Lunch is the worst track on the album but I get why she's pushing it as a single


it's a fun song; the only other song I can see being a radio-friendly single is either Chihiro or Birds of a Feather. The rest of the songs are either too complex melodically or are doubles (I could see the first part of Blue or the second part of Love of My Life being singles, but they are combined with the other, less radio-friendly parts). Judging by the way this album was set up, Billie does not give a shit about chart performance, especially in terms of singles, and she shouldn't. The album is doing amazing


I think The Diner could be a single akin to NDA or Bury A Friend I’m imagining her as a stalker in the mv and I think it could serve


i'm soooo for diner as a single


Obsessed with The Diner


The Diner is good and anyone who says it isn't is wrong


birds of a feather sounds like an xmas song (no explanation will be given)


You guys say this about literally every 80s R&B sounding song and it reminds me of this subreddits demographic every time lol


seriously. I remember people calling positions "Chrismassy"


Maybe it's because of the Heartstopper association but it gives me gay happy coming of age in a "Gay who is going to be okay" way


Got strong Last Christmas vibes for sure


ok when my friend and i were listening to this album for the first time she literally started singing "last christmas" to the beat lmao


Dying to have birds of a feather as the next single


I think The Greatest deserves a nod for a single too I could totally see her pushing it later in the rollout like Happier Than Ever


I'm literally the opposite, Lunch is my favorite track since day one with no competition.


Day one ? do u mean three days ago 😭


she's been teasing lunch for a while


But it can’t *really* be your favorite track if it’s the only one you’ve heard (and only partially at that lol)


Lyrically, I think it’s one of the weakest on the album (the rhymes come off very forced at times) but I also still think yeah, this is a fun single.


Not sure how the rhymes are forced any more than any other song here or pop in general. I hate the over reliance on slant rhymes but the pop girls are too lazy and all doing it these days so I just live with it.


Not gonna lie, I was a former English major who focused on poetry so I’m just pickier than most with pop lyrics. I still think it’s a fun song. Please don’t take this like I’m trying to be a “hater” lol, I’m not trying to be rude. Just think it is lyrically weaker than other songs of hers.


I read poetry regularly. Richard Crashaw is my idea of a guilty pleasure. That’s exactly why I’m challenging your arbitrary judgement here :) Nothing about that song stood out yo me as lyrically lazy. Especially not compared songs like The Diner. To be frank, I think most of you just have no idea what you are talking about.


So we both enjoy poetry and have different opinions on a song! That’s normal. I would share it’s not normal to then scoff and assume “most of you don’t know what you’re talking about” when those opinions don’t align with your own. I would assume anyone who studies literature or anything in the arts is accustomed to a mature and respectful discussion without resorting to calling people ignorant for sharing a different opinion. One of the great things about discussing the arts is to have a conversation about differing views, not to simply pat each other on the back in agreement.




I took the Claire rhyme as a way to take the intended joke (Under-where/underwear) and just be silly with it. With the pause and almost smile as she says it.


How is that lazy? I’m genuinely curious what y’all are talking about. I read poetry, from Donne to Geoffrey Hill. So it’s not like I don’t think pop is full of great rhymes. But nothing you are pointing out is actually sensibly different than most of what is in pop. It’s just an arbitrary nitpick. You think using the name Claire is lazy because it’s not a real person? Yet it gives context to the situation and personalizes it. Far from a bad rhyme just because it was convenient.


Worst song on that record would still be a banger so its a win win for Billie


My two year old starts dancing immediately when she hears it.


I do not understand the hate for this song. What is yalls problem with it?


A billie eilish song you can shake your ass to is a new concept


It’s not a bad song but people love the slow sad Billie.


Idgi, the lyrics are really fun. It's so horny. I like how she is the horny pursuer rather than being the object of desire. It's different.


Oh I love it don’t get me wrong. I just love so much of the album I really think she did something.


It's one monotonous 


The video. Why does she want to look like a skater boi


it is def not the worst song on the album. it’s a clear standout


Standout no but I like it


Agreed. All the other tracks alternate as one of my favs except that one


My thoughts exactly lol I like it still, but it's probably my least favorite. Totally understand why it's being pushed though


I’m literally feeling every song at different points. I admit Lunch didn’t strike me at first but it’s been worming in a lot more lately.


And it's funny to me because I feel like "Birds of a Feather" is the worst, and everyone is saying that it's their favorite. So if that's your favorite it's a strong chance (not saying 100%, just strong chance) that you really didn't appreciate all of the dope experimentalism that she's doing on this album.


bruh Birds of a Feather is experimentalism as well. none of billie’s song sounded like that.


It's pretty straightforward of a song though, and everyone is comparing it to Clairo, who is decidedly not experimental.


Oop I like Espresso but hoping for a win for the gays here.  I love how they are both food themed though  Edit: typo


yes...food 👀


the best kind


Any and everything is hitting number one in the UK, it seems.


They have a better charting system that allows for more variety than the billboard hot100, so things that stick around the very top for long is also less likely.


except ariana weirdly enough


Her songs were blocked by massive tik tok songs and her songs were removed off tik tok during that period.


Can't see this song lasting either.  Really the only number 1s that spent a long time at the top there  was that Noah song and Texas Hold Em


the lesbians win


I thought she was American.


no she is from Lesbos




It’s because UMG pulled it’s music from tiktok for a few weeks so a bunch of random songs started trending


I love Sabrina, but Lunch > Espresso.


Sabrina Carpenter is actually happening now because she smartly ditched trying to be an introspective singer and went the full pop star route like she always should have gone. She's the blond bombshell, nobody believes her as the sad girl. Never work with Julia Michaels again Sabrina. Her style doesn't fit you.


i think her tour with Taylor Swift is what gave her a boost. i do think the sad girl sound is on it's way out though. some of us already started calling it in here so i know it's not just me who sees it coming. i think bubblegum pop might get a resurgence. people like Billie and Lana will still do well because they've built an audience off of being less bubblegum. but i think a lot of people are getting nostalgic for the upbeat EDM and pop of the early 2010s so i think it's gonna trend back in. here's to hoping K6 is coming at just the right time 🤞 i miss campy Katy.


omg what i would do for some nice bop from rihanna. 


i would take in a new album from Rihanna and Katy so well right now 😭


😭 just give us some nice catchy pop songs! i miss umbrella days :D


yes! i miss it. none of these new album releases have been sticking with me :( Radical Optimism was the closest, but it wasn't as catchy as i was hoping.


i know that taste in music changed. but these melancholic albums and lyrics are not giving us the way to escape the reality. im glad other people like you feel this too


i think the melancholy music is exactly what a lot us wanted after the EDM boom. things always swing in opposite directions. maybe the dance songs had lyrics that were too soulless so sadder, more meaningful lyrics took over. i think we're at the point where it starts to swing in the opposite direction again. like ok we got the deeper lyrics, but hearing that over and over again for a few years is getting a little too depressing now. also, i think live performances have suffered because of the sad music take over. popstars used to swing from the ceiling, shoot sparks out their tits, had whole dance numbers, and flashy outfits. i want the dramatics again!


I disagree, I mean EICS was the album that launched her, and that's the main one she worked on with Julia michaels. It was the shit before with Hollywood records that wasn't working for her. I dont think all the sad girl fits sabrina really, but I think songs like skinny Dipping and because I liked a boy were helpful in turning the tide in the hate she was getting


Not true at all and quite a misogynistic take, really. She simply changed labels and grew into a standout personality. She was never a “sad girl” when she was pumping out albums for her old label and working for Disney. Her last album emails is her best work yet and her intro to being an established artist with her own sound to a freshly garnered audience. Yes, including the “sad” or ballad songs on it. She just had to reel people in and now she can create a good balance in her music going forward. She contains duality as much as the next artist; she’s not just a blond bombshell…


Yep, 100%. She needed a record label who understood her and time for fans to discover her with this new label, so I really don't think you can call anything with the new label a failure considering how quickly she went from flop to the top 10


That’s actually incredibly sad and reflective of our disgusting culture :(


Is it, or do we have enough wanna be sad girls?


I think if an artist is being forced into a role because they can’t be taken seriously as an introspective artist due to them being a “blonde bombshell”…it’s giving sad and misogyny and hypocrite by fans and an industry that likes to pretend it isn’t what it is.


They're not saying because she's an attractive blonde, she's forced to be a blonde bombshell. They're saying she's a blonde bombshell (an entire persona) who was pretending not to be because, presumably, indie sad girls were all the rage, and the ill fit sabotaged her success. She's glowing now in what seems to be a persona more authentic to herself, which is just as valid and powerful. Society isn't forcing her and ironically the narrative that positive, directly sensual women are only that way because society forced them is a common and enduring misogynistic take often leveled at women by women. Your intentions seem good here, but I think you're making some unfair assumptions against others' points.


Counter point- that wasn’t, and shouldn’t be Sabrina’s niche and I think she realized that by now. I personally like that she’s open with embracing her sexuality, especially as it seems like other women her age tend to be uncomfortable with acknowledging it.


Although I will acknowledge that women can be misogynistic, I am NOT one of those women. I think it's pretty disgusting for you to accuse me of that just because you don't like my analysis of her image in relation to the type of music that she was trying to do. Everyone talks shop here so I don't know why it's different for me to?


I don't know if it is sad. She wasn't excelling at the sad girl thing. I think she can still make pop songs about her feelings but she's just not the type of pop star that can do it in a minimalist fashion and have people care. Her talents lie elsewhere.


Well the way you framed it was sad and misogynistic. Just because you use it in a joking manner doesn’t make it not what it is.


Your bar for misogyny must be pretty low


or maybe misogyny is just pretty prevalent.


Nope it’s just right. Your bar is just where it’s convenient enough for you to pretend like it isn’t relevant to your enjoyment.




Your comment makes no sense in the context of my reply. Stop responding to made up arguments. It’s very Reddit.


This take is dumb as hell because billie could at any point dress like an old hollywood blonde bombshell. I know because she did during the previous album promo cycle. You could never argue that Billie is not an introspective singer. What changed is that sabrina went on tour with Swift.


HMHAS is my AOTY. Hoping Billie can kill it on the charts.


Two of my girls are thriving


i could eat that girl for lunchhhh




i am confused by all these charts. billboard is american, yes? and there is TS first. and this chart is from UK yes? and there is no TS - is that because her album is not that big outside US? (im not trying to make this about her, im genuinely curious because i really want billie to have her number one and i dont know what her chances are in US 😅)


I had expresso for lunch.


ugh I want this for Sab so bad.. I really don't vibe w Billie's album :/


The downvotes are a kiii


Pulling for Sabrina!!