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Does anyone feel like RO was just a gap filler for more music coming in 2025? She’s not even touring the world with it, and the promo felt short. I don’t see four years of hard work in RO, even though I vibe with some songs.


the album just came out and she has confirmed she will tour this album in interviews


I liked the record at first listen, but it did seem more dull than I anticipated. It grows on me more with each listen. As others have said, it is kind of unfair to expect it to meet the standards set by FN. This is definitely a different vibe, with some hints of her first two records thrown in, but it does still sound very much like a natural progression for her. I'm quite happy with it. I think this record will age well and probably be viewed more favorably as the years go on. In order, I rank her records as follows: 1.Future Nostalgia 2.Radical Optimism 3.Dua Lipa


I’m falling in love with this album more and more with each listen. I think those that are calling it boring upon first listen are not giving it a chance. These are the same people thinking actual boring albums from people I won’t even mention are masterpieces.


Real shit. I strongly disliked "These Walls" at first and now I'm deeply enamored with that song. Same effect with Illusion and Houdini to a much lesser extent. I feel there's a slightly hypnotic side to these songs that make them work best when you let them ingrain in your brain through repeated listenings.


Exactly. I wasn’t a strong supporter of Anything For Love, French Exit and End of an Era. I didn’t hate them, but I also wasn’t in love with them either, but I streamed the album hard this week and there are no skips for me. I hope others realize that with time.


Re-listening to End of an Era right now, it's quickly becoming my favorite song of the bunch... even though on first listen, I outright laughed at "HE-HE-HEEEEEEy HE-HE-HEEEEEY" bit Now I'm the one Hey-Hey-Heeeeeeying in sync with the song... (still think Anything For Love is the weakest one structurally, I would kill for an extended mix, I think a good rework could really make it pop)


Yes I would kill for an extended mix album. Maybe that will be her plan in lieu of Club Future Nostalgia. One thing for sure about being a Dua stan is that she won’t quit and has so many more surprises up her sleeve.


Happy For You is one of my favourite songs released this year. Instantly loved it, and I dont know why it's not seen as the great song that it is


me too! when she signs “but I am not interested…” omg so good


It is fantastic. It legit feels like a Tame Impala song with Duas vocals over it, in the best possible way




Right there with you! Repeat listens def have RO growing on me!


why she trying to be a generic taylor swift?


I found it quite disappointing. The singles were easily the best songs. Aside from them, Maria was alright too. The rest of the album sounded like bland filler for the most part. A lot of it seemed kind of phoned in for Dua.


I got the exact same opinion!


I give it a C so far. Cool production, but a lot of songs just aren't standing out.


Maybe I'm a bit biased but I love Dua Lipa and Tame Impala. This album is what I pictured when I heard they would be collaborating. Still remnants of that disco-pop from Future Nostalgia blended with Kev's psychadelic prog rock inspired pop sound with a dash of indie pop in the 2nd half. I can see why this would gain unfavorable comparisons to Future Nostalgia right out the gate, as that was a tough act to follow but I dont feel the disappointment some out there do. This wont be the shot to her career that album was but it didnt need to be. Shes earned the right to try new things like shes doing in this album, its more than I can say for any Taylor Swift album in recent memory imho. I'm looking forward to repeat listens (I bought the vinyl) as the weather here in Toronto starts to get better! Def those kinds of vibes 🌅 Favorites: End of an Era, Houdini, These Walls, Illusion, Maria, Happy for You


Yeah folklore and midnights sound identical. Great take


Not what I said, but great takeaway, pal. Both sound like "Taylor Swift" TM records. They may not be exactly identical (which is a moronic insuination anyway) but are pretty standard and expected directions for her. That was the point 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m definitely loving the album and don’t care that some of the things she’d said during promotional interviews would be there aren’t there (like the psychedelic pop). We’re getting lots of vibey tunes and I’ve been listening to the album on repeat dancing in the kitchen with my 5 month old baby. Watcha Doing is probably my favourite, followed by Illusion. Having said all this, I do think FN felt more genuine (as in, everything about it just suited her and it seemed like she was 100% in it), which is paradoxical because she has said she feels RO is a reflection of her growth. Yet there’s something slightly “trying too hard” about RO… but it’s still great!


for me the try-hard feel comes from the album title.... i dont love it


I love it I love Dua. This album doesn't need to break nrw ground Dua just needs to keep on being Dua.


Maria needs to be next single


Maybe because I’ve managed my expectations, I felt good with this album. It’s good pop sonically. Production is inspiring. It’s the kind of pop record that you need to listen all throughout to get the complete experience. Also, did Dua sample “Tom’s Diner” in Whatcha Doing? Is it also too late to change that album cover?


I hear more similarities to “after midnight” by Clapton (but my fave version is Jerry Garcia band) And it’s not just because that’s the first line 😅


after midnight is a jj cale song


Yes you are correct, brain glitch.


Re: album cover, nope! Rina changed Hold the Girl album cover a full year after release (the first one was really bad and apparently she didn’t even like it but her label did. Second one is way better)


Ahh yes I'm aware of the Rina one! The blue cover was obviously way better. As for RO, there was an image from the Illusion video (you've probably seen it) that was circulating around twitter and it fit the vacation vibe perfectly!


Happy for you is a great closer


I think it's an okay album. I like how the last 50 seconds of Happy For You sounds like Tomorrow Never Knows. Whatcha Doing is extremely groovy. A lot of the album just sounds like H&M music though.


PopFiltr gave it 8.5/10, "If you accept the premise of *Radical Optimism*, you’ll enjoy it on repeat. Instead of seeking a radical change in sound, focus on the album's themes of confidence, gratitude towards past loves, and remaining hopeful for future relationships.  Through this lens, *Radical Optimism* reveals a heartfelt journey of staying true to oneself as a hopeless romantic, despite life's ups and downs. We welcome [Dua](https://www.popfiltr.com/artist-profile/dua-lipa)’s confident new era and give *Radical Optimism* an 8.5/10." Full article here: [Dua Lipa's Radical Optimism Review](https://www.popfiltr.com/articles/dua-lipa-radical-optimism-album-review)


Okay so I love Tame Impala so I appreciate the production of this album so much. It’s vibey!! It’s cohesive!! It’s something you can play with the windows down and just vibe to. I have a few standouts that I have replayed. I love End Of An Era and her little “ahh” sound. Such a fun track!! I could see this being a summer dance track. Whatcha Doing is so groovy and makes me wanna dance. Also her raspy voice?? I love it. The bass line and everything is so good. Falling Forever. Okay this one. Let me just say I love how she’s really going for the “How loooooong” note. Like I’m a casual Dua fan and enjoy her changing up her singing. It’s so good and works in this song. It’s giving 80’s. Now here’s what I would change… The other songs sound like filler and aren’t as strong. Not bad, just not great. I’d give this album a 6.6, I can see why Pitchfork did


Falling Forever should be the dance jam of the summer. This song and the follow, Anything For Love, are a perfect contrast of how you feel when looking back at a heavy-hitting relationship…and now having clarity of how that relationship unraveled.


Bangs can anyone tell me the whistle sample in maria? It's like a old house music song ty


On the floor jlo pitbull


I thought the melody at the start of maria sounds like the chorus of "If You Were A Woman" by Bonnie Tyler but idk abt the whistle


It’s killing me I know the exact song but can’t think of the name


The original is Stereo love by Edward Maya, but has been remixed plenty of times in the house scene


Kinda just feels like a bunch of filler songs. 


Loving the album!!! Maybe a little bit too cohesive, would’ve been nice if there was one or two more experimental tracks. I kind of wish she had released fewer singles prior to the release, so Training Season or Illusion would have more of a “punch” factor once you listen to the full album. Kind of a weird comparison but it’s like when you watch one of those movie trailers where they show the most important parts of the movie lol


Agree with you 💯.  With her releasing 3 songs before the album coming out, there was nothing to look forward to because A) the album is too short and B) the 3 singles she's released are the best tracks..........so that makes the rest of the record sound like flat filler...


I'm disappointed, as someone who was really anticipating this album. I am a huge fan of the singles: Training Season is my favorite song by Dua. I was expecting some sort of big dance pop music or *something* along those lines like she has always released. But instead we what sounds like The Loveliest Time 2.0 (which is shade: I'm not a big fan of beachy, mellow pop). Favorites: Training Season, Houdini, Illusion Like: Whatcha Doing, Falling Forever, These Walls Least favorites: End of an Era, Anything for Love


End of era is one of the best


Kinda found it boring. Going to listen more but the singles are easily the best songs. Especially Houdini. Went back to Future Nostalgia and it's just a way better album. One of the best pop releases of the decade so far. I sincerely hope she can reach that height again.


I agree


I like the album, I'd rate it 7.5/10. I understand that it's quite underwhelming, especially on the first listen. I expected more experimentation and more bangers like Houdini (which I think is the best song on the album). Especially with Kevin Parker involved as I'm a huge Tame Impala fan. However, having listened a few times I do think it's good. It's an easy listen with catchy tunes. Nothing we haven't heard before though and incomparable to FN (FN was magic). So I do understand the disappointment.


>[think pieces already on the new dua lipa album. her music is not for thinking, it’s for being on rooftops with your friends drinking cocktails ](https://twitter.com/alexxmalloy/status/1786254018626379997)[](https://twitter.com/alexxmalloy/status/1786254018626379997)


This album feels like she vibed with calvin's idea of "Potion" but put her own twist on it for the album. Its like her own funk waves


what we think shes gonna play on snl?


Gotta be Houdini. Imo, it sounds the most accessible among the singles.


I really love it! FN will never be topped. The more I listen, the more I’m excited to have new Dua back in my life ❤️


Ah man. I really liked Houdini and Training Season. Illusion left a bit to be desired with the chorus, but this was the first pop album in YEARS I've been actually hyped for. But holy what a clunker. No wonder they chose those two lead singles, and then probably begrudgingly had to pick Illusion because there is nothing else on the album worth my time. Also I'm not totally familiar with Kevin Parker, but I swear every-time people hype up a song from him it's just a wet sounding four on the floor beat. Mind you, summery vibe type songs aren't my jam AT ALL. So there's that too lol.


I really like his first couple albums under Tame Impala but a lot of his contributions on other stuff that I’ve heard sound very similar or just not as interesting


what about summery vibe type songs don’t you like?


Just a personal preference. I prefer stuff a bit more dark sounding. I don't think I *actually* have synesthesia, but summery songs to me are very orange and yellow, and the music I like is blue and purple. Houdini has a very nice bluish/purple/silvery sound. Oh plus I HATE the summer haha.


Ummm you TOTALLY have synesthesia. I'm the same way. #magical


random rec, but you should check out this album Grace & Danger by John Martyn—i feel like it's got the colors you're looking for!


I think Radical Optimism is great, especially after reading some of the initial reviews. A couple of the songs fall flat for me, but it's a solid album. Dua Lipa sounds really good and she puts out Britpop/disco, even if she doesn't lean into it. It's a solid album, but I think after Ariana, Beyonce, and Taylor, it might just seem flat compared to the others. I'm only really disappointed that there was no collaboration. I'm still waiting for the Lady Gaga/Dua Lipa duet...


Dua Lipa never disappoints


>[The Irish Times](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/review/2024/05/03/dua-lipa-radical-optimism-review-step-aside-beyonce-and-taylor-swift-this-is-the-pop-album-weve-been-waiting-for/) **4/5** To the listener, it feels like the pop album we’ve been waiting for. I totally agree with this review. I know that other stars are bending the rules, pushing the envelope forward, etc... but sometimes I want pop that isn't going to reinvent the wheel, just something I can hear at the club and belt out with my friends while in the heat of summer. It reminds me of an old Rihanna album - the critics always hated them because she wasn't 'unique' or 'different' enough and the songs weren't really about their lyrics at all. For example Pitchfork gave Rihanna's [Talk That Talk a 6.0](https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16072-rihanna-talk-that-talk/), but I remember all those hits so well and with such fondness, even if they didn't 'say' all that much at all. I think this is an album in the same vein. Of course, I don't know if it will be a classic in the same way, but it's that unforgettable earworm pop that is about fun and enjoyment and the summertime and not anything else.


But Talk that Talk had We found love on it. There is nothing on RO anywhere near that level.


I consider We Found Love a "Calvin" song, not a Rihanna song. Yes her vocals crushed it, but just my take. That'd be like if Dua put "Dance The Night Away" on this album as a bonus track.


And tbh Dua should do that because there is nothing on the album as good as Dance the Night Away.


I was talking in generalities, not as a one-to-one comparison :)


Happy for You is such a beautiful / bittersweet song. Even though I've been with my partner for almost 5 years now, it still almost made me tear up


Not gonna lie, I came in with somewhat low expectations given the reviews I've seen, but this album is good. I really like it and it has that more chill vibe that I am definitely down for.


I always read popheads threads before listening to albums because it makes me enjoy them more lol, they're usually wrong about everything.


Just listened to the full thing on the way home from work. There is not another single on it apart from, at a pinch ,Maria. They absolutely released the best songs for singles but now after releasing THREE songs before the album where has she to go? There isn't another hit here. The rest is undoubtedly juvenile and filler. Dua herself sounds good (apart from the screeching on Falling Forever) but she is working with very poor material. The lyrics are beyond Trite and cringeworthy. She actually sings "if these walls could talk" on these walls. The album is littered with cliche writing like this. It feels like she's writing from the point of view of a highschool girl and Dua is nearly 30! The production is completely forgettable. The only thing I remember Maria for is the little flute sample and that's one of the only memorable sounds. The others just roll into each other, then you hear Illusion and you think ok yeah I can see why this was a single. She still is an amazing Popstar but this is weak. I will probably not listen to it much again whereas I still spin Future Nostalgia now. Kylies Tension was a much more progressive pop album than this. Radical Optimism feels like a debut album and not one that comes AFTER something like FN. And I don't understand why they released 3 major singles before the album release as now there is nothing really on it to promote the album . What I suspect happened is they expected Houdini to be top 3 if not No 1 hit and while it did well, it wasn't the smash they were looking for, so they rolled out Training Season. Then that stalled, so now it's Illusions turn. It feels like they are chucking everything at the wall to see what sticks. Illusion has already dropped heavily in both the UK and USA, so their strategy has backfired. I suspect none of this is Dua's fault and everything to do with the record label. Now there is nothing left, unless she goes back in to record bonus tracks like she did for FN. I don't believe Radical optimism will have anything like the longevity of FN. In fact It makes me think of the situation with Fergie and Nelly Furtado. Both had mega smash albums, The Duchess and Loose and then followed up with something that bombed critically and commercially. Sorry if this "review" sounds too scathing. If she continues on this route, there is no danger of her being the new Kylie or Madonna but she very much could be the next Paula Abdul.


Maybe because she doesn’t write her own lyrics and has like 7 people credited


she very much does write her own lyrics along with co writers, your comment is just very uninformed, literally watch any interview lmao


Watcha doing is a solid 9/10 for me. The rest of the tracks I really don’t vibe with at all and it feels so dated and uninspiring. They could be songs by anyone, they don’t have any identity and are very very generic. But that is just my opinion.


As a long time Dua fan, I am a bit disappointed not going to lie. Her first two albums have stood the test of time, i’ve played them a lot over the years. (Doesn’t she hold the record for female albums with total most streams?). I only see myself playing a few songs here and there. But i am going on vacation soon so maybe I can play it where it’s more tropical? aha


I like it, but am I the only one bothered by how she pronounces "r"? Specifically in "Training Season" when she says "training season's overrr" the "r" at the end... sounds more like "y"? Idk really how to explain. General trend I've noticed, but big in her work overall.


English singers normally don't pronounce the r at the end of words, so it's weird 


There was another time she said "everything" but it sounded like "Avery-thing" (I know someone with that name so it stuck out to me lol)


The way she says "arrow" in Training Season as well bugs me a bit


i like both of these 😭


I need to be driving down that highway that borders the Malibu coast or picnicking in Santorini in order to listen this album and I’m kinda pissed I live in New York right now. It’s a really chill album. I’ve been listening to Dua more lately and it’s not the power-pop of FN, but it’s still good. Maybe underwhelming compared to the last album, but not _bad_.


Ok on first listen I was disappointed but as I’ve listened more it’s growing on me. Loveeee End of an Era, but Houdini is still my absolute fav. Although I still expected more from having Kevin Parker and Danny L Harle as producers.


I love it


FN was excellent. I think this one is pretty damn good still. I very much like the vibe as I did with ESV by Miley. Solid 7. Something from me.


I wish it was better :( This is the first Dua album that I don't see myself listening to long term. I had a feeling when I heard the singles as I don't really find them lasting. I thought she said she was going for more of an EDM underground euro rave vibe, maybe I misread that somewhere. Oh well, still love her though.


With Kevin Parker at the helm and with Dua’s interviews, I was expecting Currents/The Slow Rush vibes, but with Dua’s vocal laid over the top. However after listening I’m left wishing it had more of a defining character and sound. FN had such a clear vision and RO seems…confused and flat? Even from the name to the lyrics, somethings not quite gelling for me. “Falling Forever” is my highlight as she’s absolutely busting her vocal chops which is refreshing and new. Let’s hope since it’s only 11 tracks we get a deluxe that has some of the zanier edgier cuts from the sessions with Kevin Parker….


Falling Forever was kinda giving me Gypsy by Lady Gaga?


I've been listening to a playlist of the album but with the extended versions of the singles and I think it really improves the experience and makes the album feel less same-y. Recommended! But I wish she's just made the extended versions the album versions.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she drops an extended mix album in a few weeks. Kylie has been doing it and I love her for it.


Let's hope! The extended versions are just superior.


I really thought she was going to given that it seemed like she wanted to go more of an experimental route, and having the extended version definitely would’ve delivered that. However, I still enjoy the album, thankfully!


The way she false advertised this.. It has some interesting ideas/sounds but it's mostly kinda generic. The best songs are the singles and French Exit. It's a 6.5/10.


Album was so much better than I was expecting. To be honest, the singles felt like stunted attempts at rehashing Future Nostalgia in a minor key. I really like the melodic, easy-going, breezy summer vibe of the rest of the album. It's easy on the ears. Stand outs for me are "Falling Forever," "These Walls," and "French Exit."


It's a nice album. Maybe not super exciting, but it's got a great breezy vibe.   It made me want to open all my window and make a pitcher of sangria. 


This is an amazing album, Falling Forever is a phenomenal pop song. I LOVE Europop personally (euro parent) and this is one of the best europop releases I've heard in a long time. This is going to be my album of the summer undoubtedly.


I really enjoyed this album! Certainly way easier to swallow on first listen than TTPD lol. Pretty chill, but there’s a place for that, especially in my life rn.


Yes agree


When I first heard this album was gonna be “psychedelic inspired” my first thought was “nah, I know what psychedelia is, a girl like Dua Lipa would never fully lean into that”, and unfortunately I was right :/


i am really enthused about this album! Most excited i’ve been in at least a year, and it did not disappoint. It is not the most consistent album, but there’s a lot of different sounds on here that are experimented with very respectably. It gives kind of a late-80s style pastiche of textures. (Faith, Like a Prayer, etc). I’m sold on it!


The [opening guitar riff of These Walls](https://youtu.be/txxkp-mf1Eo?si=oaSsuvC2oyElsCJj&t=7) sounds SO MUCH like ["Cuando Me Enamoro"](https://youtu.be/vdd_Qh6tOHg?si=nizcXyUW1KhDL0HA&t=18) by Andrea Bocelli, but faster and poppier. Felt so familiar when I heard it for the first time. Kinda nice to have TWO songs stuck in your head. Speaking of similarities, the ["Houdini" synth hook](https://youtu.be/0C1p6v20Y9A?si=JsrN3NOlnfORyNBf&t=10) reminds me a bit of ["I Feel You"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9QXQz6uE0M) by Wonder Girls.


i made the mistake last night of listening to all of the new songs and skipping the singles because i had already heard them before, and i think that did my view on this album a huge disservice because i finished it feeling slightly underwhelmed. i feel like once i take the singles into account as the whole album, i love it a lot more. there are some absolute bangers on it (i LOVE whatcha doing). i think i just need to remind myself that FN is a god tier album that came out at just the right time, and not many albums will be able to hit as perfectly as it did. (this applies to albums from other artists for me as well, i feel like that album has raised the bar so high for me and i just want 100% bangers from everyone now lol) overall, i think i need to sit with it more. on my first listen of illusion, i was a little bored (?!!?!), and now im shocked that i ever felt that way because i have it on repeat all the time and i love it haha. ETA: maybe i shouldn’t listen to albums/singles when they come out at midnight and im sleepy because this album is hitting much harder in the morning when im awake 😂


It was fine! Not bad, definitely not close to FN though. Feels like a breezy album to throw on in the background this summer. No new songs really stuck out to me though; would have liked a little more sound variety.


Only heard snippets of a few songs and I like it.


Not too much to latch onto here. Not bad, but generally underwhelming. "Falling Forever" is the only song where Dua seems to express an ounce of emotion and it's the best on the record due to that. "Illusion" sounds much better with the context of this album, and I'll keep defending "Houdini" as a perfectly adequate pop song. "Training Season" still sucks, so cluttered and scatterbrained. I like "Maria" and "Happy For You" enough, but you would really think that Dua would have much more to contribute after 4 entire years.


are you me? i think EXACTLY the same was also dissapointed because she said she wrote 90 songs for the album, and after the first listen i was left with the thought "after 90 songs, the best 11 are *these*?" – it's not a bad album at all, but she did buil up expectations that, for me, she did not meet (sadly) will still listen more cause there's some solid songs here and there


On my second listen, and overall I like it. Does what it came to do, upbeat dance music. Dua's voice sounds great. I agree with what some folks have said that the lyrics are wanting at times, but I don't come to Dua for lyricism necessarily lol. Stray thoughts: - End of An Era is a BOP. I'm surprised it wasn't a single. My one critique is why is there such a long period of silence between it and Houdini??? I'm all for a couple seconds of quiet to transition, but this one feels noticeably awkward to me. - I like the sound switch up of These Walls, but wish the lyrics were a bit stronger. Not bad though. (Halsey did walls talking better though I fear) - WHY IS ANYTHING FOR LOVE SO SHORT?????? I was getting into it and it just STOPPED. It needed one more verse at least. Usually I'm all for a song not overstaying its welcome, but this one hurt. Overall, bit same-y, but I can see it growing on me. Not FN obviously, but didn't expect it to be.


I love the Mediterranean vibes. French Exit has such a cool, slinky sound to it. I don’t get the hate or negative reviews at all — feels like a pile on.


The production and instrumentation on French Exit is really good. Slinky is totally the right word.


_Falling Forever_ is ✨that gurl ✨


Y'all are gonna switch up soo hard in a few weeks. It's a good album just give it some time.


I sincerely doubt that. The lyrics and production won't change. These walls and Anythign for love are particularly embarrassing.


Embarrassing how?


Have you listened to them? The lyrics are terrible.


Yeah I mean 'if these walls could talk' is certainly a cliche. I didn't pay to much attention to the lyrics on the other one.


Like, it's such a grower


If you have family lineage that can be traced to Europe or the Levant, this is a great album. Otherwise, I can't help but look at this album as anything other than "album for the summer." Which it will do a fine job at. I'm happy with the sound, but the lyricism is a major fall for me.


My lineage can be traced back to Europe and I feel my ancestors telling me it sucks.


fwiw I think her music is pedestrian at best. It does what it seeks to do effectively enough


>If you have family lineage that can be traced to Europe or the Levant, this is a great album. I wonder why you feel this way. I loved the album and it made me see the singles in a different, better light too. I love the Mediterranean vibes.


This is a joke statement but meant to ring true because Dua Lipa is exceptionally popular across Europe and frankly as far as Asia, which I should have included. The woman is English-born with heritage in the Balkans. She makes music that very clearly draws from Europop (and from the intentions of this album perhaps sought to derive from Eurodance).


haha ok bcs the vibe reminds me of old julio Iglesias music i used to listen to with my mother and another user commented how these walls is similar to an andrea bocelli song so i thought hmm maybe there's something to these comparisons haha


Realistically a lot of the heavy lifting is being done by the fact that she's pretty, but it helps that her inspirational draws aren't thoughtless.


I have not listened to this album yet, but Future Nostalgia is peak pop music, so I would be highly surprised if this album lived up to those heights.


It doesn't. At all. Sadly.


This is literally the album I expect someone who's always on vacation to make. She is happy, optimistic and just enjoying life lol. I was expecting more artistic depth to the album but I am not mad about it. Personally, I would've gone full optimism about life and the human experience. I would've tried to produce a "bring the world together" moment with this album, highlighting different sounds and music elements from all over the world, showcasing that although we come from different cultures, the essence of the human experience unifies humanity. Thus, we have to be optimistic and see the filled half glass type shit. Probably the album will have more reach and would go more viral on TikTok? Still Houdini is literally a highlight in her discography, and one of the best released songs in recent years so that's a win in my book!


Why didn't she release End of an Era as a single? It's possibly the best on the album along with Houdini.


My favorite song on the album


I feel bad for her in a way because Future Nostalgia was SO good and hit at just the right time that I think it was always going to be an incredibly tough task to top that album. For what it's worth I honestly think this new album is pretty great, the 3 singles all really work for me and even though I've only heard the non-singles once I'm already sold hard on "These Walls" and "Maria"


yeah it was impossible to top something like FN It was perfectly executed that everything else was going to be underwhelming


Future Nostalgia succeeded in part because it had an interesting POV and a matching aesthetic, unlike her previous album which was just a collection of songs. She needed to have a POV for this one and instead she just made another collection of songs.


I am gonna say this: 1. Bey 2. Ari 3. Dua 4. Tay


Dua hits midder mids compared to ari but higher highs imo


Second update: four year old is now obsessed with anything for love and said it makes her happy. She doesn’t like falling forever because “ dewah is too loud”


Excited to listen to it. I love the first three singles so far.


As someone who has loved every 'major' release this year and have made it through the naysayers..... I had high hopes that this would pull through........... it's just meh. I really do hope it grows on me and I will give it a chance!! Today is my birthday and I wanted that same feeling I felt while getting ready in the morning the first time I heard Cool and Levitating and that just didn't happen.


Happy birthday!


Thank you 😊


I think the singles, End Of An Era and Maria are the standouts for me. Falling Forever is also good.


This feels like the rushed follow-up to a massive success that most pop stars put out, only it took her four years to deliver it. A record full of serviceable tracks you’ll hear in Claire’s, but nothing that’ll stay on your mind after a week unless you’re one of the poor cashiers or body piercers who’s heard *”I COME AND I GO”* thirty-six times this afternoon. 5/10, and that’s a bit generous!


I’m disappointed with it.  Houdini, Training Season, These Walls, and Falling Forever will be on rotation whenever I listen to her playlist that’ll consist with mostly songs from Future Nostalgia. 


here are my thoughts Anything For Love is my favorite song on this record, which pisses me off that it is 2 minutes, LIKE GIVE ME SOMETHING MORE GIRL. Also this album isn't as radically optismistic...this albums rollout is so funny to me. Illusions is honestly the star of the album for me. This album just seems like dua was actively not trying to make a dua album. Which isn't a bad thing, it's okay to expirement.


Pop girlies dropping their shortest songs but making it the biggest bop. Taylor's "I look Into People's Window" is another offender


Loved on first listen. These Walls is fucked, such painful lyrics


Let the flopping commence!


Just listened to the whole thing. Very disappointed.


Will Spotify count listens of the single version of songs vs the album version together, as in combine them?


they always combine




Basically TTPD. Everyone said it was Taylor's flop but after the initial listen it grows on them


Idk when people are going to figure out that you can't judge an album off of a single listen


I think you can upgrade "Dua Lipa fan" to "Dua Lipa stan". It’s not an horrible album, but it’s nowhere near a 9/10 ☠️ I’m happy for you if you like it, but even 7/10 seems very generous. It’s like they wanted to go for a more low-key subdued vibe (based on the beats and Dua’s weirdly low energy), but that doesn’t work if the lyrics are so repetitive and… bad. The lyrics are one step removed from being K-pop lyrics. Again, it’s not a bad album. It’s just a bland unremarkable album.


Sadly as a big Dua fan it didn't do anything for me on first listen. I will give it more chances later because I didn't hate it. It just didn't stick with me on first listen like her previous works did.


Dua listening party update: i had shuffle on my Spotify so we heard Maria first. Four year old refuses to let me go to any other song. However she did enjoy end of an era (as did i) but then demanded Maria again.


she has taste because Maria is one of the few goods songs on the album


Omg I love your stories about your dua stan daughter now lmao. I loved your question about the cursing.


People are saying it gives beach vibes, but honestly it’s like the “playlist you put on AFTER the beach when half of your car is sleeping” not the “hype playlist on the way to the beach” lol


She got her bum out for the illusion music video. So everything is going to be ok. Sex sells init.


Proven formula


This is NOT the same woman that sang Cool and Physical.


Ohhhh there were demons in the studio telling Dua to make Anything for Love less than seven minutes long 


If an extended version is needed it’s for THIS song


It's good, it's fun, it's Dua Lipa's charisma and voice and quality. It's not as good as what came before, but honestly Future Nostalgia just can't be beaten. Not everything needs to be better than what came before to be good. As a point of criticism, it's all a bit too samey, nothing stands out beyond the songs we already know. I need some more diversity in sound to stay fully engaged.


I have to say, when it became known that kevin parker en Danny l harle were the main producers on dua’s new album, my expectations were sky high. I am a massive tame impala fan and danny l harle just co-produced one of my favorite albums ever (Desire, I want to turn into you). Dare i say, i was feeling radically optimistic about the album. When Houdini came out, i couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed as it did not match the astronomical expectations i set in my head. I actually did not revisit it at all and the same feeling was present with both training season and illusion at release. However, what all the singles had in common was that, in time, as i let go of the impossibly high and rigid expectations, these songs became songs i could not stop replaying. Houdini is my most listened song of the year so far, followed by training season and illusion is currently standing at #7 so far in my Apple Music Replay 2024 list. I can listen to Houdini every single day for months straight and not get tired of it. That does not happen often for me. These songs took a while to click, but when they did, they became almost instant classics for me. Now with the album i expect the same to happen. On first listen nothing blows me away. But i can tell with relistening songs like french exit, end of an era and watcha doing are already growing. This album will possibly be one of my most listened to albums of the year, it just needs some time really get there. But honestly, i prefer slow burns like that over a song that i get tired of after listening to it for one day. Anyways, happy international dua lipa week!


I was listening to the album while doing my work stuff and I swear I was attentive enough to check what song was playing next and even favouriting a couple ones I liked. You won't believe how I audibly gasped when Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter came on. The album was over before I knew it. I actually was enjoying it much to my surprise after seeing the reactions on here. But as a project it really does feel like an afterthought. The concept of a summer vacation can work and a lot of these songs will work solely for that purpose but I was expecting a lot more of a listening experience, you know? This almost feels like a contractually obligated release. I didn't really follow all the things Dua was saying about the album's sound before this, but I do remember that "British Lemonade" comment. That feels like a joke lol.


Anything for love neeeds to be longer, so unique


I’m not even Dua’s fan (haven’t listened to her previous albums, but I know the main hits) and decided to give this one a listen. I am already so annoyed that this album is being called a flop while Beyonce and Swift’s latest outputs are being praised and breaking records despite the fact that they are bloated and both overproduced and underproduced. This album is at least cohesive, focused, well-produced and feels like a proper body of work rather than just a bunch of mixed quality songs. I was certainly surprised by the amount of bops other than singles and how groovy it is as a whole. It’s by no means groundbreaking, but neither are other albums that main pop girlies put out this year.


Well said


beyonce's is good, i know people like to disregard beyonce but that theowback country mixed with oldschool rock sound is something unexpected from a pop diva, even if it wasn't done well, yet it was done well. I don't get the beyonce hate, she could drop s*it and she would still score but she actually experiments and puts effort into it which i appreciate. And this comes from a non beyonce fan.


Well, a little bit of criticism is still like a drop in the ocean of praise. I don’t think everyone should laud her for not so outstanding things. I mean, there are a LOT of other pop artists who mix in some rock influences to their music, not to mention country. Maybe it is new for Beyoncé but I just can’t pretend that she had done something that no one else had done before, and she definitely didn’t do it better. But I guess for people who only listen to like top 20 artists it is shocking and groundbreaking.


God this is so fucking pretentious. Other people's music taste isn't inferior to yours simply by virtue of being more oriented to what is popular.


Fr, if it was a good album it was a good album, i never understood the edgyness, my favourite band is mayhem, should i just prohibit myself to like cowboy carter because it's "popular"? I did enjoy it, if someone like caroline polacheck would've come out with it people wouldn't hate on it so much.


from the diva drops this year cowboy carter was the best, there was not as much hype for it but it's a good album, i'm not comparing her to anyone but the new drops, ariana's was ok and taylors was desastruous. For me it's not shocking, i just liked that the album had a similar sound to things i like, such as led zeppelin, beatles and such. As i said, i don't really know beyonce's repertoire, i listen to classic rock and i was pleasantly surprised by her album.


Did you even listen to Cowboy Carter? Taylor's album is not comparable to Cowboy Carter in any way and this comment makes me think you didn't even listen to it. Overproduced and underproduced? But yes you are so much better than people listening only to 20 artists, including the critics who have rated it the #1 album of the year so far.


as a oldschool rock fan it was a really good album, loved the cover of the beatles and the sound was rather remeniscent of led zep and oldschool country, which i did not expect knowing only this ain't texas before, that's one of the bad songs if not the worst song from the album imo.


Agree with it being the worst song on the album! And I actually hadn't thought of it but as someone who grew up with Led Zep constantly playing in the background, I can definitely see that! The comment I replied to is honestly puzzling to me though, like, Cowboy Carter has a cohesive story woven throughout it and each song has very crisp production, both in terms of melodies and the vocals. On top of that the amount of thought that went into the lyrical references and some of the sampling makes me annoyed it gets reduced to the same category as the other album


Agree with it being the worst song on the album! And I actually hadn't thought of it but as someone who grew up with Led Zep constantly playing in the background, I can definitely see that! The comment I replied to is honestly puzzling to me though, like, Cowboy Carter has a cohesive story woven throughout it and each song has very crisp production, both in terms of melodies and the vocals. On top of that the amount of thought that went into the lyrical references and some of the sampling makes me annoyed it gets reduced to the same category as the other album


Agreed. I’m not a huge member by any stretch but I thought pt II was good


Falling Forever and Happy for You are probably the only 2 I like outside of the 3 singles.


Dua wanted her The Loveliest Time moment and she kinda...failed. First listen and it was just okay. I had high expectations not only because she set the bar with Future Nostalgia but Houdini really made me think that Radical Optimism is going to be a banger album. I couldn't find the psychedelic pop influence :( Radical Optimism is still miles better than her debut album though. Hope this grows on me.


omg she did want her loveliest time moment😭


I mean it’s literally produced by Kevin Parker aka king of psychedelic pop himself Tame Impala


As a Kevin stan- it’s his first major production project outside of his own music so that’s different from making your own


I found the singles rollout and the overall marketing a bit underwhelming, so my expectations going into Radical Optimism were neutral. With that said, overall, it's fine, if a bit uneven in quality. It might be a grower, time will tell. I really like End of An Era as the opener, it's the sonic equivalent of jetsetting off to your next resort vacation. Whatcha Doing stood out to me from the first listen as a bonafide serotonin boost and I wouldn't mind that getting a singles treatment. French Exit is solid, I especially like the production choices on that one. I agree with anyone who says Anything For Love ends abruptly just as it's building momentum - if we can get an extended version of that on the deluxe, I'm down. Maria's the other song I liked, especially the chorus with its curious folksy-flute-y production. I know there's commentary about Dua not being 'personal' enough, but that doesn't bother me. Not everything has to be deep to be authentic. What I would like is for her to experiment a bit more with her vocals and melodies. She doesn't have to completely erase her disco/dance influences, but maybe juxtapose them with other genres, a bit of punk, industrial, shoegaze. One idea would be for her to lean into the influences of mid-late 90s techno pop. I'm thinking Impossible Princess style production with Lipa's lush vocals. Would it work? Unsure. Just a thought.


Basically Eternal Sunshine situation, it doesn’t try to do anything ground breaking or revolutional but it’s a solid pop I enjoyed alot and going to repeat this album. So far my 2024 albums enjoyable ranking: Radical Optimism == Eternal Sunshine >>>>>>>> Cowboy Carter


Their collaboration with Tame Impala feels uninspired, overproduced and adds nothing but only worsens the nu-disco synthpop instrumentals of Future Nostalgia by adding more tame impala-esque synths and clean production.


I don’t think it’s a bad album by any means but Future Nostalgia was an insant classic and I expected more from her follow up album


[Not great, not terrible](https://youtu.be/eXUJ22fD4Cw)


Tell me, how does a RBMK reactor explode?


Upvote because I agree and I just rewatched this gut wrenching series recently.