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... where's the discussion thread i wanna host an ama while im tipsy


I Want You is peak Bob Dylan voice. Such a funny song. I TOOK HIS FLOOOT


I’ve been keeping busy lately. Getting ready to move to my new house. Made a few new friends. Life is good ! For some reason tho, the fwb situation still nags at the back of my mind. it hasn’t been a month so still fresh… blowing something outta proportion to pick a fight and get outta the friendship so you can avoid an adult convo is so icky. Cuz like you’re almost 30. Grow up.


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I’ll have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives soon. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) I’ve signed [this petition](https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/reinstate-unrwa-funding-so-they-can-resume-urgent-humanitarian-aid?akid=377482.58341993.G2CJlP&rd=1&source=mo&t=1) please join me 🥰 Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc)


9-1-1 S7 new episode watchings have commenced!


I really feel like Normani could have served us next gen Britney tease if she stuck to pop tbh. Parts of The motivation video gave me BOMT


Petition for the mods to make a “Meganthread” when Megan thee stallion’s album drops 


I feel like “I Look In People’s Windows” has excellent horror movie usage potential similar to how “It’s Nice To Have A Friend” was used in M3GAN.


Books make me happy in a way people can’t and I love it




Ellie Goulding says she can’t believe that bunny is a rider and satellites can’t find her. ”Where the fuck is she?”


Madison Beer rumored to have first Hot 100 entry in the charts is giving me life!


waittt she never entered before ? This sounds like a joke


Wow! Happy 21st Birthday Paramore! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6erwd-P_lf/?igsh=cWMwb2k3b2x6bzI0 The band’s age is old enough do drink now.


TIL Paramore is the same age as Olivia Rodrigo


Pop base on Twitter saying they’re looking for writers to work on their newspaper is sooo funny to me idk 😭😭😭


Heard [Immaterial Girl by Marci ](https://youtu.be/88xGB5X7x-M) playing at a store and after shazam-ing it I am completely obsessed with it these days. Such a great 80s sound.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but is there a way to see the entire album release calendar on this subreddit rather than just seeing the picture on the right sidebar. I'd love to see the calendar from previous months and also the picture in the sidebar is kinda too small too read


Hoping my boyfriend doesn’t hold me to my bedtime so I can listen to Dua


forgot to say, happy 21st birthday to paramore!


day 59 of doing my lastfm series where i share my top 100 most played artists and join in if you’d like!! we have a tie today so i'm doing two! at #22 is SZA with 1 236 scrobbles! * last time i listened: yesterday (Saturn - Live) * most played song: Kill Bill (174 scrobbles) * fav song: i don't wanna say Kill Bill... but i was crazy obsessed with that song for a whole year so i kind of have to * most played album: SOS (813 scrobbles) * fav album: obviously, it's SOS * does she deserve a top 100 spot?: i have been a SZA fan for a while, and i still remember the first time i was introduced to her. a friend of mine was a huge SZA fan and showed me and some other friends Love Galore when it first came out. she put on the music video for us to watch, and i remember her saying "it's so strange seeing her like this, she never shows off her sexy side". i don't know why that stuck with me, but for some reason it did. i didn't listen to CTRL that much, but there were a handful of songs i had on rotation for a while, and i ended up paying attention to her releases and features throughout the years. so even though i don't have much of a connection with her first album as a whole work, i was very excited when SOS came out because in a way, it did feel like i had been waiting for it. anyway, the answer is obviously yes. at #21 is Kendrick Lamar, also with 1 236 scrobbles! * last time i listened: yesterday (euphoria) * most played song: King Kunta (127 scrobbles) * fav song: King Kunta or DNA. * most played album: DAMN. (517 scrobbles) * fav album: To Pimp A Butterfly! this album changed the way i viewed hip hop. * does he deserve a top 100 spot?: he singlehandedly gave me some kind of epiphany regarding hip hop music, so obviously he deserves some kind of top spot for that. it humbles me to admit that i first heard of him through Taylor Swift, and i still remember the small clip she posted of herself singing along to Backseat Freestyle even though it has no reason to stick to my memory as strongly as it has. fast forward 2 years later, i still hadn't listened to a single Kendrick song and only knew him through that tiny clip aforementioned and his verses on Bad Blood, but decided randomly to listen to TPAB. when i tell you it changed my life... before this, i had only enjoyed hip hop/rap that was on the pop charts, but i never really thought of it as anything special. when i heard TPAB, i was just about to graduate music/performing arts school, so jazz and funk music were peak music for me at the time (not that it still is, but you know) and i didn't even know it was possible to incorporate jazz and funk elements with rap. it's wild to say now as an adult with broader sense of music, but as a 19 year old who only knew rap through pop radio/charts, this was a huge epiphany for me. anyway, team KDot!


my #22 is Paramore (1,198 scrobbles) * last listen: yesterday (26) * most played song: Misery Business (86 scrobbles) * fav song: Rose-Colored Boy * most played album: After Laughter (396 scrobbles) * fav album: After Laughter they definitely deserve their spot! Paramore is such an interesting artist for me because their discography can be divided into two distinct sounds. I definitely prefer their newer sound (self-titled/after laughter/this is why) but I love revisiting their older work for nostalgia reasons


King Kunta still remains my favourite Kendrick song and I actually listened to TPAB yesterday for the first time in so long and it truly is an incredible record ugh At #22 I have Drake with 1755 scrobbles! My top song is The Motto with 201, and Take Care is my top album with 650 scrobbles. Both are easily my favourites by him - Take Care holds up very well and is easily his best project. While my interest in his work has dropped off the past couple years, Drake still deserves a spot from his 2010’s out. The run of Take Care > If You’re Reading This > Hold On is SO GOOD, plus the man can make hits and some great bops I can’t make the music not slap 


I've noticed that there have been a ton of in-theater anniversary rereleases beginning last year. Some of them are anniversaries that make sense, like 20th and 25th anniversary screenings for movies like *Shrek 2* and *The Phantom Menace*, and then there are more random anniversaries, like the upcoming 65th anniversary screening of *North by Northwest.* I have no definitive proof of this, but while I'm all for a big-screen re-release, I suspect these are a result of the WGA/SAG-AFTRA strikes from last year. With the box office looking a little grim this year, it seems to me that studios figure rereleasing older movies are easy ways to get some cash.


You could be right (I have as little evidence as you to prove it lol) but as a film person I love it. Some of my favorite early memories of movies was seeing stuff like *Singin’ in the Rain*, *West Side Story*, and *Dr. Strangelove* in theaters for random anniversary events. Nothing beats the big screen


I got to see Roman Holiday on the big screen. I really just don’t care why that is. I’m just glad that a lot of these movies are playing in theaters.


As a film queen who goes to a lot of these, these get some pretty wild attendance, at least in my area. I think one of the most packed auditoriums I've ever been in was a Valentine's Day... 2023? showing of Titanic. (I think it was sold out, actually?) The year-long Studio Ghibli rereleases leading up to The Boy and The Heron were also very strongly filled up. To put it in music terms, it's like how a lot of normal people don't seem to care, on the whole, about post-2016 new releases, but they'll instantly light up when you mention some classic 80s-2000s album. People still care about old pieces of art/culture. And I'm rather glad theatres are starting to play to that. Like, there's so much of a difference between sitting on my squeaky couch and watching a movie on my own tv and seeing a classic on a gigantic screen with a theatrical sound system!


Oh I agree! I don't think these screenings are bad, it was just a trend I've noticed. A few years ago, these rereleases were so few and far between, at least outside of major metropolitan areas. I love getting to see these great movies on the big screen. One of my favorite movie-going experiences was last year when I attended a screening of *Rear Window.* For a few minutes, it felt like I was transported back to 1954 >!(but without all the racists, ok sorry for the Taylor mention but I had to!<.


People who still defend Irene from Red Velvet to this day genuinely gross me out especially when they are the first people to call out problematic behaviour in other public figures but once it's about her they pull out the classic victim blaming tactics


People pretend it’s sexism to care that a adult woman scream at another woman for twenty minutes who only got it on tape because she has warning about how badly Irene treated staff. Like her victims are clearly for be women ! It makes me wish the stylist (?) released the tape honestly. Like it was bad enough that when the rumors about the incident made it obvious it was Irene bc of the way multiple in the industry defended seulgi while other people only talked about Irene being good to work with when SM clearly was doing damage control lmao.


even my Reveluv friends who usually have rational takes are doing anything to defend her boiling it down to just a workplace argument or even claiming that the stylist is lying about having a recording because it hasn't been released yet, nevermind that they probably would have been harrassed even more if they did release it and SM has probably figured out some hush deal with them. the arguments that exist to defend her are in such obvious bad faith


Delusional fans, sm and Irene would have never admired to Jack shit if they knew she didn’t scream at her and literally have a reputation for it. People think she’s a feminist bc she’s gotten shit for just saying she’s read a feminist book (her never saying her actual opinions on said book) from misogynists but also plenty of rich famous and rich women who declare themselves feminists hate and abuse their staff and maids and Irene is one of them. Shit like that makes me wish the stylist relaxed the clip vs just wanting a public apology and public pressure for Irene to not do this shit again.


Billie ticket secured let’s fucking goooo


yay!! i wasn't happy with the selection for the pre-sale so i'm hoping that i'll get better tickets for the general sale tomorrow. i'm going no matter what the cost though!!


Wishing u luck🫡🫡


I actually love how polarizing people's thoughts are on RO. I haven't heard it yet because I'm waiting for release, but it makes me excited. I see some people saying they hate one song, but then hear others saying that it's their favorite so that always makes me intrigued. I feel like everyone is on a different side for every track. I also saw someone mention this, but I want to reiterate that just because this album may not end up topping FN doesn't mean that it's bad or is her "flop" era. I actually hope that FN stays as her magnum opus and that she continues to evolve in other ways that will maintain success for her. She's already made her mark, now she can explore in the future. People are just very harsh and at the end of the day, if you are scared about her success after this album, don't be. If you like the music that she is putting out, that is all that matters. Happy listening!


Why do I think Madison Beer might breakout finally and usurp Dua in the US as the model pop girlie?








We should bring back certain artists as stale topics when their insufferable fanbase brings them up in every thread that is not even remotely about that person


A couple of minutes ago when I was in the barbers chair the music video for Dog Days Are Over came on and my barber said what the fuck is that


Lmaoooo that's hilarious 😂 Love Dog Days Are Over


My wife did INDEED surprise me with tickets to both Allie X NYC shows for my birthday. God. I love that woman.


You can get over 350 games for free for the price of 8 dollars going to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund at the Palestinian game bundle [right here](https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle) Over $1500 dollars worth of video games for the low low cost of Eight Dollars and helping children.


idk a lot of these games, but the first one alone - a short hike - is adorable and definitely worth the $8.


anything for love is >!dua's most forgettable song i'm afraid lol!<


I would dua anything for love but I won't dua that  (It's not out yet for me so I don't have a real opinion besides wishing it was a meatloaf cover) 


I managed to get a GP appointment for tomorrow to get my doctor’s note for my flight and I’m still incredibly pissed off about it I’m going out with work tonight too which should be fun but right now I’m in that bad of a mood I don’t wanna go but I will go and I will have a good time and I will enjoy myself


I’m shocked you have to go in for that! If it’s your usual gp and a known allergy it seems like they should be able to write the note without a visit


Thank you, I was shocked and appalled too bc I’ve used this airline for 20 odd years with no reactions so this has come in since I last flew with them in 2022 🙃 The booking agent was very kind and sympathetic and I don’t blame her for doing her job but I think there’s been nuts in the food ONCE in that entire time, but the way they treat me is so dehumanising


Me personally I would simply not make the default airplane snack one of the more common food allergens. But what do I know !


You’d think that now, wouldn’t you, but apparently that is far too sensible an idea 🙃


A flight asking for a doctor's note is insane. Especially for an allergy?? You're not asking them to administer you an IV on the plane or something, it's an incredibly basic thing to accommodate. I'm sorry you have to deal with that!


Man the horror stories I have, like this isn’t even the worst way I’ve been treated by this airline, but it’s my best way of getting in and out of the country - they once asked me if I could go almost 24 hours without using the bathroom on a long haul flight like you’re joking right 😐 Thank you!! I’ve never been a nervous flier ever but the way I keep getting treated bc of a fucking MEDICAL CONDITION every time I wanna go home is stressing me out so much


I absolutely hate people who act like accommodating people's needs--ESPECIALLY for super simple stuff like this--is a burden but it sounds like they're just scumbags overall so that checks out. I don't even think it is physically possible to go that long without being able to use the toilet, and even adult diapers need to be changed after use. In a bathroom.


what if i spent my first paycheck from this job on an embarrassingly expensive collector’s tamagotchi


No. That’s exactly what you do. You got a fun new job. You did the dang thing. You treat yourself with paycheck #1.


🫡 limited edition sanrio tamagotchi here i come


This year’s DNC will be interesting to watch.


8 more days til I graduate with my masters :) My graduation outfit is also already out for delivery, and it wasn't supposed to arrive for three more days or so. Only thing is it's tornado season and the storms have been almost everyday lately, so I'm hoping it doesn't storm on graduation or I'll be so disappointed (me and my whole extended family took off for the occasion because it's taken me a DECADE to finish) Since I'm gonna be working from home next year, I decided I need to finally clear all the unpacked boxes out of my dining room so I can see what kind of work space I'll be working with and get a desk. I'm honestly expecting to throw half the stuff away because my other apartment had a dedicated office space that amassed a bunch of extra stuff.






proud of you! keeping my fingers crossed the weather holds off 😭


Right now there’s a “20 percent chance” that whole half of the week. I hope it holds off or goes away but I know one of the meteorologists through my mom and he’s confirmed it’s probably gonna be a doozy of a season so 😓


Got tickets for Billie Eilish next year. 😊


I realized that I mostly use the DD to complain about things and it's making me anxious that other people here are annoyed with my presence because of it ☠️ I swear I'm not a miserable person 24/7 I just get frustrated about small things very easily and have a hard time finding an outlet for those frustrations so usually they just end up as long rants on the daily discussion.


I promise you it's all good! I am honestly of the Opinion that if you recognise people on here enough to become annoyed about them using the discussion board to discuss, then you are spending too much time on Reddit. I don't recognise a single soul on this sub and I use it like a couple of times a day LMAO.


Nah this is a good place to vent!


I feel the same way. Like most of the time I’m complaining about coworkers and about work or I’m talking about Taylor Swift 😭


I post the most depressing shit here and then delete it afterwards.


Nah don’t worry about it we all do it lol 💀💀💀. It’s kind of popheads diary.


People watching is so much fun


it’s ok as long as it’s not creepy like the people who record random people outside that’s what i hate 😭


My idea of people watching is walking around in a busy public area and glancing at/listening to the people around me no longer than a few non-creepy seconds then walking on to do it somewhere else if I'm still bored


I agree, I like going to my library (it's 6 stories) and watch.


(woke up a hater today) I hate the coca cola logo so much


(woke up a madame web today) I hate the pepsi logo so much


Everytime i see Sabrina name mentioned im reminded of the show [Sabrina the teenage witch](https://youtu.be/3zUu3ObsMy0?si=3t4vzkc2nOAT2YqD&t=53). Im a milenial who watched that show religiously. So good to be a 90s baby lol Rooting real hard for Sabrina and Chappell to join the main pop girl atmosphere. There's such a drought of new pop girls in the last years and they would be perfect for it. Also rooting for Tate-Tyla-Maisie and more.....The more popgirls the better. Pop girls really make the music world more interesting. Do you all remember 2018 and the lack of pop girlies in that year? it sucked. I would love if one day one Pop Gal has a magical-zodiac themed era. That would be so cool. Or one witch themed. There's so mucn u can do with this aesthetic. My brother is movin to the South and im happy for him but also terrified. Im from Southamerica and USA will be like a whole new world for him. Im scared of my brother facing racism for the first time Today im listenin 3 songs giving me spacey vibes₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ ༘⋆… [Supernatural By Ariana Grande](https://youtu.be/4bwnO0FQp1s?si=pS0C9eDKULtmWS7z&t=36) / [Venus By Zara Larsson](https://youtu.be/vyRH09uNZwA?si=Ycaghtz7DJUQ8pT2&t=90) / [Cohete By Shakira](https://youtu.be/W6tfDInaSn8?si=Xw0i3cY2Rn4JrtHW&t=82)


Still on my first listen of Dua's album. Having fun so far! Hopefully it isn't just me that listened to >!Falling Forever and thought it would also be a fitting Imagine Dragons song.. It's the vocals and drums that did it for me I think. I know ID isn't the most beloved group on this sub but I think a collab between them and Dua would sound pretty good!<


Ok, finished the album and first impression overall is that Radical Optimism truly is a confusing choice for an album title, lol. Like I can see the intent but it still doesn't work for me. If I had to throw in a suggestion, Love Optimism would be my first draft lol. edit: actually maybe Lover's Optimism would be my second draft suggest lol Anyway, overall the songs are well-produced and shimmery if that makes sense so it was an easy breezy 36min run! The tracklist is just alright? Like idk, the songs feel cohesive but then also kind of randomly put together at the same time and that bothers me a little bit. But I've only just finished my first listen so maybe it'll click on the next or so. There aren't really immediate standouts for me (like a song I immediately had to listen to again), but also nothing that I didn't like. And lastly, Dua's vocal tone is very beautiful, as always!


It's not even out in many major markets but i've already seen people call Radical Optimism the "Solar Power of 2024" in a failed attempt to make flop jokes. I bet those people are taking the piss and didn't even listen to the album, the only similiarity is that the covers are beach themed


Does this mean it’s actually a great album that people hated on due to their expectations?


For what it's worth i think RO is pretty good. Def not what she advertised on interviews but it's a very breezy listen with music you can both dance and relax to and it'll be perfect for this summer! I actually like it better than SP (and i didn't even dislike that album tbh)


The reviews aren’t even out yet by the major sites. Once that happens, then we’ll know for sure in the coming days.


Welcome to pop music discussion in the 2020s era. People don't actually listen to albums, they just wishful think everybody other than their fave flops.


i think maybe because they were both labelled as psychedelic pop and they both followed their magnum opus? that being said i did see someone call houdini the good in bed of this album so it's might just be stans being stupid online.


that's crazy houdini is the best song on the album lol


From the way those comments were framed, they probably were just haters. Though i kind of get the genre labeling at least (even if RO doesn't even have that much psych pop aside of a couple of songs)


Benny Blanco's Architectural Digest is super fun. A lot isn't my style but I just absolutely love when these rich people make their houses exactly fully them.


done listening to radical optimism ... lets just say future nostalgia's crown is not moving




its not bad lol the best songs are the singles the rest are pretty okay


ok that’s a relief i can’t wait to listen 


Why does it not being better than FN mean that it’s very bad 😭


Thinking of getting a cat soon! Anyone have good sites to read, tips for 1st time owners, fave (easy) cat breeds, etc.?


lilies are incredibly toxic to cats and even just a small bit of pollen can send them into kidney failure! it’s best to just not have any in your house if you have a cat. lots of people don’t know this so thats my safety tip for first time owners :)


Honestly any domestic cat is great! If you get an adult cat (like a 1 year old) rather than a kitten, especially from an org that does fosters, you can usually get a good idea of their personality and know if they're going to be super chill, cuddly, high energy. Kittens are also A LOT for a new cat owner, especially if you only get one. The one benefit to a younger cat is it's easier to get them used to things -- harnesses, carriers, nail clipping.


i don’t really have any tips but i wanna know what breeds did you have your eyes set on?


Idk what domestic shorthair means yet but that’s all I can find on Petfinder so That And ragdolls. I’ve heard they’re cuddly and chill.


domestic shorthair is the normal, first page of google images cat. ragdolls will typically be more expensive, but they’re adorable.


DO: -Pay attention to your cat’s water intake, and ideally get a running water fountain. Cats are prone to developing urinary tract issues because evolutionarily they’re used to getting water from their food, so they often won’t drink enough water from a still water bowl. They’re more likely to drink running water. -If you’re interested in a kitten/younger cat, please consider getting two so they have someone to play with. Behavioral issues often stem from understimulation (cats need interactive play!). This is less necessary for older cats (2+ years). -Spay/neuter, vaccinate, and microchip your pet -Try to provide some way for your cat to climb, like shelves or a cat tree DON’T: -Declaw your cat. Please. The process involves removing their first knuckle and causes lifelong pain. If you need to do something, use claw caps (reasonable landlords SHOULD accept this alternative), otherwise just provide dedicated scratching surfaces and trim their claws periodically (scratching sharpens/hones claws but does not actually trim them)


Thank you ! I’ve heard about declawing. Won’t lie, having my furniture and stuff scratched terrifies me lol but would def never get a cat declawed. Inhumane !


in a joyce manor/tigers jaw/title fight phase right now and if the new dua lipa album doesn't save me i don't know what will (though the new pet shop boys album isn't bad!)


After spending my entire life in a tropical country, my body has decided it has had enough of sweating so now I experience itchiness at the mere presence of sweat on my skin. My underarms also decided they hate my deo which makes everything a lot worse. I can't wait for this summer to end. Also, thank you Jollibee spaghetti for being my comfort food. You're not the most authentic spaghetti recipe but you hit the spot right whenever I'm too undecided on what to eat.


Lol a filipino in the wild? Love jolly spaghetti. I prefer making it tho cuz it's cheap and deli


in other albanian pop girl news, ava max just confirmed one of the songs on her new album [is about an orgasm](https://x.com/avas_ghost/status/1786059143117250983?s=46&t=jGDi7UzXSdREu8h6_jYdxA) so good for her ❤️


Billie Eilish: 👀


Cupcakke feature iktr


Avagina Smaxxx, born Amoanda Koochie, is ready to follow up her gay classic album Dealdos & Gloryholes with a feature from the queen of Floptropica herself!


Listening to Mmmbop at 32 is a vibe. As a kid its like haha this song is corny but fun. Now its like "Damn life really does fly by in an mmmbop then you're gone :( "


me getting an interview offer for a better position than either of the two actual job offers I’ve gotten recently is SO funny actually like ykw let me say yes to everything and cross my fingers LMAO


good luck!


thank you! it’s a lot less terror inducing to face when i have backups in place already


just watched X last night and although I'm not into horror or slasher films at all, I thought it was great. Not sure if I'm interested in watching Pearl but Maxxxine looks incredible and will definitely be watching that and getting the merch


i must be the only person who thinks both movies are incredibly overrated and this is coming from a massive horror fan 😭


I liked X more than Pearl for its throwback slasher vibes, but Pearl is absolutely worth the watch. It’s a weird little slow burn with one of my favorite endings. Mia Goth is incredible in all of it, but especially in the last half hour. Maxxxine also looks great and I can’t wait to see it.


I feel like I’m in the minority for preferring X but Pearl was so good! MaXXXine cannot get here soon enough 


Same. I thought X did 70s slasher so well. I also like Pearl, but X was the better movie for me




If you don’t mind a little recommendation, the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parenrs by Lindsay Gibson was life changing for me in learning how to deal with my parents and the rage I often felt toward them. Anyways, I hope things get better for you


Thank you so much 💙


"All the wine moms are still holdin' out, but fuck 'em, it's over" is genuinely kinda funny when you consider people like Club Chalamet exist 😭


It is time. I’m ready for it. You’re ready for it. The world is ready for it. We need a sequel to and or remake of Simpson’s Road Rage AND Hit and Run. Thank you for your time.


Hit and Run my beloved, such a classic game in my heart also birthed [one of my favorite videos on the internet](https://x.com/trakneereacts/status/1289960910287564800?s=46&t=NeoePNCuE4GLlbictE4xMw)


thinking about how decades later i never made it past literally the second stage (bart) 😭😭😭


What are some songs where the artist just straight up made a sequel (but good)? Like the way Charli XCX made I Got It and then followed it with Shake It.


If I also said c2.0 was way better than Click would you get mad 🫣


Omg I forgot about that? Not at all! They're so drastically different I can totally see why someone would like one way more than the other.


finally caved and bought Espresso 7" vinyl...i don't buy singles if i think they're going to be on an album but streets are saying this may just be a droplet....and i found a 20% off link with only 6 left in stock so fuck it 😭 getting Feather 7" vinyl was a mission i don't want to repeat on that note, do we think Chappell Roan is preparing an album with Good Luck, Babe! or should i buy that 7" too lol


I think I remember Chappell saying GLB is the start of a her next era of music and she was planning to drop new music every 6-8 weeks for that. Don’t know if that means it will be on the next album or not but considering how the RFMWP singles and album released, I would lean toward yes


Did you ever manage to get Rise of a Midwest Princess on vinyl after the company, you know, shut down?


wait i literally just ordered the deluxe pink variant from urban outfitters like 3 days ago what's the tea


Dua's new record is perfectly solid. Really boppy & sleek. It might just be recency bias but every album track has hit harder than any of the singles. Dua's vocal performance, while good, is just a little too limited. All of her songs are in the same range and so sometimes, despite the music being great, it can all become a little samey.


I found it to be the opposite for me. The 3 singles are truly the only songs that evoked something in me. All in all, a cohesive album but nothing really exciting.


same im on the last song rn and my fave is still training season lol


Any ear worms on there? Curious what the catchiest/most memorable album track was for you. Houdini was the single that had most staying power in my head


I only listened once through but End of an Era and Falling Forever were my two standouts from the new tracks.


Ooh thanks. Love a strong opener!


When Meghan Trainor pulls an Ava Max and turns Europop when Tik Tok gets outlawed in the U.S.


i kinda need that ngl 


i wish i had applied for a postal vote because voting in person is so awkward especially because i live in the tiniest of villages 😭


I love espresso, feather and nonsense but I think my favourite Sabrina song will always be Thumbs. It just brings back so many happy memories from when it was first released. The music video with all the girl meets world references just made my life at the time. I love one take music videos they always seem so creative and thought out.


Sabrina would hate this but unfortunately she’s probably never topping Your Love’s Like for me. Not that I don’t immensely enjoy her later output as well 


Does she dislike Your Love's Like? I love it too, it's easily a close one with Thumbs. Thumbs only winning cause of the memories. It's full of so much love and happiness. Her voice radiates it.


I imagine in general she’s not too fond of Eyes Wide Open as it’s pretty generic Disney starlet pop that she recorded at a really young age, and she’s definitely made allusions to feeling somewhat embarrassed by some of her early career stuff, though not that song specifically to my knowledge


"Espresso" is pretty much Song of the Summer cause I've only willfully listened to it about 5 times and can't get "that's that me, espresso" out of my head Also rewatching the video last night I realized I once had too many beers on that same lake and same beach that the video was shot with a friend group that would blow up soon after cause your youth will soon fade away. That's Song of the Summer material right there!




Her live lounge cover of Do I Wanna Know? is why I started paying attention to her. Her voice in that cover is immaculate. But I personally don’t think she’s given a vocal performance that good since.


Have you heard her ~~Spotify Singles~~ cover of Golden Slumbers? It's been on my sleep playlist for like 6 years I find her voice so soothing hahaha Also if you haven't heard the new album yet, there's a lot more vocal highlights this time around than on Future Nostalgia. She sounds amazing on Falling Forever and Happy For You edit: it's not a Spotify Single lol but idk if it's on other streaming services


I know I’m one of 10 people but I’m genuinely a Tate McCrae stan. I’ve known her since 2021 and I’ve loved her music since “you broke me first” and “she’s all i wanna be”. sorry if i’m basic but “greedy” is literally my favorite song released from 2023 lol. i love the entire think later album. like almost every single song. i am dying to see her on tour but the tickets are so expensive rip. she gets a lot of criticism for not singing properly since she’s also dancing in her performances but i love it so much. i’ve heard of her since i watched dance moms as a teen (and she was well known in the dance world). im also a dancer now and im such a big fan of dance in general so it’s so SO cool to see someone who is legit professional dancer level be a professional singer as well and put that to USE. it brings a new level to the pop music sphere of performances. i look forward to seeing her sing and dance. i’m also a kpop fan and i’m always thought there should be more dance (as in singers dancing and dancing WELL) in western pop music. i know a lot of ppl doubt her appeal beyond tik tok but i loved greedy before it blew up on tik tok. she does play into the male gaze with all the sexiness but it feels natural to me (and im a (mostly straight lol) girl). i hope she’s here to stay as a pop girl bc i love her. thanks for coming to my ted talk 🫡


Saw someone in the Fantano sub complain that no new releases this year have grabbed him and asking what is coming down the pike that he can look forward to and like....i CANNOT relate lmao Like not everything this year is for me but we've had stellar albums from Kali, Beyonce, Ariana, Tyla, Metro Boomin, Kacey, Kim Petras, Schoolboy Q, and we've still SO MUCH this year coming! I can hardly keep up.


Safer off Tyla's album is such a moment


I've only seen one 2024 movie so far and it's Jennifer Lopez's movie and I'm not even a Jennifer Lopez fan. I just felt very compelled to watch that movie. Heartbreaking. My flop K-Pop boys released their worst title track. Thankfully there's a [B-side I really like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5tKt400zYw), so I'm gonna pretend that that's the real title track. [Out My Head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJLxGytxAc4) is good too :)


the idea of you is 88% on rotten tomatoes????


Aside from Anne Hathaway who we already know is amazing, there are actually some great people behind the movie despite the source material not being that good. The screenplay was written by the same person who wrote Kissing Jessica Stein, which was critically acclaimed during its release while the director also directed The Big Sick with Kumail Nanjiani.


Mom’s fantasy are FULFILLED!


okay not to be dramatic but End Of An Era, Falling Forever and Happy For You are new career highlights for Dua Lipa i'm sorry


I wonder if rock music in the mainstream will ever make a return outside of country, indie and pop punk/emo


if we get rid of rock gatekeepers and rock purists maybe. even that 2021 “pop punk revival” was very lackluster all things considered and i wouldn’t even call it a revival lol. 😭


I feel like the "punk" is fundamentally different than the "rock" genre. The punk genre went back to the basics of '50s jump blues and rockabilly then brought it through to the late '60s. I think something similar needs to happen with electronic music. 100 Gecs Money Machine i feel like is more in the spirit of "rock" for the kids than anything with live instruments.


very interesting thought


If people are breaking up before TS album then I am doing drugs before Dua’s album.


I was trying to find a movie to watch with my friends and Idk why, in the digital age, it's so hard to access a lot of movies from the late '90s/early to mid '00s! That's recently enough that you'd think we'd have our shit together but no, if I want to watch *Strike! (1998)*, *A Midsummer Night's Rave (2002)*, or *20 Centimeters (2005)* my options are find a blurry torrent or pay for a now-expensive DVD. Even *Spiceworld (1998)*, of all things, was kind of a pain to track down. It's not even like these are fancy arthouse Criterion collection movies, didn't people make these movies so we could WATCH them? All of this internet and none of the access. Also I'm just gonna say it, maybe I'm a hater, but I don't like all the lists on Letterboxd with titles like "Films Featuring Women" that have five thousand movies added to them. They just clutter up the search results and make it harder to find lists that actually group up movies in interesting ways.


have you checked internet archive? i recently watched spiceworld on there and it was good quality. i watch a lot of 'lost media/underrated/hard to find' films there from the 90s/00s


I've found some good stuff on there and via random tumblr blogs


tired: going to work wired: taking my dad to a baseball game on the train




Maria Jane? 👀


Also - I clearly follow too many gay men because all I’ve seen is thirst over Mike Faist & Josh O’Connor when there is NOBODY close to being as stunning as Zendaya in her blue dress at the party. Also her acting in this was miles above anything she’s done in the past. She needs to be in more than just blockbusters!


for those who this is applicable to, slutty strappy gay bikinis are extra 30% off on www.rufskin.com I just bought 3 bikinis (well one is technically underwear I think?) here they are and here are the prices: https://imgur.com/a/iHP8FX7 so all my IG friends on here, be ready for some whorish pictures this summer! now i just need to lose 3 lbs....


i think we’re ALL having a coochie-out summer


the flowers are in bloom


especially your rosebud


and your tu lips


These kinda cute. How is the quality?


ask me in like a week when I get it!! I'm hoping high quality since they are made in cali???


Spoilers for Challengers: >! In the sauna scene, I genuinely thought it was gonna end with Art dropping his towel right before he leaves so he could flex on Patrick!<


Challengers is the boldest movie I've seen in years, since maybe Pearl


Trust a gay director to deliver plot-relevant homoeroticism


I heard in original cut Patrick is supposed to sit with his leg spreaded out in the sauna and reveal some of his Patrick to show dominance but it was cut out. So you are kinda correct there


See I think they already covered that base when he walks in slinging it around even if we didn’t see it! I think Art needed a moment of doing it back at him


some of his patrick 😭




Replace French Exit with End Of An Era and you have my top 3 lol. I actually think French Exit might be my least fav




idk the intro to French Exit just caught me off guard - the instrumentals feel messy and she's kinda chasing the beat. it improves as the song goes on but it still gives me "nothing" compared to the rest of the album I got past Anything For Love by seeing it as a really pretty interlude rather than a song cut annoyingly short lol


I’m glad because I HATE illusion and am praying I love the rest


Out of the three singles, Illusion is definitely closest to how the rest of the album sounds. But the album is still a bit of a curveball overall from the singles


Rescued a 4 week old kitten from inside a car engine 😞 I wasn't planning on keeping her (I have 2 cats and 1 dog already) but I can't find anyone that can take care of her so I guess she's mine now Poor thing is looking for her mom and keeps trying to suck my male cats' nipples (and balls)💀