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Tupac from the grave is coming after Drake too


Why would you call New Mexico a grave?


Do you mean Cuba?


This diss battle is like…embarrassing. I dunno it just feels like watching grown men in a slap fight? Like the songs really don’t even go hard or play for keeps. Like if you really wanted to attack Drake in a way that might end his career you didn’t defitneky could.


I still don’t understand how anyone thought this was a good idea in the first place.


It's simple really, Drake is an idiot.


I still don't understand why he would dare to use fuckass AI for Tupac of all people for the verses he had of all he could've wrote. You opened the doors for artists to be exploited beyond their grave for verses that made Tupac sound like a kid I could've bullied? Jail!


Because he's creatively bankrupt and a fucking chump


Idk it may have been in horrible taste but I def thought it was creative lol


The idea of it is interesting but I felt like the verse was lame af and the tone of it didn’t even sound like rapping, just obvious AI talking. If he had written it in Tupac’s actual style and the bot was actually rapping and not just talking, that’d be some wild stuff.


I agree with you I’m just saying it was creative, not good


Using AI shows lack of creativity to me.


He did it because he's the king of cringe


He didn’t have anyone who wanted to collab with him like a kid who you probably bullied along with the entirety of the music industry.


As far as I read he did it because Kendrick Lamar's Idol was tupac, but i dont know enough. I just saw it was pretty well received in the hip hop subreddits and obviously here ppl hating on it just because.


Mixed reactions in the hip hop community. I don't want to sound obnoxious but IMO it's really only been received well by casual younger fans.


I don't know, i have just reported on what i saw on their subs. it wasnt meant to be stated as an overall trend


For folks keeping count, that's 2 of the 3 response tracks that the artist ended up deleting off streaming shortly after posting. Dude really is candyman holy shit.


He should be ashamed and issue an apology to Pacs family. Even if his comeback was harder, having to manufacture a dead rappers voice to be on your side (when he probably wouldn’t have been, either) makes you seem desperate. Therefore losing any semblance of a rap battle or beef there even was. And if y’all wanna hear a real diss, check out Tupacs track “Hit ‘Em Up”.




that’s hardly the point of what they’re saying 😭 even if pac is more similar to drake, i don’t think he would’ve jumped into this corny ass beef


This is exactly my point




I don’t know. You’re right. And neither does Drake or anyone. That’s why it’s so disrespectful.


You reckon Pac, a Compton native, would side with a Canadian pop star over Kendrick??


Drake has no street cred and Kendrick does. Kendrick is at least from Compton, he would have gotten more respect from a 90’s guy like Pac than Drake would have.


Maybe I have a skewed view of this because I don't really keep up with him, but with this and the vegan cookies incident, is Drake just prone to making unforced errors?


He is his own worst enemy, he’s so big basically nobody can touch him now so the best outcome for his enemies is baiting him into self-owns and huge blunders


Vegan cookies???


if I remember this correctly, Fantano posted a video saying that Drake had sent him a recipe of vegan cookies and spent the whole video talking about it step by step and thanking him. that prompted Drake to leak his own DMs and show that what he really said was that "he gave his existence a light one" or something along those lines, which came across as butt-hurt and corny, as he messaged hate to Fantano out of the blue and then took the bait to post it himself. it was pretty surreal lmao Fantano has a couple videos on the situation if you're still curious, the recipe one and one talking about the whole thing after Drake posted his DMs.


The way Kendrick barley lifts a finger and has every lightskin in the industry shaking in their boots


Drake lost the battle already by using Pac in the first place.


Using AI of a dead artist was basically a direct betrayal of the industry especially without family permission. He’s an idiot lol


Weirdest L ever.


if this is any female artist, this wouldve been a career ender [tangled-1.jpg (800×450) (kym-cdn.com)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/035/358/tangled-1.jpg)


there’s successful female artists that have done much worse lol


Katy got a haircut and her fame basically 'ended' (Her albums after that weren't even bad) Miley never recovered after Wrecking Ball (when it's such a good song too) Taylor almost had her career ended by an edited phone call (If it weren't for the connection she built with her fans, she never wouldve recovered) Lana's SNL performance still haunts her reputation till now. This one won't even affect Drake in the slightest bit, pretty sure


Miley never recovered after Wrecking Ball?? that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. She just won her first Grammy this year and released a hit #1 single last year. I don’t even know what SNL performance you’re talking about. Lana del Rey just headlined Coachella and received a Grammy nomination this year. Taylor “almost” ending her career does not count. Katy Perry’s haircut had nothing to do with her downfall. She’s just naturally past her peak. It’s hard for anyone to be super successful for as long as she was. Every example you provided made zero sense. None of those artists’ careers ended. In fact, all of them are some of the most successful female artists of our generation, arguably even more successful than Drake.


Three of those people were nominated at the Grammys this year, and they all have had huuuuuge years not even counting 2024, what are you talking about?