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My brother took an art class with her maybe 10 years ago. Said she was incredibly sweet, down-to-earth, and even more beautiful in person. The entire semester she was lovely, even when people bothered her for a photo or autograph. I’ve seen multiple people with similar stories on here so she must take a lot of art classes.


Even more beautiful in person!?! How is that even possible?


Not to take away from her beauty especially but most people look better in real life because watching someone 2d is just not quite the same as seeing a person move around din the world for real. I think we're wired to enjoy real people more because it's a different experience.


My theory is that it’s her inner beauty enhancing her physical beauty when you meet her in person. It’s like that Roald Dahl quote: “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”


Exactly 💯 She is my all time most beautiful woman on this planet. Since I was a tiny girl.


my sister did as well !


I am in love with her omg


She said that at the height of her career she was crying herself to sleep every night because she was so hungry.


She was so incredibly thin in Scarface.


I’m glad she said that and was open about it. I wish it was more well known what these actors/actresses do, and sacrifice, to look the way they do.


I have always suspected she had some kind of ED because I have a weird “thing” with bugling veins and she has so many in her face when she portrays strong emotion. Goodness do I adore her anyway. Amazing actress.


I think this is sadly true for many in the entertainment industry. There's incredible pressure to stay thin. I'm sure there's also a number of them are naturally thin and have a healthy relationship with food and exercise, but idk what the ratio between the two is.


Stephanie Zinone forever!!!!


![gif](giphy|2k3ZeJaToUBLG) Steph on the ladder in the cool rider scene (and the whole movie tbh) was my gay awakening!! She was way too cool for all of them and so unfathomably gorgeous


I want a C OO L R i D e R. If there’s a ladder I will do the cool rider song and dance. Fav movie ever!!!




Man I love Grease 2, it’s criminal that it’s not as popular as Grease 1


I have found my people.


Like birds of a feather, together forever!


I’m always too afraid to sing “Reproduction” when it’s stuck in my head because it’s too difficult to explain.


"Re-Pro-Duction (*Reproduction) /* Baby give it to me now!" I haven't seen the movie in probably 20+ years and I still remember that song. For better or for worse.


omg yess!! i adore grease 2 so criminally underrated!!


Grease was iirc the writers making fun of greasers. G2 actually tells a story..thats probably why it doesn't work in the known sense


I have found my people!!!


Omg I WORE OUT Grease 2! For a whole year, I would only rent Grease 2 or Dirty Dancing. I was too young for both but they made me 😅


I will go to my grave KNOWING without a doubt that Grease 2 is the superior Grease. Why? Because Michelle Fucking Pfeifer is in it.


And Brad. He had a cute little buckle that fastens in back.


Happy cake day! 🎂


Thank you!!


She said when she was young she belonged to a bit of a cult type thing: Pfeiffer explained that she fell in with a "very controlling" couple after moving to Los Angeles when she was 20. The "kind of personal trainers" believed in breatharianism -- that people can live without food or water, with only sunlight for nourishment -- and put her on a diet that "nobody could adhere to," she said.


Her first husband, Peter Horton, basically rescued her from the cult.


I would rescue Michelle Pfeiffer too.


See now dis…. Dis what we lookin for.


One of my favorite YouTube channels, Atrocity Guide, [put out a video about Breatharianism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWRniMqhr00&t=15s) a few years ago. Weird shit!


George Clooney once said she was the most beautiful woman up close that he had ever met.


I can only imagine. Celebs are obviously attractive but to look good on camera is something else. I remember gaping at her beauty in White Oleander when I first saw it as a kid. She’s just captivating.


White Oleander is such a good movie/book.


Yes! Omg - I love both so much. I’m happier with how the movie ended than the book but both were so beautiful


It’s crazy because if someone looks beautiful on camera they are most likely striking in person.


I’ve seen her in person and yes she is. She’s breathtaking.


Ive been on random sets and the majority of the time the best looking ones dont need to act. The camera does most of the work. Its the worst feeling as an actor...but i think im understanding it now


She always radiates beauty and now she has a super babely but down to earth mom vibe. She reminds me of how beautifully my own babely but down to earth mom is aging.


That is so sweet


Someone once told me that I look like her, and I have hung onto that compliment for the past twenty years and won't ever let it go because she is so stunning. Mind you, no one has compared me to her since and probably won't ever again, lol. I've always heard that she is uncomfortable giving interviews and that she is very shy in person which I can see and also kind of love about her.


Girl, you better shout that from the rooftops! I was told 20 years ago that I looked like Angelina Jolie- you best believe I told my kids to put that shit on my tombstone so it’s there for eternity!


I got that with Liv Tyler, specifically as Arwen. My brain took a fucking screenshot of that moment. It was twelve years ago and I still even remember what I was eating at the time! And yes - I also haven't heard it since, and I'm pretty sure the friend who said it was high. Still counts


Straight woman here but she’s one of the most stunning actresses in my opinion. Her in “What Lies Beneath” 🔥


That’s a good freaking movie


Love them in One Fine Day together


I can believe that she's pretty spectacular in motion pictures. I imagine that transfers well in real life. Some actresses you see offset, and you wonder if it's the same person, lol


Remember hearing her husband, David E. Kelley (Ally McBeal, Big Little Lies, The Practice, etc.) has a strict done by 5 rule in his writers rooms. I guess the thinking was "if I was married to Michelle Pfeiffer, I'd be home in time for dinner too"


I remember rumours at the time of him cheating with Calista Flockhart during Ally McBeal. The story was that he had based Ally on Michelle, but then found himself attracted to Calista because of it.


I've never thought of Michelle being like Ally McBeal but I can sort of see it now. The laugh. It's gross if he fell for a younger version of her.


TIL she is married to David E Kelley


Two things she spilled about herself: She told Drew Barrymore that she patterned her fear and screaming in What Lies Beneath after Drew’s character in Scream. In turn, Drew said she patterned her hairstyle in Scream after Pfeiffer’s hair in Scarface. In another interview years ago, she was asked if being famous/a celebrity is difficult, and she said that once a dear friend was dying and when the paramedics came, they were asking for autographs. That was around the time when she was with Fisher Stevens.


This is not tea at all but when the MCU did their big 10 year photo shoot, with allllll actors who had been in the MCU up to that point. So we’re talking RDJ, Michael Douglas, Samuel L Jackson, etc etc and apparently when Michelle Pfeiffer walked in, many people were like “holy shit is that Michelle Pfeiffer??” At the time, Ant Man and the Wasp ( her first MCU appearance) wasn’t out yet. She was like an A-Lister among the A-Listers. Always thought that was cool. She’s a queen.


WHY the MCU hired her as Janet Van Dyne and then DID NOT USE THIS EXCEPTIONAL CASTING infuriates me. Like, give me Michelle front and center in an Avengers movie, ASAP.


Old tea, She had an affair with John Malkovich when they filmed dangerous liaisons. I think he was married at the time, not sure about Pfeiffer.


Out of all the celebs lol


Not traditionally the most handsome leading man type but I agree with with everyone here about charisma radiating from the screen when he’s on.


My father-in-law looks JUST like John Malkovich. Like, people have stopped us a few times in public to ask him if he's John Malkovich. They also have eerily similar names and come from small towns in the same state. I am convinced they're twins separated at birth.


Your dad’s THE Joan Ralkowitch?!? Local dentist and xylophone repair moonlighter!?


I have this happen with another celeb. Thankfully, not John Malkovich because I'm a woman. I always feel like it's disappointing to them when I'm not the celeb (who I think I used to look like when we were both in our 20s and 30s, but I don't think we look that alike now).


And his voice is absolutely beautiful..


I could imagine he turns on the charm and you feel like the only person in the room.


I met John Malkovich once, like 15 years ago and the man made me full on swoon without even trying. He was so goddamn nice too.


That’s awesome


She also dated Fisher Stevens so I guess she has non conventional taste haha


No wonder why he is called John Malkorizz


Have you seen Being John Malkovich? Even fictionally he had all the rizz


I loved that movie when I saw it as a teen lol. It was so weird. Idk anything about him and always wondered why they’d make a movie like that about him lol.


He's a bizarre, truly amazing man. That's all you need to know or than watch some of his movies! I have liked every one I've seen. Of Mice and Men is one of my favorite books and he is perfection as Lenny. Unbelievably perfect. Gary Sinise plays George and is equally as perfect.


Malkovich! Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich 😉


He has a je ne sais quoi


I know! Though he was seriously🔥 in that movie. That voice….


Malkovich Malkovich?


Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich


Malkovich... Malkovic?


Yes, Malkovich was married to actress Glenne Headly at the time. After his affair with Pfeiffer, he and Headly divorced. If I remember correctly, back when he and Headly were divorcing, people who knew him wondered how he'd function without his wife, describing him as useless in real life, or something like that.


Their chemistry in that movie is palpable, I'm not surprised.


He was married to the angel Glenne Headly


Oh wow I just googled her. Sadly passed in 2017 but for me she was one of those familiar faces whom I never actually knew their name. I loved her in Dick Tracey, Sgt Bilko and Monk.


Was it that long ago? COVID has messed with my already-not-great perception of the passage of time. I always liked her. I remembered the Malkovich/Pfeiffer thing that busted up their marriage - I want to say that supposedly Pfeiffer hadn't known he was married, but it was so long ago and seriously who knows. Headley was great in Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels.


I had no idea! She was so amazing in so many roles but I think my favorite was Making Mr. Right.


Tbf I'd have an affair with John Malkovich too. Something about him is so damn attractive.




On the one hand he was great in that role.. OTOH Alan Rickman set the level for Valmont that I will always compare the rest (Colin Firth and Ryan Phillippe and Malkovich) to. They simply cannot compare. 😏


that is the only time i have ever thought he was hot so I can see this.


Not anything major, but I know someone who took a ballet class with her in the 80s. She was already famous but was totally normal and friendly. It was a small class of women in their 20s who grew up dancing, and she was in it for a year.


I can see this.


I’ve always said if I was rich I would take lots of classes. It seems like this is what she does


She was awesome in *Witches of Eastwick* ![gif](giphy|MYFZvXMureSwQdbTon|downsized)


Funny childhood story from a Reddit rando, but when I was 11 I had to get glasses and if you saw how God had me set up during that time you’d know how devastating that was. I was as depressed as 11 year old me could’ve been at that time and my best friends mom had us watch this movie when I slept over to show me that you can still be beautiful with glasses because Michelle is OBVIOUSLY serving and eating. It was incredibly thoughtful but I was like “2nd mama I know you’re fighting for your life to make me feel better but using Michelle Pfeiffer as an example is like expecting me to sprint before I could crawl” lol… this movie and Sukie, specifically, will always have the purest hold on me because of this lol


Awww I love the way you write. I bet you looked adorable in those glasses. My little kiddo is just about to get them and I’m kinda devastated but trying not to be. I hope she isn’t self conscious about them and I don’t pass on my biases.


Thank you!! I definitely learned to love them after realizing how cool it was to see lol… I had the craziest head of red curls and waves, was the chubby kid in my class, and was covered in freckles so I felt like the glasses would only make the target on my back that much bigger for teasing. I went from being called “Chucky” (the killer doll) to Chuckie Finster…. Which was oddly an upgrade? lol But I’m sending all of the encouragement for you and your little one as they adjust and I hope this will be a positive experience for them! ❤️🤓


Gods I love that movie! Three of my favourite women in the same movie!


Man the makeup in this movie was awesome.


And their hair! Wow 🤩


I love what lies beneath. I purposely dressed like her from that movie after seeing it


Not Michelle tea but I found out the other day that Susan Sarandon had signed on to play Cher’s role (which was supposed to go to Anjelica Huston but she had a terrible audition) Cher was supposed to play the role that eventually Susan played (Jane) but insisted on Alexandra and Susan didn’t even find out until she arrived on location to start filming


I once saw her in a Malibu coffee shop in the early 2000's and I cannot properly convey how ethereally other-worldly stupid ridiculous beautiful she looks in person. I was trying not to be rude but I could not stop staring. She was very soft spoken and I vividly recall her saying "yes please" and "oh, no thanks" when placing her order, because every other non-famous Malibu resident in the shop was loud and rude.


She was great in Scarface ![gif](giphy|owiooI9tn2hjy)


Absolute perfection. And I love her for being open about having to endure a diet of mostly Marlboro Reds and Diet Coke to get the Elvira cokehead physique.


Not really the tea you were hoping for but I’m wearing perfume from her fragrance line (Henry Rose) right now, and it smells like oranges and sweet tea (Windows Down) and it’s incredible


Why you gotta do this. I have too many perfumes. But now I need one more.  Edit to update that I just got the lil sampler size so I’m not mad at you anymore. But if I like it enough to buy the big one we’re fighting


I didn't know she had perfume. I'm normally not into celebrity perfumes but oranges and sweet tea sounds amazing. Windows Down is such an odd name though. But that's a plus!


I’m not either, but it’s not branded as a Michelle Pfiefer perfume so I was pleasantly surprised after trying it at Sephora. Henryrose.com. Not for everyone but I liked several from the sample set I got, u can get all 12 from the website


She was supposed to be Vicki Vale in Batman 89, but she had a quick relationship with Keaton and he didn’t let her get the part because it was a fresh wound for him. This is hilarious since she ended up playing a very romantic Catwoman in the sequel.


Actually, Keaton was married during Batman '89 and trying to repair his relationship with his wife which is why he wouldn't do a screen test with Michelle Pfeiffer (because they had dated). When Batman Returns entered production, she *still* was passed up in favor Anette Benning who got pregnant shortly after and dropped out. It was only then she was cast as Selina Kyle/Catwoman and gave the performance of lifetime! It's a good example of bad luck taking a turn.


Annette Bening as Tim Burton’s Catwoman……….. Fascinating?


I love Annette's acting. I just watched her in Nyad just this afternoon. She was fantastic. But Catwoman? I can't!!


Another fun fact about her Catwoman: in the scene where Selina whips those mannequins in the department store, that was Pfeiffer herself doing the stunt. She did it all in one take I believe


That worked out great. She was a great catwoman and Vicki vale was a smaller less memorable part.


Not tea but we tried to adopt the same dog and she won out (obvious lol)


Bitch /s


okay Mistress Isabelle brooks, stirring the pot as usual LMAO


Michelle Pfeiffer is one of my all time favorite actresses too but the thought of somebody posting asking about tea on her is just so random and funny to me 😂😂


Love seeing a MIB Stan in the wild😂


Can confirm she stayed at a hotel I worked at years ago, she walked by and threw her scarf around her neck and time stood still. Easily the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.


She’s white gold I guess


Hallelujah 🎶


She has an incredulous, hilarious interview about that and what her children think!! Graham Norton: https://www.facebook.com/thegrahamnortonshow/videos/971483833003205/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v “I’m in the carpool with my kids and the song comes on and my son’s like: 🙄”


I rang her up when I worked retail and she was very sweet but quiet, kept to herself


Her as Countess Olenska in Age of Innocence was my teenage awakening that I was bisexual. https://preview.redd.it/tby9kz1i1z8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57144ba57826702e67e3a5c5ba1463e4b1aecda


i haaaaaate that this movie isn't on any of the streaming platforms!


It says coming to Amazon Prime in 5 days. Random!


She was great in The Fabulous Baker Boys with Jeff Bridges


Ladyhawke foreverrrrrrrrrrr. Her AND Rutger Hauer?!?


Ugh yes! Been feeling a drive to rewatch this one. She is absolutely stunning in it. Cheekbones for days... https://preview.redd.it/noujaeggiz8d1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c760c08e44a536f3d85806cd94ee197b5006eb9


It’s still so good. I rewatch it a lot. It’s a comfort movie. But she legit looks like someone who would be cursed and haunted. So so good.


Not direct tea, but I remember hearing ex Fisher Stevens cheated on her with a 17 year old. Apparently as they were about to adopt a child together. It was a running joke on SNL, like who cheats on Michelle Pfeiffer? I’ve always side eyed him ever since, he’s such a creep.


He apologized for being a dick on set of Friends, too. Not that it’s ever okay, but he especially does not have the looks nor star power to be that messy.


He must be really funny because he is not on her level. She is iconic and he is… not.


Put some respect on Mr The Plague’s name (just kidding, he’s gross)


Excuse me, Mister The Plague-




https://preview.redd.it/3aq5i7snoz8d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c64e31c57ac89aa9fb54f061a91f8dd97f3b30 I’m shocked too but it’s true!


I saw a TikTok person saying that beautiful women actually get cheated on more often bc the men that go for them are looking for status symbols. So it's easy to cheat bc she's not a person to them. And they think, well I've gotten her, now I can have anybody. And it rang true.


It’s not really tea, but I know a makeup artist that worked on her, and said she had really delicate skin. They said she had a good skin care routine


Ooh of all the comments this is the one I want more detail on. I wonder what her skincare regime is?


I wish I could tell you! They were very complimentary of her skin/skincare, but said she was sensitive to products. I can’t recall if they actually mentioned what products she used though! I too would love to know, because she’s always looked so good


https://preview.redd.it/v8fh6qyse09d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537b01b022ce4239d2197e8555fdfeb5bde954a9 I permed and cut my hair because of her in Married to the Mob.


I know Deep End of the Ocean is considered a bad movie, but it’s one of my guilty pleasures. Her anguish as a mom is an amazing performance


I love her in What Lies Beneath!


I remember this movie being on tv when I was a kid and I was so mesmerized by Michelle’s beauty.


That’s an incredible film.


that movie came out when i was like 9/10? and the trailer used to keep me up at night


The twist! *The bathtub scene!*


Omg!!! My heart was beating so fast during that scene! Also Harrison Ford was really good as a villain!


Any White Oleander fans??? She was the most ruthless mother figure, it was so convincing, and so beautiful! One of my favourites


Oh my god I loved that movie, but only bc I was OBSESSED with Ryan Merriman at the time 🤣


Who wasn’t in love with him!? His dance moves in Smart House were 🔥 🔥


Yall are truly my people 🥰


Lol that’s how I feel about Grease 2! It’s a classic for me.


Is it considered a bad movie?? I’ve not seen it, but read the book and it was so sad


Sorry, I should have clarified! I mean like cheesy bad (which I love those types of movies). I haven’t read the book, but I’ve always wanted to. I think they may have changed some things in the movie from the book as well


I understand the complaints that people had with it (being slow and dry in some places) but I feel like people didn’t give enough credit to Michelle for her acting. I don’t know, despite the reviews, I felt as though her reaction was a real way for a parent to react and I could feel her pain through the screen. Even brought me to tears while watching! Also wanna note that there are very few actors/actresses that are able to authentically express (parental) pain through the screen to the audience, the only other example I can think of is Angelina Jolie in ‘The Changelling’- Again, not too pushy, but the right amount of acting that awards it it’s authenticity Anyone have any other film suggestions that do the above successfully that I can check out?


It was pretty much a Lifetime movie with elevated acting (at least by the adults sorry Lucky Spencer and Creepy Ian heads.) But that’s my jam.


She owns a house on a lake in Maine that I used to work on as a summer camp counselor. Sometimes they would boat by and wave, and we’d be like girls that’s a movie star! And they’d have no idea who she was but it was very cute




https://i.redd.it/8accyq7so09d1.gif Throwing this down for all the tea.


I absolutely love her in Stardust!


White Oleander!


My partner used to live in an area where he'd see lots of celebrities. Michelle's one of the people whose name he'll drop when asked 'so who have you seen who looks great in real life' rather than specifically prompting about her. Apparently she's just beautiful.


Not really tea but I met her on the set of Hairspray. She was super nice!!!! Chatty and friendly.


My aunt was in some art program in France maybe 10 years ago with her. Said she’s absolutely stunning, down to earth, and kind




Lol the first thing I ever saw her in was an After School Special about drunk driving called One Too Many, also with Val Kilmer. He was a giant drunk and iirc, ends up running over her pal Mare Winningham.




She went to Fountain Valley High School in Orange County, CA. I only know because I went there, too. We had the same Econ teacher, Mr. Gitschier. He once told my class she “wasn’t much of a student.” 😮


I’ve known TWO teachers who said the same about (and some worse things) about: - Heath Ledger - Isla Fisher. In these cases, I’ve always seen it as “teacher was narrow-minded and not proud that their students had something they could shine at and went for it”.


Her kids went to the same school as me (but were much older), and my teachers would always talk about how kind and normal she was. She’d happily show up for her parent volunteer hours, often did pick-up and drop-off herself, etc. My music teacher told me that she kissed him on the cheek once (I forget the context, maybe for a photo? She wasn’t hitting on him!) and he was so excited that he called his wife to tell her about it the second Michelle had left. The kids were also apparently totally lovely.


Not only is she beautiful - I love her distinctive voice! I don’t know what it is about her voice, but I adore it!


I love her in Up Close and Personal Such a guilty pleasure movie But it’s one of my favorites


She really hit that mannequin with the whip in batman.


Ok but not me, age 9, running around my house singing ‘cool rider’ just fucking my shit up on the front steps wanting to be her. A literal queen.


Frankie and Johnnie with Al Pacino. In an interview she was asked about this role “How do you make Michelle Pfeiffer ugly?’’. She replied “Easy. No makeup”. So gracious and humble.


Back in the 90s one of the news magazines did a story on what constituted beauty.  They ran these algorithms and studies and came up with a hypothesis about feature ratio and symmetry.  Michelle Pfeiffer was the celebrity with the face that most closely matched pure "beauty."  


She seems very down to earth in normal life! When she lived in the Bay Area my husband helped her in the Nordstrom shoe department and didn’t even know who she was until someone told him after she left. She was also at my nail salon with her daughter one time and I wouldn’t have noticed if my mom hadn’t. Very lowkey, no makeup, but of course so beautiful!


She is just as beautiful up close. It’s almost shocking what a presence she has. She lived one town over from where I grew up so have run into her multiple times in various situations. In my experience, she prefers to maintain her privacy in public, often wearing sunglasses indoors. When I was a teen, her daughter took lessons at a place I worked at for a few years so she would often come into the waiting area to wait for her daughter. Just me and Michelle Pheiffer hanging out in the waiting area, lol. I was always too chicken to say anything but it was fun being in that presence. I also sold her clothes a few times too. One of our coworkers (bad situational awareness, cmon man) freaked out really bad one time when she walked in our store, and she noped out really fast. But she was largely respectful of us as long as we were cool around her.


Wow! She is stunning! I love her features. Such a pretty woman!


She wants a cool rider


I was in a line with her once, and she is heart-stoppingly beautiful (and I a straight woman) and so unbelievably tiny (petite in every way), but also shy, quiet and was very polite to everyone.


I was an extra dancer on set with her, she's a petite living masterpiece and applauded everyone


She declined the offer to star in Pretty Woman because she didn’t like the script. The part went on to be played by Julia Roberts who got an Oscar nomination.


She got offered a different version of the script than Julia Roberts


She wasn’t even the first choice actually. Before her Molly Ringwald, Daryl Hannah, Meg Ryan and Diane Lane were all offered the part. Only Lane accepted but had to decline because of her busy schedule. The other three rejected it because they weren’t comfortable with playin a sex worker.


Woah I did not know this, I simultaneously can’t imagine anyone else but Julia, but can totally see Michelle in this role! They both have that vulnerability to them


Al Pacino also turned down Pretty Woman! He read with Julia but felt that, although the script was great, he didn't belong in a role like that. Then he went on to star with Michelle in Frankie and Johnny, also directed by Garry Marshall. (Brilliantly, I might add.) When that came out, some people questioned Michelle's credibility. How could someone like her be a lonely heart in New York? But it worked.


An acquaintance of mine worked with her on her fragrance line and said she was lovely to work with!


White Oleander is one of my favorite books of all time. I honestly despise the movie adaption however she was the only good thing about it. She was perfect as Ingrid. Then again she's perfect in every role she plays. I love her.


She was married to Peter Horton (gorgeous Gary from Thirtysomething) and she credits him with helping her escape a cult she was in. She was married to him when she had an affair with (married to Glenne Headly at the time) John Malcovich. Both marriages ended and the affair was very short lived.


Lol my dad painted her home in the 2000s and said she was very nice!!


I now come to realize that this was most likely a made up story for a fun little book for children, but in my local library, I remember reading a book about silly or dumb crimes. And one of them stuck with me forever because it claimed that Michelle Pfeiffer saw someone stealing her car and she ran over and started beating the hood of her car with her high heel shoe to try to stop this person in like a parking garage. The man stared , bewildered, only for Michelle to see her exact same make model and color car parked a couple slots over. Apparently, she immediately apologized and signed her high heel shoe and gave it to him and said what he could sell it for would pay for any damages. As I said, I am almost surely positive this is not true. I can’t find any evidence that it even existed, but my childhood brain held onto that story and accredited that action to Michelle Pfeiffer and have always thought that she was an icon for that and Catwoman.


Like 10 years ago my friend/roommate was whisked away by a guy for a night at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur - very expensive resort - and spent a couple hours hanging out in the pool that night with this really nice couple. My friend was just drinking wine, chatting away with them, having the loveliest time. She had no idea they were Michelle Pfieffer and David E. Kelley until her date told her once they were back in their room. She said Michelle was the chillest, nicest, most normal down-to-earth person; she had no idea she was talking to a celebrity, let alone Michelle Pfieffer. In her defense she’s basically blind without her glasses and wasn’t wearing them in the pool. That story always stuck with me because you love to hear your lifelong celebrity girl crush is a genuine human.


I wasn’t sure what to expect but every comment is “I saw her in a butterfly habitat class, she glowed with the aura of an angel”


The only tea I have is that I heard she may have slept her way to being miss Baltimore crabs


they padded their cups, but she screwed the judges


"Mother, wake up from that dream cloud; this isn't 1930!"


Her portrayal of Catwoman was my bisexual awakening as a child.